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Public Member Functions | List of all members
IDOMHTMLDocument Interface Reference


Inheritance diagram for IDOMHTMLDocument:
IDOMDocument IDOMNode IDOMObject IWebScriptObject DOMHTMLDocument

Public Member Functions

HRESULT title ([out, retval] BSTR *result)
HRESULT setTitle ([in] BSTR title)
HRESULT referrer ([out, retval] BSTR *result)
HRESULT domain ([out, retval] BSTR *result)
HRESULT URL ([out, retval] BSTR *result)
HRESULT body ([out, retval] IDOMHTMLElement **bodyElement)
HRESULT setBody ([in] IDOMHTMLElement *body)
HRESULT images ([out, retval] IDOMHTMLCollection **collection)
HRESULT applets ([out, retval] IDOMHTMLCollection **collection)
HRESULT links ([out, retval] IDOMHTMLCollection **collection)
HRESULT forms ([out, retval] IDOMHTMLCollection **collection)
HRESULT anchors ([out, retval] IDOMHTMLCollection **collection)
HRESULT cookie ([out, retval] BSTR *result)
HRESULT setCookie ([in] BSTR cookie)
HRESULT open ()
HRESULT close ()
HRESULT write ([in] BSTR text)
HRESULT writeln ([in] BSTR text)
HRESULT getElementById_ ([in] BSTR elementId, [out, retval] IDOMElement **element)
HRESULT getElementsByName ([in] BSTR elementName, [out, retval] IDOMNodeList **nodeList)
- Public Member Functions inherited from IDOMDocument
HRESULT doctype ([out, retval] IDOMDocumentType **result)
HRESULT implementation ([out, retval] IDOMImplementation **result)
HRESULT documentElement ([out, retval] IDOMElement **result)
HRESULT createElement ([in] BSTR tagName, [out, retval] IDOMElement **result)
HRESULT createDocumentFragment ([out, retval] IDOMDocumentFragment **result)
HRESULT createTextNode ([in] BSTR data, [out, retval] IDOMText **result)
HRESULT createComment ([in] BSTR data, [out, retval] IDOMComment **result)
HRESULT createCDATASection ([in] BSTR data, [out, retval] IDOMCDATASection **result)
HRESULT createProcessingInstruction ([in] BSTR target, [in] BSTR data, [out, retval] IDOMProcessingInstruction **result)
HRESULT createAttribute ([in] BSTR name, [out, retval] IDOMAttr **result)
HRESULT createEntityReference ([in] BSTR name, [out, retval] IDOMEntityReference **result)
HRESULT getElementsByTagName ([in] BSTR tagName, [out, retval] IDOMNodeList **result)
HRESULT importNode ([in] IDOMNode *importedNode, [in] BOOL deep, [out, retval] IDOMNode **result)
HRESULT createElementNS ([in] BSTR namespaceURI, [in] BSTR qualifiedName, [out, retval] IDOMElement **result)
HRESULT createAttributeNS ([in] BSTR namespaceURI, [in] BSTR qualifiedName, [out, retval] IDOMAttr **result)
HRESULT getElementsByTagNameNS ([in] BSTR namespaceURI, [in] BSTR localName, [out, retval] IDOMNodeList **result)
HRESULT getElementById ([in] BSTR elementId, [out, retval] IDOMElement **result)
- Public Member Functions inherited from IDOMNode
HRESULT nodeName ([out, retval] BSTR *result)
HRESULT nodeValue ([out, retval] BSTR *result)
HRESULT setNodeValue ([in] BSTR value)
HRESULT nodeType ([out, retval] unsigned short *result)
HRESULT parentNode ([out, retval] IDOMNode **result)
HRESULT childNodes ([out, retval] IDOMNodeList **result)
HRESULT firstChild ([out, retval] IDOMNode **result)
HRESULT lastChild ([out, retval] IDOMNode **result)
HRESULT previousSibling ([out, retval] IDOMNode **result)
HRESULT nextSibling ([out, retval] IDOMNode **result)
HRESULT attributes ([out, retval] IDOMNamedNodeMap **result)
HRESULT ownerDocument ([out, retval] IDOMDocument **result)
HRESULT insertBefore ([in] IDOMNode *newChild, [in] IDOMNode *refChild, [out, retval] IDOMNode **result)
HRESULT replaceChild ([in] IDOMNode *newChild, [in] IDOMNode *oldChild, [out, retval] IDOMNode **result)
HRESULT removeChild ([in] IDOMNode *oldChild, [out, retval] IDOMNode **result)
HRESULT appendChild ([in] IDOMNode *oldChild, [out, retval] IDOMNode **result)
HRESULT hasChildNodes ([out, retval] BOOL *result)
HRESULT cloneNode ([in] BOOL deep, [out, retval] IDOMNode **result)
HRESULT normalize ()
HRESULT isSupported ([in] BSTR feature, [in] BSTR version, [out, retval] BOOL *result)
HRESULT namespaceURI ([out, retval] BSTR *result)
HRESULT prefix ([out, retval] BSTR *result)
HRESULT setPrefix ([in] BSTR prefix)
HRESULT localName ([out, retval] BSTR *result)
HRESULT hasAttributes ([out, retval] BOOL *result)
HRESULT isSameNode ([in] IDOMNode *other, [out, retval] BOOL *result)
HRESULT isEqualNode ([in] IDOMNode *other, [out, retval] BOOL *result)
HRESULT textContent ([out, retval] BSTR *result)
HRESULT setTextContent ([in] BSTR text)
- Public Member Functions inherited from IWebScriptObject
HRESULT throwException ([in] BSTR exceptionMessage, [out, retval] BOOL *result)
HRESULT callWebScriptMethod ([in] BSTR name, [in, size_is(cArgs)] const VARIANT args[], [in] int cArgs, [out, retval] VARIANT *result)
HRESULT evaluateWebScript ([in] BSTR script, [out, retval] VARIANT *result)
HRESULT removeWebScriptKey ([in] BSTR name)
HRESULT stringRepresentation ([out, retval] BSTR *stringRepresentation)
HRESULT webScriptValueAtIndex ([in] unsigned int index, [out, retval] VARIANT *result)
HRESULT setWebScriptValueAtIndex ([in] unsigned int index, [in] VARIANT val)
HRESULT setException ([in] BSTR description)

Member Function Documentation

◆ anchors()

HRESULT IDOMHTMLDocument::anchors ( [out, retval] IDOMHTMLCollection **  collection)

◆ applets()

HRESULT IDOMHTMLDocument::applets ( [out, retval] IDOMHTMLCollection **  collection)

◆ body()

HRESULT IDOMHTMLDocument::body ( [out, retval] IDOMHTMLElement **  bodyElement)

◆ close()

HRESULT IDOMHTMLDocument::close ( )

Implemented in DOMHTMLDocument, and DOMHTMLDocument.

◆ cookie()

HRESULT IDOMHTMLDocument::cookie ( [out, retval] BSTR result)

◆ domain()

HRESULT IDOMHTMLDocument::domain ( [out, retval] BSTR result)

◆ forms()

HRESULT IDOMHTMLDocument::forms ( [out, retval] IDOMHTMLCollection **  collection)

◆ getElementById_()

HRESULT IDOMHTMLDocument::getElementById_ ( [in] BSTR  elementId,
[out, retval] IDOMElement **  element 

◆ getElementsByName()

HRESULT IDOMHTMLDocument::getElementsByName ( [in] BSTR  elementName,
[out, retval] IDOMNodeList **  nodeList 

◆ images()

HRESULT IDOMHTMLDocument::images ( [out, retval] IDOMHTMLCollection **  collection)

◆ links()

HRESULT IDOMHTMLDocument::links ( [out, retval] IDOMHTMLCollection **  collection)

◆ open()

HRESULT IDOMHTMLDocument::open ( )

Implemented in DOMHTMLDocument, and DOMHTMLDocument.

◆ referrer()

HRESULT IDOMHTMLDocument::referrer ( [out, retval] BSTR result)

◆ setBody()

HRESULT IDOMHTMLDocument::setBody ( [in] IDOMHTMLElement body)

◆ setCookie()

HRESULT IDOMHTMLDocument::setCookie ( [in] BSTR  cookie)

◆ setTitle()

HRESULT IDOMHTMLDocument::setTitle ( [in] BSTR  title)

◆ title()

HRESULT IDOMHTMLDocument::title ( [out, retval] BSTR result)

◆ URL()

HRESULT IDOMHTMLDocument::URL ( [out, retval] BSTR result)

◆ write()

HRESULT IDOMHTMLDocument::write ( [in] BSTR  text)

◆ writeln()

HRESULT IDOMHTMLDocument::writeln ( [in] BSTR  text)

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