#import <PluginObject.h>
◆ initWithNPP:audioURL:()
- (instancetype) initWithNPP: |
(NPP) |
npp |
audioURL: |
(NSURL *) |
audioURL |
| |
◆ _audioPlayer
◆ _menuHandler
◆ controllerLayer
◆ evaluateScriptOnMouseDownOrKeyDown
- (char*) evaluateScriptOnMouseDownOrKeyDown |
◆ eventLogging
◆ firstHeaders
◆ firstUrl
◆ gold
◆ hasFocus
◆ header
◆ lastHeaders
◆ lastUrl
◆ lastWindow
◆ layer
- (QCCompositionLayer*) layer |
protected |
◆ layoutManager
- (NSLayoutManager*) layoutManager |
protected |
◆ logDestroy
◆ logSetWindow
◆ menuHandler
readnonatomicstrongprotected |
◆ mouseDownForEvaluateScript
- (NPBool) mouseDownForEvaluateScript |
◆ mouseDownLayer
◆ mouseIsInsidePlugin
- (bool) mouseIsInsidePlugin |
protected |
◆ movie
◆ movieLayer
- (QTMovieLayer*) movieLayer |
protected |
◆ movieURL
◆ npp
readnonatomicassignprotected |
◆ onDestroy
◆ onPaintEvent
◆ onSetWindow
◆ onStreamDestroy
- (char*) onStreamDestroy |
◆ onStreamLoad
◆ onURLNotify
◆ pluginHasFocus
◆ pluginTest
◆ rememberedObject
◆ returnErrorFromNewStream
- (NPBool) returnErrorFromNewStream |
◆ returnNegativeOneFromWrite
- (NPBool) returnNegativeOneFromWrite |
◆ rootLayer
◆ selectedRange
◆ stream
◆ string
◆ testGetURLOnDestroy
- (NPBool) testGetURLOnDestroy |
◆ testKeyboardFocusForPlugins
- (NPBool) testKeyboardFocusForPlugins |
◆ testObject
◆ testWindowOpen
◆ textContainer
- (NSTextContainer*) textContainer |
protected |
◆ textFieldHasFocus
- (bool) textFieldHasFocus |
protected |
◆ textFieldRect
◆ textStorage
- (NSTextStorage*) textStorage |
protected |
◆ window
readwritenonatomicassignprotected |
◆ audioURL
◆ displayString
◆ hasFocus
◆ muted
◆ playingAudio
The documentation for this struct was generated from the following files: