webkit  2cdf99a9e3038c7e01b3c37e8ad903ecbe5eecf1
Macros | Functions
main_FLP.h File Reference
#include "SigProc_FLP.h"
#include "SigProc_FIX.h"
#include "structs_FLP.h"
#include "main.h"
#include "define.h"
#include "debug.h"
#include "entenc.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


#define silk_encoder_state_Fxx   silk_encoder_state_FLP
#define silk_encode_do_VAD_Fxx   silk_encode_do_VAD_FLP
#define silk_encode_frame_Fxx   silk_encode_frame_FLP


void silk_HP_variable_cutoff (silk_encoder_state_Fxx state_Fxx[])
void silk_encode_do_VAD_FLP (silk_encoder_state_FLP *psEnc)
opus_int silk_encode_frame_FLP (silk_encoder_state_FLP *psEnc, opus_int32 *pnBytesOut, ec_enc *psRangeEnc, opus_int condCoding, opus_int maxBits, opus_int useCBR)
opus_int silk_init_encoder (silk_encoder_state_FLP *psEnc, int arch)
opus_int silk_control_encoder (silk_encoder_state_FLP *psEnc, silk_EncControlStruct *encControl, const opus_int32 TargetRate_bps, const opus_int allow_bw_switch, const opus_int channelNb, const opus_int force_fs_kHz)
void silk_prefilter_FLP (silk_encoder_state_FLP *psEnc, const silk_encoder_control_FLP *psEncCtrl, silk_float xw[], const silk_float x[])
void silk_noise_shape_analysis_FLP (silk_encoder_state_FLP *psEnc, silk_encoder_control_FLP *psEncCtrl, const silk_float *pitch_res, const silk_float *x)
void silk_warped_autocorrelation_FLP (silk_float *corr, const silk_float *input, const silk_float warping, const opus_int length, const opus_int order)
void silk_LTP_scale_ctrl_FLP (silk_encoder_state_FLP *psEnc, silk_encoder_control_FLP *psEncCtrl, opus_int condCoding)
void silk_find_pitch_lags_FLP (silk_encoder_state_FLP *psEnc, silk_encoder_control_FLP *psEncCtrl, silk_float res[], const silk_float x[], int arch)
void silk_find_pred_coefs_FLP (silk_encoder_state_FLP *psEnc, silk_encoder_control_FLP *psEncCtrl, const silk_float res_pitch[], const silk_float x[], opus_int condCoding)
void silk_find_LPC_FLP (silk_encoder_state *psEncC, opus_int16 NLSF_Q15[], const silk_float x[], const silk_float minInvGain)
void silk_find_LTP_FLP (silk_float b[MAX_NB_SUBFR *LTP_ORDER], silk_float WLTP[MAX_NB_SUBFR *LTP_ORDER *LTP_ORDER], silk_float *LTPredCodGain, const silk_float r_lpc[], const opus_int lag[MAX_NB_SUBFR], const silk_float Wght[MAX_NB_SUBFR], const opus_int subfr_length, const opus_int nb_subfr, const opus_int mem_offset)
void silk_LTP_analysis_filter_FLP (silk_float *LTP_res, const silk_float *x, const silk_float B[LTP_ORDER *MAX_NB_SUBFR], const opus_int pitchL[MAX_NB_SUBFR], const silk_float invGains[MAX_NB_SUBFR], const opus_int subfr_length, const opus_int nb_subfr, const opus_int pre_length)
void silk_residual_energy_FLP (silk_float nrgs[MAX_NB_SUBFR], const silk_float x[], silk_float a[2][MAX_LPC_ORDER], const silk_float gains[], const opus_int subfr_length, const opus_int nb_subfr, const opus_int LPC_order)
void silk_LPC_analysis_filter_FLP (silk_float r_LPC[], const silk_float PredCoef[], const silk_float s[], const opus_int length, const opus_int Order)
void silk_quant_LTP_gains_FLP (silk_float B[MAX_NB_SUBFR *LTP_ORDER], opus_int8 cbk_index[MAX_NB_SUBFR], opus_int8 *periodicity_index, opus_int32 *sum_log_gain_Q7, const silk_float W[MAX_NB_SUBFR *LTP_ORDER *LTP_ORDER], const opus_int mu_Q10, const opus_int lowComplexity, const opus_int nb_subfr, int arch)
silk_float silk_residual_energy_covar_FLP (const silk_float *c, silk_float *wXX, const silk_float *wXx, const silk_float wxx, const opus_int D)
void silk_process_gains_FLP (silk_encoder_state_FLP *psEnc, silk_encoder_control_FLP *psEncCtrl, opus_int condCoding)
void silk_corrMatrix_FLP (const silk_float *x, const opus_int L, const opus_int Order, silk_float *XX)
void silk_corrVector_FLP (const silk_float *x, const silk_float *t, const opus_int L, const opus_int Order, silk_float *Xt)
void silk_regularize_correlations_FLP (silk_float *XX, silk_float *xx, const silk_float noise, const opus_int D)
void silk_solve_LDL_FLP (silk_float *A, const opus_int M, const silk_float *b, silk_float *x)
void silk_apply_sine_window_FLP (silk_float px_win[], const silk_float px[], const opus_int win_type, const opus_int length)
void silk_A2NLSF_FLP (opus_int16 *NLSF_Q15, const silk_float *pAR, const opus_int LPC_order)
void silk_NLSF2A_FLP (silk_float *pAR, const opus_int16 *NLSF_Q15, const opus_int LPC_order)
void silk_process_NLSFs_FLP (silk_encoder_state *psEncC, silk_float PredCoef[2][MAX_LPC_ORDER], opus_int16 NLSF_Q15[MAX_LPC_ORDER], const opus_int16 prev_NLSF_Q15[MAX_LPC_ORDER])
void silk_NSQ_wrapper_FLP (silk_encoder_state_FLP *psEnc, silk_encoder_control_FLP *psEncCtrl, SideInfoIndices *psIndices, silk_nsq_state *psNSQ, opus_int8 pulses[], const silk_float x[])

