#import <RTCPeerConnection.h>
◆ addIceCandidate()
◆ addIceCandidate:() [1/2]
Provide a remote candidate to the ICE Agent.
◆ addIceCandidate:() [2/2]
Provide a remote candidate to the ICE Agent.
◆ addStream()
◆ addStream:() [1/2]
Add a new media stream to be sent on this peer connection.
◆ addStream:() [2/2]
Add a new media stream to be sent on this peer connection.
◆ addTrack()
◆ addTransceiver() [1/2]
◆ addTransceiver() [2/2]
◆ answerForConstraints:completionHandler:() [1/2]
◆ answerForConstraints:completionHandler:() [2/2]
◆ close() [1/3]
◆ close() [2/3]
Terminate all media and close the transport.
◆ close() [3/3]
Terminate all media and close the transport.
◆ createAnswer()
◆ createDataChannel()
◆ createOffer()
◆ dataChannelForLabel:configuration:() [1/2]
◆ dataChannelForLabel:configuration:() [2/2]
◆ getConfiguration()
◆ getLocalStreams()
◆ getReceivers()
◆ getRemoteStreams()
◆ getSenders()
◆ getStats()
◆ getStreamById()
◆ getTransceivers()
◆ iceConnectionStateForNativeState:() [1/2]
◆ iceConnectionStateForNativeState:() [2/2]
◆ iceGatheringStateForNativeState:() [1/2]
◆ iceGatheringStateForNativeState:() [2/2]
◆ initializeWith()
◆ initWithFactory:configuration:constraints:delegate:() [1/2]
◆ initWithFactory:configuration:constraints:delegate:() [2/2]
◆ nativeIceConnectionStateForState:() [1/2]
+ PeerConnectionInterface: |
(RTCIceConnectionState) |
state |
implementation |
◆ nativeIceConnectionStateForState:() [2/2]
+ PeerConnectionInterface: |
(RTCIceConnectionState) |
state |
implementation |
◆ nativeIceGatheringStateForState:() [1/2]
+ PeerConnectionInterface: |
(RTCIceGatheringState) |
state |
implementation |
◆ nativeIceGatheringStateForState:() [2/2]
+ PeerConnectionInterface: |
(RTCIceGatheringState) |
state |
implementation |
◆ nativeSignalingStateForState:() [1/2]
+ PeerConnectionInterface: |
(RTCSignalingState) |
state |
implementation |
◆ nativeSignalingStateForState:() [2/2]
+ PeerConnectionInterface: |
(RTCSignalingState) |
state |
implementation |
◆ nativeStatsOutputLevelForLevel:() [1/2]
+ PeerConnectionInterface: |
(RTCStatsOutputLevel) |
level |
implementation |
◆ nativeStatsOutputLevelForLevel:() [2/2]
+ PeerConnectionInterface: |
(RTCStatsOutputLevel) |
level |
implementation |
- (instancetype) NS_UNAVAILABLE |
- (instancetype) NS_UNAVAILABLE |
◆ offerForConstraints:completionHandler:() [1/2]
◆ offerForConstraints:completionHandler:() [2/2]
◆ queuedAddIceCandidate()
◆ queuedCreateAnswer()
◆ queuedCreateOffer()
◆ queuedSetLocalDescription()
◆ queuedSetRemoteDescription()
◆ removeIceCandidates:() [1/2]
Remove a group of remote candidates from the ICE Agent.
◆ removeIceCandidates:() [2/2]
Remove a group of remote candidates from the ICE Agent.
◆ removeStream()
◆ removeStream:() [1/2]
Remove the given media stream from this peer connection.
◆ removeStream:() [2/2]
Remove the given media stream from this peer connection.
◆ removeTrack()
◆ senderWithKind:streamId:() [1/2]
◆ senderWithKind:streamId:() [2/2]
◆ setConfiguration()
◆ setConfiguration:() [1/2]
Sets the PeerConnection's global configuration to |configuration|. Any changes to STUN/TURN servers or ICE candidate policy will affect the next gathering phase, and cause the next call to createOffer to generate new ICE credentials. Note that the BUNDLE and RTCP-multiplexing policies cannot be changed with this method.
◆ setConfiguration:() [2/2]
Sets the PeerConnection's global configuration to |configuration|. Any changes to STUN/TURN servers or ICE candidate policy will affect the next gathering phase, and cause the next call to createOffer to generate new ICE credentials. Note that the BUNDLE and RTCP-multiplexing policies cannot be changed with this method.
◆ setLocalDescription()
◆ setLocalDescription:completionHandler:() [1/2]
◆ setLocalDescription:completionHandler:() [2/2]
◆ setRemoteDescription()
◆ setRemoteDescription:completionHandler:() [1/2]
◆ setRemoteDescription:completionHandler:() [2/2]
◆ signalingStateForNativeState:() [1/2]
◆ signalingStateForNativeState:() [2/2]
◆ startRtcEventLogWithFilePath:maxSizeInBytes:() [1/2]
- (BOOL) startRtcEventLogWithFilePath: |
(NSString *) |
filePath |
maxSizeInBytes: |
(int64_t) |
maxSizeInBytes |
| |
Start or stop recording an Rtc EventLog.
◆ startRtcEventLogWithFilePath:maxSizeInBytes:() [2/2]
- (BOOL) startRtcEventLogWithFilePath: |
(NSString *) |
filePath |
maxSizeInBytes: |
(int64_t) |
maxSizeInBytes |
| |
Start or stop recording an Rtc EventLog.
◆ statsForTrack:statsOutputLevel:completionHandler:() [1/2]
◆ statsForTrack:statsOutputLevel:completionHandler:() [2/2]
◆ stopRtcEventLog() [1/2]
◆ stopRtcEventLog() [2/2]
◆ stringForIceConnectionState:() [1/2]
+ (NSString *) stringForIceConnectionState: |
(RTCIceConnectionState) |
state |
implementation |
◆ stringForIceConnectionState:() [2/2]
+ (NSString *) stringForIceConnectionState: |
(RTCIceConnectionState) |
state |
implementation |
◆ stringForIceGatheringState:() [1/2]
+ (NSString *) stringForIceGatheringState: |
(RTCIceGatheringState) |
state |
implementation |
◆ stringForIceGatheringState:() [2/2]
+ (NSString *) stringForIceGatheringState: |
(RTCIceGatheringState) |
state |
implementation |
◆ stringForSignalingState:() [1/2]
+ (NSString *) stringForSignalingState: |
(RTCSignalingState) |
state |
implementation |
◆ stringForSignalingState:() [2/2]
+ (NSString *) stringForSignalingState: |
(RTCSignalingState) |
state |
implementation |
◆ currentLocalDescription
◆ currentRemoteDescription
◆ iceConnectionState
◆ iceGatheringState
◆ localDescription
◆ onaddstream
◆ ondatachannel
◆ onicecandidate
◆ oniceconnectionstatechange
- (attribute EventHandler) oniceconnectionstatechange |
◆ onicegatheringstatechange
- (attribute EventHandler) onicegatheringstatechange |
◆ onnegotiationneeded
- (attribute EventHandler) onnegotiationneeded |
◆ onsignalingstatechange
- (attribute EventHandler) onsignalingstatechange |
◆ ontrack
◆ pendingLocalDescription
◆ pendingRemoteDescription
◆ remoteDescription
◆ signalingState
◆ delegate
- (id< RTCPeerConnectionDelegate >) delegate |
readwritenonatomicweak |
The object that will be notifed about events such as state changes and streams being added or removed.
◆ iceConnectionState
- (RTCIceConnectionState) iceConnectionState |
readnonatomicassign |
◆ iceGatheringState
- (RTCIceGatheringState) iceGatheringState |
readnonatomicassign |
◆ localDescription
◆ localStreams
◆ nativePeerConnection
- (scoped_refptr<)webrtc: |
readnonatomicassignimplementation |
The native PeerConnectionInterface created during construction.
◆ receivers
Gets all RTCRtpReceivers associated with this peer connection. Note: reading this property returns different instances of RTCRtpReceiver. Use isEqual: instead of == to compare RTCRtpReceiver instances.
◆ remoteDescription
◆ senders
Gets all RTCRtpSenders associated with this peer connection. Note: reading this property returns different instances of RTCRtpSender. Use isEqual: instead of == to compare RTCRtpSender instances.
◆ signalingState
- (RTCSignalingState) signalingState |
readnonatomicassign |
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