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IAccessibleText2 Interface Reference

This interface gives read-only access to text. More...


Inheritance diagram for IAccessibleText2:
IAccessibleText AccessibleText


BSTR attributeRange ([in] long offset, [in] BSTR filter, [out] long startOffset, [out] long endOffset) [get]
 Returns the range and of the specified set of attributes. More...
- Properties inherited from IAccessibleText
BSTR attributes ([in] long offset, [out] long startOffset, [out] long endOffset) [get]
 Returns text attributes. More...
long caretOffset [get]
 Returns the position of the caret. More...
long characterExtents ([in] long offset, [in] IA2CoordinateType coordType, [out] long x, [out] long y, [out] long width) [get]
 Returns the bounding box of the specified position. More...
long nSelections [get]
 Returns the number of active non-contiguous selections. More...
long offsetAtPoint ([in] long x, [in] long y, [in] IA2CoordinateType coordType) [get]
 Returns the text position for the specified screen position. More...
long selection ([in] long selectionIndex, [out] long startOffset) [get]
 Returns the character offsets of Nth active text selection. More...
BSTR text ([in] long startOffset, [in] long endOffset) [get]
 Returns the substring between the two given indices. More...
BSTR textBeforeOffset ([in] long offset, [in] IA2TextBoundaryType boundaryType, [out] long startOffset, [out] long endOffset) [get]
 Returns a text portion before the given position. More...
BSTR textAfterOffset ([in] long offset, [in] IA2TextBoundaryType boundaryType, [out] long startOffset, [out] long endOffset) [get]
 Returns a text portion after the given position. More...
BSTR textAtOffset ([in] long offset, [in] IA2TextBoundaryType boundaryType, [out] long startOffset, [out] long endOffset) [get]
 Returns a text portion that spans the given position. More...
long nCharacters [get]
 Returns total number of characters. More...
IA2TextSegment newText [get]
 Returns any inserted text. More...
IA2TextSegment oldText [get]
 Returns any removed text. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Member Functions inherited from IAccessibleText
HRESULT addSelection ([in] long startOffset, [in] long endOffset)
 Adds a text selection. More...
HRESULT removeSelection ([in] long selectionIndex)
 Unselects a range of text. More...
HRESULT setCaretOffset ([in] long offset)
 Sets the position of the caret. More...
HRESULT setSelection ([in] long selectionIndex, [in] long startOffset, [in] long endOffset)
 Changes the bounds of an existing selection. More...
HRESULT scrollSubstringTo ([in] long startIndex, [in] long endIndex, [in] enum IA2ScrollType scrollType)
 Makes a specific part of string visible on screen. More...
HRESULT scrollSubstringToPoint ([in] long startIndex, [in] long endIndex, [in] enum IA2CoordinateType coordinateType, [in] long x, [in] long y)
 Moves the top left of a substring to a specified location. More...

Detailed Description

This interface gives read-only access to text.

The IAccessibleText2 interface extends the functionality of the IAccessibleText interface.

Property Documentation

◆ attributeRange

BSTR IAccessibleText2::attributeRange([in] long offset, [in] BSTR filter, [out] long startOffset, [out] long endOffset)

Returns the range and of the specified set of attributes.

Return the range (start and end offsets) and text attributes that correspond to the given attributes filter at the given offset.

[in]offsetThe offset at which to search for the attributes specified in the filter.
[in]filterThe requested attribute names. The filter format is "attribute1, attribute2".
[out]startOffsetThe starting (0-based) offset of the text containing the specified attributes.
[out]endOffsetThe (0-based) offset one past the last character of the text containing the specified attributes.
[out]attributeValuesThe values of the requested attributes.
Return values
S_FALSEif nothing to return, [out] values are -1, -1, NULL respectively.
E_INVALIDARGif bad [in] passed.

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