#import <WebHTMLView.h>
Instance Methods | |
(void) | - setNeedsToApplyStyles: |
(void) | - reapplyStyles |
(void) | - outdent: |
(BOOL) | - hasMarkedText |
A document view of WebFrameView that displays HTML content. WebHTMLView is a NSControl because it hosts NSCells that are painted by WebCore's Aqua theme renderer (and those cells must be hosted by an enclosing NSControl in order to paint properly).
- (BOOL) hasMarkedText |
Provided by category WebHTMLView(RemovedAppKitSuperclassMethods).
- (void) reapplyStyles |
reapplyStyles Immediately causes reapplication of style information to the view. This should not be called directly, instead call setNeedsToApplyStyles:.
setNeedsToApplyStyles: Sets flag to cause reapplication of style information.
flag | YES to apply style information, NO to not apply style information. |