webkit  2cdf99a9e3038c7e01b3c37e8ad903ecbe5eecf1
Public Member Functions | Public Attributes | List of all members
Node Interface Reference


Inheritance diagram for Node:

Public Member Functions

Node insertBefore (Node newChild, Node? refChild)
Node replaceChild (Node newChild, Node oldChild)
Node removeChild (Node oldChild)
Node appendChild (Node newChild)
boolean hasChildNodes ()
Node cloneNode (optional boolean deep=false)
void normalize ()
boolean isSameNode (Node? other)
boolean isEqualNode (Node? other)
DOMString lookupPrefix (DOMString? namespaceURI)
DOMString lookupNamespaceURI (DOMString? prefix)
boolean isDefaultNamespace (DOMString? namespaceURI)
unsigned short compareDocumentPosition (Node other)
boolean contains (Node? other)
Node getRootNode (optional GetRootNodeOptions options)
- Public Member Functions inherited from EventTarget
void addEventListener ([AtomicString] DOMString type, EventListener? callback, optional(AddEventListenerOptions or boolean) options=false)
void removeEventListener ([AtomicString] DOMString type, EventListener? callback, optional(EventListenerOptions or boolean) options=false)
boolean dispatchEvent (Event event)

Public Attributes

const unsigned short ELEMENT_NODE = 1
const unsigned short ATTRIBUTE_NODE = 2
const unsigned short TEXT_NODE = 3
const unsigned short CDATA_SECTION_NODE = 4
const unsigned short ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE = 5
const unsigned short ENTITY_NODE = 6
const unsigned short PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE = 7
const unsigned short COMMENT_NODE = 8
const unsigned short DOCUMENT_NODE = 9
const unsigned short DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE = 10
const unsigned short DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE = 11
const unsigned short NOTATION_NODE = 12
readonly attribute DOMString nodeName
attribute DOMString nodeValue
readonly attribute unsigned short nodeType
readonly attribute Node parentNode
readonly attribute NodeList childNodes
readonly attribute Node firstChild
readonly attribute Node lastChild
readonly attribute Node previousSibling
readonly attribute Node nextSibling
readonly attribute Document ownerDocument
readonly attribute USVString baseURI
attribute DOMString textContent
const unsigned short DOCUMENT_POSITION_DISCONNECTED = 0x01
const unsigned short DOCUMENT_POSITION_PRECEDING = 0x02
const unsigned short DOCUMENT_POSITION_FOLLOWING = 0x04
const unsigned short DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINS = 0x08
const unsigned short DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINED_BY = 0x10
readonly attribute boolean isConnected
readonly attribute Element parentElement

Member Function Documentation

◆ appendChild()

Node Node::appendChild ( Node  newChild)

◆ cloneNode()

Node Node::cloneNode ( optional boolean  deep = false)

◆ compareDocumentPosition()

unsigned short Node::compareDocumentPosition ( Node  other)

◆ contains()

boolean Node::contains ( Node other)

◆ getRootNode()

Node Node::getRootNode ( optional GetRootNodeOptions  options)

◆ hasChildNodes()

boolean Node::hasChildNodes ( )

◆ insertBefore()

Node Node::insertBefore ( Node  newChild,
Node refChild 

◆ isDefaultNamespace()

boolean Node::isDefaultNamespace ( DOMString?  namespaceURI)

◆ isEqualNode()

boolean Node::isEqualNode ( Node other)

◆ isSameNode()

boolean Node::isSameNode ( Node other)

◆ lookupNamespaceURI()

DOMString Node::lookupNamespaceURI ( DOMString?  prefix)

◆ lookupPrefix()

DOMString Node::lookupPrefix ( DOMString?  namespaceURI)

◆ normalize()

void Node::normalize ( )

◆ removeChild()

Node Node::removeChild ( Node  oldChild)

◆ replaceChild()

Node Node::replaceChild ( Node  newChild,
Node  oldChild 

Member Data Documentation


const unsigned short Node::ATTRIBUTE_NODE = 2

◆ baseURI

readonly attribute USVString Node::baseURI


const unsigned short Node::CDATA_SECTION_NODE = 4

◆ childNodes

readonly attribute NodeList Node::childNodes


const unsigned short Node::COMMENT_NODE = 8


const unsigned short Node::DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE = 11


const unsigned short Node::DOCUMENT_NODE = 9


const unsigned short Node::DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINED_BY = 0x10


const unsigned short Node::DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINS = 0x08


const unsigned short Node::DOCUMENT_POSITION_DISCONNECTED = 0x01


const unsigned short Node::DOCUMENT_POSITION_FOLLOWING = 0x04




const unsigned short Node::DOCUMENT_POSITION_PRECEDING = 0x02


const unsigned short Node::DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE = 10


const unsigned short Node::ELEMENT_NODE = 1


const unsigned short Node::ENTITY_NODE = 6


const unsigned short Node::ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE = 5

◆ firstChild

readonly attribute Node Node::firstChild

◆ isConnected

readonly attribute boolean Node::isConnected

◆ lastChild

readonly attribute Node Node::lastChild

◆ nextSibling

readonly attribute Node Node::nextSibling

◆ nodeName

readonly attribute DOMString Node::nodeName

◆ nodeType

readonly attribute unsigned short Node::nodeType

◆ nodeValue

attribute DOMString Node::nodeValue


const unsigned short Node::NOTATION_NODE = 12

◆ ownerDocument

readonly attribute Document Node::ownerDocument

◆ parentElement

readonly attribute Element Node::parentElement

◆ parentNode

readonly attribute Node Node::parentNode

◆ previousSibling

readonly attribute Node Node::previousSibling


const unsigned short Node::PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE = 7


const unsigned short Node::TEXT_NODE = 3

◆ textContent

attribute DOMString Node::textContent

The documentation for this interface was generated from the following file: