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Public Member Functions | List of all members
IWebFrameLoadDelegate Interface Reference


Inheritance diagram for IWebFrameLoadDelegate:
FrameLoadDelegate MiniBrowserWebHost

Public Member Functions

HRESULT didStartProvisionalLoadForFrame ([in] IWebView *webView, [in] IWebFrame *frame)
HRESULT didReceiveServerRedirectForProvisionalLoadForFrame ([in] IWebView *webView, [in] IWebFrame *frame)
HRESULT didFailProvisionalLoadWithError ([in] IWebView *webView, [in] IWebError *error, [in] IWebFrame *frame)
HRESULT didCommitLoadForFrame ([in] IWebView *webView, [in] IWebFrame *frame)
HRESULT didReceiveTitle ([in] IWebView *webView, [in] BSTR title, [in] IWebFrame *frame)
HRESULT didReceiveIcon ([in] IWebView *webView, [in] HBITMAP hBitmap, [in] IWebFrame *frame)
HRESULT didFinishLoadForFrame ([in] IWebView *webView, [in] IWebFrame *frame)
HRESULT didFailLoadWithError ([in] IWebView *webView, [in] IWebError *error, [in] IWebFrame *forFrame)
HRESULT didChangeLocationWithinPageForFrame ([in] IWebView *webView, [in] IWebFrame *frame)
HRESULT willPerformClientRedirectToURL ([in] IWebView *webView, [in] BSTR url, [in] double delaySeconds, [in] DATE fireDate, [in] IWebFrame *frame)
HRESULT didCancelClientRedirectForFrame ([in] IWebView *webView, [in] IWebFrame *frame)
HRESULT willCloseFrame ([in] IWebView *webView, [in] IWebFrame *frame)
HRESULT windowScriptObjectAvailable ([in] IWebView *webView, [in] JSContextRef context, [in] JSObjectRef windowScriptObject)
HRESULT didClearWindowObject ([in] IWebView *webView, [in] JSContextRef context, [in] JSObjectRef windowScriptObject, [in] IWebFrame *frame)

Member Function Documentation

◆ didCancelClientRedirectForFrame()

HRESULT IWebFrameLoadDelegate::didCancelClientRedirectForFrame ( [in] IWebView webView,
[in] IWebFrame frame 

webView:didCancelClientRedirectForFrame: Notifies the delegate that a pending client-side redirect has been cancelled

webViewThe WebView sending the message
frameThe frame for which the pending redirect was cancelled A client-side redirect can be cancelled if a frame changes location before the timeout.
  • (void)webView:(WebView *)sender didCancelClientRedirectForFrame:(WebFrame *)frame;

◆ didChangeLocationWithinPageForFrame()

HRESULT IWebFrameLoadDelegate::didChangeLocationWithinPageForFrame ( [in] IWebView webView,
[in] IWebFrame frame 

webView:didChangeLocationWithinPageForFrame: Notifies the delegate that the scroll position in a frame has changed

webViewThe WebView sending the message
frameThe frame that scrolled This method is called when anchors within a page have been clicked.
  • (void)webView:(WebView *)sender didChangeLocationWithinPageForFrame:(WebFrame *)frame;

◆ didClearWindowObject()

HRESULT IWebFrameLoadDelegate::didClearWindowObject ( [in] IWebView webView,
[in] JSContextRef  context,
[in] JSObjectRef  windowScriptObject,
[in] IWebFrame frame 

Implemented in FrameLoadDelegate, and MiniBrowserWebHost.

◆ didCommitLoadForFrame()

HRESULT IWebFrameLoadDelegate::didCommitLoadForFrame ( [in] IWebView webView,
[in] IWebFrame frame 

webView:didCommitLoadForFrame: Notifies the delegate that the load has changed from provisional to committed

webViewThe WebView sending the message
frameThe frame for which the load has committed This method is called after the provisional data source has become the committed data source.

In some cases, a single load may be committed more than once. This happens in the case of multipart/x-mixed-replace, also known as "server push". In this case, a single location change leads to multiple documents that are loaded in sequence. When this happens, a new commit will be sent for each document.

  • (void)webView:(WebView *)sender didCommitLoadForFrame:(WebFrame *)frame;

◆ didFailLoadWithError()

HRESULT IWebFrameLoadDelegate::didFailLoadWithError ( [in] IWebView webView,
[in] IWebError error,
[in] IWebFrame forFrame 

webView:didFailLoadWithError:forFrame: Notifies the delegate that the committed load of a frame has failed

webViewThe WebView sending the message
errorThe error that occurred
frameThe frame that failed to load This method is called after a data source has committed but failed to completely load.
  • (void)webView:(WebView *)sender didFailLoadWithError:(NSError *)error forFrame:(WebFrame *)frame;

◆ didFailProvisionalLoadWithError()

HRESULT IWebFrameLoadDelegate::didFailProvisionalLoadWithError ( [in] IWebView webView,
[in] IWebError error,
[in] IWebFrame frame 

webView:didFailProvisionalLoadWithError:forFrame: Notifies the delegate that the provisional load has failed

webViewThe WebView sending the message
errorThe error that occurred
frameThe frame for which the error occurred This method is called after the provisional data source has failed to load. The frame will continue to display the contents of the committed data source if there is one.
  • (void)webView:(WebView *)sender didFailProvisionalLoadWithError:(NSError *)error forFrame:(WebFrame *)frame;

◆ didFinishLoadForFrame()

HRESULT IWebFrameLoadDelegate::didFinishLoadForFrame ( [in] IWebView webView,
[in] IWebFrame frame 

webView:didFinishLoadForFrame: Notifies the delegate that the committed load of a frame has completed

webViewThe WebView sending the message
frameThe frame that finished loading This method is called after the committed data source of a frame has successfully loaded and will only be called when all subresources such as images and stylesheets are done loading. Plug-In content and JavaScript-requested loads may occur after this method is called.
  • (void)webView:(WebView *)sender didFinishLoadForFrame:(WebFrame *)frame;

◆ didReceiveIcon()

HRESULT IWebFrameLoadDelegate::didReceiveIcon ( [in] IWebView webView,
[in] HBITMAP  hBitmap,
[in] IWebFrame frame 

webView:didReceiveIcon:forFrame: Notifies the delegate that a page icon image for a frame has been received

webViewThe WebView sending the message
imageThe icon image. Also known as a "favicon".
frameThe frame for which a page icon has been received
  • (void)webView:(WebView *)sender didReceiveIcon:(NSImage *)image forFrame:(WebFrame *)frame;

◆ didReceiveServerRedirectForProvisionalLoadForFrame()

HRESULT IWebFrameLoadDelegate::didReceiveServerRedirectForProvisionalLoadForFrame ( [in] IWebView webView,
[in] IWebFrame frame 

webView:didReceiveServerRedirectForProvisionalLoadForFrame: Notifies the delegate that a server redirect occurred during the provisional load

webViewThe WebView sending the message
frameThe frame for which the redirect occurred
  • (void)webView:(WebView *)sender didReceiveServerRedirectForProvisionalLoadForFrame:(WebFrame *)frame;

◆ didReceiveTitle()

HRESULT IWebFrameLoadDelegate::didReceiveTitle ( [in] IWebView webView,
[in] BSTR  title,
[in] IWebFrame frame 

webView:didReceiveTitle:forFrame: Notifies the delegate that the page title for a frame has been received

webViewThe WebView sending the message
titleThe new page title
frameThe frame for which the title has been received The title may update during loading; clients should be prepared for this.
  • (void)webView:(WebView *)sender didReceiveTitle:(NSString *)title forFrame:(WebFrame *)frame;

◆ didStartProvisionalLoadForFrame()

HRESULT IWebFrameLoadDelegate::didStartProvisionalLoadForFrame ( [in] IWebView webView,
[in] IWebFrame frame 

webView:didStartProvisionalLoadForFrame: Notifies the delegate that the provisional load of a frame has started

webViewThe WebView sending the message
frameThe frame for which the provisional load has started This method is called after the provisional data source of a frame has started to load.
  • (void)webView:(WebView *)sender didStartProvisionalLoadForFrame:(WebFrame *)frame;

◆ willCloseFrame()

HRESULT IWebFrameLoadDelegate::willCloseFrame ( [in] IWebView webView,
[in] IWebFrame frame 

webView:willCloseFrame: Notifies the delegate that a frame will be closed

webViewThe WebView sending the message
frameThe frame that will be closed This method is called right before WebKit is done with the frame and the objects that it contains.
  • (void)webView:(WebView *)sender willCloseFrame:(WebFrame *)frame;

◆ willPerformClientRedirectToURL()

HRESULT IWebFrameLoadDelegate::willPerformClientRedirectToURL ( [in] IWebView webView,
[in] BSTR  url,
[in] double  delaySeconds,
[in] DATE  fireDate,
[in] IWebFrame frame 

webView:willPerformClientRedirectToURL:delay:fireDate:forFrame: Notifies the delegate that a frame will perform a client-side redirect

webViewThe WebView sending the message
URLThe URL to be redirected to
secondsSeconds in which the redirect will happen
dateThe fire date
frameThe frame on which the redirect will occur This method can be used to continue progress feedback while a client-side redirect is pending.
  • (void)webView:(WebView *)sender willPerformClientRedirectToURL:(NSURL *)URL delay:(NSTimeInterval)seconds fireDate:(NSDate *)date forFrame:(WebFrame *)frame;

◆ windowScriptObjectAvailable()

HRESULT IWebFrameLoadDelegate::windowScriptObjectAvailable ( [in] IWebView webView,
[in] JSContextRef  context,
[in] JSObjectRef  windowScriptObject 

webView:windowScriptObjectAvailable: Notifies the delegate that the scripting object for a page is available. This is called before the page is loaded. It may be useful to allow delegates to bind native objects to the window.

webViewThe webView sending the message.
windowScriptObjectThe WebScriptObject for the window in the scripting environment.
  • (void)webView:(WebView *)webView windowScriptObjectAvailable:(WebScriptObject *)windowScriptObject;

Implemented in FrameLoadDelegate, and MiniBrowserWebHost.

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