#include "srtp.h"
#include "crypto_types.h"
Go to the source code of this file.
typedef struct srtp_cipher_t * | srtp_cipher_pointer_t |
typedef srtp_err_status_t(* | srtp_cipher_alloc_func_t) (srtp_cipher_pointer_t *cp, int key_len, int tag_len) |
typedef srtp_err_status_t(* | srtp_cipher_init_func_t) (void *state, const uint8_t *key) |
typedef srtp_err_status_t(* | srtp_cipher_dealloc_func_t) (srtp_cipher_pointer_t cp) |
typedef srtp_err_status_t(* | srtp_cipher_set_aad_func_t) (void *state, const uint8_t *aad, uint32_t aad_len) |
typedef srtp_err_status_t(* | srtp_cipher_encrypt_func_t) (void *state, uint8_t *buffer, unsigned int *octets_to_encrypt) |
typedef srtp_err_status_t(* | srtp_cipher_decrypt_func_t) (void *state, uint8_t *buffer, unsigned int *octets_to_decrypt) |
typedef srtp_err_status_t(* | srtp_cipher_set_iv_func_t) (void *state, uint8_t *iv, srtp_cipher_direction_t direction) |
typedef srtp_err_status_t(* | srtp_cipher_get_tag_func_t) (void *state, uint8_t *tag, uint32_t *len) |
typedef struct srtp_cipher_test_case_t | srtp_cipher_test_case_t |
typedef struct srtp_cipher_type_t | srtp_cipher_type_t |
typedef struct srtp_cipher_t | srtp_cipher_t |
int | srtp_cipher_get_key_length (const srtp_cipher_t *c) |
srtp_err_status_t | srtp_cipher_type_self_test (const srtp_cipher_type_t *ct) |
srtp_err_status_t | srtp_cipher_type_test (const srtp_cipher_type_t *ct, const srtp_cipher_test_case_t *test_data) |
uint64_t | srtp_cipher_bits_per_second (srtp_cipher_t *c, int octets_in_buffer, int num_trials) |
srtp_err_status_t | srtp_cipher_type_alloc (const srtp_cipher_type_t *ct, srtp_cipher_t **c, int key_len, int tlen) |
srtp_err_status_t | srtp_cipher_dealloc (srtp_cipher_t *c) |
srtp_err_status_t | srtp_cipher_init (srtp_cipher_t *c, const uint8_t *key) |
srtp_err_status_t | srtp_cipher_set_iv (srtp_cipher_t *c, uint8_t *iv, int direction) |
srtp_err_status_t | srtp_cipher_output (srtp_cipher_t *c, uint8_t *buffer, uint32_t *num_octets_to_output) |
srtp_err_status_t | srtp_cipher_encrypt (srtp_cipher_t *c, uint8_t *buffer, uint32_t *num_octets_to_output) |
srtp_err_status_t | srtp_cipher_decrypt (srtp_cipher_t *c, uint8_t *buffer, uint32_t *num_octets_to_output) |
srtp_err_status_t | srtp_cipher_get_tag (srtp_cipher_t *c, uint8_t *buffer, uint32_t *tag_len) |
srtp_err_status_t | srtp_cipher_set_aad (srtp_cipher_t *c, const uint8_t *aad, uint32_t aad_len) |
srtp_err_status_t | srtp_replace_cipher_type (const srtp_cipher_type_t *ct, srtp_cipher_type_id_t id) |
◆ srtp_cipher_alloc_func_t
◆ srtp_cipher_dealloc_func_t
◆ srtp_cipher_decrypt_func_t
◆ srtp_cipher_encrypt_func_t
◆ srtp_cipher_get_tag_func_t
◆ srtp_cipher_init_func_t
◆ srtp_cipher_pointer_t
◆ srtp_cipher_set_aad_func_t
◆ srtp_cipher_set_iv_func_t
◆ srtp_cipher_t
◆ srtp_cipher_test_case_t
◆ srtp_cipher_type_t
◆ srtp_cipher_direction_t
Enumerator |
srtp_direction_encrypt | encryption (convert plaintext to ciphertext)
srtp_direction_decrypt | decryption (convert ciphertext to plaintext)
srtp_direction_any | encryption or decryption
◆ srtp_cipher_bits_per_second()
◆ srtp_cipher_dealloc()
◆ srtp_cipher_decrypt()
◆ srtp_cipher_encrypt()
◆ srtp_cipher_get_key_length()
◆ srtp_cipher_get_tag()
◆ srtp_cipher_init()
◆ srtp_cipher_output()
◆ srtp_cipher_set_aad()
◆ srtp_cipher_set_iv()
◆ srtp_cipher_type_alloc()
◆ srtp_cipher_type_self_test()
◆ srtp_cipher_type_test()
◆ srtp_replace_cipher_type()