◆ getSVGDocument()
Document HTMLIFrameElement::getSVGDocument |
( |
| ) |
◆ align
◆ allowFullscreen
◆ contentDocument
◆ contentWindow
◆ frameBorder
attribute DOMString HTMLIFrameElement::frameBorder |
◆ height
attribute DOMString HTMLIFrameElement::height |
◆ longDesc
attribute USVString HTMLIFrameElement::longDesc |
◆ marginHeight
attribute DOMString HTMLIFrameElement::marginHeight |
◆ marginWidth
attribute DOMString HTMLIFrameElement::marginWidth |
◆ name
◆ sandbox
◆ scrolling
attribute DOMString HTMLIFrameElement::scrolling |
◆ src
◆ srcdoc
attribute DOMString HTMLIFrameElement::srcdoc |
◆ width
The documentation for this interface was generated from the following file: