HRESULT | isMainFrame ([out, retval] BOOL *flag) |
HRESULT | name ([out, retval] BSTR *frameName) |
HRESULT | webView ([out, retval] IWebView **view) |
HRESULT | frameView ([out, retval] IWebFrameView **view) |
HRESULT | DOMDocument ([out, retval] IDOMDocument **document) |
HRESULT | frameElement ([out, retval] IDOMHTMLElement **frameElement) |
HRESULT | loadRequest ([in] IWebURLRequest *request) |
HRESULT | loadData ([in] IStream *data, [in] BSTR mimeType, [in] BSTR textEncodingName, [in] BSTR url) |
HRESULT | loadHTMLString ([in] BSTR string, [in] BSTR baseURL) |
HRESULT | loadAlternateHTMLString ([in] BSTR str, [in] BSTR baseURL, [in] BSTR unreachableURL) |
HRESULT | loadArchive ([in] IWebArchive *archive) |
HRESULT | dataSource ([out, retval] IWebDataSource **source) |
HRESULT | provisionalDataSource ([out, retval] IWebDataSource **source) |
HRESULT | stopLoading () |
HRESULT | reload () |
HRESULT | findFrameNamed ([in] BSTR name, [out, retval] IWebFrame **frame) |
HRESULT | parentFrame ([out, retval] IWebFrame **frame) |
HRESULT | childFrames ([out, retval] IEnumVARIANT **enumFrames) |
HRESULT | currentForm ([out, retval] IDOMElement **frameElement) |
HRESULT | setAllowsScrolling ([in] BOOL flag) |
HRESULT | allowsScrolling ([out, retval] BOOL *flag) |
JSGlobalContextRef | globalContext () |
HRESULT | setIsDisconnected ([in] BOOL flag) |
HRESULT | setExcludeFromTextSearch ([in] BOOL flag) |
HRESULT | reloadFromOrigin () |
HRESULT | DOMWindow ([out, retval] IDOMWindow **window) |
◆ isMainFrame()
HRESULT IWebFrame2::isMainFrame |
( |
[out, retval] BOOL * |
flag | ) |
isMainFrame Returns TRUE if the frame is the main frame.
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