#import <UIKitSPI.h>
◆ automaticallySelectedOverlay()
- (UIView * UITextInputPrivate) automaticallySelectedOverlay |
optional |
◆ fontForCaretSelection()
- (UIFont * UITextInputPrivate) fontForCaretSelection |
optional |
◆ handleKeyWebEvent:()
- (void UITextInputPrivate) handleKeyWebEvent: |
(WebEvent *) |
event |
optional |
◆ hasContent()
- (BOOL UITextInputPrivate) hasContent |
required |
◆ hasSelection()
- (BOOL UITextInputPrivate) hasSelection |
required |
◆ insertDictationResult:withCorrectionIdentifier:()
- (void UITextInputPrivate) insertDictationResult: |
(NSArray *) |
dictationResult |
withCorrectionIdentifier: |
(id) |
correctionIdentifier |
| |
optional |
◆ metadataDictionariesForDictationResults()
- (NSArray * UITextInputPrivate) metadataDictionariesForDictationResults |
optional |
◆ replaceRangeWithTextWithoutClosingTyping:replacementText:()
- (void UITextInputPrivate) replaceRangeWithTextWithoutClosingTyping: |
(UITextRange *) |
range |
replacementText: |
(NSString *) |
text |
| |
optional |
◆ requiresKeyEvents()
- (BOOL UITextInputPrivate) requiresKeyEvents |
optional |
◆ selectAll()
- (void UITextInputPrivate) selectAll |
required |
◆ setBottomBufferHeight:()
- (void UITextInputPrivate) setBottomBufferHeight: |
(CGFloat) |
bottomBuffer |
optional |
◆ textColorForCaretSelection()
- (UIColor * UITextInputPrivate) textColorForCaretSelection |
optional |
◆ selectionGranularity
- (UITextGranularity UITextInputPrivate) selectionGranularity |
readwriteoptionalnonatomicassign |
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