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uformattable.h File Reference

C API: UFormattable is a thin wrapper for primitive types used for formatting and parsing. More...

#include "unicode/utypes.h"
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typedef enum UFormattableType UFormattableType
typedef voidUFormattable


enum  UFormattableType {


U_DRAFT UFormattable *U_EXPORT2 ufmt_open (UErrorCode *status)
U_DRAFT void U_EXPORT2 ufmt_close (UFormattable *fmt)
U_DRAFT UFormattableType U_EXPORT2 ufmt_getType (const UFormattable *fmt, UErrorCode *status)
U_DRAFT UBool U_EXPORT2 ufmt_isNumeric (const UFormattable *fmt)
U_DRAFT UDate U_EXPORT2 ufmt_getDate (const UFormattable *fmt, UErrorCode *status)
U_DRAFT double U_EXPORT2 ufmt_getDouble (UFormattable *fmt, UErrorCode *status)
U_DRAFT int32_t U_EXPORT2 ufmt_getLong (UFormattable *fmt, UErrorCode *status)
U_DRAFT int64_t U_EXPORT2 ufmt_getInt64 (UFormattable *fmt, UErrorCode *status)
U_DRAFT const void *U_EXPORT2 ufmt_getObject (const UFormattable *fmt, UErrorCode *status)
U_DRAFT const UChar *U_EXPORT2 ufmt_getUChars (UFormattable *fmt, int32_t *len, UErrorCode *status)
U_DRAFT int32_t U_EXPORT2 ufmt_getArrayLength (const UFormattable *fmt, UErrorCode *status)
U_DRAFT UFormattable *U_EXPORT2 ufmt_getArrayItemByIndex (UFormattable *fmt, int32_t n, UErrorCode *status)
U_DRAFT const char *U_EXPORT2 ufmt_getDecNumChars (UFormattable *fmt, int32_t *len, UErrorCode *status)

Detailed Description

C API: UFormattable is a thin wrapper for primitive types used for formatting and parsing.

This is a C interface to the icu::Formattable class. Static functions on this class convert to and from this interface (via reinterpret_cast). Note that Formattables (and thus UFormattables) are mutable, and many operations (even getters) may actually modify the internal state. For this reason, UFormattables are not thread safe, and should not be shared between threads.

See unum_parseToUFormattable for example code.

Typedef Documentation

◆ UFormattable

Opaque type representing various types of data which may be used for formatting and parsing operations.

See also
icu::Formattable ICU 52

◆ UFormattableType

Enum designating the type of a UFormattable instance. Practically, this indicates which of the getters would return without conversion or error.

See also
icu::Formattable::Type ICU 52

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ UFormattableType

Enum designating the type of a UFormattable instance. Practically, this indicates which of the getters would return without conversion or error.

See also
icu::Formattable::Type ICU 52

ufmt_getDate() will return without conversion.

See also

ufmt_getDouble() will return without conversion.

See also

ufmt_getLong() will return without conversion.

See also

ufmt_getUChars() will return without conversion.

See also

ufmt_countArray() and ufmt_getArray() will return the value.

See also

ufmt_getInt64() will return without conversion.

See also

ufmt_getObject() will return without conversion.

See also

Count of defined UFormattableType values

Function Documentation

◆ ufmt_close()

U_DRAFT void U_EXPORT2 ufmt_close ( UFormattable fmt)

Cleanup any additional memory allocated by this UFormattable.

fmtthe formatter ICU 52
See also

◆ ufmt_getArrayItemByIndex()

U_DRAFT UFormattable* U_EXPORT2 ufmt_getArrayItemByIndex ( UFormattable fmt,
int32_t  n,
UErrorCode status 

Get the specified value from the array of UFormattables. Invalid if the object is not an array type UFMT_ARRAY

fmtthe UFormattable object
nthe number of the array to return (0 based).
statusthe error code - any conversion or format errors. Returns an error if n is out of bounds.
the nth array value, only valid while the containing UFormattable is valid. NULL if not an array. ICU 52
See also
icu::Formattable::getArray(int32_t&, UErrorCode&) const

◆ ufmt_getArrayLength()

U_DRAFT int32_t U_EXPORT2 ufmt_getArrayLength ( const UFormattable fmt,
UErrorCode status 

Get the number of array objects contained, if an array type UFMT_ARRAY

fmtthe UFormattable object
statusthe error code - any conversion or format errors. U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR if not an array type.
the number of array objects or undefined if not an array type ICU 52
See also

◆ ufmt_getDate()

U_DRAFT UDate U_EXPORT2 ufmt_getDate ( const UFormattable fmt,
UErrorCode status 

Gets the UDate value of this object. If the type is not of type UFMT_DATE, status is set to U_INVALID_FORMAT_ERROR and the return value is undefined.

fmtthe UFormattable object
statusthe error code - any conversion or format errors
the value ICU 52
See also
icu::Formattable::getDate(UErrorCode&) const

◆ ufmt_getDecNumChars()

U_DRAFT const char* U_EXPORT2 ufmt_getDecNumChars ( UFormattable fmt,
int32_t len,
UErrorCode status 

Returns a numeric string representation of the number contained within this formattable, or NULL if this object does not contain numeric type. For values obtained by parsing, the returned decimal number retains the full precision and range of the original input, unconstrained by the limits of a double floating point or a 64 bit int.

This function is not thread safe, and therfore is not declared const, even though it is logically const. The resulting buffer is owned by the UFormattable and is invalid if any other functions are called on the UFormattable.

Possible errors include U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR, and U_INVALID_STATE if the formattable object has not been set to a numeric type.

fmtthe UFormattable object
lenif non-null, on exit contains the string length (not including the terminating null)
statusthe error code
the character buffer as a NULL terminated string, which is owned by the object and must not be accessed if any other functions are called on this object. ICU 52
See also

◆ ufmt_getDouble()

U_DRAFT double U_EXPORT2 ufmt_getDouble ( UFormattable fmt,
UErrorCode status 

Gets the double value of this object. If the type is not a UFMT_DOUBLE, or if there are additional significant digits than fit in a double type, a conversion is performed with possible loss of precision. If the type is UFMT_OBJECT and the object is a Measure, then the result of getNumber().getDouble(status) is returned. If this object is neither a numeric type nor a Measure, then 0 is returned and the status is set to U_INVALID_FORMAT_ERROR.

fmtthe UFormattable object
statusthe error code - any conversion or format errors
the value ICU 52
See also
icu::Formattable::getDouble(UErrorCode&) const

◆ ufmt_getInt64()

U_DRAFT int64_t U_EXPORT2 ufmt_getInt64 ( UFormattable fmt,
UErrorCode status 

Gets the int64_t value of this object. If this object is of a numeric type and the magnitude is too large to fit in an int64, then the maximum or minimum int64 value, as appropriate, is returned and the status is set to U_INVALID_FORMAT_ERROR. If the magnitude fits in an int64, then a casting conversion is peformed, with truncation of any fractional part. If the type is UFMT_OBJECT and the object is a Measure, then the result of getNumber().getDouble(status) is returned. If this object is neither a numeric type nor a Measure, then 0 is returned and the status is set to U_INVALID_FORMAT_ERROR.

fmtthe UFormattable object
statusthe error code - any conversion or format errors
the value ICU 52
See also
icu::Formattable::getInt64(UErrorCode&) const

◆ ufmt_getLong()

U_DRAFT int32_t U_EXPORT2 ufmt_getLong ( UFormattable fmt,
UErrorCode status 

Gets the long (int32_t) value of this object. If the magnitude is too large to fit in a long, then the maximum or minimum long value, as appropriate, is returned and the status is set to U_INVALID_FORMAT_ERROR. If this object is of type UFMT_INT64 and it fits within a long, then no precision is lost. If it is of type kDouble or kDecimalNumber, then a conversion is peformed, with truncation of any fractional part. If the type is UFMT_OBJECT and the object is a Measure, then the result of getNumber().getLong(status) is returned. If this object is neither a numeric type nor a Measure, then 0 is returned and the status is set to U_INVALID_FORMAT_ERROR.

fmtthe UFormattable object
statusthe error code - any conversion or format errors
the value ICU 52
See also
icu::Formattable::getLong(UErrorCode&) const

◆ ufmt_getObject()

U_DRAFT const void* U_EXPORT2 ufmt_getObject ( const UFormattable fmt,
UErrorCode status 

Returns a pointer to the UObject contained within this formattable (as a const void*), or NULL if this object is not of type UFMT_OBJECT.

fmtthe UFormattable object
statusthe error code - any conversion or format errors
the value as a const void*. It is a polymorphic C++ object. ICU 52
See also
icu::Formattable::getObject() const

◆ ufmt_getType()

U_DRAFT UFormattableType U_EXPORT2 ufmt_getType ( const UFormattable fmt,
UErrorCode status 

Return the type of this object

fmtthe UFormattable object
statusstatus code - U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR is returned if the UFormattable contains data not supported by the API
the value as a UFormattableType
See also
icu::Formattable::getType() const ICU 52

◆ ufmt_getUChars()

U_DRAFT const UChar* U_EXPORT2 ufmt_getUChars ( UFormattable fmt,
int32_t len,
UErrorCode status 

Gets the string value of this object as a UChar string. If the type is not a string, status is set to U_INVALID_FORMAT_ERROR and a NULL pointer is returned. This function is not thread safe and may modify the UFormattable if need be to terminate the string. The returned pointer is not valid if any other functions are called on this UFormattable, or if the UFormattable is closed.

fmtthe UFormattable object
statusthe error code - any conversion or format errors
lenif non null, contains the string length on return
the null terminated string value - must not be referenced after any other functions are called on this UFormattable. ICU 52
See also

◆ ufmt_isNumeric()

U_DRAFT UBool U_EXPORT2 ufmt_isNumeric ( const UFormattable fmt)

Return whether the object is numeric.

fmtthe UFormattable object
true if the object is a double, long, or int64 value, else false.
See also
icu::Formattable::isNumeric() const ICU 52

◆ ufmt_open()

U_DRAFT UFormattable* U_EXPORT2 ufmt_open ( UErrorCode status)

Initialize a UFormattable, to type UNUM_LONG, value 0 may return error if memory allocation failed. parameter status error code. See unum_parseToUFormattable for example code. ICU 52

the new UFormattable
See also