webkit  2cdf99a9e3038c7e01b3c37e8ad903ecbe5eecf1
Public Types | Public Member Functions | Protected Member Functions | Protected Attributes | Static Protected Attributes | List of all members
WebCore::AudioScheduledSourceNode Class Reference

#include <AudioScheduledSourceNode.h>

Inheritance diagram for WebCore::AudioScheduledSourceNode:
WebCore::AudioNode WebCore::EventTargetWithInlineData WebCore::EventTarget WebCore::EventTarget WebCore::ScriptWrappable WebCore::ScriptWrappable WebCore::ScriptWrappable WebCore::ScriptWrappable WebCore::AudioBufferSourceNode WebCore::OscillatorNode

Public Types

- Public Types inherited from WebCore::AudioNode
enum  { ProcessingSizeInFrames = 128 }
enum  NodeType {
  NodeTypeUnknown, NodeTypeDestination, NodeTypeOscillator, NodeTypeAudioBufferSource,
  NodeTypeMediaElementAudioSource, NodeTypeMediaStreamAudioDestination, NodeTypeMediaStreamAudioSource, NodeTypeJavaScript,
  NodeTypeBiquadFilter, NodeTypePanner, NodeTypeConvolver, NodeTypeDelay,
  NodeTypeGain, NodeTypeChannelSplitter, NodeTypeChannelMerger, NodeTypeAnalyser,
  NodeTypeDynamicsCompressor, NodeTypeWaveShaper, NodeTypeEnd
enum  ChannelCountMode { Max, ClampedMax, Explicit }
enum  RefType { RefTypeNormal, RefTypeConnection }
- Public Types inherited from WebCore::EventTarget
using AddEventListenerOptionsOrBoolean = Variant< AddEventListenerOptions, bool >
using ListenerOptionsOrBoolean = Variant< ListenerOptions, bool >
using AddEventListenerOptionsOrBoolean = Variant< AddEventListenerOptions, bool >
using ListenerOptionsOrBoolean = Variant< ListenerOptions, bool >

Public Member Functions

 AudioScheduledSourceNode (AudioContext &, float sampleRate)
ExceptionOr< voidstart (double when)
ExceptionOr< voidstop (double when)
unsigned short playbackState () const
bool isPlayingOrScheduled () const
bool hasFinished () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from WebCore::AudioNode
 AudioNode (AudioContext &, float sampleRate)
virtual ~AudioNode ()
AudioContextcontext ()
const AudioContextcontext () const
NodeType nodeType () const
void setNodeType (NodeType)
void ref (RefType refType=RefTypeNormal)
void deref (RefType refType=RefTypeNormal)
void finishDeref (RefType refType)
virtual void process (size_t framesToProcess)=0
virtual void reset ()=0
virtual void initialize ()
virtual void uninitialize ()
bool isInitialized () const
void lazyInitialize ()
unsigned numberOfInputs () const
unsigned numberOfOutputs () const
AudioNodeInputinput (unsigned)
AudioNodeOutputoutput (unsigned)
virtual ExceptionOr< voidconnect (AudioNode &, unsigned outputIndex, unsigned inputIndex)
ExceptionOr< voidconnect (AudioParam &, unsigned outputIndex)
virtual ExceptionOr< voiddisconnect (unsigned outputIndex)
virtual float sampleRate () const
void processIfNecessary (size_t framesToProcess)
virtual void checkNumberOfChannelsForInput (AudioNodeInput *)
bool isMarkedForDeletion () const
virtual double tailTime () const =0
virtual double latencyTime () const =0
virtual bool propagatesSilence () const
bool inputsAreSilent ()
void silenceOutputs ()
void unsilenceOutputs ()
void enableOutputsIfNecessary ()
void disableOutputsIfNecessary ()
unsigned channelCount ()
virtual ExceptionOr< voidsetChannelCount (unsigned)
String channelCountMode ()
ExceptionOr< voidsetChannelCountMode (const String &)
String channelInterpretation ()
ExceptionOr< voidsetChannelInterpretation (const String &)
ChannelCountMode internalChannelCountMode () const
AudioBus::ChannelInterpretation internalChannelInterpretation () const
EventTargetInterface eventTargetInterface () const override
ScriptExecutionContextscriptExecutionContext () const final
- Public Member Functions inherited from WebCore::EventTarget
void ref ()
void deref ()
virtual NodetoNode ()
virtual DOMWindowtoDOMWindow ()
virtual bool isMessagePort () const
WEBCORE_EXPORT void addEventListenerForBindings (const AtomicString &eventType, RefPtr< EventListener > &&, AddEventListenerOptionsOrBoolean &&)
WEBCORE_EXPORT void removeEventListenerForBindings (const AtomicString &eventType, RefPtr< EventListener > &&, ListenerOptionsOrBoolean &&)
WEBCORE_EXPORT ExceptionOr< bool > dispatchEventForBindings (Event &)
virtual bool dispatchEvent (Event &)
virtual void uncaughtExceptionInEventHandler ()
bool setAttributeEventListener (const AtomicString &eventType, RefPtr< EventListener > &&)
EventListenerattributeEventListener (const AtomicString &eventType)
bool hasEventListeners () const
bool hasEventListeners (const AtomicString &eventType) const
bool hasCapturingEventListeners (const AtomicString &eventType)
bool hasActiveEventListeners (const AtomicString &eventType) const
const EventListenerVectoreventListeners (const AtomicString &eventType)
bool fireEventListeners (Event &)
bool isFiringEventListeners () const
void visitJSEventListeners (JSC::SlotVisitor &)
void invalidateJSEventListeners (JSC::JSObject *)
void ref ()
void deref ()
virtual NodetoNode ()
virtual DOMWindowtoDOMWindow ()
virtual bool isMessagePort () const
WEBCORE_EXPORT void addEventListenerForBindings (const AtomicString &eventType, RefPtr< EventListener > &&, AddEventListenerOptionsOrBoolean &&)
WEBCORE_EXPORT void removeEventListenerForBindings (const AtomicString &eventType, RefPtr< EventListener > &&, ListenerOptionsOrBoolean &&)
WEBCORE_EXPORT ExceptionOr< bool > dispatchEventForBindings (Event &)
virtual bool dispatchEvent (Event &)
virtual void uncaughtExceptionInEventHandler ()
bool setAttributeEventListener (const AtomicString &eventType, RefPtr< EventListener > &&)
EventListenerattributeEventListener (const AtomicString &eventType)
bool hasEventListeners () const
bool hasEventListeners (const AtomicString &eventType) const
bool hasCapturingEventListeners (const AtomicString &eventType)
bool hasActiveEventListeners (const AtomicString &eventType) const
const EventListenerVectoreventListeners (const AtomicString &eventType)
bool fireEventListeners (Event &)
bool isFiringEventListeners () const
void visitJSEventListeners (JSC::SlotVisitor &)
void invalidateJSEventListeners (JSC::JSObject *)
- Public Member Functions inherited from WebCore::ScriptWrappable
JSDOMObjectwrapper () const
void setWrapper (JSDOMObject *, JSC::WeakHandleOwner *, void *)
void clearWrapper (JSDOMObject *)
JSDOMObjectwrapper () const
void setWrapper (JSDOMObject *, JSC::WeakHandleOwner *, void *)
void clearWrapper (JSDOMObject *)

Protected Member Functions

void updateSchedulingInfo (size_t quantumFrameSize, AudioBus &outputBus, size_t &quantumFrameOffset, size_t &nonSilentFramesToProcess)
virtual void finish ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from WebCore::AudioNode
void addInput (std::unique_ptr< AudioNodeInput >)
void addOutput (std::unique_ptr< AudioNodeOutput >)
virtual void pullInputs (size_t framesToProcess)
void updateChannelsForInputs ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from WebCore::EventTargetWithInlineData
EventTargetDataeventTargetData () final
EventTargetDataeventTargetDataConcurrently () final
EventTargetDataensureEventTargetData () final
EventTargetDataeventTargetData () final
EventTargetDataeventTargetDataConcurrently () final
EventTargetDataensureEventTargetData () final
- Protected Member Functions inherited from WebCore::EventTarget
virtual ~EventTarget ()=default
const EventTargetDataeventTargetData () const
virtual ~EventTarget ()=default
const EventTargetDataeventTargetData () const
- Protected Member Functions inherited from WebCore::ScriptWrappable
 ~ScriptWrappable ()
 ~ScriptWrappable ()

Protected Attributes

PlaybackState m_playbackState { UNSCHEDULED_STATE }
double m_startTime { 0 }
double m_endTime
bool m_hasEndedListener { false }
- Protected Attributes inherited from WebCore::AudioNode
unsigned m_channelCount
ChannelCountMode m_channelCountMode
AudioBus::ChannelInterpretation m_channelInterpretation

Static Protected Attributes

static const double UnknownTime

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from WebCore::ScriptWrappable
template<typename Derived >
static ptrdiff_t offsetOfWrapper ()
template<typename Derived >
static ptrdiff_t offsetOfWrapper ()

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ PlaybackState


Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ AudioScheduledSourceNode()

WebCore::AudioScheduledSourceNode::AudioScheduledSourceNode ( AudioContext ,
float  sampleRate 

Member Function Documentation

◆ finish()

virtual void WebCore::AudioScheduledSourceNode::finish ( )

Reimplemented in WebCore::AudioBufferSourceNode.

◆ hasFinished()

bool WebCore::AudioScheduledSourceNode::hasFinished ( ) const

◆ isPlayingOrScheduled()

bool WebCore::AudioScheduledSourceNode::isPlayingOrScheduled ( ) const

◆ playbackState()

unsigned short WebCore::AudioScheduledSourceNode::playbackState ( ) const

◆ start()

ExceptionOr<void> WebCore::AudioScheduledSourceNode::start ( double  when)

◆ stop()

ExceptionOr<void> WebCore::AudioScheduledSourceNode::stop ( double  when)

◆ updateSchedulingInfo()

void WebCore::AudioScheduledSourceNode::updateSchedulingInfo ( size_t  quantumFrameSize,
AudioBus outputBus,
size_t quantumFrameOffset,
size_t nonSilentFramesToProcess 

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_endTime

double WebCore::AudioScheduledSourceNode::m_endTime

◆ m_hasEndedListener

bool WebCore::AudioScheduledSourceNode::m_hasEndedListener { false }

◆ m_playbackState

PlaybackState WebCore::AudioScheduledSourceNode::m_playbackState { UNSCHEDULED_STATE }

◆ m_startTime

double WebCore::AudioScheduledSourceNode::m_startTime { 0 }

◆ UnknownTime

const double WebCore::AudioScheduledSourceNode::UnknownTime

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