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Public Member Functions | List of all members
IWebUIDelegate2 Interface Reference


Inheritance diagram for IWebUIDelegate2:
IWebUIDelegate UIDelegate

Public Member Functions

HRESULT desktopNotificationsDelegate ([out, retval] IWebDesktopNotificationsDelegate **result)
- Public Member Functions inherited from IWebUIDelegate
HRESULT createWebViewWithRequest ([in] IWebView *sender, [in] IWebURLRequest *request, [out, retval] IWebView **newWebView)
HRESULT webViewShow ([in] IWebView *sender)
HRESULT webViewClose ([in] IWebView *sender)
HRESULT webViewFocus ([in] IWebView *sender)
HRESULT webViewUnfocus ([in] IWebView *sender)
HRESULT webViewFirstResponder ([in] IWebView *sender, [out, retval] HWND *responderHWnd)
HRESULT makeFirstResponder ([in] IWebView *sender, [in] HWND responderHWnd)
HRESULT setStatusText ([in] IWebView *sender, [in] BSTR text)
HRESULT webViewStatusText ([in] IWebView *sender, [out, retval] BSTR *text)
HRESULT webViewAreToolbarsVisible ([in] IWebView *sender, [out, retval] BOOL *visible)
HRESULT setToolbarsVisible ([in] IWebView *sender, [in] BOOL visible)
HRESULT webViewIsStatusBarVisible ([in] IWebView *sender, [out, retval] BOOL *visible)
HRESULT setStatusBarVisible ([in] IWebView *sender, [in] BOOL visible)
HRESULT webViewIsResizable ([in] IWebView *sender, [out, retval] BOOL *resizable)
HRESULT setResizable ([in] IWebView *sender, [in] BOOL resizable)
HRESULT setFrame ([in] IWebView *sender, [in] RECT *frame)
HRESULT webViewFrame ([in] IWebView *sender, [out, retval] RECT *frame)
HRESULT setContentRect ([in] IWebView *sender, [in] RECT *contentRect)
HRESULT webViewContentRect ([in] IWebView *sender, [out, retval] RECT *contentRect)
HRESULT runJavaScriptAlertPanelWithMessage ([in] IWebView *sender, [in] BSTR message)
HRESULT runJavaScriptConfirmPanelWithMessage ([in] IWebView *sender, [in] BSTR message, [out, retval] BOOL *result)
HRESULT runJavaScriptTextInputPanelWithPrompt ([in] IWebView *sender, [in] BSTR message, [in] BSTR defaultText, [out, retval] BSTR *result)
HRESULT runBeforeUnloadConfirmPanelWithMessage ([in] IWebView *sender, [in] BSTR message, [in] IWebFrame *initiatedByFrame, [out, retval] BOOL *result)
HRESULT runOpenPanelForFileButtonWithResultListener ([in] IWebView *sender, [in] IWebOpenPanelResultListener *resultListener)
HRESULT mouseDidMoveOverElement ([in] IWebView *sender, [in] IPropertyBag *elementInformation, [in] UINT modifierFlags)
HRESULT contextMenuItemsForElement ([in] IWebView *sender, [in] IPropertyBag *element, [in] HMENU defaultItemsHMenu, [out, retval] HMENU *resultHMenu)
HRESULT validateUserInterfaceItem ([in] IWebView *webView, [in] UINT itemCommandID, [in] BOOL defaultValidation, [out, retval] BOOL *isValid)
HRESULT shouldPerformAction ([in] IWebView *webView, [in] UINT itemCommandID, [in] UINT sender)
HRESULT dragDestinationActionMaskForDraggingInfo ([in] IWebView *webView, [in] IDataObject *draggingInfo, [out, retval] WebDragDestinationAction *action)
HRESULT willPerformDragDestinationAction ([in] IWebView *webView, [in] WebDragDestinationAction action, [in] IDataObject *draggingInfo)
HRESULT dragSourceActionMaskForPoint ([in] IWebView *webView, [in] LPPOINT point, [out, retval] WebDragSourceAction *action)
HRESULT willPerformDragSourceAction ([in] IWebView *webView, [in] WebDragSourceAction action, [in] LPPOINT point, [in] IDataObject *pasteboard, [out, retval] IDataObject **newPasteboard)
HRESULT contextMenuItemSelected ([in] IWebView *sender, [in] void *item, [in] IPropertyBag *element)
HRESULT hasCustomMenuImplementation ([out, retval] BOOL *hasCustomMenus)
HRESULT trackCustomPopupMenu ([in] IWebView *sender, [in] HMENU hMenu, [in] LPPOINT point)
HRESULT measureCustomMenuItem ([in] IWebView *sender, [in] void *measureItem)
HRESULT drawCustomMenuItem ([in] IWebView *sender, [in] void *drawItem)
HRESULT addCustomMenuDrawingData ([in] IWebView *sender, [in] HMENU hMenu)
HRESULT cleanUpCustomMenuDrawingData ([in] IWebView *sender, [in] HMENU hMenu)
HRESULT canTakeFocus ([in] IWebView *sender, [in] BOOL forward, [out] BOOL *result)
HRESULT takeFocus ([in] IWebView *sender, [in] BOOL forward)
HRESULT registerUndoWithTarget ([in] IWebUndoTarget *target, [in] BSTR actionName, [in] IUnknown *actionArg)
 Undo related UI delegate methods --------------------------------------------------------------------------——. More...
HRESULT removeAllActionsWithTarget ([in] IWebUndoTarget *target)
HRESULT setActionTitle ([in] BSTR actionTitle)
HRESULT undo ()
HRESULT redo ()
HRESULT canUndo ([out, retval] BOOL *result)
HRESULT canRedo ([out, retval] BOOL *result)
HRESULT printFrame ([in] IWebView *webView, [in] IWebFrame *frame)
HRESULT ftpDirectoryTemplatePath ([in] IWebView *webView, [out, retval] BSTR *path)
HRESULT webViewHeaderHeight ([in] IWebView *webView, [out, retval] float *result)
HRESULT webViewFooterHeight ([in] IWebView *webView, [out, retval] float *result)
HRESULT drawHeaderInRect ([in] IWebView *webView, [in] RECT *rect, [in] ULONG_PTR drawingContext)
HRESULT drawFooterInRect ([in] IWebView *webView, [in] RECT *rect, [in] ULONG_PTR drawingContext, [in] UINT pageIndex, [in] UINT pageCount)
HRESULT webViewPrintingMarginRect ([in] IWebView *webView, [out, retval] RECT *rect)
HRESULT canRunModal ([in] IWebView *webView, [out, retval] BOOL *canRunBoolean)
HRESULT createModalDialog ([in] IWebView *sender, [in] IWebURLRequest *request, [out, retval] IWebView **newWebView)
HRESULT runModal ([in] IWebView *webView)
HRESULT isMenuBarVisible ([in] IWebView *webView, [out, retval] BOOL *visible)
HRESULT setMenuBarVisible ([in] IWebView *webView, [in] BOOL visible)
HRESULT runDatabaseSizeLimitPrompt ([in] IWebView *webView, [in] BSTR displayName, [in] IWebFrame *initiatedByFrame, [out, retval] BOOL *allowed)
HRESULT paintCustomScrollbar ([in] IWebView *webView, [in] HDC hDC, [in] RECT rect, [in] WebScrollBarControlSize size, [in] WebScrollbarControlState state, [in] WebScrollbarControlPart pressedPart, [in] BOOL vertical, [in] float value, [in] float proportion, [in] WebScrollbarControlPartMask parts)
HRESULT paintCustomScrollCorner ([in] IWebView *webView, [in] HDC hDC, [in] RECT rect)

Member Function Documentation

◆ desktopNotificationsDelegate()

HRESULT IWebUIDelegate2::desktopNotificationsDelegate ( [out, retval] IWebDesktopNotificationsDelegate **  result)

desktopNotificationsDelegate: Returns the notifications delegate object.

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