This is the complete list of members for gl::Texture, including all inherited members.
addRef() const | RefCountObject | inline |
copyCompressedTexture(const Texture *source) | gl::Texture | |
copyImage(GLenum target, size_t level, const Rectangle &sourceArea, GLenum internalFormat, const Framebuffer *source) | gl::Texture | |
copySubImage(GLenum target, size_t level, const Offset &destOffset, const Rectangle &sourceArea, const Framebuffer *source) | gl::Texture | |
copySubTexture(const Offset &destOffset, const Rectangle &sourceArea, bool unpackFlipY, bool unpackPremultiplyAlpha, bool unpackUnmultiplyAlpha, const Texture *source) | gl::Texture | |
copyTexture(GLenum internalFormat, GLenum type, bool unpackFlipY, bool unpackPremultiplyAlpha, bool unpackUnmultiplyAlpha, const Texture *source) | gl::Texture | |
DIRTY_BIT_BASE_LEVEL enum value | gl::Texture | |
DIRTY_BIT_COMPARE_FUNC enum value | gl::Texture | |
DIRTY_BIT_COMPARE_MODE enum value | gl::Texture | |
DIRTY_BIT_COUNT enum value | gl::Texture | |
DIRTY_BIT_LABEL enum value | gl::Texture | |
DIRTY_BIT_MAG_FILTER enum value | gl::Texture | |
DIRTY_BIT_MAX_ANISOTROPY enum value | gl::Texture | |
DIRTY_BIT_MAX_LEVEL enum value | gl::Texture | |
DIRTY_BIT_MAX_LOD enum value | gl::Texture | |
DIRTY_BIT_MIN_FILTER enum value | gl::Texture | |
DIRTY_BIT_MIN_LOD enum value | gl::Texture | |
DIRTY_BIT_SWIZZLE_ALPHA enum value | gl::Texture | |
DIRTY_BIT_SWIZZLE_BLUE enum value | gl::Texture | |
DIRTY_BIT_SWIZZLE_GREEN enum value | gl::Texture | |
DIRTY_BIT_SWIZZLE_RED enum value | gl::Texture | |
DIRTY_BIT_USAGE enum value | gl::Texture | |
DIRTY_BIT_WRAP_R enum value | gl::Texture | |
DIRTY_BIT_WRAP_S enum value | gl::Texture | |
DIRTY_BIT_WRAP_T enum value | gl::Texture | |
DirtyBits typedef | gl::Texture | |
DirtyBitType enum name | gl::Texture | |
egl::Stream class | gl::Texture | friend |
egl::Surface class | gl::Texture | friend |
FramebufferAttachmentObject() | gl::FramebufferAttachmentObject | inline |
generateMipmap() | gl::Texture | |
getAttachmentFormat(const FramebufferAttachment::Target &target) const override | gl::Texture | virtual |
getAttachmentRenderTarget(const FramebufferAttachment::Target &target, rx::FramebufferAttachmentRenderTarget **rtOut) const | gl::FramebufferAttachmentObject | |
getAttachmentSamples(const FramebufferAttachment::Target &target) const override | gl::Texture | virtual |
getAttachmentSize(const FramebufferAttachment::Target &target) const override | gl::Texture | virtual |
getBaseLevel() const | gl::Texture | |
getBoundStream() const | gl::Texture | |
getBoundSurface() const | gl::Texture | |
getCompareFunc() const | gl::Texture | |
getCompareMode() const | gl::Texture | |
getDepth(GLenum target, size_t level) const | gl::Texture | |
getDirtyChannel() | gl::FramebufferAttachmentObject | |
getFormat(GLenum target, size_t level) const | gl::Texture | |
getHeight(GLenum target, size_t level) const | gl::Texture | |
getId() const override | gl::Texture | virtual |
getImmutableFormat() const | gl::Texture | |
getImmutableLevels() const | gl::Texture | |
getImplementation() const | gl::Texture | inline |
getLabel() const override | gl::Texture | virtual |
getMagFilter() const | gl::Texture | |
getMaxAnisotropy() const | gl::Texture | |
getMaxLevel() const | gl::Texture | |
getMaxLod() const | gl::Texture | |
getMinFilter() const | gl::Texture | |
getMinLod() const | gl::Texture | |
getRefCount() const | RefCountObject | inline |
getSamplerState() const | gl::Texture | |
getSwizzleAlpha() const | gl::Texture | |
getSwizzleBlue() const | gl::Texture | |
getSwizzleGreen() const | gl::Texture | |
getSwizzleRed() const | gl::Texture | |
getTarget() const | gl::Texture | |
getTextureState() const | gl::Texture | |
getUsage() const | gl::Texture | |
getWidth(GLenum target, size_t level) const | gl::Texture | |
getWrapR() const | gl::Texture | |
getWrapS() const | gl::Texture | |
getWrapT() const | gl::Texture | |
hasAnyDirtyBit() const | gl::Texture | inline |
id() const | RefCountObject | inline |
ImageSibling(GLuint id) | egl::ImageSibling | |
isMipmapComplete() const | gl::Texture | |
mDirtyChannel | gl::FramebufferAttachmentObject | protected |
onAttach() override | gl::Texture | virtual |
onDetach() override | gl::Texture | virtual |
orphanImages() | egl::ImageSibling | protected |
RefCountObject(GLuint id) | RefCountObject | inlineexplicit |
release() const | RefCountObject | inline |
setBaseLevel(GLuint baseLevel) | gl::Texture | |
setCompareFunc(GLenum compareFunc) | gl::Texture | |
setCompareMode(GLenum compareMode) | gl::Texture | |
setCompressedImage(const PixelUnpackState &unpackState, GLenum target, size_t level, GLenum internalFormat, const Extents &size, size_t imageSize, const uint8_t *pixels) | gl::Texture | |
setCompressedSubImage(const PixelUnpackState &unpackState, GLenum target, size_t level, const Box &area, GLenum format, size_t imageSize, const uint8_t *pixels) | gl::Texture | |
setEGLImageTarget(GLenum target, egl::Image *imageTarget) | gl::Texture | |
setImage(const PixelUnpackState &unpackState, GLenum target, size_t level, GLenum internalFormat, const Extents &size, GLenum format, GLenum type, const uint8_t *pixels) | gl::Texture | |
setLabel(const std::string &label) override | gl::Texture | virtual |
setMagFilter(GLenum magFilter) | gl::Texture | |
setMaxAnisotropy(float maxAnisotropy) | gl::Texture | |
setMaxLevel(GLuint maxLevel) | gl::Texture | |
setMaxLod(GLfloat maxLod) | gl::Texture | |
setMinFilter(GLenum minFilter) | gl::Texture | |
setMinLod(GLfloat minLod) | gl::Texture | |
setStorage(GLenum target, GLsizei levels, GLenum internalFormat, const Extents &size) | gl::Texture | |
setSubImage(const PixelUnpackState &unpackState, GLenum target, size_t level, const Box &area, GLenum format, GLenum type, const uint8_t *pixels) | gl::Texture | |
setSwizzleAlpha(GLenum swizzleAlpha) | gl::Texture | |
setSwizzleBlue(GLenum swizzleBlue) | gl::Texture | |
setSwizzleGreen(GLenum swizzleGreen) | gl::Texture | |
setSwizzleRed(GLenum swizzleRed) | gl::Texture | |
setTargetImage(egl::Image *imageTarget) | egl::ImageSibling | protected |
setUsage(GLenum usage) | gl::Texture | |
setWrapR(GLenum wrapR) | gl::Texture | |
setWrapS(GLenum wrapS) | gl::Texture | |
setWrapT(GLenum wrapT) | gl::Texture | |
syncImplState() | gl::Texture | |
Texture(rx::GLImplFactory *factory, GLuint id, GLenum target) | gl::Texture | |
~FramebufferAttachmentObject() | gl::FramebufferAttachmentObject | inlinevirtual |
~ImageSibling() | egl::ImageSibling | virtual |
~LabeledObject() | gl::LabeledObject | inlinevirtual |
~RefCountObject() | RefCountObject | inlineprotectedvirtual |
~Texture() override | gl::Texture |