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Instance Methods | List of all members
<WebDocumentIncrementalSearching> Protocol Reference

#import <WebDocumentPrivate.h>

Inheritance diagram for <WebDocumentIncrementalSearching>:
WebHTMLView(WebDocumentPrivateProtocols) WebPDFView

Instance Methods

(BOOL- searchFor:direction:caseSensitive:wrap:startInSelection:

Method Documentation

◆ searchFor:direction:caseSensitive:wrap:startInSelection:()

- (BOOL) searchFor: (NSString *)  string
direction: (BOOL forward
caseSensitive: (BOOL caseFlag
wrap: (BOOL wrapFlag
startInSelection: (BOOL startInSelection 

searchFor:direction:caseSensitive:wrap:startInSelection: Searches a document view for a string and highlights the string if it is found.

stringThe string to search for.
forwardYES to search forward, NO to seach backwards.
caseFlagYES to for case-sensitive search, NO for case-insensitive search.
wrapFlagYES to wrap around, NO to avoid wrapping.
startInSelectionYES to begin search in the selected text (useful for incremental searching), NO to begin search after the selected text.
YES if found, NO if not found.

The documentation for this protocol was generated from the following file: