#include <GraphicsContext3DAttributes.h>
◆ PowerPreference [1/2]
◆ PowerPreference [2/2]
◆ alpha
bool WebCore::GraphicsContext3DAttributes::alpha { true } |
◆ antialias
bool WebCore::GraphicsContext3DAttributes::antialias { true } |
◆ depth
bool WebCore::GraphicsContext3DAttributes::depth { true } |
◆ devicePixelRatio
float WebCore::GraphicsContext3DAttributes::devicePixelRatio { 1 } |
◆ failIfMajorPerformanceCaveat
bool WebCore::GraphicsContext3DAttributes::failIfMajorPerformanceCaveat { false } |
◆ forceSoftwareRenderer
bool WebCore::GraphicsContext3DAttributes::forceSoftwareRenderer { false } |
◆ initialPowerPreference
◆ noExtensions
bool WebCore::GraphicsContext3DAttributes::noExtensions { false } |
◆ powerPreference
◆ premultipliedAlpha
bool WebCore::GraphicsContext3DAttributes::premultipliedAlpha { true } |
◆ preserveDrawingBuffer
bool WebCore::GraphicsContext3DAttributes::preserveDrawingBuffer { false } |
◆ shareResources
bool WebCore::GraphicsContext3DAttributes::shareResources { true } |
◆ stencil
bool WebCore::GraphicsContext3DAttributes::stencil { false } |
◆ useGLES3
bool WebCore::GraphicsContext3DAttributes::useGLES3 { false } |
The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: