webkit  2cdf99a9e3038c7e01b3c37e8ad903ecbe5eecf1
Public Member Functions | Protected Member Functions | List of all members
WebCore::RenderRubyAsInline Class Referencefinal

#include <RenderRuby.h>

Inheritance diagram for WebCore::RenderRubyAsInline:
WebCore::RenderInline WebCore::RenderBoxModelObject WebCore::RenderBoxModelObject WebCore::RenderLayerModelObject WebCore::RenderLayerModelObject WebCore::RenderLayerModelObject WebCore::RenderLayerModelObject WebCore::RenderElement WebCore::RenderElement WebCore::RenderElement WebCore::RenderElement WebCore::RenderElement WebCore::RenderElement WebCore::RenderElement WebCore::RenderElement

Public Member Functions

 RenderRubyAsInline (Element &, RenderStyle &&)
virtual ~RenderRubyAsInline ()
void addChild (RenderObject *child, RenderObject *beforeChild=0) override
void removeChild (RenderObject &child) override
- Public Member Functions inherited from WebCore::RenderInline
 RenderInline (Element &, RenderStyle &&)
 RenderInline (Document &, RenderStyle &&)
LayoutUnit marginLeft () const final
LayoutUnit marginRight () const final
LayoutUnit marginTop () const final
LayoutUnit marginBottom () const final
LayoutUnit marginBefore (const RenderStyle *otherStyle=0) const final
LayoutUnit marginAfter (const RenderStyle *otherStyle=0) const final
LayoutUnit marginStart (const RenderStyle *otherStyle=0) const final
LayoutUnit marginEnd (const RenderStyle *otherStyle=0) const final
void absoluteRects (Vector< IntRect > &, const LayoutPoint &accumulatedOffset) const final
void absoluteQuads (Vector< FloatQuad > &, bool *wasFixed) const override
LayoutSize offsetFromContainer (RenderElement &, const LayoutPoint &, bool *offsetDependsOnPoint=nullptr) const final
LayoutRect borderBoundingBox () const final
WEBCORE_EXPORT IntRect linesBoundingBox () const
LayoutRect linesVisualOverflowBoundingBox () const
LayoutRect linesVisualOverflowBoundingBoxInRegion (const RenderRegion *) const
InlineFlowBoxcreateAndAppendInlineFlowBox ()
void dirtyLineBoxes (bool fullLayout)
void deleteLines ()
RenderLineBoxListlineBoxes ()
const RenderLineBoxListlineBoxes () const
InlineFlowBoxfirstLineBox () const
InlineFlowBoxlastLineBox () const
InlineBoxfirstLineBoxIncludingCulling () const
InlineBoxlastLineBoxIncludingCulling () const
RenderBoxModelObjectvirtualContinuation () const final
RenderInlineinlineElementContinuation () const
void updateDragState (bool dragOn) final
LayoutSize offsetForInFlowPositionedInline (const RenderBox *child) const
void addFocusRingRects (Vector< LayoutRect > &, const LayoutPoint &additionalOffset, const RenderLayerModelObject *paintContainer=0) final
void paintOutline (PaintInfo &, const LayoutPoint &)
bool alwaysCreateLineBoxes () const
void setAlwaysCreateLineBoxes ()
void updateAlwaysCreateLineBoxes (bool fullLayout)
LayoutRect localCaretRect (InlineBox *, unsigned, LayoutUnit *extraWidthToEndOfLine) final
bool hitTestCulledInline (const HitTestRequest &, HitTestResult &, const HitTestLocation &locationInContainer, const LayoutPoint &accumulatedOffset)
 RenderInline (Element &, RenderStyle &&)
 RenderInline (Document &, RenderStyle &&)
LayoutUnit marginLeft () const final
LayoutUnit marginRight () const final
LayoutUnit marginTop () const final
LayoutUnit marginBottom () const final
LayoutUnit marginBefore (const RenderStyle *otherStyle=0) const final
LayoutUnit marginAfter (const RenderStyle *otherStyle=0) const final
LayoutUnit marginStart (const RenderStyle *otherStyle=0) const final
LayoutUnit marginEnd (const RenderStyle *otherStyle=0) const final
void absoluteRects (Vector< IntRect > &, const LayoutPoint &accumulatedOffset) const final
void absoluteQuads (Vector< FloatQuad > &, bool *wasFixed) const override
LayoutSize offsetFromContainer (RenderElement &, const LayoutPoint &, bool *offsetDependsOnPoint=nullptr) const final
LayoutRect borderBoundingBox () const final
WEBCORE_EXPORT IntRect linesBoundingBox () const
LayoutRect linesVisualOverflowBoundingBox () const
LayoutRect linesVisualOverflowBoundingBoxInRegion (const RenderRegion *) const
InlineFlowBoxcreateAndAppendInlineFlowBox ()
void dirtyLineBoxes (bool fullLayout)
void deleteLines ()
RenderLineBoxListlineBoxes ()
const RenderLineBoxListlineBoxes () const
InlineFlowBoxfirstLineBox () const
InlineFlowBoxlastLineBox () const
InlineBoxfirstLineBoxIncludingCulling () const
InlineBoxlastLineBoxIncludingCulling () const
RenderBoxModelObjectvirtualContinuation () const final
RenderInlineinlineElementContinuation () const
void updateDragState (bool dragOn) final
LayoutSize offsetForInFlowPositionedInline (const RenderBox *child) const
void addFocusRingRects (Vector< LayoutRect > &, const LayoutPoint &additionalOffset, const RenderLayerModelObject *paintContainer=0) final
void paintOutline (PaintInfo &, const LayoutPoint &)
bool alwaysCreateLineBoxes () const
void setAlwaysCreateLineBoxes ()
void updateAlwaysCreateLineBoxes (bool fullLayout)
LayoutRect localCaretRect (InlineBox *, unsigned, LayoutUnit *extraWidthToEndOfLine) final
bool hitTestCulledInline (const HitTestRequest &, HitTestResult &, const HitTestLocation &locationInContainer, const LayoutPoint &accumulatedOffset)
- Public Member Functions inherited from WebCore::RenderBoxModelObject
virtual ~RenderBoxModelObject ()
LayoutSize relativePositionOffset () const
LayoutSize relativePositionLogicalOffset () const
FloatRect constrainingRectForStickyPosition () const
void computeStickyPositionConstraints (StickyPositionViewportConstraints &, const FloatRect &constrainingRect) const
LayoutSize stickyPositionOffset () const
LayoutSize stickyPositionLogicalOffset () const
LayoutSize offsetForInFlowPosition () const
LayoutUnit computedCSSPaddingTop () const
LayoutUnit computedCSSPaddingBottom () const
LayoutUnit computedCSSPaddingLeft () const
LayoutUnit computedCSSPaddingRight () const
LayoutUnit computedCSSPaddingBefore () const
LayoutUnit computedCSSPaddingAfter () const
LayoutUnit computedCSSPaddingStart () const
LayoutUnit computedCSSPaddingEnd () const
virtual LayoutUnit paddingTop () const
virtual LayoutUnit paddingBottom () const
virtual LayoutUnit paddingLeft () const
virtual LayoutUnit paddingRight () const
virtual LayoutUnit paddingBefore () const
virtual LayoutUnit paddingAfter () const
virtual LayoutUnit paddingStart () const
virtual LayoutUnit paddingEnd () const
virtual LayoutUnit borderTop () const
virtual LayoutUnit borderBottom () const
virtual LayoutUnit borderLeft () const
virtual LayoutUnit borderRight () const
virtual LayoutUnit horizontalBorderExtent () const
virtual LayoutUnit verticalBorderExtent () const
virtual LayoutUnit borderBefore () const
virtual LayoutUnit borderAfter () const
virtual LayoutUnit borderStart () const
virtual LayoutUnit borderEnd () const
LayoutUnit borderAndPaddingStart () const
LayoutUnit borderAndPaddingBefore () const
LayoutUnit borderAndPaddingAfter () const
LayoutUnit verticalBorderAndPaddingExtent () const
LayoutUnit horizontalBorderAndPaddingExtent () const
LayoutUnit borderAndPaddingLogicalHeight () const
LayoutUnit borderAndPaddingLogicalWidth () const
LayoutUnit borderAndPaddingLogicalLeft () const
LayoutUnit borderLogicalLeft () const
LayoutUnit borderLogicalRight () const
LayoutUnit borderLogicalWidth () const
LayoutUnit borderLogicalHeight () const
LayoutUnit paddingLogicalLeft () const
LayoutUnit paddingLogicalRight () const
LayoutUnit paddingLogicalWidth () const
LayoutUnit paddingLogicalHeight () const
LayoutUnit verticalMarginExtent () const
LayoutUnit horizontalMarginExtent () const
LayoutUnit marginLogicalHeight () const
LayoutUnit marginLogicalWidth () const
bool hasInlineDirectionBordersPaddingOrMargin () const
bool hasInlineDirectionBordersOrPadding () const
virtual LayoutUnit containingBlockLogicalWidthForContent () const
void paintBorder (const PaintInfo &, const LayoutRect &, const RenderStyle &, BackgroundBleedAvoidance=BackgroundBleedNone, bool includeLogicalLeftEdge=true, bool includeLogicalRightEdge=true)
bool paintNinePieceImage (GraphicsContext &, const LayoutRect &, const RenderStyle &, const NinePieceImage &, CompositeOperator=CompositeSourceOver)
void paintBoxShadow (const PaintInfo &, const LayoutRect &, const RenderStyle &, ShadowStyle, bool includeLogicalLeftEdge=true, bool includeLogicalRightEdge=true)
void paintFillLayerExtended (const PaintInfo &, const Color &, const FillLayer &, const LayoutRect &, BackgroundBleedAvoidance, InlineFlowBox *=nullptr, const LayoutSize &=LayoutSize(), CompositeOperator=CompositeSourceOver, RenderElement *backgroundObject=nullptr, BaseBackgroundColorUsage=BaseBackgroundColorUse)
virtual bool boxShadowShouldBeAppliedToBackground (const LayoutPoint &absolutePaintPostion, BackgroundBleedAvoidance, InlineFlowBox *=nullptr) const
void mapAbsoluteToLocalPoint (MapCoordinatesFlags, TransformState &) const override
void setSelectionState (SelectionState) override
bool canHaveBoxInfoInRegion () const
void getGeometryForBackgroundImage (const RenderLayerModelObject *paintContainer, const LayoutPoint &paintOffset, FloatRect &destRect, FloatSize &phase, FloatSize &tileSize) const
void contentChanged (ContentChangeType)
bool hasAcceleratedCompositing () const
bool startTransition (double, CSSPropertyID, const RenderStyle *fromStyle, const RenderStyle *toStyle)
void transitionPaused (double timeOffset, CSSPropertyID)
void transitionFinished (CSSPropertyID)
bool startAnimation (double timeOffset, const Animation *, const KeyframeList &keyframes)
void animationPaused (double timeOffset, const String &name)
void animationFinished (const String &name)
void suspendAnimations (double time=0)
RenderBoxModelObjectcontinuation () const
virtual LayoutRect paintRectToClipOutFromBorder (const LayoutRect &)
RenderTextFragmentfirstLetterRemainingText () const
void setFirstLetterRemainingText (RenderTextFragment *)
void moveChildTo (RenderBoxModelObject *toBoxModelObject, RenderObject *child, RenderObject *beforeChild, bool fullRemoveInsert=false)
void moveChildTo (RenderBoxModelObject *toBoxModelObject, RenderObject *child, bool fullRemoveInsert=false)
void moveAllChildrenTo (RenderBoxModelObject *toBoxModelObject, bool fullRemoveInsert=false)
void moveAllChildrenTo (RenderBoxModelObject *toBoxModelObject, RenderObject *beforeChild, bool fullRemoveInsert=false)
void moveChildrenTo (RenderBoxModelObject *toBoxModelObject, RenderObject *startChild, RenderObject *endChild, bool fullRemoveInsert=false)
void moveChildrenTo (RenderBoxModelObject *toBoxModelObject, RenderObject *startChild, RenderObject *endChild, RenderObject *beforeChild, bool fullRemoveInsert=false)
LayoutSize calculateImageIntrinsicDimensions (StyleImage *, const LayoutSize &scaledPositioningAreaSize, ScaleByEffectiveZoomOrNot) const
virtual ~RenderBoxModelObject ()
LayoutSize relativePositionOffset () const
LayoutSize relativePositionLogicalOffset () const
FloatRect constrainingRectForStickyPosition () const
void computeStickyPositionConstraints (StickyPositionViewportConstraints &, const FloatRect &constrainingRect) const
LayoutSize stickyPositionOffset () const
LayoutSize stickyPositionLogicalOffset () const
LayoutSize offsetForInFlowPosition () const
LayoutUnit computedCSSPaddingTop () const
LayoutUnit computedCSSPaddingBottom () const
LayoutUnit computedCSSPaddingLeft () const
LayoutUnit computedCSSPaddingRight () const
LayoutUnit computedCSSPaddingBefore () const
LayoutUnit computedCSSPaddingAfter () const
LayoutUnit computedCSSPaddingStart () const
LayoutUnit computedCSSPaddingEnd () const
virtual LayoutUnit paddingTop () const
virtual LayoutUnit paddingBottom () const
virtual LayoutUnit paddingLeft () const
virtual LayoutUnit paddingRight () const
virtual LayoutUnit paddingBefore () const
virtual LayoutUnit paddingAfter () const
virtual LayoutUnit paddingStart () const
virtual LayoutUnit paddingEnd () const
virtual LayoutUnit borderTop () const
virtual LayoutUnit borderBottom () const
virtual LayoutUnit borderLeft () const
virtual LayoutUnit borderRight () const
virtual LayoutUnit horizontalBorderExtent () const
virtual LayoutUnit verticalBorderExtent () const
virtual LayoutUnit borderBefore () const
virtual LayoutUnit borderAfter () const
virtual LayoutUnit borderStart () const
virtual LayoutUnit borderEnd () const
LayoutUnit borderAndPaddingStart () const
LayoutUnit borderAndPaddingBefore () const
LayoutUnit borderAndPaddingAfter () const
LayoutUnit verticalBorderAndPaddingExtent () const
LayoutUnit horizontalBorderAndPaddingExtent () const
LayoutUnit borderAndPaddingLogicalHeight () const
LayoutUnit borderAndPaddingLogicalWidth () const
LayoutUnit borderAndPaddingLogicalLeft () const
LayoutUnit borderLogicalLeft () const
LayoutUnit borderLogicalRight () const
LayoutUnit borderLogicalWidth () const
LayoutUnit borderLogicalHeight () const
LayoutUnit paddingLogicalLeft () const
LayoutUnit paddingLogicalRight () const
LayoutUnit paddingLogicalWidth () const
LayoutUnit paddingLogicalHeight () const
LayoutUnit verticalMarginExtent () const
LayoutUnit horizontalMarginExtent () const
LayoutUnit marginLogicalHeight () const
LayoutUnit marginLogicalWidth () const
bool hasInlineDirectionBordersPaddingOrMargin () const
bool hasInlineDirectionBordersOrPadding () const
virtual LayoutUnit containingBlockLogicalWidthForContent () const
void paintBorder (const PaintInfo &, const LayoutRect &, const RenderStyle &, BackgroundBleedAvoidance=BackgroundBleedNone, bool includeLogicalLeftEdge=true, bool includeLogicalRightEdge=true)
bool paintNinePieceImage (GraphicsContext &, const LayoutRect &, const RenderStyle &, const NinePieceImage &, CompositeOperator=CompositeSourceOver)
void paintBoxShadow (const PaintInfo &, const LayoutRect &, const RenderStyle &, ShadowStyle, bool includeLogicalLeftEdge=true, bool includeLogicalRightEdge=true)
void paintFillLayerExtended (const PaintInfo &, const Color &, const FillLayer &, const LayoutRect &, BackgroundBleedAvoidance, InlineFlowBox *=nullptr, const LayoutSize &=LayoutSize(), CompositeOperator=CompositeSourceOver, RenderElement *backgroundObject=nullptr, BaseBackgroundColorUsage=BaseBackgroundColorUse)
virtual bool boxShadowShouldBeAppliedToBackground (const LayoutPoint &absolutePaintPostion, BackgroundBleedAvoidance, InlineFlowBox *=nullptr) const
void mapAbsoluteToLocalPoint (MapCoordinatesFlags, TransformState &) const override
void setSelectionState (SelectionState) override
bool canHaveBoxInfoInRegion () const
void getGeometryForBackgroundImage (const RenderLayerModelObject *paintContainer, const LayoutPoint &paintOffset, FloatRect &destRect, FloatSize &phase, FloatSize &tileSize) const
void contentChanged (ContentChangeType)
bool hasAcceleratedCompositing () const
bool startTransition (double, CSSPropertyID, const RenderStyle *fromStyle, const RenderStyle *toStyle)
void transitionPaused (double timeOffset, CSSPropertyID)
void transitionFinished (CSSPropertyID)
bool startAnimation (double timeOffset, const Animation *, const KeyframeList &keyframes)
void animationPaused (double timeOffset, const String &name)
void animationFinished (const String &name)
void suspendAnimations (double time=0)
RenderBoxModelObjectcontinuation () const
virtual LayoutRect paintRectToClipOutFromBorder (const LayoutRect &)
RenderTextFragmentfirstLetterRemainingText () const
void setFirstLetterRemainingText (RenderTextFragment *)
void moveChildTo (RenderBoxModelObject *toBoxModelObject, RenderObject *child, RenderObject *beforeChild, bool fullRemoveInsert=false)
void moveChildTo (RenderBoxModelObject *toBoxModelObject, RenderObject *child, bool fullRemoveInsert=false)
void moveAllChildrenTo (RenderBoxModelObject *toBoxModelObject, bool fullRemoveInsert=false)
void moveAllChildrenTo (RenderBoxModelObject *toBoxModelObject, RenderObject *beforeChild, bool fullRemoveInsert=false)
void moveChildrenTo (RenderBoxModelObject *toBoxModelObject, RenderObject *startChild, RenderObject *endChild, bool fullRemoveInsert=false)
void moveChildrenTo (RenderBoxModelObject *toBoxModelObject, RenderObject *startChild, RenderObject *endChild, RenderObject *beforeChild, bool fullRemoveInsert=false)
LayoutSize calculateImageIntrinsicDimensions (StyleImage *, const LayoutSize &scaledPositioningAreaSize, ScaleByEffectiveZoomOrNot) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from WebCore::RenderLayerModelObject
virtual ~RenderLayerModelObject ()
void destroyLayer ()
bool hasSelfPaintingLayer () const
RenderLayerlayer () const
virtual bool backgroundIsKnownToBeOpaqueInRect (const LayoutRect &) const
virtual bool isScrollableOrRubberbandableBox () const
bool shouldPlaceBlockDirectionScrollbarOnLeft () const
virtual ~RenderLayerModelObject ()
void destroyLayer ()
bool hasSelfPaintingLayer () const
RenderLayerlayer () const
void styleWillChange (StyleDifference, const RenderStyle &newStyle) override
virtual bool backgroundIsKnownToBeOpaqueInRect (const LayoutRect &) const
virtual bool isScrollableOrRubberbandableBox () const
bool shouldPlaceBlockDirectionScrollbarOnLeft () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from WebCore::RenderElement
virtual ~RenderElement ()
bool hasInitializedStyle () const
const RenderStylestyle () const
const RenderStylefirstLineStyle () const
RenderStylemutableStyle ()
void initializeStyle ()
void setStyle (RenderStyle &&, StyleDifference minimalStyleDifference=StyleDifferenceEqual)
const RenderStylegetCachedPseudoStyle (PseudoId, const RenderStyle *parentStyle=nullptr) const
std::unique_ptr< RenderStylegetUncachedPseudoStyle (const PseudoStyleRequest &, const RenderStyle *parentStyle=nullptr, const RenderStyle *ownStyle=nullptr) const
Elementelement () const
ElementnonPseudoElement () const
ElementgeneratingElement () const
RenderObjectfirstChild () const
RenderObjectlastChild () const
bool canContainFixedPositionObjects () const
bool canContainAbsolutelyPositionedObjects () const
Color selectionColor (int colorProperty) const
std::unique_ptr< RenderStyleselectionPseudoStyle () const
Color selectionBackgroundColor () const
Color selectionForegroundColor () const
Color selectionEmphasisMarkColor () const
bool isRenderLayerModelObject () const
bool isBoxModelObject () const
bool isRenderBlock () const
bool isRenderBlockFlow () const
bool isRenderReplaced () const
bool isRenderInline () const
bool isRenderNamedFlowFragmentContainer () const
virtual bool isChildAllowed (const RenderObject &, const RenderStyle &) const
void addLayers (RenderLayer *parentLayer)
void removeLayers (RenderLayer *parentLayer)
void moveLayers (RenderLayer *oldParent, RenderLayer *newParent)
RenderLayerfindNextLayer (RenderLayer *parentLayer, RenderObject *startPoint, bool checkParent=true)
void insertChildInternal (RenderObject *, RenderObject *beforeChild, NotifyChildrenType)
void removeChildInternal (RenderObject &, NotifyChildrenType)
virtual RenderElementhoverAncestor () const
bool ancestorLineBoxDirty () const
void setAncestorLineBoxDirty (bool f=true)
void setChildNeedsLayout (MarkingBehavior=MarkContainingBlockChain)
void clearChildNeedsLayout ()
void setNeedsPositionedMovementLayout (const RenderStyle *oldStyle)
void setNeedsSimplifiedNormalFlowLayout ()
void paintAsInlineBlock (PaintInfo &, const LayoutPoint &)
void layoutIfNeeded ()
void setStyleInternal (RenderStyle &&style)
bool repaintAfterLayoutIfNeeded (const RenderLayerModelObject *repaintContainer, const LayoutRect &oldBounds, const LayoutRect &oldOutlineBox, const LayoutRect *newBoundsPtr=nullptr, const LayoutRect *newOutlineBoxPtr=nullptr)
bool borderImageIsLoadedAndCanBeRendered () const
bool mayCauseRepaintInsideViewport (const IntRect *visibleRect=nullptr) const
bool createsGroup () const
bool isTransparent () const
float opacity () const
bool visibleToHitTesting () const
bool hasBackground () const
bool hasMask () const
bool hasClip () const
bool hasClipOrOverflowClip () const
bool hasClipPath () const
bool hasHiddenBackface () const
bool hasOutlineAnnotation () const
bool hasOutline () const
bool hasSelfPaintingLayer () const
bool checkForRepaintDuringLayout () const
LayoutRect absoluteAnchorRect (bool *insideFixed=nullptr) const
bool hasFilter () const
bool hasBackdropFilter () const
bool hasBlendMode () const
bool hasShapeOutside () const
void registerForVisibleInViewportCallback ()
void unregisterForVisibleInViewportCallback ()
void visibleInViewportStateChanged (VisibleInViewportState)
bool repaintForPausedImageAnimationsIfNeeded (const IntRect &visibleRect)
bool hasPausedImageAnimations () const
void setHasPausedImageAnimations (bool b)
void setRenderBoxNeedsLazyRepaint (bool b)
bool renderBoxNeedsLazyRepaint () const
bool hasCounterNodeMap () const
void setHasCounterNodeMap (bool f)
bool isCSSAnimating () const
void setIsCSSAnimating (bool b)
const RenderElementenclosingRendererWithTextDecoration (TextDecoration, bool firstLine) const
void drawLineForBoxSide (GraphicsContext &, const FloatRect &, BoxSide, Color, EBorderStyle, float adjacentWidth1, float adjacentWidth2, bool antialias=false) const
bool childRequiresTable (const RenderObject &child) const
bool hasContinuation () const
RenderBlockcontainingBlockForFixedPosition () const
RenderBlockcontainingBlockForAbsolutePosition () const
RespectImageOrientationEnum shouldRespectImageOrientation () const
void removeFromRenderFlowThread ()
virtual void updateAnonymousChildStyle (const RenderObject &, RenderStyle &) const
virtual ~RenderElement ()
bool hasInitializedStyle () const
const RenderStylestyle () const
const RenderStylefirstLineStyle () const
RenderStylemutableStyle ()
void initializeStyle ()
void setStyle (RenderStyle &&, StyleDifference minimalStyleDifference=StyleDifferenceEqual)
const RenderStylegetCachedPseudoStyle (PseudoId, const RenderStyle *parentStyle=nullptr) const
std::unique_ptr< RenderStylegetUncachedPseudoStyle (const PseudoStyleRequest &, const RenderStyle *parentStyle=nullptr, const RenderStyle *ownStyle=nullptr) const
Elementelement () const
ElementnonPseudoElement () const
ElementgeneratingElement () const
RenderObjectfirstChild () const
RenderObjectlastChild () const
bool canContainFixedPositionObjects () const
bool canContainAbsolutelyPositionedObjects () const
Color selectionColor (int colorProperty) const
std::unique_ptr< RenderStyleselectionPseudoStyle () const
Color selectionBackgroundColor () const
Color selectionForegroundColor () const
Color selectionEmphasisMarkColor () const
bool isRenderLayerModelObject () const
bool isBoxModelObject () const
bool isRenderBlock () const
bool isRenderBlockFlow () const
bool isRenderReplaced () const
bool isRenderInline () const
bool isRenderNamedFlowFragmentContainer () const
virtual bool isChildAllowed (const RenderObject &, const RenderStyle &) const
void addLayers (RenderLayer *parentLayer)
void removeLayers (RenderLayer *parentLayer)
void moveLayers (RenderLayer *oldParent, RenderLayer *newParent)
RenderLayerfindNextLayer (RenderLayer *parentLayer, RenderObject *startPoint, bool checkParent=true)
void insertChildInternal (RenderObject *, RenderObject *beforeChild, NotifyChildrenType)
void removeChildInternal (RenderObject &, NotifyChildrenType)
virtual RenderElementhoverAncestor () const
bool ancestorLineBoxDirty () const
void setAncestorLineBoxDirty (bool f=true)
void setChildNeedsLayout (MarkingBehavior=MarkContainingBlockChain)
void clearChildNeedsLayout ()
void setNeedsPositionedMovementLayout (const RenderStyle *oldStyle)
void setNeedsSimplifiedNormalFlowLayout ()
void paintAsInlineBlock (PaintInfo &, const LayoutPoint &)
void layoutIfNeeded ()
void setStyleInternal (RenderStyle &&style)
bool repaintAfterLayoutIfNeeded (const RenderLayerModelObject *repaintContainer, const LayoutRect &oldBounds, const LayoutRect &oldOutlineBox, const LayoutRect *newBoundsPtr=nullptr, const LayoutRect *newOutlineBoxPtr=nullptr)
bool borderImageIsLoadedAndCanBeRendered () const
bool mayCauseRepaintInsideViewport (const IntRect *visibleRect=nullptr) const
bool createsGroup () const
bool isTransparent () const
float opacity () const
bool visibleToHitTesting () const
bool hasBackground () const
bool hasMask () const
bool hasClip () const
bool hasClipOrOverflowClip () const
bool hasClipPath () const
bool hasHiddenBackface () const
bool hasOutlineAnnotation () const
bool hasOutline () const
bool hasSelfPaintingLayer () const
bool checkForRepaintDuringLayout () const
LayoutRect absoluteAnchorRect (bool *insideFixed=nullptr) const
bool hasFilter () const
bool hasBackdropFilter () const
bool hasBlendMode () const
bool hasShapeOutside () const
void registerForVisibleInViewportCallback ()
void unregisterForVisibleInViewportCallback ()
void visibleInViewportStateChanged (VisibleInViewportState)
bool repaintForPausedImageAnimationsIfNeeded (const IntRect &visibleRect)
bool hasPausedImageAnimations () const
void setHasPausedImageAnimations (bool b)
void setRenderBoxNeedsLazyRepaint (bool b)
bool renderBoxNeedsLazyRepaint () const
bool hasCounterNodeMap () const
void setHasCounterNodeMap (bool f)
bool isCSSAnimating () const
void setIsCSSAnimating (bool b)
const RenderElementenclosingRendererWithTextDecoration (TextDecoration, bool firstLine) const
void drawLineForBoxSide (GraphicsContext &, const FloatRect &, BoxSide, Color, EBorderStyle, float adjacentWidth1, float adjacentWidth2, bool antialias=false) const
bool childRequiresTable (const RenderObject &child) const
bool hasContinuation () const
RenderBlockcontainingBlockForFixedPosition () const
RenderBlockcontainingBlockForAbsolutePosition () const
RespectImageOrientationEnum shouldRespectImageOrientation () const
void removeFromRenderFlowThread ()
virtual void updateAnonymousChildStyle (const RenderObject &, RenderStyle &) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from WebCore::RenderObject
 RenderObject (Node &)
virtual ~RenderObject ()
RenderThemetheme () const
RenderElementparent () const
bool isDescendantOf (const RenderObject *) const
RenderObjectpreviousSibling () const
RenderObjectnextSibling () const
RenderObjectnextInPreOrder () const
RenderObjectnextInPreOrder (const RenderObject *stayWithin) const
