webkit  2cdf99a9e3038c7e01b3c37e8ad903ecbe5eecf1
Public Member Functions | Public Attributes | List of all members
XMLHttpRequest Interface Reference


Inheritance diagram for XMLHttpRequest:
XMLHttpRequestEventTarget EventTarget

Public Member Functions

void open (ByteString method, DOMString url)
void open (ByteString method, DOMString url, boolean async, optional DOMString? user=null, optional DOMString? password=null)
void setRequestHeader (ByteString header, ByteString value)
void send (optional(Document or BodyInit)? body=null)
void abort ()
ByteString getResponseHeader (ByteString name)
ByteString getAllResponseHeaders ()
void overrideMimeType (DOMString mime)
boolean responseCacheIsValid ()
any retrieveResponse ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from EventTarget
void addEventListener ([AtomicString] DOMString type, EventListener? callback, optional(AddEventListenerOptions or boolean) options=false)
void removeEventListener ([AtomicString] DOMString type, EventListener? callback, optional(EventListenerOptions or boolean) options=false)
boolean dispatchEvent (Event event)

Public Attributes

attribute EventHandler onreadystatechange
const unsigned short UNSENT = 0
const unsigned short OPENED = 1
const unsigned short HEADERS_RECEIVED = 2
const unsigned short LOADING = 3
const unsigned short DONE = 4
readonly attribute unsigned short readyState
attribute unsigned long timeout
attribute boolean withCredentials
readonly attribute XMLHttpRequestUpload upload
readonly attribute USVString responseURL
readonly attribute unsigned short status
readonly attribute ByteString statusText
attribute XMLHttpRequestResponseType responseType
readonly attribute any response
readonly attribute USVString responseText
readonly attribute Document responseXML
- Public Attributes inherited from XMLHttpRequestEventTarget
attribute EventHandler onloadstart
attribute EventHandler onprogress
attribute EventHandler onabort
attribute EventHandler onerror
attribute EventHandler onload
attribute EventHandler ontimeout
attribute EventHandler onloadend

Member Function Documentation

◆ abort()

void XMLHttpRequest::abort ( )

◆ getAllResponseHeaders()

ByteString XMLHttpRequest::getAllResponseHeaders ( )

◆ getResponseHeader()

ByteString XMLHttpRequest::getResponseHeader ( ByteString  name)

◆ open() [1/2]

void XMLHttpRequest::open ( ByteString  method,
DOMString  url 

◆ open() [2/2]

void XMLHttpRequest::open ( ByteString  method,
DOMString  url,
boolean  async,
optional DOMString?  user = null,
optional DOMString?  password = null 

◆ overrideMimeType()

void XMLHttpRequest::overrideMimeType ( DOMString  mime)

◆ responseCacheIsValid()

boolean XMLHttpRequest::responseCacheIsValid ( )

◆ retrieveResponse()

any XMLHttpRequest::retrieveResponse ( )

◆ send()

void XMLHttpRequest::send ( optional(Document or BodyInit)?  body = null)

◆ setRequestHeader()

void XMLHttpRequest::setRequestHeader ( ByteString  header,
ByteString  value 

Member Data Documentation


const unsigned short XMLHttpRequest::DONE = 4


const unsigned short XMLHttpRequest::HEADERS_RECEIVED = 2


const unsigned short XMLHttpRequest::LOADING = 3

◆ onreadystatechange

attribute EventHandler XMLHttpRequest::onreadystatechange


const unsigned short XMLHttpRequest::OPENED = 1

◆ readyState

readonly attribute unsigned short XMLHttpRequest::readyState

◆ response

readonly attribute any XMLHttpRequest::response

◆ responseText

readonly attribute USVString XMLHttpRequest::responseText

◆ responseType

attribute XMLHttpRequestResponseType XMLHttpRequest::responseType

◆ responseURL

readonly attribute USVString XMLHttpRequest::responseURL

◆ responseXML

readonly attribute Document XMLHttpRequest::responseXML

◆ status

readonly attribute unsigned short XMLHttpRequest::status

◆ statusText

readonly attribute ByteString XMLHttpRequest::statusText

◆ timeout

attribute unsigned long XMLHttpRequest::timeout


const unsigned short XMLHttpRequest::UNSENT = 0

◆ upload

readonly attribute XMLHttpRequestUpload XMLHttpRequest::upload

◆ withCredentials

attribute boolean XMLHttpRequest::withCredentials

The documentation for this interface was generated from the following file: