HRESULT | name ([out, retval] BSTR *frameName) |
HRESULT | webView ([out, retval] IWebView **view) |
HRESULT | frameView ([out, retval] IWebFrameView **view) |
HRESULT | DOMDocument ([out, retval] IDOMDocument **document) |
HRESULT | frameElement ([out, retval] IDOMHTMLElement **frameElement) |
HRESULT | loadRequest ([in] IWebURLRequest *request) |
HRESULT | loadData ([in] IStream *data, [in] BSTR mimeType, [in] BSTR textEncodingName, [in] BSTR url) |
HRESULT | loadHTMLString ([in] BSTR string, [in] BSTR baseURL) |
HRESULT | loadAlternateHTMLString ([in] BSTR str, [in] BSTR baseURL, [in] BSTR unreachableURL) |
HRESULT | loadArchive ([in] IWebArchive *archive) |
HRESULT | dataSource ([out, retval] IWebDataSource **source) |
HRESULT | provisionalDataSource ([out, retval] IWebDataSource **source) |
HRESULT | stopLoading () |
HRESULT | reload () |
HRESULT | findFrameNamed ([in] BSTR name, [out, retval] IWebFrame **frame) |
HRESULT | parentFrame ([out, retval] IWebFrame **frame) |
HRESULT | childFrames ([out, retval] IEnumVARIANT **enumFrames) |
HRESULT | currentForm ([out, retval] IDOMElement **frameElement) |
HRESULT | setAllowsScrolling ([in] BOOL flag) |
HRESULT | allowsScrolling ([out, retval] BOOL *flag) |
JSGlobalContextRef | globalContext () |
HRESULT | setIsDisconnected ([in] BOOL flag) |
HRESULT | setExcludeFromTextSearch ([in] BOOL flag) |
HRESULT | reloadFromOrigin () |
HRESULT | DOMWindow ([out, retval] IDOMWindow **window) |
◆ allowsScrolling()
HRESULT IWebFrame::allowsScrolling |
( |
[out, retval] BOOL * |
flag | ) |
allowsScrolling Returns whether the WebFrameView allows its document to be scrolled
- Returns
- YES if the document is allowed to scroll, otherwise NO
◆ childFrames()
HRESULT IWebFrame::childFrames |
( |
[out, retval] IEnumVARIANT ** |
enumFrames | ) |
childFrames The frames in the array are associated with a frame set or iframe.
- Returns
- Returns an array of WebFrame.
◆ currentForm()
◆ dataSource()
dataSource Returns the committed data source. Will return nil if the provisional data source hasn't yet been loaded.
- Returns
- The datasource for this frame.
◆ DOMDocument()
DOMDocument Returns the DOM document of the frame. Returns nil if the frame does not contain a DOM document such as a standalone image.
◆ DOMWindow()
DOMWindow Returns the DOM window of the frame. Returns nil if the frame does not contain a DOM window such as a standalone image.
◆ findFrameNamed()
findFrameNamed: This method returns a frame with the given name. findFrameNamed returns self for _self and _current, the parent frame for _parent and the main frame for _top. findFrameNamed returns self for _parent and _top if the receiver is the mainFrame. findFrameNamed first searches from the current frame to all descending frames then the rest of the frames in the WebView. If still not found, findFrameNamed searches the frames of the other WebViews.
- Parameters
name | The name of the frame to find. |
- Returns
- The frame matching the provided name. nil if the frame is not found.
- (WebFrame *)findFrameNamed:(NSString *)name;
◆ frameElement()
◆ frameView()
◆ globalContext()
- Returns
- The frame's global JavaScript execution context. Use this method to bridge between the WebKit and JavaScriptCore APIs.
◆ loadAlternateHTMLString()
HRESULT IWebFrame::loadAlternateHTMLString |
( |
[in] BSTR |
str, |
[in] BSTR |
baseURL, |
[in] BSTR |
unreachableURL |
) |
| |
loadAlternateHTMLString:baseURL:forUnreachableURL: Loads a page to display as a substitute for a URL that could not be reached. This allows clients to display page-loading errors in the webview itself. This is typically called while processing the WebFrameLoadDelegate method -webView:didFailProvisionalLoadWithError:forFrame: or one of the the WebPolicyDelegate methods -webView:decidePolicyForMIMEType:request:frame:decisionListener: or -webView:unableToImplementPolicyWithError:frame:. If it is called from within one of those three delegate methods then the back/forward list will be maintained appropriately.
- Parameters
string | The string to use for the main page of the document. |
baseURL | The baseURL to apply to relative URLs within the document. |
unreachableURL | The URL for which this page will serve as alternate content.
- (void)loadAlternateHTMLString:(NSString *)string baseURL:(NSURL *)baseURL forUnreachableURL:(NSURL *)unreachableURL;
◆ loadArchive()
loadArchive: Causes WebFrame to load a WebArchive.
- Parameters
archive | The archive to be loaded.
- (void)loadArchive:(WebArchive *)archive;
◆ loadData()
HRESULT IWebFrame::loadData |
( |
[in] IStream * |
data, |
[in] BSTR |
mimeType, |
[in] BSTR |
textEncodingName, |
[in] BSTR |
url |
) |
| |
- Parameters
data | The data to use for the main page of the document. |
MIMEType | The MIME type of the data. |
encodingName | The encoding of the data. |
URL | The base URL to apply to relative URLs within the document.
- (void)loadData:(NSData *)data MIMEType:(NSString *)MIMEType textEncodingName:(NSString *)encodingName baseURL:(NSURL *)URL;
◆ loadHTMLString()
- Parameters
string | The string to use for the main page of the document. |
URL | The base URL to apply to relative URLs within the document.
- (void)loadHTMLString:(NSString *)string baseURL:(NSURL *)URL;
◆ loadRequest()
- Parameters
request | The web request to load.
- (void)loadRequest:(NSURLRequest *)request;
◆ name()
HRESULT IWebFrame::name |
( |
[out, retval] BSTR * |
frameName | ) |
- Returns
- The frame name.
◆ parentFrame()
- Returns
- The frame containing this frame, or nil if this is a top level frame.
◆ provisionalDataSource()
provisionalDataSource Will return the provisional data source. The provisional data source will be nil if no data source has been set on the frame, or the data source has successfully transitioned to the committed data source.
- Returns
- The provisional datasource of this frame.
◆ reload()
◆ reloadFromOrigin()
HRESULT IWebFrame::reloadFromOrigin |
( |
| ) |
reloadFromOrigin Performs HTTP/1.1 end-to-end reload.
◆ setAllowsScrolling()
HRESULT IWebFrame::setAllowsScrolling |
( |
[in] BOOL |
flag | ) |
setAllowsScrolling: Sets whether the WebFrameView allows its document to be scrolled
- Parameters
flag | YES to allow the document to be scrolled, NO to disallow scrolling
- (void)setAllowsScrolling:(BOOL)flag;
◆ setExcludeFromTextSearch()
HRESULT IWebFrame::setExcludeFromTextSearch |
( |
[in] BOOL |
flag | ) |
setExcludeFromTextSearch Set whether a frame should be excluded from text search
- Parameters
flag | YES to mark the frame as not searchable |
◆ setIsDisconnected()
setIsDisconnected Set whether a frame is disconnected
- Parameters
flag | YES to mark the frame as disconnected, NO keeps it a regular frame |
◆ stopLoading()
stopLoading Stop any pending loads on the frame's data source, and its children.
◆ webView()
- Returns
- Returns the WebView for the document that includes this frame.
The documentation for this interface was generated from the following file: