#import <WebDocument.h>
◆ dataSourceUpdated:()
dataSourceUpdated: Called when the corresponding data source has received data.
- Parameters
dataSource | The corresponding data source. |
◆ layout()
layout Called when the document view must immediately layout. For simple views, setting the frame is a sufficient implementation of this method.
◆ setDataSource:()
setDataSource: Called when the corresponding data source has been created.
- Parameters
dataSource | The corresponding data source. |
◆ setNeedsLayout:()
setNeedsLayout: Called when WebKit has determined that the document view needs to layout. This method should simply set a flag and call layout from drawRect if the flag is YES.
- Parameters
flag | YES to cause a layout, no to not cause a layout. |
◆ viewDidMoveToHostWindow()
viewDidMoveToHostWindow Called after the host window is set on the parent web view.
◆ viewWillMoveToHostWindow:()
- Parameters
hostWindow | The host window for the document view. Called before the host window is set on the parent web view. |
The documentation for this protocol was generated from the following file: