webkit  2cdf99a9e3038c7e01b3c37e8ad903ecbe5eecf1
Public Member Functions | List of all members
IWebViewPrivate Interface Reference


Inheritance diagram for IWebViewPrivate:

Public Member Functions

HRESULT setInViewSourceMode ([in] BOOL flag)
HRESULT inViewSourceMode ([out, retval] BOOL *flag)
HRESULT viewWindow ([out, retval] HWND *window)
HRESULT setFormDelegate ([in] IWebFormDelegate *formDelegate)
HRESULT formDelegate ([out, retval] IWebFormDelegate **formDelegate)
HRESULT setFrameLoadDelegatePrivate ([in] IWebFrameLoadDelegatePrivate *frameLoadDelegatePrivate)
HRESULT frameLoadDelegatePrivate ([out, retval] IWebFrameLoadDelegatePrivate **frameLoadDelegatePrivate)
HRESULT scrollOffset ([out, retval] LPPOINT offset)
HRESULT scrollBy ([in] LPPOINT offset)
HRESULT visibleContentRect ([out, retval] LPRECT rect)
HRESULT updateFocusedAndActiveState ()
HRESULT markAllMatchesForText ([in] BSTR search, [in] BOOL caseSensitive, [in] BOOL highlight, [in] UINT limit, [out] UINT *matches)
HRESULT unmarkAllTextMatches ()
HRESULT rectsForTextMatches ([out]IEnumTextMatches **pmatches)
HRESULT selectionRect ([in, out] RECT *rc)
HRESULT generateSelectionImage (BOOL forceWhiteText, [out, retval] HBITMAP *hBitmap)
HRESULT canHandleRequest ([in] IWebURLRequest *request, [out, retval] BOOL *result)
HRESULT clearFocusNode ()
HRESULT setTabKeyCyclesThroughElements ([in] BOOL cycles)
HRESULT tabKeyCyclesThroughElements ([out, retval] BOOL *result)
HRESULT setAllowSiteSpecificHacks ([in] BOOL allows)
HRESULT addAdditionalPluginDirectory ([in] BSTR directory)
HRESULT loadBackForwardListFromOtherView ([in] IWebView *otherView)
HRESULT setCustomDropTarget ([in] IDropTarget *dt)
HRESULT removeCustomDropTarget ()
HRESULT setInitialFocus ([in] BOOL forward)
HRESULT inspector ([out, retval] IWebInspector **)
HRESULT clearUndoRedoOperations ()
HRESULT setProhibitsMainFrameScrolling ([in] BOOL prohibits)
HRESULT setShouldApplyMacFontAscentHack ([in] BOOL shouldApply)
HRESULT shouldClose ([out, retval] BOOL *result)
HRESULT executeCoreCommandByName ([in] BSTR name, [in] BSTR value)
HRESULT windowAncestryDidChange ()
HRESULT paintDocumentRectToContext ([in] RECT rect, [in] HDC dc)
HRESULT setDefersCallbacks ([in] BOOL defersCallbacks)
HRESULT defersCallbacks ([out, retval] BOOL *defersCallbacks)
HRESULT standardUserAgentWithApplicationName ([in] BSTR applicationName, [retval][out] BSTR *groupName)
HRESULT setCustomHTMLTokenizerTimeDelay ([in] double timeDelay)
HRESULT setCustomHTMLTokenizerChunkSize ([in] int chunkSize)
HRESULT backingStore ([out, retval] HBITMAP *hBitmap)
HRESULT setTransparent ([in] BOOL transparent)
HRESULT transparent ([out, retval] BOOL *transparent)
HRESULT setAlwaysUsesComplexTextCodePath ([in] BOOL complex)
HRESULT alwaysUsesComplexTextCodePath ([out, retval] BOOL *complex)
HRESULT setCookieEnabled ([in] BOOL enable)
HRESULT cookieEnabled ([out, retval] BOOL *enabled)
HRESULT setMediaVolume ([in] float volume)
HRESULT mediaVolume ([out, retval] float *volume)
HRESULT clearMainFrameName ()
HRESULT globalHistoryItem ([out, retval] IWebHistoryItem **)
HRESULT registerEmbeddedViewMIMEType ([in] BSTR mimeType)
HRESULT setMemoryCacheDelegateCallsEnabled ([in] BOOL enabled)
HRESULT setJavaScriptURLsAreAllowed ([in] BOOL areAllowed)
HRESULT setCanStartPlugins ([in] BOOL canStartPlugins)
HRESULT MIMETypeForExtension ([in] BSTR extension, [out, retval] BSTR *mimeType)
HRESULT addUserScriptToGroup ([in] BSTR groupName, [in] IWebScriptWorld *, [in] BSTR source, [in] BSTR url, [in] unsigned whitelistCount, [in, size_is(whitelistCount)] BSTR *whitelist, [in] unsigned blacklistCount, [in, size_is(blacklistCount)] BSTR *blacklist, [in] WebUserScriptInjectionTime injectionTime)
HRESULT addUserStyleSheetToGroup ([in] BSTR groupName, [in] IWebScriptWorld *, [in] BSTR source, [in] BSTR url, [in] unsigned whitelistCount, [in, size_is(whitelistCount)] BSTR *whitelist, [in] unsigned blacklistCount, [in, size_is(blacklistCount)] BSTR *blacklist)
HRESULT removeUserScriptFromGroup ([in] BSTR groupName, [in] IWebScriptWorld *, [in] BSTR url)
HRESULT removeUserStyleSheetFromGroup ([in] BSTR groupName, [in] IWebScriptWorld *, [in] BSTR url)
HRESULT removeUserScriptsFromGroup ([in] BSTR groupName, [in] IWebScriptWorld *)
HRESULT removeUserStyleSheetsFromGroup ([in] BSTR groupName, [in] IWebScriptWorld *)
HRESULT removeAllUserContentFromGroup ([in] BSTR groupName)
HRESULT unused1 ()
HRESULT unused2 ()
HRESULT invalidateBackingStore ([in] const RECT *rect)
HRESULT addOriginAccessWhitelistEntry ([in] BSTR sourceOrigin, [in] BSTR destinationProtocol, [in] BSTR destinationHost, [in] BOOL allowDestinationSubdomains)
HRESULT removeOriginAccessWhitelistEntry ([in] BSTR sourceOrigin, [in] BSTR destinationProtocol, [in] BSTR destinationHost, [in] BOOL allowDestinationSubdomains)
HRESULT resetOriginAccessWhitelists ()
HRESULT setHistoryDelegate ([in] IWebHistoryDelegate *historyDelegate)
HRESULT historyDelegate ([out, retval] IWebHistoryDelegate **historyDelegate)
HRESULT addVisitedLinks ([in] BSTR *visitedURLs, [in] unsigned visitedURLCount)
HRESULT unused3 ()
HRESULT unused4 ()
HRESULT unused5 ()
HRESULT setGeolocationProvider ([in] IWebGeolocationProvider *locationProvider)
HRESULT geolocationProvider ([out, retval] IWebGeolocationProvider **locationProvider)
HRESULT geolocationDidChangePosition ([in] IWebGeolocationPosition *position)
HRESULT geolocationDidFailWithError ([in] IWebError *error)
HRESULT setDomainRelaxationForbiddenForURLScheme ([in] BOOL forbidden, [in] BSTR scheme)
HRESULT registerURLSchemeAsSecure ([in] BSTR scheme)
HRESULT nextDisplayIsSynchronous ()
HRESULT paintScrollViewRectToContextAtPoint ([in] RECT rect, [in] POINT pt, [in] HDC dc)
HRESULT reportException ([in] JSContextRef context, [in] JSValueRef exception)
HRESULT elementFromJS ([in] JSContextRef context, [in] JSValueRef nodeObject, [out, retval] IDOMElement **element)
HRESULT defaultMinimumTimerInterval ([out, retval] double *interval)
HRESULT setMinimumTimerInterval ([in] double interval)
HRESULT httpPipeliningEnabled ([out, retval] BOOL *enabled)
HRESULT setHTTPPipeliningEnabled ([in] BOOL enabled)
HRESULT setUsesLayeredWindow ([in] BOOL usesLayeredWindow)
HRESULT usesLayeredWindow ([out, retval] BOOL *usesLayeredWindow)
HRESULT registerURLSchemeAsAllowingLocalStorageAccessInPrivateBrowsing ([in] BSTR scheme)
HRESULT registerURLSchemeAsAllowingDatabaseAccessInPrivateBrowsing ([in] BSTR scheme)
HRESULT setCompositionForTesting ([in] BSTR composition, [in] UINT from, [in] UINT length)
HRESULT hasCompositionForTesting ([out, retval] BOOL *result)
HRESULT confirmCompositionForTesting ([in] BSTR composition)
HRESULT compositionRangeForTesting ([out] UINT *startPosition, [out] UINT *length)
HRESULT firstRectForCharacterRangeForTesting ([in] UINT location, [in] UINT length, [out, retval] RECT *resultRect)
HRESULT selectedRangeForTesting ([out] UINT *location, [out] UINT *length)