RenderObjectnextInPreOrderAfterChildren () const
RenderObjectnextInPreOrderAfterChildren (const RenderObject *stayWithin) const
RenderObjectpreviousInPreOrder () const
RenderObjectpreviousInPreOrder (const RenderObject *stayWithin) const
WEBCORE_EXPORT RenderObjectchildAt (unsigned) const
RenderObjectfirstLeafChild () const
RenderObjectlastLeafChild () const
WEBCORE_EXPORT RenderLayerenclosingLayer () const
WEBCORE_EXPORT bool scrollRectToVisible (SelectionRevealMode, const LayoutRect &absoluteRect, bool insideFixed, const ScrollAlignment &alignX=ScrollAlignment::alignCenterIfNeeded, const ScrollAlignment &alignY=ScrollAlignment::alignCenterIfNeeded)
WEBCORE_EXPORT RenderBoxenclosingBox () const
RenderBoxModelObjectenclosingBoxModelObject () const
bool fixedPositionedWithNamedFlowContainingBlock () const
RenderFlowThreadflowThreadContainingBlock () const
RenderNamedFlowFragmentcurrentRenderNamedFlowFragment () const
void setHasAXObject (bool flag)
bool hasAXObject () const
virtual RenderBlockfirstLineBlock () const
virtual bool canHaveGeneratedChildren () const
bool isPseudoElement () const
bool isRenderElement () const
bool isRenderReplaced () const
bool isBoxModelObject () const
bool isRenderBlock () const
bool isRenderBlockFlow () const
bool isRenderInline () const
bool isRenderLayerModelObject () const
virtual bool isCounter () const
virtual bool isQuote () const
virtual bool isDetailsMarker () const
virtual bool isEmbeddedObject () const
bool isFieldset () const
virtual bool isFileUploadControl () const
virtual bool isFrame () const
virtual bool isFrameSet () const
virtual bool isImage () const
virtual bool isInlineBlockOrInlineTable () const
virtual bool isListBox () const
virtual bool isListItem () const
virtual bool isListMarker () const
virtual bool isMedia () const
virtual bool isMenuList () const
virtual bool isSnapshottedPlugIn () const
virtual bool isProgress () const
virtual bool isRenderButton () const
virtual bool isRenderIFrame () const
virtual bool isRenderImage () const
virtual bool isRenderRegion () const
virtual bool isRenderNamedFlowFragment () const
virtual bool isReplica () const
virtual bool isRubyBlock () const
virtual bool isRubyBase () const
virtual bool isRubyRun () const
virtual bool isRubyText () const
virtual bool isSlider () const
virtual bool isSliderThumb () const
virtual bool isTable () const
virtual bool isTableCell () const
virtual bool isRenderTableCol () const
virtual bool isTableCaption () const
virtual bool isTableRow () const
virtual bool isTableSection () const
virtual bool isTextControl () const
virtual bool isTextArea () const
virtual bool isTextField () const
virtual bool isTextControlInnerBlock () const
virtual bool isVideo () const
virtual bool isWidget () const
virtual bool isCanvas () const
virtual bool isRenderGrid () const
virtual bool isRenderNamedFlowThread () const
bool isInFlowRenderFlowThread () const
bool isOutOfFlowRenderFlowThread () const
virtual bool isMultiColumnBlockFlow () const
virtual bool isRenderMultiColumnSet () const
virtual bool isRenderMultiColumnFlowThread () const
virtual bool isRenderMultiColumnSpannerPlaceholder () const
virtual bool isRenderScrollbarPart () const
bool isDocumentElementRenderer () const
bool isBody () const
bool isHR () const
bool isLegend () const
bool isHTMLMarquee () const
bool isTablePart () const
bool isBeforeContent () const
bool isAfterContent () const
bool isBeforeOrAfterContent () const
bool beingDestroyed () const
bool everHadLayout () const
bool childrenInline () const
void setChildrenInline (bool b)
void setFlowThreadStateIncludingDescendants (FlowThreadState)
FlowThreadState flowThreadState () const
void setFlowThreadState (FlowThreadState state)
virtual bool isRenderSVGModelObject () const
virtual bool isRenderSVGBlock () const
virtual bool isSVGRoot () const
virtual bool isSVGContainer () const
virtual bool isSVGTransformableContainer () const
virtual bool isSVGViewportContainer () const
virtual bool isSVGGradientStop () const
virtual bool isSVGHiddenContainer () const
virtual bool isSVGPath () const
virtual bool isSVGShape () const
virtual bool isSVGText () const
virtual bool isSVGTextPath () const
virtual bool isSVGTSpan () const
virtual bool isSVGInline () const
virtual bool isSVGInlineText () const
virtual bool isSVGImage () const
virtual bool isSVGForeignObject () const
virtual bool isSVGResourceContainer () const
virtual bool isSVGResourceFilter () const
virtual bool isSVGResourceClipper () const
virtual bool isSVGResourceFilterPrimitive () const
virtual void setNeedsTransformUpdate ()
virtual void setNeedsBoundariesUpdate ()
virtual bool needsBoundariesUpdate ()
virtual FloatRect objectBoundingBox () const
virtual FloatRect strokeBoundingBox () const
virtual FloatRect repaintRectInLocalCoordinates () const
virtual AffineTransform localTransform () const
virtual const AffineTransformlocalToParentTransform () const
virtual bool nodeAtFloatPoint (const HitTestRequest &, HitTestResult &, const FloatPoint &pointInParent, HitTestAction)
bool hasAspectRatio () const
bool isAnonymous () const
bool isAnonymousBlock () const
bool isAnonymousInlineBlock () const
bool isElementContinuation () const
bool isInlineElementContinuation () const
bool isBlockElementContinuation () const
bool isFloating () const
bool isOutOfFlowPositioned () const
bool isInFlowPositioned () const
bool isRelPositioned () const
bool isStickyPositioned () const
bool isPositioned () const
bool isText () const
bool isLineBreak () const
bool isBR () const
bool isLineBreakOpportunity () const
bool isTextOrLineBreak () const
bool isBox () const
bool isRenderView () const
bool isInline () const
bool isReplaced () const
bool isHorizontalWritingMode () const
bool isDragging () const
bool hasReflection () const
bool isRenderFlowThread () const
bool hasOutlineAutoAncestor () const
bool isRegisteredForVisibleInViewportCallback ()
bool isExcludedFromNormalLayout () const
void setIsExcludedFromNormalLayout (bool excluded)
bool isExcludedAndPlacedInBorder () const
VisibleInViewportState visibleInViewportState ()
bool hasLayer () const
bool hasVisibleBoxDecorations () const
bool backgroundIsKnownToBeObscured (const LayoutPoint &paintOffset)
bool needsLayout () const
bool selfNeedsLayout () const
bool needsPositionedMovementLayout () const
bool needsPositionedMovementLayoutOnly () const
bool posChildNeedsLayout () const
bool needsSimplifiedNormalFlowLayout () const
bool normalChildNeedsLayout () const
bool preferredLogicalWidthsDirty () const
bool isSelectionBorder () const
bool hasOverflowClip () const
bool hasTransformRelatedProperty () const
bool hasTransform () const
bool preservesNewline () const
RenderViewview () const
bool isRooted () const
Nodenode () const
NodenonPseudoNode () const
NodegeneratingNode () const
Documentdocument () const
Frameframe () const
Pagepage () const
Settingssettings () const
RenderElementcontainer () const
RenderElementcontainer (const RenderLayerModelObject *repaintContainer, bool &repaintContainerSkipped) const
RenderBoxModelObjectoffsetParent () const
void markContainingBlocksForLayout (ScheduleRelayout=ScheduleRelayout::Yes, RenderElement *newRoot=nullptr)
void setNeedsLayout (MarkingBehavior=MarkContainingBlockChain)
void clearNeedsLayout ()
void setPreferredLogicalWidthsDirty (bool, MarkingBehavior=MarkContainingBlockChain)
void invalidateContainerPreferredLogicalWidths ()
void setNeedsLayoutAndPrefWidthsRecalc ()
void setPositionState (EPosition position)
void clearPositionedState ()
void setFloating (bool b=true)
void setInline (bool b=true)
void setHasVisibleBoxDecorations (bool=true)
void invalidateBackgroundObscurationStatus ()
virtual bool computeBackgroundIsKnownToBeObscured (const LayoutPoint &)
void setIsText ()
void setIsLineBreak ()
void setIsBox ()
void setIsRenderView ()
void setReplaced (bool b=true)
void setHorizontalWritingMode (bool b=true)
void setHasOverflowClip (bool b=true)
void setHasLayer (bool b=true)
void setHasTransformRelatedProperty (bool b=true)
void setIsDragging (bool)
void setHasReflection (bool=true)
void setIsRenderFlowThread (bool=true)
void setHasOutlineAutoAncestor (bool=true)
void setIsRegisteredForVisibleInViewportCallback (bool)
void setVisibleInViewportState (VisibleInViewportState)
virtual int innerLineHeight () const
virtual void updateFromElement ()
bool isComposited () const
bool hitTest (const HitTestRequest &, HitTestResult &, const HitTestLocation &locationInContainer, const LayoutPoint &accumulatedOffset, HitTestFilter=HitTestAll)
virtual Position positionForPoint (const LayoutPoint &)
VisiblePosition createVisiblePosition (int offset, EAffinity) const
VisiblePosition createVisiblePosition (const Position &) const
WEBCORE_EXPORT RenderBlockcontainingBlock () const
RenderBlockcontainingBlockForObjectInFlow () const
WEBCORE_EXPORT FloatPoint localToAbsolute (const FloatPoint &localPoint=FloatPoint(), MapCoordinatesFlags=0, bool *wasFixed=nullptr) const
FloatPoint absoluteToLocal (const FloatPoint &, MapCoordinatesFlags=0) const
FloatQuad localToAbsoluteQuad (const FloatQuad &quad, MapCoordinatesFlags mode=UseTransforms, bool *wasFixed=nullptr) const
FloatQuad absoluteToLocalQuad (const FloatQuad &, MapCoordinatesFlags mode=UseTransforms) const
WEBCORE_EXPORT FloatQuad localToContainerQuad (const FloatQuad &, const RenderLayerModelObject *repaintContainer, MapCoordinatesFlags=UseTransforms, bool *wasFixed=nullptr) const
WEBCORE_EXPORT FloatPoint localToContainerPoint (const FloatPoint &, const RenderLayerModelObject *repaintContainer, MapCoordinatesFlags=UseTransforms, bool *wasFixed=nullptr) const
LayoutSize offsetFromAncestorContainer (RenderElement &) const
WEBCORE_EXPORT IntRect absoluteBoundingBoxRect (bool useTransform=true, bool *wasFixed=nullptr) const
IntRect absoluteBoundingBoxRectIgnoringTransforms () const
virtual void absoluteFocusRingQuads (Vector< FloatQuad > &)
WEBCORE_EXPORT LayoutRect paintingRootRect (LayoutRect &topLevelRect)
virtual LayoutUnit minPreferredLogicalWidth () const
virtual LayoutUnit maxPreferredLogicalWidth () const
const RenderStylestyle () const
const RenderStylefirstLineStyle () const
virtual const RenderStyleoutlineStyleForRepaint () const
virtual CursorDirective getCursor (const LayoutPoint &, Cursor &) const
RenderLayerModelObjectcontainerForRepaint () const
void repaintUsingContainer (const RenderLayerModelObject *repaintContainer, const LayoutRect &, bool shouldClipToLayer=true) const
void repaint () const
WEBCORE_EXPORT void repaintRectangle (const LayoutRect &, bool shouldClipToLayer=true) const
void repaintSlowRepaintObject () const
LayoutRect absoluteClippedOverflowRect () const
WEBCORE_EXPORT IntRect pixelSnappedAbsoluteClippedOverflowRect () const
virtual LayoutRect outlineBoundsForRepaint (const RenderLayerModelObject *, const RenderGeometryMap *=nullptr) const
LayoutRect computeAbsoluteRepaintRect (const LayoutRect &r, bool fixed=false) const
virtual FloatRect computeFloatRectForRepaint (const FloatRect &, const RenderLayerModelObject *repaintContainer, bool fixed=false) const
virtual unsigned int length () const
bool isFloatingOrOutOfFlowPositioned () const
SelectionState selectionState () const
void setSelectionStateIfNeeded (SelectionState)
bool canUpdateSelectionOnRootLineBoxes ()
LayoutRect selectionRect (bool clipToVisibleContent=true)
virtual LayoutRect selectionRectForRepaint (const RenderLayerModelObject *, bool=true)
virtual bool canBeSelectionLeaf () const
virtual bool shouldPaintSelectionGaps () const
bool documentBeingDestroyed () const
void destroyAndCleanupAnonymousWrappers ()
void destroy ()
virtual bool isDeprecatedFlexibleBox () const
virtual bool isFlexibleBox () const
bool isFlexibleBoxIncludingDeprecated () const
virtual bool isCombineText () const
virtual int caretMinOffset () const
virtual int caretMaxOffset () const
virtual int previousOffset (int current) const
virtual int previousOffsetForBackwardDeletion (int current) const
virtual int nextOffset (int current) const
void imageChanged (CachedImage *, const IntRect *=nullptr) override
SelectionSubtreeRootselectionRoot () const
void selectionStartEnd (unsigned &spos, unsigned &epos) const
void removeFromParent ()
CSSAnimationControlleranimation () const
bool shouldUseTransformFromContainer (const RenderObject *container) const
void getTransformFromContainer (const RenderObject *container, const LayoutSize &offsetInContainer, TransformationMatrix &) const
LayoutRect absoluteOutlineBounds () const
 RenderObject (Node &)
virtual ~RenderObject ()
RenderThemetheme () const
RenderElementparent () const
bool isDescendantOf (const RenderObject *) const
RenderObjectpreviousSibling () const
RenderObjectnextSibling () const
RenderObjectnextInPreOrder () const
RenderObjectnextInPreOrder (const RenderObject *stayWithin) const
RenderObjectnextInPreOrderAfterChildren () const
RenderObjectnextInPreOrderAfterChildren (const RenderObject *stayWithin) const
RenderObjectpreviousInPreOrder () const
RenderObjectpreviousInPreOrder (const RenderObject *stayWithin) const
WEBCORE_EXPORT RenderObjectchildAt (unsigned) const
RenderObjectfirstLeafChild () const
RenderObjectlastLeafChild () const
WEBCORE_EXPORT RenderLayerenclosingLayer () const
WEBCORE_EXPORT bool scrollRectToVisible (SelectionRevealMode, const LayoutRect &absoluteRect, bool insideFixed, const ScrollAlignment &alignX=ScrollAlignment::alignCenterIfNeeded, const ScrollAlignment &alignY=ScrollAlignment::alignCenterIfNeeded)
WEBCORE_EXPORT RenderBoxenclosingBox () const
RenderBoxModelObjectenclosingBoxModelObject () const
bool fixedPositionedWithNamedFlowContainingBlock () const
RenderFlowThreadflowThreadContainingBlock () const
RenderNamedFlowFragmentcurrentRenderNamedFlowFragment () const
void setHasAXObject (bool flag)
bool hasAXObject () const
virtual RenderBlockfirstLineBlock () const
virtual bool canHaveGeneratedChildren () const
bool isPseudoElement () const
bool isRenderElement () const
bool isRenderReplaced () const
bool isBoxModelObject () const
bool isRenderBlock () const
bool isRenderBlockFlow () const
bool isRenderInline () const
bool isRenderLayerModelObject () const
virtual bool isCounter () const
virtual bool isQuote () const
virtual bool isDetailsMarker () const
virtual bool isEmbeddedObject () const
bool isFieldset () const
virtual bool isFileUploadControl () const
virtual bool isFrame () const
virtual bool isFrameSet () const
virtual bool isImage () const
virtual bool isInlineBlockOrInlineTable () const
virtual bool isListBox () const
virtual bool isListItem () const
virtual bool isListMarker () const
virtual bool isMedia () const
virtual bool isMenuList () const
virtual bool isSnapshottedPlugIn () const
virtual bool isProgress () const
virtual bool isRenderButton () const
virtual bool isRenderIFrame () const
virtual bool isRenderImage () const
virtual bool isRenderRegion () const
virtual bool isRenderNamedFlowFragment () const
virtual bool isReplica () const
virtual bool isRubyBlock () const
virtual bool isRubyBase () const
virtual bool isRubyRun () const
virtual bool isRubyText () const
virtual bool isSlider () const
virtual bool isSliderThumb () const
virtual bool isTable () const
virtual bool isTableCell () const
virtual bool isRenderTableCol () const
virtual bool isTableCaption () const
virtual bool isTableRow () const
virtual bool isTableSection () const
virtual bool isTextControl () const
virtual bool isTextArea () const
virtual bool isTextField () const
virtual bool isTextControlInnerBlock () const
virtual bool isVideo () const
virtual bool isWidget () const
virtual bool isCanvas () const
virtual bool isRenderGrid () const
virtual bool isRenderNamedFlowThread () const
bool isInFlowRenderFlowThread () const
bool isOutOfFlowRenderFlowThread () const
virtual bool isMultiColumnBlockFlow () const
virtual bool isRenderMultiColumnSet () const
virtual bool isRenderMultiColumnFlowThread () const
virtual bool isRenderMultiColumnSpannerPlaceholder () const
virtual bool isRenderScrollbarPart () const
bool isDocumentElementRenderer () const
bool isBody () const
bool isHR () const
bool isLegend () const
bool isHTMLMarquee () const
bool isTablePart () const
bool isBeforeContent () const
bool isAfterContent () const
bool isBeforeOrAfterContent () const
bool beingDestroyed () const
bool everHadLayout () const
bool childrenInline () const
void setChildrenInline (bool b)
void setFlowThreadStateIncludingDescendants (FlowThreadState)
FlowThreadState flowThreadState () const
void setFlowThreadState (FlowThreadState state)
virtual bool isRenderSVGModelObject () const
virtual bool isRenderSVGBlock () const
virtual bool isSVGRoot () const
virtual bool isSVGContainer () const
virtual bool isSVGTransformableContainer () const
virtual bool isSVGViewportContainer () const
virtual bool isSVGGradientStop () const
virtual bool isSVGHiddenContainer () const
virtual bool isSVGPath () const
virtual bool isSVGShape () const
virtual bool isSVGText () const
virtual bool isSVGTextPath () const
virtual bool isSVGTSpan () const
virtual bool isSVGInline () const
virtual bool isSVGInlineText () const
virtual bool isSVGImage () const
virtual bool isSVGForeignObject () const
virtual bool isSVGResourceContainer () const
virtual bool isSVGResourceFilter () const
virtual bool isSVGResourceClipper () const
virtual bool isSVGResourceFilterPrimitive () const
virtual void setNeedsTransformUpdate ()
virtual void setNeedsBoundariesUpdate ()
virtual bool needsBoundariesUpdate ()
virtual FloatRect objectBoundingBox () const
virtual FloatRect strokeBoundingBox () const
virtual FloatRect repaintRectInLocalCoordinates () const
virtual AffineTransform localTransform () const
virtual const AffineTransformlocalToParentTransform () const
virtual bool nodeAtFloatPoint (const HitTestRequest &, HitTestResult &, const FloatPoint &pointInParent, HitTestAction)
bool hasAspectRatio () const
bool isAnonymous () const
bool isAnonymousBlock () const
bool isAnonymousInlineBlock () const
bool isElementContinuation () const
bool isInlineElementContinuation () const
bool isBlockElementContinuation () const
bool isFloating () const
bool isOutOfFlowPositioned () const
bool isInFlowPositioned () const
bool isRelPositioned () const
bool isStickyPositioned () const
bool isPositioned () const
bool isText () const
bool isLineBreak () const
bool isBR () const
bool isLineBreakOpportunity () const
bool isTextOrLineBreak () const
bool isBox () const
bool isRenderView () const
bool isInline () const
bool isReplaced () const
bool isHorizontalWritingMode () const
bool isDragging () const
bool hasReflection () const
bool isRenderFlowThread () const
bool hasOutlineAutoAncestor () const
bool isRegisteredForVisibleInViewportCallback ()
bool isExcludedFromNormalLayout () const
void setIsExcludedFromNormalLayout (bool excluded)
bool isExcludedAndPlacedInBorder () const
VisibleInViewportState visibleInViewportState ()
bool hasLayer () const
bool hasVisibleBoxDecorations () const
bool backgroundIsKnownToBeObscured (const LayoutPoint &paintOffset)
bool needsLayout () const
bool selfNeedsLayout () const
bool needsPositionedMovementLayout () const
bool needsPositionedMovementLayoutOnly () const
bool posChildNeedsLayout () const
bool needsSimplifiedNormalFlowLayout () const
bool normalChildNeedsLayout () const
bool preferredLogicalWidthsDirty () const
bool isSelectionBorder () const
bool hasOverflowClip () const
bool hasTransformRelatedProperty () const
bool hasTransform () const
bool preservesNewline () const
RenderViewview () const
bool isRooted () const
Nodenode () const
NodenonPseudoNode () const
NodegeneratingNode () const
Documentdocument () const
Frameframe () const
Pagepage () const
Settingssettings () const
RenderElementcontainer () const
RenderElementcontainer (const RenderLayerModelObject *repaintContainer, bool &repaintContainerSkipped) const
RenderBoxModelObjectoffsetParent () const
void markContainingBlocksForLayout (ScheduleRelayout=ScheduleRelayout::Yes, RenderElement *newRoot=nullptr)
void setNeedsLayout (MarkingBehavior=MarkContainingBlockChain)
void clearNeedsLayout ()
void setPreferredLogicalWidthsDirty (bool, MarkingBehavior=MarkContainingBlockChain)
void invalidateContainerPreferredLogicalWidths ()
void setNeedsLayoutAndPrefWidthsRecalc ()
void setPositionState (EPosition position)
void clearPositionedState ()
void setFloating (bool b=true)
void setInline (bool b=true)
void setHasVisibleBoxDecorations (bool=true)
void invalidateBackgroundObscurationStatus ()
virtual bool computeBackgroundIsKnownToBeObscured (const LayoutPoint &)
void setIsText ()
void setIsLineBreak ()
void setIsBox ()
void setIsRenderView ()
void setReplaced (bool b=true)
void setHorizontalWritingMode (bool b=true)
void setHasOverflowClip (bool b=true)
void setHasLayer (bool b=true)
void setHasTransformRelatedProperty (bool b=true)
void setIsDragging (bool)
void setHasReflection (bool=true)
void setIsRenderFlowThread (bool=true)
void setHasOutlineAutoAncestor (bool=true)
void setIsRegisteredForVisibleInViewportCallback (bool)
void setVisibleInViewportState (VisibleInViewportState)
virtual int innerLineHeight () const
virtual void updateFromElement ()
bool isComposited () const
bool hitTest (const HitTestRequest &, HitTestResult &, const HitTestLocation &locationInContainer, const LayoutPoint &accumulatedOffset, HitTestFilter=HitTestAll)
virtual Position positionForPoint (const LayoutPoint &)
VisiblePosition createVisiblePosition (int offset, EAffinity) const
VisiblePosition createVisiblePosition (const Position &) const
WEBCORE_EXPORT RenderBlockcontainingBlock () const
RenderBlockcontainingBlockForObjectInFlow () const
WEBCORE_EXPORT FloatPoint localToAbsolute (const FloatPoint &localPoint=FloatPoint(), MapCoordinatesFlags=0, bool *wasFixed=nullptr) const
FloatPoint absoluteToLocal (const FloatPoint &, MapCoordinatesFlags=0) const
FloatQuad localToAbsoluteQuad (const FloatQuad &quad, MapCoordinatesFlags mode=UseTransforms, bool *wasFixed=nullptr) const
FloatQuad absoluteToLocalQuad (const FloatQuad &, MapCoordinatesFlags mode=UseTransforms) const
WEBCORE_EXPORT FloatQuad localToContainerQuad (const FloatQuad &, const RenderLayerModelObject *repaintContainer, MapCoordinatesFlags=UseTransforms, bool *wasFixed=nullptr) const
WEBCORE_EXPORT FloatPoint localToContainerPoint (const FloatPoint &, const RenderLayerModelObject *repaintContainer, MapCoordinatesFlags=UseTransforms, bool *wasFixed=nullptr) const
LayoutSize offsetFromAncestorContainer (RenderElement &) const
WEBCORE_EXPORT IntRect absoluteBoundingBoxRect (bool useTransform=true, bool *wasFixed=nullptr) const
IntRect absoluteBoundingBoxRectIgnoringTransforms () const
virtual void absoluteFocusRingQuads (Vector< FloatQuad > &)
WEBCORE_EXPORT LayoutRect paintingRootRect (LayoutRect &topLevelRect)
virtual LayoutUnit minPreferredLogicalWidth () const
virtual LayoutUnit maxPreferredLogicalWidth () const
const RenderStylestyle () const
const RenderStylefirstLineStyle () const
virtual const RenderStyleoutlineStyleForRepaint () const
virtual CursorDirective getCursor (const LayoutPoint &, Cursor &) const
RenderLayerModelObjectcontainerForRepaint () const
void repaintUsingContainer (const RenderLayerModelObject *repaintContainer, const LayoutRect &, bool shouldClipToLayer=true) const
void repaint () const
WEBCORE_EXPORT void repaintRectangle (const LayoutRect &, bool shouldClipToLayer=true) const
void repaintSlowRepaintObject () const
LayoutRect absoluteClippedOverflowRect () const
WEBCORE_EXPORT IntRect pixelSnappedAbsoluteClippedOverflowRect () const
virtual LayoutRect outlineBoundsForRepaint (const RenderLayerModelObject *, const RenderGeometryMap *=nullptr) const
LayoutRect computeAbsoluteRepaintRect (const LayoutRect &r, bool fixed=false) const
virtual FloatRect computeFloatRectForRepaint (const FloatRect &, const RenderLayerModelObject *repaintContainer, bool fixed=false) const
virtual unsigned int length () const
bool isFloatingOrOutOfFlowPositioned () const
SelectionState selectionState () const
void setSelectionStateIfNeeded (SelectionState)
bool canUpdateSelectionOnRootLineBoxes ()
LayoutRect selectionRect (bool clipToVisibleContent=true)
virtual LayoutRect selectionRectForRepaint (const RenderLayerModelObject *, bool=true)
virtual bool canBeSelectionLeaf () const
virtual bool shouldPaintSelectionGaps () const
bool documentBeingDestroyed () const
void destroyAndCleanupAnonymousWrappers ()
void destroy ()
virtual bool isDeprecatedFlexibleBox () const
virtual bool isFlexibleBox () const
bool isFlexibleBoxIncludingDeprecated () const
virtual bool isCombineText () const
virtual int caretMinOffset () const
virtual int caretMaxOffset () const
virtual int previousOffset (int current) const
virtual int previousOffsetForBackwardDeletion (int current) const
virtual int nextOffset (int current) const
void imageChanged (CachedImage *, const IntRect *=nullptr) override
SelectionSubtreeRootselectionRoot () const
void selectionStartEnd (unsigned &spos, unsigned &epos) const
void removeFromParent ()
CSSAnimationControlleranimation () const
bool shouldUseTransformFromContainer (const RenderObject *container) const
void getTransformFromContainer (const RenderObject *container, const LayoutSize &offsetInContainer, TransformationMatrix &) const
LayoutRect absoluteOutlineBounds () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from WebCore::CachedImageClient
virtual ~CachedImageClient ()
CachedResourceClientType resourceClientType () const override
virtual ~CachedImageClient ()
CachedResourceClientType resourceClientType () const override
- Public Member Functions inherited from WebCore::CachedResourceClient
virtual ~CachedResourceClient ()
virtual void notifyFinished (CachedResource &)
virtual void deprecatedDidReceiveCachedResource (CachedResource &)
virtual bool isXMLHttpRequest () const
virtual ~CachedResourceClient ()
virtual void notifyFinished (CachedResource &)
virtual void deprecatedDidReceiveCachedResource (CachedResource &)
virtual bool isXMLHttpRequest () const

Protected Member Functions

void styleDidChange (StyleDifference, const RenderStyle *oldStyle) override
- Protected Member Functions inherited from WebCore::RenderInline
void willBeDestroyed () override
void styleWillChange (StyleDifference, const RenderStyle &newStyle) override
void updateFromStyle () override
void willBeDestroyed () override
void styleWillChange (StyleDifference, const RenderStyle &newStyle) override
void updateFromStyle () override
- Protected Member Functions inherited from WebCore::RenderBoxModelObject
 RenderBoxModelObject (Element &, RenderStyle &&, BaseTypeFlags)
 RenderBoxModelObject (Document &, RenderStyle &&, BaseTypeFlags)
LayoutPoint adjustedPositionRelativeToOffsetParent (const LayoutPoint &) const
bool hasVisibleBoxDecorationStyle () const
BackgroundImageGeometry calculateBackgroundImageGeometry (const RenderLayerModelObject *paintContainer, const FillLayer &, const LayoutPoint &paintOffset, const LayoutRect &paintRect, RenderElement *=nullptr) const
bool borderObscuresBackgroundEdge (const FloatSize &contextScale) const
bool borderObscuresBackground () const
RoundedRect backgroundRoundedRectAdjustedForBleedAvoidance (const GraphicsContext &, const LayoutRect &, BackgroundBleedAvoidance, InlineFlowBox *, const LayoutSize &, bool includeLogicalLeftEdge, bool includeLogicalRightEdge) const
LayoutRect borderInnerRectAdjustedForBleedAvoidance (const GraphicsContext &, const LayoutRect &, BackgroundBleedAvoidance) const
InterpolationQuality chooseInterpolationQuality (GraphicsContext &, Image &, const void *, const LayoutSize &)
void setContinuation (RenderBoxModelObject *)
LayoutRect localCaretRectForEmptyElement (LayoutUnit width, LayoutUnit textIndentOffset)
bool hasAutoHeightOrContainingBlockWithAutoHeight () const
 RenderBoxModelObject (Element &, RenderStyle &&, BaseTypeFlags)
 RenderBoxModelObject (Document &, RenderStyle &&, BaseTypeFlags)
LayoutPoint adjustedPositionRelativeToOffsetParent (const LayoutPoint &) const
bool hasVisibleBoxDecorationStyle () const
BackgroundImageGeometry calculateBackgroundImageGeometry (const RenderLayerModelObject *paintContainer, const FillLayer &, const LayoutPoint &paintOffset, const LayoutRect &paintRect, RenderElement *=nullptr) const
bool borderObscuresBackgroundEdge (const FloatSize &contextScale) const
bool borderObscuresBackground () const
RoundedRect backgroundRoundedRectAdjustedForBleedAvoidance (const GraphicsContext &, const LayoutRect &, BackgroundBleedAvoidance, InlineFlowBox *, const LayoutSize &, bool includeLogicalLeftEdge, bool includeLogicalRightEdge) const
LayoutRect borderInnerRectAdjustedForBleedAvoidance (const GraphicsContext &, const LayoutRect &, BackgroundBleedAvoidance) const
InterpolationQuality chooseInterpolationQuality (GraphicsContext &, Image &, const void *, const LayoutSize &)
void setContinuation (RenderBoxModelObject *)
LayoutRect localCaretRectForEmptyElement (LayoutUnit width, LayoutUnit textIndentOffset)
bool hasAutoHeightOrContainingBlockWithAutoHeight () const
- Protected Member Functions inherited from WebCore::RenderLayerModelObject
 RenderLayerModelObject (Element &, RenderStyle &&, BaseTypeFlags)
 RenderLayerModelObject (Document &, RenderStyle &&, BaseTypeFlags)
void createLayer ()
 RenderLayerModelObject (Element &, RenderStyle &&, BaseTypeFlags)
 RenderLayerModelObject (Document &, RenderStyle &&, BaseTypeFlags)
void createLayer ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from WebCore::RenderElement
 RenderElement (Element &, RenderStyle &&, BaseTypeFlags)
 RenderElement (Document &, RenderStyle &&, BaseTypeFlags)
bool layerCreationAllowedForSubtree () const
void propagateStyleToAnonymousChildren (StylePropagationType)
LayoutUnit valueForLength (const Length &, LayoutUnit maximumValue) const
LayoutUnit minimumValueForLength (const Length &, LayoutUnit maximumValue) const
void setFirstChild (RenderObject *child)
void setLastChild (RenderObject *child)
void destroyLeftoverChildren ()
void insertedIntoTree () override
void willBeRemovedFromTree () override
void setRenderInlineAlwaysCreatesLineBoxes (bool b)
bool renderInlineAlwaysCreatesLineBoxes () const
void setHasContinuation (bool b)
void setRenderBlockHasMarginBeforeQuirk (bool b)
void setRenderBlockHasMarginAfterQuirk (bool b)
void setRenderBlockShouldForceRelayoutChildren (bool b)
bool renderBlockHasMarginBeforeQuirk () const
bool renderBlockHasMarginAfterQuirk () const
bool renderBlockShouldForceRelayoutChildren () const
void setRenderBlockFlowLineLayoutPath (unsigned u)
void setRenderBlockFlowHasMarkupTruncation (bool b)
unsigned renderBlockFlowLineLayoutPath () const
bool renderBlockFlowHasMarkupTruncation () const
void paintFocusRing (PaintInfo &, const RenderStyle &, const Vector< LayoutRect > &focusRingRects)
void paintOutline (PaintInfo &, const LayoutRect &)
void updateOutlineAutoAncestor (bool hasOutlineAuto)
void removeFromRenderFlowThreadIncludingDescendants (bool shouldUpdateState)
void adjustFlowThreadStateOnContainingBlockChangeIfNeeded ()
 RenderElement (Element &, RenderStyle &&, BaseTypeFlags)
 RenderElement (Document &, RenderStyle &&, BaseTypeFlags)
bool layerCreationAllowedForSubtree () const
void propagateStyleToAnonymousChildren (StylePropagationType)
LayoutUnit valueForLength (const Length &, LayoutUnit maximumValue) const
LayoutUnit minimumValueForLength (const Length &, LayoutUnit maximumValue) const
void setFirstChild (RenderObject *child)
void setLastChild (RenderObject *child)
void destroyLeftoverChildren ()
void insertedIntoTree () override
void willBeRemovedFromTree () override
void setRenderInlineAlwaysCreatesLineBoxes (bool b)
bool renderInlineAlwaysCreatesLineBoxes () const
void setHasContinuation (bool b)
void setRenderBlockHasMarginBeforeQuirk (bool b)
void setRenderBlockHasMarginAfterQuirk (bool b)
void setRenderBlockShouldForceRelayoutChildren (bool b)
bool renderBlockHasMarginBeforeQuirk () const
bool renderBlockHasMarginAfterQuirk () const
bool renderBlockShouldForceRelayoutChildren () const
void setRenderBlockFlowLineLayoutPath (unsigned u)
void setRenderBlockFlowHasMarkupTruncation (bool b)
unsigned renderBlockFlowLineLayoutPath () const
bool renderBlockFlowHasMarkupTruncation () const
void paintFocusRing (PaintInfo &, const RenderStyle &, const Vector< LayoutRect > &focusRingRects)
void paintOutline (PaintInfo &, const LayoutRect &)
void updateOutlineAutoAncestor (bool hasOutlineAuto)
void removeFromRenderFlowThreadIncludingDescendants (bool shouldUpdateState)
void adjustFlowThreadStateOnContainingBlockChangeIfNeeded ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from WebCore::RenderObject
void setPreviousSibling (RenderObject *previous)
void setNextSibling (RenderObject *next)
void setParent (RenderElement *)
void addPDFURLRect (PaintInfo &, const LayoutPoint &)
NodenodeForNonAnonymous () const
void adjustRectForOutlineAndShadow (LayoutRect &) const
void setNeedsPositionedMovementLayoutBit (bool b)
void setNormalChildNeedsLayoutBit (bool b)
void setPosChildNeedsLayoutBit (bool b)
void setNeedsSimplifiedNormalFlowLayoutBit (bool b)
virtual RenderFlowThreadlocateFlowThreadContainingBlock () const
void initializeFlowThreadStateOnInsertion ()
void resetFlowThreadStateOnRemoval ()
void setPreviousSibling (RenderObject *previous)
void setNextSibling (RenderObject *next)
void setParent (RenderElement *)
void addPDFURLRect (PaintInfo &, const LayoutPoint &)
NodenodeForNonAnonymous () const
void adjustRectForOutlineAndShadow (LayoutRect &) const
void setNeedsPositionedMovementLayoutBit (bool b)
void setNormalChildNeedsLayoutBit (bool b)
void setPosChildNeedsLayoutBit (bool b)
void setNeedsSimplifiedNormalFlowLayoutBit (bool b)
virtual RenderFlowThreadlocateFlowThreadContainingBlock () const
void initializeFlowThreadStateOnInsertion ()
void resetFlowThreadStateOnRemoval ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from WebCore::CachedResourceClient
 CachedResourceClient ()
 CachedResourceClient ()

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from WebCore::RenderBoxModelObject
enum  ScaleByEffectiveZoomOrNot { ScaleByEffectiveZoom, DoNotScaleByEffectiveZoom, ScaleByEffectiveZoom, DoNotScaleByEffectiveZoom }
enum  ScaleByEffectiveZoomOrNot { ScaleByEffectiveZoom, DoNotScaleByEffectiveZoom, ScaleByEffectiveZoom, DoNotScaleByEffectiveZoom }
- Public Types inherited from WebCore::RenderElement
enum  RendererCreationType { CreateAllRenderers, OnlyCreateBlockAndFlexboxRenderers, CreateAllRenderers, OnlyCreateBlockAndFlexboxRenderers }
enum  NotifyChildrenType { NotifyChildren, DontNotifyChildren, NotifyChildren, DontNotifyChildren }
enum  RendererCreationType { CreateAllRenderers, OnlyCreateBlockAndFlexboxRenderers, CreateAllRenderers, OnlyCreateBlockAndFlexboxRenderers }
enum  NotifyChildrenType { NotifyChildren, DontNotifyChildren, NotifyChildren, DontNotifyChildren }
- Public Types inherited from WebCore::RenderObject
enum  FlowThreadState {
  NotInsideFlowThread = 0, InsideOutOfFlowThread = 1, InsideInFlowThread = 2, NotInsideFlowThread = 0,
  InsideOutOfFlowThread = 1, InsideInFlowThread = 2
enum  VisibleInViewportState {
  VisibilityUnknown, VisibleInViewport, NotVisibleInViewport, VisibilityUnknown,
  VisibleInViewport, NotVisibleInViewport
enum  BoxDecorationState {
  NoBoxDecorations, HasBoxDecorationsAndBackgroundObscurationStatusInvalid, HasBoxDecorationsAndBackgroundIsKnownToBeObscured, HasBoxDecorationsAndBackgroundMayBeVisible,
  NoBoxDecorations, HasBoxDecorationsAndBackgroundObscurationStatusInvalid, HasBoxDecorationsAndBackgroundIsKnownToBeObscured, HasBoxDecorationsAndBackgroundMayBeVisible
enum  SelectionState {
  SelectionNone, SelectionStart, SelectionInside, SelectionEnd,
  SelectionBoth, SelectionNone, SelectionStart, SelectionInside,
  SelectionEnd, SelectionBoth
enum  FlowThreadState {
  NotInsideFlowThread = 0, InsideOutOfFlowThread = 1, InsideInFlowThread = 2, NotInsideFlowThread = 0,
  InsideOutOfFlowThread = 1, InsideInFlowThread = 2
enum  VisibleInViewportState {
  VisibilityUnknown, VisibleInViewport, NotVisibleInViewport, VisibilityUnknown,
  VisibleInViewport, NotVisibleInViewport
enum  BoxDecorationState {
  NoBoxDecorations, HasBoxDecorationsAndBackgroundObscurationStatusInvalid, HasBoxDecorationsAndBackgroundIsKnownToBeObscured, HasBoxDecorationsAndBackgroundMayBeVisible,
  NoBoxDecorations, HasBoxDecorationsAndBackgroundObscurationStatusInvalid, HasBoxDecorationsAndBackgroundIsKnownToBeObscured, HasBoxDecorationsAndBackgroundMayBeVisible
enum  SelectionState {
  SelectionNone, SelectionStart, SelectionInside, SelectionEnd,
  SelectionBoth, SelectionNone, SelectionStart, SelectionInside,
  SelectionEnd, SelectionBoth
- Public Types inherited from WebCore::CachedResourceClient
enum  CachedResourceClientType {
  BaseResourceType, ImageType, FontType, StyleSheetType,
  SVGDocumentType, RawResourceType, BaseResourceType, ImageType,
  FontType, StyleSheetType, SVGDocumentType, RawResourceType
enum  CachedResourceClientType {
  BaseResourceType, ImageType, FontType, StyleSheetType,
  SVGDocumentType, RawResourceType, BaseResourceType, ImageType,
  FontType, StyleSheetType, SVGDocumentType, RawResourceType
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from WebCore::RenderElement
static RenderPtr< RenderElementcreateFor (Element &, RenderStyle &&, RendererCreationType=CreateAllRenderers)
static RenderPtr< RenderElementcreateFor (Element &, RenderStyle &&, RendererCreationType=CreateAllRenderers)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from WebCore::RenderObject
static bool isBeforeContent (const RenderObject *obj)
static bool isAfterContent (const RenderObject *obj)
static bool isBeforeOrAfterContent (const RenderObject *obj)
static FloatRect absoluteBoundingBoxRectForRange (const Range *)
static bool isBeforeContent (const RenderObject *obj)
static bool isAfterContent (const RenderObject *obj)
static bool isBeforeOrAfterContent (const RenderObject *obj)
static FloatRect absoluteBoundingBoxRectForRange (const Range *)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from WebCore::CachedImageClient
static CachedResourceClientType expectedType ()
static CachedResourceClientType expectedType ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from WebCore::CachedResourceClient
static CachedResourceClientType expectedType ()
static CachedResourceClientType expectedType ()
- Protected Types inherited from WebCore::RenderElement
enum  BaseTypeFlag {
  RenderLayerModelObjectFlag = 1 << 0, RenderBoxModelObjectFlag = 1 << 1, RenderInlineFlag = 1 << 2, RenderReplacedFlag = 1 << 3,
  RenderBlockFlag = 1 << 4, RenderBlockFlowFlag = 1 << 5, RenderLayerModelObjectFlag = 1 << 0, RenderBoxModelObjectFlag = 1 << 1,
  RenderInlineFlag = 1 << 2, RenderReplacedFlag = 1 << 3, RenderBlockFlag = 1 << 4, RenderBlockFlowFlag = 1 << 5
enum  StylePropagationType { PropagateToAllChildren, PropagateToBlockChildrenOnly, PropagateToAllChildren, PropagateToBlockChildrenOnly }
enum  BaseTypeFlag {
  RenderLayerModelObjectFlag = 1 << 0, RenderBoxModelObjectFlag = 1 << 1, RenderInlineFlag = 1 << 2, RenderReplacedFlag = 1 << 3,
  RenderBlockFlag = 1 << 4, RenderBlockFlowFlag = 1 << 5, RenderLayerModelObjectFlag = 1 << 0, RenderBoxModelObjectFlag = 1 << 1,
  RenderInlineFlag = 1 << 2, RenderReplacedFlag = 1 << 3, RenderBlockFlag = 1 << 4, RenderBlockFlowFlag = 1 << 5
enum  StylePropagationType { PropagateToAllChildren, PropagateToBlockChildrenOnly, PropagateToAllChildren, PropagateToBlockChildrenOnly }
typedef unsigned BaseTypeFlags
typedef unsigned BaseTypeFlags
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from WebCore::RenderBoxModelObject
static bool shouldAntialiasLines (GraphicsContext &)
static void clipRoundedInnerRect (GraphicsContext &, const FloatRect &, const FloatRoundedRect &clipRect)
static bool shouldAntialiasLines (GraphicsContext &)
static void clipRoundedInnerRect (GraphicsContext &, const FloatRect &, const FloatRoundedRect &clipRect)
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from WebCore::RenderObject
static void calculateBorderStyleColor (const EBorderStyle &, const BoxSide &, Color &)
static FlowThreadState computedFlowThreadState (const RenderObject &)
static void calculateBorderStyleColor (const EBorderStyle &, const BoxSide &, Color &)
static FlowThreadState computedFlowThreadState (const RenderObject &)
- Protected Attributes inherited from WebCore::RenderElement
bool m_reparentingChild { false }

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ RenderRubyAsInline()

WebCore::RenderRubyAsInline::RenderRubyAsInline ( Element element,
RenderStyle &&  style 

◆ ~RenderRubyAsInline()

WebCore::RenderRubyAsInline::~RenderRubyAsInline ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ addChild()

void WebCore::RenderRubyAsInline::addChild ( RenderObject child,
RenderObject beforeChild = 0 

Reimplemented from WebCore::RenderInline.

◆ removeChild()

void WebCore::RenderRubyAsInline::removeChild ( RenderObject child)

Reimplemented from WebCore::RenderElement.

◆ styleDidChange()

void WebCore::RenderRubyAsInline::styleDidChange ( StyleDifference  diff,
const RenderStyle oldStyle 

Reimplemented from WebCore::RenderInline.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: