#import <WebBackForwardList.h>
Instance Methods | |
(void) | - addItem: |
(void) | - goBack |
(void) | - goForward |
(void) | - goToItem: |
(NSArray *) | - backListWithLimit: |
(NSArray *) | - forwardListWithLimit: |
(BOOL) | - containsItem: |
(WebHistoryItem *) | - itemAtIndex: |
(virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE) | - QueryInterface |
(virtual ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE) | - Release |
(virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE) | - goForward |
(virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE) | - backItem |
(virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE) | - currentItem |
(virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE) | - forwardItem |
(virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE) | - backListWithLimit |
(virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE) | - forwardListWithLimit |
(virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE) | - capacity |
(virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE) | - setCapacity |
(virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE) | - backListCount |
(virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE) | - forwardListCount |
(virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE) | - containsItem |
(virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE) | - itemAtIndex |
(virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE) | - removeItem |
(id) | - initWithBackForwardList: [implementation] |
(void) | - setPageCacheSize: |
(NSUInteger) | - pageCacheSize |
(void) | - removeItem: |
(void) | - _close |
Instance Methods inherited from IWebBackForwardList | |
HRESULT | addItem ([in] IWebHistoryItem *item) |
HRESULT | goToItem ([in] IWebHistoryItem *item) |
HRESULT | backItem ([out, retval] IWebHistoryItem **item) |
HRESULT | currentItem ([out, retval] IWebHistoryItem **item) |
HRESULT | forwardItem ([out, retval] IWebHistoryItem **item) |
HRESULT | backListWithLimit ([in] int limit, [out] int *listCount, [in] IWebHistoryItem **list) |
HRESULT | forwardListWithLimit ([in] int limit, [out] int *listCount, [in] IWebHistoryItem **list) |
HRESULT | capacity ([out, retval] int *result) |
HRESULT | backListCount ([out, retval] int *count) |
HRESULT | forwardListCount ([out, retval] int *sizecount) |
HRESULT | containsItem ([in] IWebHistoryItem *item, [out, retval] BOOL *result) |
HRESULT | itemAtIndex ([in] int index, [out, retval] IWebHistoryItem **item) |
Class Methods | |
(static WebBackForwardList *) | + createInstance |
Protected Member Functions | |
() | - WebBackForwardList |
() | - ~WebBackForwardList |
Protected Attributes | |
package WebBackForwardListPrivate * | _private |
ULONG | m_refCount { 0 } |
RefPtr< BackForwardList > | m_backForwardList |
Properties | |
WebHistoryItem * | backItem |
WebHistoryItem * | currentItem |
WebHistoryItem * | forwardItem |
int | capacity |
int | backListCount |
int | forwardListCount |
WebBackForwardList holds an ordered list of WebHistoryItems that comprises the back and forward lists.
Note that the methods which modify instances of this class do not cause navigation to happen in other layers of the stack; they are only for maintaining this data structure.
- WebBackForwardList | (PassRefPtr< BackForwardList >) | backForwardList |
- (void) _close |
Provided by category WebBackForwardList(WebInternal).
- (HRESULT) addItem | (_In_opt_ IWebHistoryItem *) | item |
- (void) addItem: | (WebHistoryItem *) | item |
addItem: Adds an entry to the list.
item | The entry to add. The added entry is inserted immediately after the current entry. If the current position in the list is not at the end of the list, elements in the forward list will be dropped at this point. In addition, entries may be dropped to keep the size of the list within the maximum size. |
- (HRESULT) backItem | (_COM_Outptr_opt_ IWebHistoryItem **) | item |
- (HRESULT) backListCount | (_Out_ int *) | count |
- (HRESULT) backListWithLimit | (int) | limit | |
(_Out_ int *) | listCount | ||
(__deref_inout_opt IWebHistoryItem **) | list | ||
- (NSArray *) backListWithLimit: | (int) | limit |
- (HRESULT) capacity | (_Out_ int *) | result |
- (HRESULT) containsItem | (_In_opt_ IWebHistoryItem *) | item | |
(_Out_ BOOL *) | result | ||
- (BOOL) containsItem: | (WebHistoryItem *) | item |
item | The item that will be checked for presence in the WebBackForwardList. |
+ (WebBackForwardList *) createInstance | (PassRefPtr< BackForwardList >) | backForwardList |
- (HRESULT) currentItem | (_COM_Outptr_opt_ IWebHistoryItem **) | item |
- (HRESULT) forwardItem | (_COM_Outptr_opt_ IWebHistoryItem **) | item |
- (HRESULT) forwardListCount | (_Out_ int *) | count |
- (HRESULT) forwardListWithLimit | (int) | limit | |
(_Out_ int *) | listCount | ||
(__deref_inout_opt IWebHistoryItem **) | list | ||
- (NSArray *) forwardListWithLimit: | (int) | limit |
- (HRESULT) goBack |
goBack Move the current pointer back to the entry before the current entry.
Implements IWebBackForwardList.
goBack Move the current pointer back to the entry before the current entry.
Implements IWebBackForwardList.
- (HRESULT) goForward |
goForward Move the current pointer ahead to the entry after the current entry.
Implements IWebBackForwardList.
goForward Move the current pointer ahead to the entry after the current entry.
Implements IWebBackForwardList.
- (HRESULT) goToItem | (_In_opt_ IWebHistoryItem *) | item |
- (void) goToItem: | (WebHistoryItem *) | item |
goToItem: Move the current pointer to the given entry.
item | The history item to move the pointer to |
implementation |
- (HRESULT) itemAtIndex | (int) | index | |
(_COM_Outptr_opt_ IWebHistoryItem **) | item | ||
- (WebHistoryItem *) itemAtIndex: | (int) | index |
itemAtIndex: Returns an entry the given distance from the current entry.
index | Index of the desired list item relative to the current item; 0 is current item, -1 is back item, 1 is forward item, etc. |
- (NSUInteger) pageCacheSize |
pageCacheSize Returns the size of the shared page cache, or 0.
Provided by category WebBackForwardList(WebBackForwardListDeprecated).
- (HRESULT) removeItem | (_In_opt_ IWebHistoryItem *) | item |
- (void) removeItem: | (WebHistoryItem *) | item |
removeItem: Removes an entry from the list.
entry | The entry to remove. Cannot be the current item. |
Provided by category WebBackForwardList(WebBackForwardListPrivate).
- (HRESULT) setCapacity | (int) | size |
setCacpacity Sets the list's maximum size.
size | The new maximum size for the list.
Implements IWebBackForwardList.
- (void) setPageCacheSize: | (NSUInteger) | size |
setPageCacheSize: The size passed to this method determines whether the WebView associated with this WebBackForwardList will use the shared page cache.
size | If size is 0, the WebView associated with this WebBackForwardList will not use the shared page cache. Otherwise, it will. |
Provided by category WebBackForwardList(WebBackForwardListDeprecated).
protected |
protected |
protected |
readnonatomicstrong |
The entry right before the current entry, or nil if there isn't one.
readnonatomicassign |
The number of items in the list.
readwritenonatomicassign |
The list's maximum size.
readnonatomicstrong |
Returns the current entry.
readnonatomicstrong |
The entry right after the current entry, or nil if there isn't one.
readnonatomicassign |