webkit  2cdf99a9e3038c7e01b3c37e8ad903ecbe5eecf1
Namespaces | Classes | Variables
Google.Protobuf Namespace Reference


namespace  Collections
namespace  Compatibility
namespace  Conformance
namespace  Examples
namespace  ProtoDump
namespace  Reflection
namespace  TestProtos
namespace  WellKnownTypes


class  ByteArray
 Provides a utility routine to copy small arrays much more quickly than Buffer.BlockCopy
class  ByteString
 Immutable array of bytes. More...
class  ByteStringTest
class  CodedInputStream
 Reads and decodes protocol message fields. More...
class  CodedInputStreamExtensions
class  CodedInputStreamTest
class  CodedOutputStream
 Encodes and writes protocol message fields. More...
class  CodedOutputStreamTest
class  DeprecatedMemberTest
class  EqualityTester
 Helper methods when testing equality. NUnit's Assert.AreEqual and Assert.AreNotEqual methods try to be clever with collections, which can be annoying...
class  FieldCodec
 Factory methods for FieldCodec<T>.
class  FieldCodecTest
class  FrameworkPortability
 Class containing helpful workarounds for various platform compatibility
class  GeneratedMessageTest
 Tests around the generated TestAllTypes message. More...
interface  ICustomDiagnosticMessage
 A message type that has a custom string format for diagnostic purposes. More...
interface  IDeepCloneable
 Generic interface for a deeply cloneable type. More...
interface  IMessage
 Interface for a Protocol Buffers message, supporting basic operations required for serialization. More...
class  InvalidJsonException
 Thrown when an attempt is made to parse invalid JSON, e.g. using a non-string property key, or including a redundant comma. Parsing a protocol buffer message represented in JSON using JsonParser can throw both this exception and InvalidProtocolBufferException depending on the situation. This exception is only thrown for "pure JSON" errors, whereas InvalidProtocolBufferException is thrown when the JSON may be valid in and of itself, but cannot be parsed as a protocol buffer message. More...
class  InvalidProtocolBufferException
 Thrown when a protocol message being parsed is invalid in some way, e.g. it contains a malformed varint or a negative byte length. More...
class  IssuesTest
 Tests for issues which aren't easily compartmentalized into other unit tests. More...
class  JsonFormatter
 Reflection-based converter from messages to JSON. More...
class  JsonFormatterTest
 Tests for the JSON formatter. Note that in these tests, double quotes are replaced with apostrophes for the sake of readability (embedding " everywhere is painful). See the AssertJson method for details. More...
class  JsonParser
 Reflection-based converter from JSON to messages. More...
class  JsonParserTest
 Unit tests for JSON parsing. More...
class  JsonToken
class  JsonTokenizer
 Simple but strict JSON tokenizer, rigidly following RFC 7159.
class  JsonTokenizerTest
class  LimitedInputStream
 Stream implementation which proxies another stream, only allowing a certain amount of data to be read. Note that this is only used to read delimited streams, so it doesn't attempt to implement everything.
class  MessageExtensions
 Extension methods on IMessage and IMessage<T>.
class  MessageParser
 A general message parser, typically used by reflection-based code as all the methods return simple IMessage. More...
class  ProtoPreconditions
 Helper methods for throwing exceptions when preconditions are not met.
class  SampleMessages
 Helper methods to create sample instances of types generated from unit test messages. More...
class  TestCornerCases
class  WireFormat
 This class is used internally by the Protocol Buffer Library and generated message implementations. It is public only for the sake of those generated messages. Others should not use this class directly.


 $pool = get_generated_pool()
 $test_message = new \TestMessage()

Variable Documentation

◆ $pool

Google::Protobuf.$pool = get_generated_pool()

◆ $test_message

Google::Protobuf.$test_message = new \TestMessage()