webkit  2cdf99a9e3038c7e01b3c37e8ad903ecbe5eecf1
Instance Methods | List of all members
<WebDocumentView > Protocol Reference

#import <WebDocument.h>

Inheritance diagram for <WebDocumentView >:

Instance Methods

(void- setDataSource:
(void- dataSourceUpdated:
(void- setNeedsLayout:
(void- layout
(void- viewWillMoveToHostWindow:
(void- viewDidMoveToHostWindow

Method Documentation

◆ dataSourceUpdated:()

- (void WebDocumentView) dataSourceUpdated: (WebDataSource *)  dataSource

dataSourceUpdated: Called when the corresponding data source has received data.

dataSourceThe corresponding data source.

◆ layout()

- (void WebDocumentView) layout

layout Called when the document view must immediately layout. For simple views, setting the frame is a sufficient implementation of this method.

◆ setDataSource:()

- (void WebDocumentView) setDataSource: (WebDataSource *)  dataSource

setDataSource: Called when the corresponding data source has been created.

dataSourceThe corresponding data source.

◆ setNeedsLayout:()

- (void WebDocumentView) setNeedsLayout: (BOOL flag

setNeedsLayout: Called when WebKit has determined that the document view needs to layout. This method should simply set a flag and call layout from drawRect if the flag is YES.

flagYES to cause a layout, no to not cause a layout.

◆ viewDidMoveToHostWindow()

- (void WebDocumentView) viewDidMoveToHostWindow

viewDidMoveToHostWindow Called after the host window is set on the parent web view.

◆ viewWillMoveToHostWindow:()

- (void WebDocumentView) viewWillMoveToHostWindow: (NSWindow *)  hostWindow


hostWindowThe host window for the document view. Called before the host window is set on the parent web view.

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