webkit  2cdf99a9e3038c7e01b3c37e8ad903ecbe5eecf1
Instance Methods | Protected Attributes | List of all members
FrameLoadDelegate Class Reference

#import <FrameLoadDelegate.h>

Inheritance diagram for FrameLoadDelegate:
NSObject IWebFrameLoadDelegate IWebFrameLoadDelegatePrivate2 IWebNotificationObserver NSObject IWebFrameLoadDelegatePrivate

Instance Methods

(void- resetToConsistentState
() - FrameLoadDelegate
(virtual) - ~FrameLoadDelegate
(void- processWork
(void- resetToConsistentState
(AccessibilityController *) - accessibilityController
(virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE) - QueryInterface
(virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE) - didStartProvisionalLoadForFrame
(virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE) - didReceiveServerRedirectForProvisionalLoadForFrame
(virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE) - didFailProvisionalLoadWithError
(virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE) - didCommitLoadForFrame
(virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE) - didReceiveTitle
(virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE) - didChangeIcons
(virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE) - didReceiveIcon
(virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE) - didFinishLoadForFrame
(virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE) - didFailLoadWithError
(virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE) - didChangeLocationWithinPageForFrame
(virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE) - willPerformClientRedirectToURL
(virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE) - didCancelClientRedirectForFrame
(virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE) - willCloseFrame
(virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE) - windowScriptObjectAvailable
(virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE) - didClearWindowObject
(virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE) - didFinishDocumentLoadForFrame
(virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE) - didFirstLayoutInFrame
(virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE) - didHandleOnloadEventsForFrame
(virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE) - didFirstVisuallyNonEmptyLayoutInFrame
(virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE) - didDisplayInsecureContent
(virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE) - didRunInsecureContent
(virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE) - didClearWindowObjectForFrameInScriptWorld
(virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE) - didPushStateWithinPageForFrame
(virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE) - didReplaceStateWithinPageForFrame
(virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE) - didPopStateWithinPageForFrame
(id- initWithDidFinishLoadBoolean:
- Instance Methods inherited from IWebFrameLoadDelegate
HRESULT didStartProvisionalLoadForFrame ([in] IWebView *webView, [in] IWebFrame *frame)
HRESULT didReceiveServerRedirectForProvisionalLoadForFrame ([in] IWebView *webView, [in] IWebFrame *frame)
HRESULT didFailProvisionalLoadWithError ([in] IWebView *webView, [in] IWebError *error, [in] IWebFrame *frame)
HRESULT didCommitLoadForFrame ([in] IWebView *webView, [in] IWebFrame *frame)
HRESULT didReceiveTitle ([in] IWebView *webView, [in] BSTR title, [in] IWebFrame *frame)
HRESULT didReceiveIcon ([in] IWebView *webView, [in] HBITMAP hBitmap, [in] IWebFrame *frame)
HRESULT didFinishLoadForFrame ([in] IWebView *webView, [in] IWebFrame *frame)
HRESULT didFailLoadWithError ([in] IWebView *webView, [in] IWebError *error, [in] IWebFrame *forFrame)
HRESULT didChangeLocationWithinPageForFrame ([in] IWebView *webView, [in] IWebFrame *frame)
HRESULT willPerformClientRedirectToURL ([in] IWebView *webView, [in] BSTR url, [in] double delaySeconds, [in] DATE fireDate, [in] IWebFrame *frame)
HRESULT didCancelClientRedirectForFrame ([in] IWebView *webView, [in] IWebFrame *frame)
HRESULT willCloseFrame ([in] IWebView *webView, [in] IWebFrame *frame)
- Instance Methods inherited from IWebFrameLoadDelegatePrivate2
HRESULT didDisplayInsecureContent ([in] IWebView *sender)
HRESULT didRunInsecureContent ([in] IWebView *sender, [in] IWebSecurityOrigin *origin)
HRESULT didClearWindowObjectForFrameInScriptWorld ([in] IWebView *webView, [in] IWebFrame *frame, [in] IWebScriptWorld *)
HRESULT didPushStateWithinPageForFrame ([in] IWebView *webView, [in] IWebFrame *frame)
HRESULT didReplaceStateWithinPageForFrame ([in] IWebView *webView, [in] IWebFrame *frame)
HRESULT didPopStateWithinPageForFrame ([in] IWebView *webView, [in] IWebFrame *frame)
HRESULT didChangeIcons ([in] IWebView *webView, [in] IWebFrame *frame)
- Instance Methods inherited from IWebFrameLoadDelegatePrivate
HRESULT didFinishDocumentLoadForFrame ([in] IWebView *sender, [in] IWebFrame *frame)
HRESULT didFirstLayoutInFrame ([in] IWebView *sender, [in] IWebFrame *frame)
HRESULT didHandleOnloadEventsForFrame ([in] IWebView *sender, [in] IWebFrame *frame)
HRESULT didFirstVisuallyNonEmptyLayoutInFrame ([in] IWebView *sender, [in] IWebFrame *frame)
- Instance Methods inherited from IWebNotificationObserver
HRESULT onNotify ([in] IWebNotification *notification)

Protected Attributes

bool * _didFinishLoad

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ FrameLoadDelegate()

◆ ~FrameLoadDelegate()

Method Documentation

◆ accessibilityController()

- (AccessibilityController*) accessibilityController const

◆ AddRef()

- (ULONG) AddRef (void

◆ didCancelClientRedirectForFrame()

- (HRESULT) didCancelClientRedirectForFrame (_In_opt_ IWebView *) 
(_In_opt_ IWebFrame *)  frame 

◆ didChangeIcons()

- (HRESULT) didChangeIcons (_In_opt_ IWebView *) 
(_In_opt_ IWebFrame *)  frame 

◆ didChangeLocationWithinPageForFrame()

- (HRESULT) didChangeLocationWithinPageForFrame (_In_opt_ IWebView *) 
(_In_opt_ IWebFrame *)  frame 

◆ didClearWindowObject()

- (HRESULT) didClearWindowObject (IWebView *) 
(JSObjectRef windowObject
(IWebFrame *)   

Implements IWebFrameLoadDelegate.

◆ didClearWindowObjectForFrameInScriptWorld()

- (HRESULT) didClearWindowObjectForFrameInScriptWorld (_In_opt_ IWebView *)  webView
(_In_opt_ IWebFrame *)  frame
(_In_opt_ IWebScriptWorld *)  world 

◆ didCommitLoadForFrame()

- (HRESULT) didCommitLoadForFrame (_In_opt_ IWebView *)  webView
(_In_opt_ IWebFrame *)  frame 

◆ didDisplayInsecureContent()

- (HRESULT) didDisplayInsecureContent (_In_opt_ IWebView *) 

◆ didFailLoadWithError()

- (HRESULT) didFailLoadWithError (_In_opt_ IWebView *) 
(_In_opt_ IWebError *)  error
(_In_opt_ IWebFrame *)  frame 

◆ didFailProvisionalLoadWithError()

- (HRESULT) didFailProvisionalLoadWithError (_In_opt_ IWebView *) 
(_In_opt_ IWebError *)  error
(_In_opt_ IWebFrame *)  frame 

◆ didFinishDocumentLoadForFrame()

- (HRESULT) didFinishDocumentLoadForFrame (_In_opt_ IWebView *)  sender
(_In_opt_ IWebFrame *)  frame 

◆ didFinishLoadForFrame()

- (HRESULT) didFinishLoadForFrame (_In_opt_ IWebView *) 
(_In_opt_ IWebFrame *)  frame 

◆ didFirstLayoutInFrame()

- (virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE) didFirstLayoutInFrame (_In_opt_ IWebView *)  sender
(_In_opt_ IWebFrame *)   

◆ didFirstVisuallyNonEmptyLayoutInFrame()

- (HRESULT) didFirstVisuallyNonEmptyLayoutInFrame (_In_opt_ IWebView *)  sender
(_In_opt_ IWebFrame *)   

◆ didHandleOnloadEventsForFrame()

- (HRESULT) didHandleOnloadEventsForFrame (_In_opt_ IWebView *)  sender
(_In_opt_ IWebFrame *)  frame 

◆ didPopStateWithinPageForFrame()

- (virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE) didPopStateWithinPageForFrame (_In_opt_ IWebView *) 
(_In_opt_ IWebFrame *)   

◆ didPushStateWithinPageForFrame()

- (virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE) didPushStateWithinPageForFrame (_In_opt_ IWebView *) 
(_In_opt_ IWebFrame *)   

◆ didReceiveIcon()

- (virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE) didReceiveIcon (_In_opt_ IWebView *) 
(_In_opt_ IWebFrame *)   

◆ didReceiveServerRedirectForProvisionalLoadForFrame()

- (HRESULT) didReceiveServerRedirectForProvisionalLoadForFrame (_In_opt_ IWebView *) 
(_In_opt_ IWebFrame *)  frame 

◆ didReceiveTitle()

- (HRESULT) didReceiveTitle (_In_opt_ IWebView *) 
(_In_ BSTR title
(_In_opt_ IWebFrame *)  frame 

◆ didReplaceStateWithinPageForFrame()

- (virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE) didReplaceStateWithinPageForFrame (_In_opt_ IWebView *) 
(_In_opt_ IWebFrame *)   

◆ didRunInsecureContent()

- (HRESULT) didRunInsecureContent (_In_opt_ IWebView *) 
(_In_opt_ IWebSecurityOrigin *)   

◆ didStartProvisionalLoadForFrame()

- (HRESULT) didStartProvisionalLoadForFrame (_In_opt_ IWebView *) 
(_In_opt_ IWebFrame *)  frame 

◆ initWithDidFinishLoadBoolean:()

- (id) initWithDidFinishLoadBoolean: (bool*)  didFinishLoad

◆ onNotify()

- (HRESULT) onNotify (_In_opt_ IWebNotification *)  notification

◆ processWork()

- (void) processWork

◆ QueryInterface()

- (HRESULT) QueryInterface (_In_ REFIID)  riid
(_COM_Outptr_ void **)  ppvObject 

◆ Release()

- (ULONG) Release (void

◆ resetToConsistentState() [1/2]

- (void) resetToConsistentState

◆ resetToConsistentState() [2/2]

- (void) resetToConsistentState

◆ willCloseFrame()

- (HRESULT) willCloseFrame (_In_opt_ IWebView *) 
(_In_opt_ IWebFrame *)   

◆ willPerformClientRedirectToURL()

- (HRESULT) willPerformClientRedirectToURL (_In_opt_ IWebView *) 
(_In_ BSTR url
(double)  delaySeconds
(DATE)  fireDate
(_In_opt_ IWebFrame *)  frame 

◆ windowScriptObjectAvailable()

- (HRESULT) windowScriptObjectAvailable (IWebView *)  webView
(JSContextRef context
(JSObjectRef windowScriptObject 

webView:windowScriptObjectAvailable: Notifies the delegate that the scripting object for a page is available. This is called before the page is loaded. It may be useful to allow delegates to bind native objects to the window.

webViewThe webView sending the message.
windowScriptObjectThe WebScriptObject for the window in the scripting environment.
  • (void)webView:(WebView *)webView windowScriptObjectAvailable:(WebScriptObject *)windowScriptObject;

Implements IWebFrameLoadDelegate.

Member Data Documentation

◆ _didFinishLoad

- (bool*) _didFinishLoad

◆ accessibilityController

- (AccessibilityController*) accessibilityController

◆ gcController

- (GCController*) gcController

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