VARIANT | attribute ([in] BSTR name) [get] |
| Returns the attribute value of a specified attribute specific to this object. More...
long | accessibleWithCaret ([out] IUnknown accessible) [get] |
| Returns the deepest hypertext accessible in the subtree of this object, and the caret offset within it. More...
long | relationTargetsOfType ([in] BSTR type, [in] long maxTargets, [out, size_is(, *nTargets)] IUnknown targets) [get] |
| Returns relation targets for a specified target type. More...
long | nRelations [get] |
| Returns the number of accessible relations for this object. More...
IAccessibleRelation | relation ([in] long relationIndex) [get] |
| Returns one accessible relation for this object. More...
long | relations ([in] long maxRelations, [out, size_is(maxRelations), length_is(*nRelations)] IAccessibleRelation relations) [get] |
| Returns multiple accessible relations for this object. More...
long | groupPosition ([out] long groupLevel, [out] long similarItemsInGroup) [get] |
| Returns grouping information. More...
AccessibleStates | states [get] |
| Returns the bit strip containing any IAccessible2 states. More...
BSTR | extendedRole [get] |
| Returns the extended role. More...
BSTR | localizedExtendedRole [get] |
| Returns the localized extended role. More...
long | nExtendedStates [get] |
| Returns the number of extended states. More...
long | extendedStates ([in] long maxExtendedStates, [out, size_is(, maxExtendedStates), length_is(, *nExtendedStates)] BSTR extendedStates) [get] |
| Returns the extended states (array of strings). More...
long | localizedExtendedStates ([in] long maxLocalizedExtendedStates, [out, size_is(, maxLocalizedExtendedStates), length_is(, *nLocalizedExtendedStates)] BSTR localizedExtendedStates) [get] |
| Returns the localized extended states (array of strings). More...
long | uniqueID [get] |
| Returns the unique ID. More...
HWND | windowHandle [get] |
| Returns the window handle for the parent window which contains this object. More...
long | indexInParent [get] |
| Returns the index of this object in its parent object. More...
IA2Locale | locale [get] |
| Returns the IA2Locale of the accessible object. More...
BSTR | attributes [get] |
| Returns the attributes specific to this object, such as a cell's formula. More...