A templating engine for separation of code and HTML.
The documentation of this templating engine is separated to two parts:
1. Description of the templating language.
2. Documentation of classes and API of this module that provides
a Python implementation of the templating language.
All the documentation can be found in 'doc' directory of the
distribution tarball or at the homepage of the engine.
Latest versions of this module are also available at that website.
You can use and redistribute this module under conditions of the
GNU General Public License that can be found either at
[ http://www.gnu.org/ ] or in file "LICENSE" contained in the
distribution tarball of this module.
Copyright (c) 2001 Tomas Styblo, tripie@cpan.org
@name htmltmpl
@version 1.22
@author-name Tomas Styblo
@author-email tripie@cpan.org
@website http://htmltmpl.sourceforge.net/
@license-name GNU GPL
@license-url http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html