Macro Definition Documentation

◆ silk_encode_do_VAD_Fxx

#define silk_encode_do_VAD_Fxx   silk_encode_do_VAD_FLP

◆ silk_encode_frame_Fxx

#define silk_encode_frame_Fxx   silk_encode_frame_FLP

◆ silk_encoder_state_Fxx

#define silk_encoder_state_Fxx   silk_encoder_state_FLP

Function Documentation

◆ silk_A2NLSF_FLP()

void silk_A2NLSF_FLP ( opus_int16 NLSF_Q15,
const silk_float pAR,
const opus_int  LPC_order 

◆ silk_apply_sine_window_FLP()

void silk_apply_sine_window_FLP ( silk_float  px_win[],
const silk_float  px[],
const opus_int  win_type,
const opus_int  length 

◆ silk_control_encoder()

opus_int silk_control_encoder ( silk_encoder_state_FLP psEnc,
silk_EncControlStruct encControl,
const opus_int32  TargetRate_bps,
const opus_int  allow_bw_switch,
const opus_int  channelNb,
const opus_int  force_fs_kHz 

◆ silk_corrMatrix_FLP()

void silk_corrMatrix_FLP ( const silk_float x,
const opus_int  L,
const opus_int  Order,
silk_float XX 

◆ silk_corrVector_FLP()

void silk_corrVector_FLP ( const silk_float x,
const silk_float t,
const opus_int  L,
const opus_int  Order,
silk_float Xt 

◆ silk_encode_do_VAD_FLP()

void silk_encode_do_VAD_FLP ( silk_encoder_state_FLP psEnc)

◆ silk_encode_frame_FLP()

opus_int silk_encode_frame_FLP ( silk_encoder_state_FLP psEnc,
opus_int32 pnBytesOut,
ec_enc psRangeEnc,
opus_int  condCoding,
opus_int  maxBits,
opus_int  useCBR 

◆ silk_find_LPC_FLP()

void silk_find_LPC_FLP ( silk_encoder_state psEncC,
opus_int16  NLSF_Q15[],
const silk_float  x[],
const silk_float  minInvGain 

◆ silk_find_LTP_FLP()

void silk_find_LTP_FLP ( silk_float  b[MAX_NB_SUBFR *LTP_ORDER],
silk_float LTPredCodGain,
const silk_float  r_lpc[],
const opus_int  lag[MAX_NB_SUBFR],
const silk_float  Wght[MAX_NB_SUBFR],
const opus_int  subfr_length,
const opus_int  nb_subfr,
const opus_int  mem_offset 

◆ silk_find_pitch_lags_FLP()

void silk_find_pitch_lags_FLP ( silk_encoder_state_FLP psEnc,
silk_encoder_control_FLP psEncCtrl,
silk_float  res[],
const silk_float  x[],
int  arch 

◆ silk_find_pred_coefs_FLP()

void silk_find_pred_coefs_FLP ( silk_encoder_state_FLP psEnc,
silk_encoder_control_FLP psEncCtrl,
const silk_float  res_pitch[],
const silk_float  x[],
opus_int  condCoding 

◆ silk_HP_variable_cutoff()

void silk_HP_variable_cutoff ( silk_encoder_state_Fxx  state_Fxx[])

◆ silk_init_encoder()

opus_int silk_init_encoder ( silk_encoder_state_FLP psEnc,
int  arch 

◆ silk_LPC_analysis_filter_FLP()

void silk_LPC_analysis_filter_FLP ( silk_float  r_LPC[],
const silk_float  PredCoef[],
const silk_float  s[],
const opus_int  length,
const opus_int  Order 

◆ silk_LTP_analysis_filter_FLP()

void silk_LTP_analysis_filter_FLP ( silk_float LTP_res,
const silk_float x,
const silk_float  B[LTP_ORDER *MAX_NB_SUBFR],
const opus_int  pitchL[MAX_NB_SUBFR],
const silk_float  invGains[MAX_NB_SUBFR],
const opus_int  subfr_length,
const opus_int  nb_subfr,
const opus_int  pre_length 

◆ silk_LTP_scale_ctrl_FLP()

void silk_LTP_scale_ctrl_FLP ( silk_encoder_state_FLP psEnc,
silk_encoder_control_FLP psEncCtrl,
opus_int  condCoding 

◆ silk_NLSF2A_FLP()

void silk_NLSF2A_FLP ( silk_float pAR,
const opus_int16 NLSF_Q15,
const opus_int  LPC_order 

◆ silk_noise_shape_analysis_FLP()

void silk_noise_shape_analysis_FLP ( silk_encoder_state_FLP psEnc,
silk_encoder_control_FLP psEncCtrl,
const silk_float pitch_res,
const silk_float x 

◆ silk_NSQ_wrapper_FLP()

void silk_NSQ_wrapper_FLP ( silk_encoder_state_FLP psEnc,
silk_encoder_control_FLP psEncCtrl,
SideInfoIndices psIndices,
silk_nsq_state psNSQ,
opus_int8  pulses[],
const silk_float  x[] 

◆ silk_prefilter_FLP()

void silk_prefilter_FLP ( silk_encoder_state_FLP psEnc,
const silk_encoder_control_FLP psEncCtrl,
silk_float  xw[],
const silk_float  x[] 

◆ silk_process_gains_FLP()

void silk_process_gains_FLP ( silk_encoder_state_FLP psEnc,
silk_encoder_control_FLP psEncCtrl,
opus_int  condCoding 

◆ silk_process_NLSFs_FLP()

void silk_process_NLSFs_FLP ( silk_encoder_state psEncC,
silk_float  PredCoef[2][MAX_LPC_ORDER],
opus_int16  NLSF_Q15[MAX_LPC_ORDER],
const opus_int16  prev_NLSF_Q15[MAX_LPC_ORDER] 

◆ silk_quant_LTP_gains_FLP()

void silk_quant_LTP_gains_FLP ( silk_float  B[MAX_NB_SUBFR *LTP_ORDER],
opus_int8  cbk_index[MAX_NB_SUBFR],
opus_int8 periodicity_index,
opus_int32 sum_log_gain_Q7,
const silk_float  W[MAX_NB_SUBFR *LTP_ORDER *LTP_ORDER],
const opus_int  mu_Q10,
const opus_int  lowComplexity,
const opus_int  nb_subfr,
int  arch 

◆ silk_regularize_correlations_FLP()

void silk_regularize_correlations_FLP ( silk_float XX,
silk_float xx,
const silk_float  noise,
const opus_int  D 

◆ silk_residual_energy_covar_FLP()

silk_float silk_residual_energy_covar_FLP ( const silk_float c,
silk_float wXX,
const silk_float wXx,
const silk_float  wxx,
const opus_int  D 

◆ silk_residual_energy_FLP()

void silk_residual_energy_FLP ( silk_float  nrgs[MAX_NB_SUBFR],
const silk_float  x[],
silk_float  a[2][MAX_LPC_ORDER],
const silk_float  gains[],
const opus_int  subfr_length,
const opus_int  nb_subfr,
const opus_int  LPC_order 

◆ silk_solve_LDL_FLP()

void silk_solve_LDL_FLP ( silk_float A,
const opus_int  M,
const silk_float b,
silk_float x 

◆ silk_warped_autocorrelation_FLP()

void silk_warped_autocorrelation_FLP ( silk_float corr,
const silk_float input,
const silk_float  warping,
const opus_int  length,
const opus_int  order 