Member Function Documentation

◆ addAdditionalPluginDirectory()

HRESULT IWebViewPrivate::addAdditionalPluginDirectory ( [in] BSTR  directory)

◆ addOriginAccessWhitelistEntry()

HRESULT IWebViewPrivate::addOriginAccessWhitelistEntry ( [in] BSTR  sourceOrigin,
[in] BSTR  destinationProtocol,
[in] BSTR  destinationHost,
[in] BOOL  allowDestinationSubdomains 

◆ addUserScriptToGroup()

HRESULT IWebViewPrivate::addUserScriptToGroup ( [in] BSTR  groupName,
[in] IWebScriptWorld ,
[in] BSTR  source,
[in] BSTR  url,
[in] unsigned  whitelistCount,
[in, size_is(whitelistCount)] BSTR whitelist,
[in] unsigned  blacklistCount,
[in, size_is(blacklistCount)] BSTR blacklist,
[in] WebUserScriptInjectionTime  injectionTime 

◆ addUserStyleSheetToGroup()

HRESULT IWebViewPrivate::addUserStyleSheetToGroup ( [in] BSTR  groupName,
[in] IWebScriptWorld ,
[in] BSTR  source,
[in] BSTR  url,
[in] unsigned  whitelistCount,
[in, size_is(whitelistCount)] BSTR whitelist,
[in] unsigned  blacklistCount,
[in, size_is(blacklistCount)] BSTR blacklist 

◆ addVisitedLinks()

HRESULT IWebViewPrivate::addVisitedLinks ( [in] BSTR visitedURLs,
[in] unsigned  visitedURLCount 

◆ alwaysUsesComplexTextCodePath()

HRESULT IWebViewPrivate::alwaysUsesComplexTextCodePath ( [out, retval] BOOL complex)

◆ backingStore()

HRESULT IWebViewPrivate::backingStore ( [out, retval] HBITMAP *  hBitmap)

◆ canHandleRequest()

HRESULT IWebViewPrivate::canHandleRequest ( [in] IWebURLRequest request,
[out, retval] BOOL result 

◆ clearFocusNode()

HRESULT IWebViewPrivate::clearFocusNode ( )

◆ clearMainFrameName()

HRESULT IWebViewPrivate::clearMainFrameName ( )

◆ clearUndoRedoOperations()

HRESULT IWebViewPrivate::clearUndoRedoOperations ( )

◆ compositionRangeForTesting()

HRESULT IWebViewPrivate::compositionRangeForTesting ( [out] UINT *  startPosition,
[out] UINT *  length 

◆ confirmCompositionForTesting()

HRESULT IWebViewPrivate::confirmCompositionForTesting ( [in] BSTR  composition)

◆ cookieEnabled()

HRESULT IWebViewPrivate::cookieEnabled ( [out, retval] BOOL enabled)

◆ defaultMinimumTimerInterval()

HRESULT IWebViewPrivate::defaultMinimumTimerInterval ( [out, retval] double *  interval)

defaultMinimumTimerInterval Returns the default minimum interval for DOMTimers on all pages, not just the one associated with this receiver.

  • (double)interval;

◆ defersCallbacks()

HRESULT IWebViewPrivate::defersCallbacks ( [out, retval] BOOL defersCallbacks)

◆ elementFromJS()

HRESULT IWebViewPrivate::elementFromJS ( [in] JSContextRef  context,
[in] JSValueRef  nodeObject,
[out, retval] IDOMElement **  element 

◆ executeCoreCommandByName()

HRESULT IWebViewPrivate::executeCoreCommandByName ( [in] BSTR  name,
[in] BSTR  value 

◆ firstRectForCharacterRangeForTesting()

HRESULT IWebViewPrivate::firstRectForCharacterRangeForTesting ( [in] UINT  location,
[in] UINT  length,
[out, retval] RECT *  resultRect 

◆ formDelegate()

HRESULT IWebViewPrivate::formDelegate ( [out, retval] IWebFormDelegate **  formDelegate)

◆ frameLoadDelegatePrivate()

HRESULT IWebViewPrivate::frameLoadDelegatePrivate ( [out, retval] IWebFrameLoadDelegatePrivate **  frameLoadDelegatePrivate)

◆ generateSelectionImage()

HRESULT IWebViewPrivate::generateSelectionImage ( BOOL  forceWhiteText,
[out, retval] HBITMAP *  hBitmap 

◆ geolocationDidChangePosition()

HRESULT IWebViewPrivate::geolocationDidChangePosition ( [in] IWebGeolocationPosition position)

◆ geolocationDidFailWithError()

HRESULT IWebViewPrivate::geolocationDidFailWithError ( [in] IWebError error)

◆ geolocationProvider()

HRESULT IWebViewPrivate::geolocationProvider ( [out, retval] IWebGeolocationProvider **  locationProvider)

◆ globalHistoryItem()

HRESULT IWebViewPrivate::globalHistoryItem ( [out, retval] IWebHistoryItem **  )

◆ hasCompositionForTesting()

HRESULT IWebViewPrivate::hasCompositionForTesting ( [out, retval] BOOL result)

◆ historyDelegate()

HRESULT IWebViewPrivate::historyDelegate ( [out, retval] IWebHistoryDelegate **  historyDelegate)

◆ httpPipeliningEnabled()

HRESULT IWebViewPrivate::httpPipeliningEnabled ( [out, retval] BOOL enabled)

_HTTPPipeliningEnabled Checks the HTTP pipelining status. Defaults to NO.

YES if HTTP pipelining is enabled, NO if not enabled.

◆ inspector()

HRESULT IWebViewPrivate::inspector ( [out, retval] IWebInspector **  )

◆ invalidateBackingStore()

HRESULT IWebViewPrivate::invalidateBackingStore ( [in] const RECT *  rect)

◆ inViewSourceMode()

HRESULT IWebViewPrivate::inViewSourceMode ( [out, retval] BOOL flag)

_inViewSourceMode; Whether or not the WebView is in source-view mode for HTML.

  • (BOOL)_inViewSourceMode;

◆ loadBackForwardListFromOtherView()

HRESULT IWebViewPrivate::loadBackForwardListFromOtherView ( [in] IWebView otherView)

◆ markAllMatchesForText()

HRESULT IWebViewPrivate::markAllMatchesForText ( [in] BSTR  search,
[in] BOOL  caseSensitive,
[in] BOOL  highlight,
[in] UINT  limit,
[out] UINT *  matches 

◆ mediaVolume()

HRESULT IWebViewPrivate::mediaVolume ( [out, retval] float *  volume)

◆ MIMETypeForExtension()

HRESULT IWebViewPrivate::MIMETypeForExtension ( [in] BSTR  extension,
[out, retval] BSTR mimeType 

MIMETypeForExtension: Returns the mime type for a certian file extension.

pathThe extension of the file to check.
The mime type of the specified extension.
  • (BSTR)MIMETypeForPath:(NSString *)path;

◆ nextDisplayIsSynchronous()

HRESULT IWebViewPrivate::nextDisplayIsSynchronous ( )

◆ paintDocumentRectToContext()

HRESULT IWebViewPrivate::paintDocumentRectToContext ( [in] RECT  rect,
[in] HDC  dc 

◆ paintScrollViewRectToContextAtPoint()

HRESULT IWebViewPrivate::paintScrollViewRectToContextAtPoint ( [in] RECT  rect,
[in] POINT  pt,
[in] HDC  dc 

◆ rectsForTextMatches()

HRESULT IWebViewPrivate::rectsForTextMatches ( [out] IEnumTextMatches **  pmatches)

◆ registerEmbeddedViewMIMEType()

HRESULT IWebViewPrivate::registerEmbeddedViewMIMEType ( [in] BSTR  mimeType)

◆ registerURLSchemeAsAllowingDatabaseAccessInPrivateBrowsing()

HRESULT IWebViewPrivate::registerURLSchemeAsAllowingDatabaseAccessInPrivateBrowsing ( [in] BSTR  scheme)

◆ registerURLSchemeAsAllowingLocalStorageAccessInPrivateBrowsing()

HRESULT IWebViewPrivate::registerURLSchemeAsAllowingLocalStorageAccessInPrivateBrowsing ( [in] BSTR  scheme)

◆ registerURLSchemeAsSecure()

HRESULT IWebViewPrivate::registerURLSchemeAsSecure ( [in] BSTR  scheme)

◆ removeAllUserContentFromGroup()

HRESULT IWebViewPrivate::removeAllUserContentFromGroup ( [in] BSTR  groupName)

◆ removeCustomDropTarget()

HRESULT IWebViewPrivate::removeCustomDropTarget ( )

◆ removeOriginAccessWhitelistEntry()

HRESULT IWebViewPrivate::removeOriginAccessWhitelistEntry ( [in] BSTR  sourceOrigin,
[in] BSTR  destinationProtocol,
[in] BSTR  destinationHost,
[in] BOOL  allowDestinationSubdomains 

◆ removeUserScriptFromGroup()

HRESULT IWebViewPrivate::removeUserScriptFromGroup ( [in] BSTR  groupName,
[in] IWebScriptWorld ,
[in] BSTR  url 

◆ removeUserScriptsFromGroup()

HRESULT IWebViewPrivate::removeUserScriptsFromGroup ( [in] BSTR  groupName,
[in] IWebScriptWorld  

◆ removeUserStyleSheetFromGroup()

HRESULT IWebViewPrivate::removeUserStyleSheetFromGroup ( [in] BSTR  groupName,
[in] IWebScriptWorld ,
[in] BSTR  url 

◆ removeUserStyleSheetsFromGroup()

HRESULT IWebViewPrivate::removeUserStyleSheetsFromGroup ( [in] BSTR  groupName,
[in] IWebScriptWorld  

◆ reportException()

HRESULT IWebViewPrivate::reportException ( [in] JSContextRef  context,
[in] JSValueRef  exception 

◆ resetOriginAccessWhitelists()

HRESULT IWebViewPrivate::resetOriginAccessWhitelists ( )

◆ scrollBy()

HRESULT IWebViewPrivate::scrollBy ( [in] LPPOINT  offset)

◆ scrollOffset()

HRESULT IWebViewPrivate::scrollOffset ( [out, retval] LPPOINT  offset)

◆ selectedRangeForTesting()

HRESULT IWebViewPrivate::selectedRangeForTesting ( [out] UINT *  location,
[out] UINT *  length 

◆ selectionRect()

HRESULT IWebViewPrivate::selectionRect ( [in, out] RECT *  rc)

◆ setAllowSiteSpecificHacks()

HRESULT IWebViewPrivate::setAllowSiteSpecificHacks ( [in] BOOL  allows)

◆ setAlwaysUsesComplexTextCodePath()

HRESULT IWebViewPrivate::setAlwaysUsesComplexTextCodePath ( [in] BOOL  complex)

◆ setCanStartPlugins()

HRESULT IWebViewPrivate::setCanStartPlugins ( [in] BOOL  canStartPlugins)

◆ setCompositionForTesting()

HRESULT IWebViewPrivate::setCompositionForTesting ( [in] BSTR  composition,
[in] UINT  from,
[in] UINT  length 

◆ setCookieEnabled()

HRESULT IWebViewPrivate::setCookieEnabled ( [in] BOOL  enable)

◆ setCustomDropTarget()

HRESULT IWebViewPrivate::setCustomDropTarget ( [in] IDropTarget *  dt)

◆ setCustomHTMLTokenizerChunkSize()

HRESULT IWebViewPrivate::setCustomHTMLTokenizerChunkSize ( [in] int  chunkSize)

◆ setCustomHTMLTokenizerTimeDelay()

HRESULT IWebViewPrivate::setCustomHTMLTokenizerTimeDelay ( [in] double  timeDelay)

◆ setDefersCallbacks()

HRESULT IWebViewPrivate::setDefersCallbacks ( [in] BOOL  defersCallbacks)

◆ setDomainRelaxationForbiddenForURLScheme()

HRESULT IWebViewPrivate::setDomainRelaxationForbiddenForURLScheme ( [in] BOOL  forbidden,
[in] BSTR  scheme 

◆ setFormDelegate()

HRESULT IWebViewPrivate::setFormDelegate ( [in] IWebFormDelegate formDelegate)

◆ setFrameLoadDelegatePrivate()

HRESULT IWebViewPrivate::setFrameLoadDelegatePrivate ( [in] IWebFrameLoadDelegatePrivate frameLoadDelegatePrivate)

◆ setGeolocationProvider()

HRESULT IWebViewPrivate::setGeolocationProvider ( [in] IWebGeolocationProvider locationProvider)

◆ setHistoryDelegate()

HRESULT IWebViewPrivate::setHistoryDelegate ( [in] IWebHistoryDelegate historyDelegate)

◆ setHTTPPipeliningEnabled()

HRESULT IWebViewPrivate::setHTTPPipeliningEnabled ( [in] BOOL  enabled)

_setHTTPPipeliningEnabled: Set the HTTP pipelining status. Defaults to NO.

enabledThe new HTTP pipelining status.

◆ setInitialFocus()

HRESULT IWebViewPrivate::setInitialFocus ( [in] BOOL  forward)

◆ setInViewSourceMode()

HRESULT IWebViewPrivate::setInViewSourceMode ( [in] BOOL  flag)

_setInViewSourceMode: Used to place a WebView into a special source-viewing mode.

  • (void)_setInViewSourceMode:(BOOL)flag;

◆ setJavaScriptURLsAreAllowed()

HRESULT IWebViewPrivate::setJavaScriptURLsAreAllowed ( [in] BOOL  areAllowed)

◆ setMediaVolume()

HRESULT IWebViewPrivate::setMediaVolume ( [in] float  volume)

◆ setMemoryCacheDelegateCallsEnabled()

HRESULT IWebViewPrivate::setMemoryCacheDelegateCallsEnabled ( [in] BOOL  enabled)

◆ setMinimumTimerInterval()

HRESULT IWebViewPrivate::setMinimumTimerInterval ( [in] double  interval)

setMinimumTimerInterval Sets the minimum interval for DOMTimers on the web page associated with the receiver.

  • (double)interval;

◆ setProhibitsMainFrameScrolling()

HRESULT IWebViewPrivate::setProhibitsMainFrameScrolling ( [in] BOOL  prohibits)

◆ setShouldApplyMacFontAscentHack()

HRESULT IWebViewPrivate::setShouldApplyMacFontAscentHack ( [in] BOOL  shouldApply)

◆ setTabKeyCyclesThroughElements()

HRESULT IWebViewPrivate::setTabKeyCyclesThroughElements ( [in] BOOL  cycles)

◆ setTransparent()

HRESULT IWebViewPrivate::setTransparent ( [in] BOOL  transparent)

◆ setUsesLayeredWindow()

HRESULT IWebViewPrivate::setUsesLayeredWindow ( [in] BOOL  usesLayeredWindow)

◆ shouldClose()

HRESULT IWebViewPrivate::shouldClose ( [out, retval] BOOL result)

shouldClose: This function will fire the before unload handler for a page. If the user cancels the closing of a webview from the alert popped up by the before unload handler, then this function will return false.

◆ standardUserAgentWithApplicationName()

HRESULT IWebViewPrivate::standardUserAgentWithApplicationName ( [in] BSTR  applicationName,
[out] BSTR groupName 

◆ tabKeyCyclesThroughElements()

HRESULT IWebViewPrivate::tabKeyCyclesThroughElements ( [out, retval] BOOL result)

◆ transparent()

HRESULT IWebViewPrivate::transparent ( [out, retval] BOOL transparent)

◆ unmarkAllTextMatches()

HRESULT IWebViewPrivate::unmarkAllTextMatches ( )

◆ unused1()

HRESULT IWebViewPrivate::unused1 ( )

◆ unused2()

HRESULT IWebViewPrivate::unused2 ( )

◆ unused3()

HRESULT IWebViewPrivate::unused3 ( )

◆ unused4()

HRESULT IWebViewPrivate::unused4 ( )

◆ unused5()

HRESULT IWebViewPrivate::unused5 ( )

◆ updateFocusedAndActiveState()

HRESULT IWebViewPrivate::updateFocusedAndActiveState ( )

◆ usesLayeredWindow()

HRESULT IWebViewPrivate::usesLayeredWindow ( [out, retval] BOOL usesLayeredWindow)

◆ viewWindow()

HRESULT IWebViewPrivate::viewWindow ( [out, retval] HWND window)

◆ visibleContentRect()

HRESULT IWebViewPrivate::visibleContentRect ( [out, retval] LPRECT  rect)

◆ windowAncestryDidChange()

HRESULT IWebViewPrivate::windowAncestryDidChange ( )

The documentation for this interface was generated from the following file: