This is the complete list of members for IWebViewPrivate, including all inherited members.
addAdditionalPluginDirectory([in] BSTR directory) | IWebViewPrivate | |
addOriginAccessWhitelistEntry([in] BSTR sourceOrigin, [in] BSTR destinationProtocol, [in] BSTR destinationHost, [in] BOOL allowDestinationSubdomains) | IWebViewPrivate | |
addUserScriptToGroup([in] BSTR groupName, [in] IWebScriptWorld *, [in] BSTR source, [in] BSTR url, [in] unsigned whitelistCount, [in, size_is(whitelistCount)] BSTR *whitelist, [in] unsigned blacklistCount, [in, size_is(blacklistCount)] BSTR *blacklist, [in] WebUserScriptInjectionTime injectionTime) | IWebViewPrivate | |
addUserStyleSheetToGroup([in] BSTR groupName, [in] IWebScriptWorld *, [in] BSTR source, [in] BSTR url, [in] unsigned whitelistCount, [in, size_is(whitelistCount)] BSTR *whitelist, [in] unsigned blacklistCount, [in, size_is(blacklistCount)] BSTR *blacklist) | IWebViewPrivate | |
addVisitedLinks([in] BSTR *visitedURLs, [in] unsigned visitedURLCount) | IWebViewPrivate | |
alwaysUsesComplexTextCodePath([out, retval] BOOL *complex) | IWebViewPrivate | |
backingStore([out, retval] HBITMAP *hBitmap) | IWebViewPrivate | |
canHandleRequest([in] IWebURLRequest *request, [out, retval] BOOL *result) | IWebViewPrivate | |
clearFocusNode() | IWebViewPrivate | |
clearMainFrameName() | IWebViewPrivate | |
clearUndoRedoOperations() | IWebViewPrivate | |
compositionRangeForTesting([out] UINT *startPosition, [out] UINT *length) | IWebViewPrivate | |
confirmCompositionForTesting([in] BSTR composition) | IWebViewPrivate | |
cookieEnabled([out, retval] BOOL *enabled) | IWebViewPrivate | |
defaultMinimumTimerInterval([out, retval] double *interval) | IWebViewPrivate | |
defersCallbacks([out, retval] BOOL *defersCallbacks) | IWebViewPrivate | |
elementFromJS([in] JSContextRef context, [in] JSValueRef nodeObject, [out, retval] IDOMElement **element) | IWebViewPrivate | |
executeCoreCommandByName([in] BSTR name, [in] BSTR value) | IWebViewPrivate | |
firstRectForCharacterRangeForTesting([in] UINT location, [in] UINT length, [out, retval] RECT *resultRect) | IWebViewPrivate | |
formDelegate([out, retval] IWebFormDelegate **formDelegate) | IWebViewPrivate | |
frameLoadDelegatePrivate([out, retval] IWebFrameLoadDelegatePrivate **frameLoadDelegatePrivate) | IWebViewPrivate | |
generateSelectionImage(BOOL forceWhiteText, [out, retval] HBITMAP *hBitmap) | IWebViewPrivate | |
geolocationDidChangePosition([in] IWebGeolocationPosition *position) | IWebViewPrivate | |
geolocationDidFailWithError([in] IWebError *error) | IWebViewPrivate | |
geolocationProvider([out, retval] IWebGeolocationProvider **locationProvider) | IWebViewPrivate | |
globalHistoryItem([out, retval] IWebHistoryItem **) | IWebViewPrivate | |
hasCompositionForTesting([out, retval] BOOL *result) | IWebViewPrivate | |
historyDelegate([out, retval] IWebHistoryDelegate **historyDelegate) | IWebViewPrivate | |
httpPipeliningEnabled([out, retval] BOOL *enabled) | IWebViewPrivate | |
inspector([out, retval] IWebInspector **) | IWebViewPrivate | |
invalidateBackingStore([in] const RECT *rect) | IWebViewPrivate | |
inViewSourceMode([out, retval] BOOL *flag) | IWebViewPrivate | |
loadBackForwardListFromOtherView([in] IWebView *otherView) | IWebViewPrivate | |
markAllMatchesForText([in] BSTR search, [in] BOOL caseSensitive, [in] BOOL highlight, [in] UINT limit, [out] UINT *matches) | IWebViewPrivate | |
mediaVolume([out, retval] float *volume) | IWebViewPrivate | |
MIMETypeForExtension([in] BSTR extension, [out, retval] BSTR *mimeType) | IWebViewPrivate | |
nextDisplayIsSynchronous() | IWebViewPrivate | |
paintDocumentRectToContext([in] RECT rect, [in] HDC dc) | IWebViewPrivate | |
paintScrollViewRectToContextAtPoint([in] RECT rect, [in] POINT pt, [in] HDC dc) | IWebViewPrivate | |
rectsForTextMatches([out]IEnumTextMatches **pmatches) | IWebViewPrivate | |
registerEmbeddedViewMIMEType([in] BSTR mimeType) | IWebViewPrivate | |
registerURLSchemeAsAllowingDatabaseAccessInPrivateBrowsing([in] BSTR scheme) | IWebViewPrivate | |
registerURLSchemeAsAllowingLocalStorageAccessInPrivateBrowsing([in] BSTR scheme) | IWebViewPrivate | |
registerURLSchemeAsSecure([in] BSTR scheme) | IWebViewPrivate | |
removeAllUserContentFromGroup([in] BSTR groupName) | IWebViewPrivate | |
removeCustomDropTarget() | IWebViewPrivate | |
removeOriginAccessWhitelistEntry([in] BSTR sourceOrigin, [in] BSTR destinationProtocol, [in] BSTR destinationHost, [in] BOOL allowDestinationSubdomains) | IWebViewPrivate | |
removeUserScriptFromGroup([in] BSTR groupName, [in] IWebScriptWorld *, [in] BSTR url) | IWebViewPrivate | |
removeUserScriptsFromGroup([in] BSTR groupName, [in] IWebScriptWorld *) | IWebViewPrivate | |
removeUserStyleSheetFromGroup([in] BSTR groupName, [in] IWebScriptWorld *, [in] BSTR url) | IWebViewPrivate | |
removeUserStyleSheetsFromGroup([in] BSTR groupName, [in] IWebScriptWorld *) | IWebViewPrivate | |
reportException([in] JSContextRef context, [in] JSValueRef exception) | IWebViewPrivate | |
resetOriginAccessWhitelists() | IWebViewPrivate | |
scrollBy([in] LPPOINT offset) | IWebViewPrivate | |
scrollOffset([out, retval] LPPOINT offset) | IWebViewPrivate | |
selectedRangeForTesting([out] UINT *location, [out] UINT *length) | IWebViewPrivate | |
selectionRect([in, out] RECT *rc) | IWebViewPrivate | |
setAllowSiteSpecificHacks([in] BOOL allows) | IWebViewPrivate | |
setAlwaysUsesComplexTextCodePath([in] BOOL complex) | IWebViewPrivate | |
setCanStartPlugins([in] BOOL canStartPlugins) | IWebViewPrivate | |
setCompositionForTesting([in] BSTR composition, [in] UINT from, [in] UINT length) | IWebViewPrivate | |
setCookieEnabled([in] BOOL enable) | IWebViewPrivate | |
setCustomDropTarget([in] IDropTarget *dt) | IWebViewPrivate | |
setCustomHTMLTokenizerChunkSize([in] int chunkSize) | IWebViewPrivate | |
setCustomHTMLTokenizerTimeDelay([in] double timeDelay) | IWebViewPrivate | |
setDefersCallbacks([in] BOOL defersCallbacks) | IWebViewPrivate | |
setDomainRelaxationForbiddenForURLScheme([in] BOOL forbidden, [in] BSTR scheme) | IWebViewPrivate | |
setFormDelegate([in] IWebFormDelegate *formDelegate) | IWebViewPrivate | |
setFrameLoadDelegatePrivate([in] IWebFrameLoadDelegatePrivate *frameLoadDelegatePrivate) | IWebViewPrivate | |
setGeolocationProvider([in] IWebGeolocationProvider *locationProvider) | IWebViewPrivate | |
setHistoryDelegate([in] IWebHistoryDelegate *historyDelegate) | IWebViewPrivate | |
setHTTPPipeliningEnabled([in] BOOL enabled) | IWebViewPrivate | |
setInitialFocus([in] BOOL forward) | IWebViewPrivate | |
setInViewSourceMode([in] BOOL flag) | IWebViewPrivate | |
setJavaScriptURLsAreAllowed([in] BOOL areAllowed) | IWebViewPrivate | |
setMediaVolume([in] float volume) | IWebViewPrivate | |
setMemoryCacheDelegateCallsEnabled([in] BOOL enabled) | IWebViewPrivate | |
setMinimumTimerInterval([in] double interval) | IWebViewPrivate | |
setProhibitsMainFrameScrolling([in] BOOL prohibits) | IWebViewPrivate | |
setShouldApplyMacFontAscentHack([in] BOOL shouldApply) | IWebViewPrivate | |
setTabKeyCyclesThroughElements([in] BOOL cycles) | IWebViewPrivate | |
setTransparent([in] BOOL transparent) | IWebViewPrivate | |
setUsesLayeredWindow([in] BOOL usesLayeredWindow) | IWebViewPrivate | |
shouldClose([out, retval] BOOL *result) | IWebViewPrivate | |
standardUserAgentWithApplicationName([in] BSTR applicationName, [retval][out] BSTR *groupName) | IWebViewPrivate | |
tabKeyCyclesThroughElements([out, retval] BOOL *result) | IWebViewPrivate | |
transparent([out, retval] BOOL *transparent) | IWebViewPrivate | |
unmarkAllTextMatches() | IWebViewPrivate | |
unused1() | IWebViewPrivate | |
unused2() | IWebViewPrivate | |
unused3() | IWebViewPrivate | |
unused4() | IWebViewPrivate | |
unused5() | IWebViewPrivate | |
updateFocusedAndActiveState() | IWebViewPrivate | |
usesLayeredWindow([out, retval] BOOL *usesLayeredWindow) | IWebViewPrivate | |
viewWindow([out, retval] HWND *window) | IWebViewPrivate | |
visibleContentRect([out, retval] LPRECT rect) | IWebViewPrivate | |
windowAncestryDidChange() | IWebViewPrivate |