webkit  2cdf99a9e3038c7e01b3c37e8ad903ecbe5eecf1
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RTCVideoRendererAdapter Class Reference

#import <RTCVideoRendererAdapter.h>

Inheritance diagram for RTCVideoRendererAdapter:
NSObject NSObject

Instance Methods

(instancetype) - NS_UNAVAILABLE
(instancetype) - NS_UNAVAILABLE
(instancetype) - initWithNativeRenderer: [implementation]
(instancetype) - initWithNativeRenderer: [implementation]


id< RTCVideoRenderer > videoRenderer [implementation]
rtc::VideoSinkInterface< webrtc::VideoFrame > * nativeVideoRenderer [implementation]

Method Documentation

◆ initWithNativeRenderer:() [1/2]

- (instancetype) initWithNativeRenderer: (id< RTCVideoRenderer >)  NS_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER

Initialize an RTCVideoRendererAdapter with an RTCVideoRenderer.

◆ initWithNativeRenderer:() [2/2]

- (instancetype) initWithNativeRenderer: (id< RTCVideoRenderer >)  NS_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER

Initialize an RTCVideoRendererAdapter with an RTCVideoRenderer.


- (instancetype) NS_UNAVAILABLE


- (instancetype) NS_UNAVAILABLE

Property Documentation

◆ nativeVideoRenderer

- (VideoSinkInterface<)webrtc:

The native VideoSinkInterface surface exposed by this adapter. Calls made to this interface will be adapted and passed to the RTCVideoRenderer supplied during construction. This pointer is unsafe and owned by this class.

◆ videoRenderer

- (id<RTCVideoRenderer>) videoRenderer

The Objective-C video renderer passed to this adapter during construction. Calls made to the webrtc::VideoRenderInterface will be adapted and passed to this video renderer.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: