webkit  2cdf99a9e3038c7e01b3c37e8ad903ecbe5eecf1
Instance Methods | Properties | List of all members
RTCMediaStream Class Reference

#import <RTCMediaStream.h>

Inheritance diagram for RTCMediaStream:
NSObject NSObject

Instance Methods

(instancetype) - NS_UNAVAILABLE
(void- addAudioTrack:
(void- addVideoTrack:
(void- removeAudioTrack:
(void- removeVideoTrack:
(instancetype) - NS_UNAVAILABLE
(void- addAudioTrack:
(void- addVideoTrack:
(void- removeAudioTrack:
(void- removeVideoTrack:
(instancetype) - initWithFactory:streamId: [implementation]
(instancetype) - initWithFactory:streamId: [implementation]
(instancetype) - initWithNativeMediaStream: [implementation]
(instancetype) - initWithNativeMediaStream: [implementation]


NSArray< RTCAudioTrack * > * audioTracks
NSArray< RTCVideoTrack * > * videoTracks
rtc::scoped_refptr< webrtc::MediaStreamInterfacenativeMediaStream [implementation]

Method Documentation

◆ addAudioTrack:() [1/2]

- (void) addAudioTrack: (RTCAudioTrack *)  audioTrack

Adds the given audio track to this media stream.

◆ addAudioTrack:() [2/2]

- (void) addAudioTrack: (RTCAudioTrack *)  audioTrack

Adds the given audio track to this media stream.

◆ addVideoTrack:() [1/2]

- (void) addVideoTrack: (RTCVideoTrack *)  videoTrack

Adds the given video track to this media stream.

◆ addVideoTrack:() [2/2]

- (void) addVideoTrack: (RTCVideoTrack *)  videoTrack

Adds the given video track to this media stream.

◆ initWithFactory:streamId:() [1/2]

- (instancetype) initWithFactory: (RTCPeerConnectionFactory *)  factory
streamId: (NSString *)  streamId 

Initialize an RTCMediaStream with an id.

◆ initWithFactory:streamId:() [2/2]

- (instancetype) initWithFactory: (RTCPeerConnectionFactory *)  factory
streamId: (NSString *)  streamId 

Initialize an RTCMediaStream with an id.

◆ initWithNativeMediaStream:() [1/2]

- (instancetype) initWithNativeMediaStream: (rtc::scoped_refptr< webrtc::MediaStreamInterface >)  nativeMediaStream

Initialize an RTCMediaStream from a native MediaStreamInterface.

◆ initWithNativeMediaStream:() [2/2]

- (instancetype) initWithNativeMediaStream: (rtc::scoped_refptr< webrtc::MediaStreamInterface >)  nativeMediaStream

Initialize an RTCMediaStream from a native MediaStreamInterface.


- (instancetype) NS_UNAVAILABLE


- (instancetype) NS_UNAVAILABLE

◆ removeAudioTrack:() [1/2]

- (void) removeAudioTrack: (RTCAudioTrack *)  audioTrack

Removes the given audio track to this media stream.

◆ removeAudioTrack:() [2/2]

- (void) removeAudioTrack: (RTCAudioTrack *)  audioTrack

Removes the given audio track to this media stream.

◆ removeVideoTrack:() [1/2]

- (void) removeVideoTrack: (RTCVideoTrack *)  videoTrack

Removes the given video track to this media stream.

◆ removeVideoTrack:() [2/2]

- (void) removeVideoTrack: (RTCVideoTrack *)  videoTrack

Removes the given video track to this media stream.

Property Documentation

◆ audioTracks

- (NSArray< RTCAudioTrack * > *) audioTracks

The audio tracks in this stream.

◆ nativeMediaStream

- (scoped_refptr<)webrtc:

MediaStreamInterface representation of this RTCMediaStream object. This is needed to pass to the underlying C++ APIs.

◆ streamId

- (NSString *) streamId

An identifier for this media stream.

◆ videoTracks

- (NSArray< RTCVideoTrack * > *) videoTracks

The video tracks in this stream.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: