| webrtc::flags::DEFINE_int32 (width, 1850, "Video width (crops source).") |
size_t | webrtc::flags::Width () |
| webrtc::flags::DEFINE_int32 (height, 1110, "Video height (crops source).") |
size_t | webrtc::flags::Height () |
| webrtc::flags::DEFINE_int32 (fps, 5, "Frames per second.") |
int | webrtc::flags::Fps () |
| webrtc::flags::DEFINE_int32 (min_bitrate, 50, "Call and stream min bitrate in kbps.") |
int | webrtc::flags::MinBitrateKbps () |
| webrtc::flags::DEFINE_int32 (start_bitrate, Call::Config::kDefaultStartBitrateBps/1000, "Call start bitrate in kbps.") |
int | webrtc::flags::StartBitrateKbps () |
| webrtc::flags::DEFINE_int32 (target_bitrate, 200, "Stream target bitrate in kbps.") |
int | webrtc::flags::TargetBitrateKbps () |
| webrtc::flags::DEFINE_int32 (max_bitrate, 2000, "Call and stream max bitrate in kbps.") |
int | webrtc::flags::MaxBitrateKbps () |
| webrtc::flags::DEFINE_int32 (num_temporal_layers, 2, "Number of temporal layers to use.") |
int | webrtc::flags::NumTemporalLayers () |
| webrtc::flags::DEFINE_string (codec, "VP8", "Video codec to use.") |
| webrtc::flags::DEFINE_int32 (selected_tl, -1, "Temporal layer to show or analyze. -1 to disable filtering.") |
int | webrtc::flags::SelectedTL () |
| webrtc::flags::DEFINE_int32 (duration, 0, "Duration of the test in seconds. If 0, rendered will be shown instead.") |
int | webrtc::flags::DurationSecs () |
| webrtc::flags::DEFINE_string (output_filename, "", "Target graph data filename.") |
std::string | webrtc::flags::OutputFilename () |
| webrtc::flags::DEFINE_string (graph_title, "", "If empty, title will be generated automatically.") |
std::string | webrtc::flags::GraphTitle () |
| webrtc::flags::DEFINE_int32 (loss_percent, 0, "Percentage of packets randomly lost.") |
int | webrtc::flags::LossPercent () |
| webrtc::flags::DEFINE_int32 (link_capacity, 0, "Capacity (kbps) of the fake link. 0 means infinite.") |
int | webrtc::flags::LinkCapacityKbps () |
| webrtc::flags::DEFINE_int32 (queue_size, 0, "Size of the bottleneck link queue in packets.") |
int | webrtc::flags::QueueSize () |
| webrtc::flags::DEFINE_int32 (avg_propagation_delay_ms, 0, "Average link propagation delay in ms.") |
int | webrtc::flags::AvgPropagationDelayMs () |
| webrtc::flags::DEFINE_int32 (std_propagation_delay_ms, 0, "Link propagation delay standard deviation in ms.") |
int | webrtc::flags::StdPropagationDelayMs () |
| webrtc::flags::DEFINE_int32 (selected_stream, 0, "ID of the stream to show or analyze.") |
int | webrtc::flags::SelectedStream () |
| webrtc::flags::DEFINE_int32 (num_spatial_layers, 1, "Number of spatial layers to use.") |
int | webrtc::flags::NumSpatialLayers () |
| webrtc::flags::DEFINE_int32 (selected_sl, -1, "Spatial layer to show or analyze. -1 to disable filtering.") |
int | webrtc::flags::SelectedSL () |
| webrtc::flags::DEFINE_string (stream0, "", "Comma separated values describing VideoStream for stream #0.") |
std::string | webrtc::flags::Stream0 () |
| webrtc::flags::DEFINE_string (stream1, "", "Comma separated values describing VideoStream for stream #1.") |
std::string | webrtc::flags::Stream1 () |
| webrtc::flags::DEFINE_string (sl0, "", "Comma separated values describing SpatialLayer for layer #0.") |
std::string | webrtc::flags::SL0 () |
| webrtc::flags::DEFINE_string (sl1, "", "Comma separated values describing SpatialLayer for layer #1.") |
std::string | webrtc::flags::SL1 () |
| webrtc::flags::DEFINE_string (encoded_frame_path, "", "The base path for encoded frame logs. Created files will have " "the form <encoded_frame_path>.<n>.(recv|send.<m>).ivf") |
std::string | webrtc::flags::EncodedFramePath () |
| webrtc::flags::DEFINE_bool (logs, false, "print logs to stderr") |
| webrtc::flags::DEFINE_bool (send_side_bwe, true, "Use send-side bandwidth estimation") |
| webrtc::flags::DEFINE_bool (allow_reordering, false, "Allow packet reordering to occur") |
| webrtc::flags::DEFINE_string (force_fieldtrials, "", "Field trials control experimental feature code which can be forced. " "E.g. running with --force_fieldtrials=WebRTC-FooFeature/Enable/" " will assign the group Enable to field trial WebRTC-FooFeature. Multiple " "trials are separated by \\) |
| webrtc::flags::DEFINE_int32 (min_transmit_bitrate, 400, "Min transmit bitrate incl. padding.") |
int | webrtc::flags::MinTransmitBitrateKbps () |
| webrtc::flags::DEFINE_int32 (slide_change_interval, 10, "Interval (in seconds) between simulated slide changes.") |
int | webrtc::flags::SlideChangeInterval () |
| webrtc::flags::DEFINE_int32 (scroll_duration, 0, "Duration (in seconds) during which a slide will be scrolled into place.") |
int | webrtc::flags::ScrollDuration () |
void | webrtc::Loopback () |
int | main (int argc, char *argv[]) |