#import <GPBCodedOutputStream.h>
Instance Methods | |
(instancetype) | - initWithData: |
(instancetype) | - initWithOutputStream: |
Initializes a stream to write into the given NSOutputStream . More... | |
(void) | - flush |
Flush any buffered data out. More... | |
(void) | - writeRawByte: |
Write the raw byte out. More... | |
(void) | - writeTag:format: |
(void) | - writeRawLittleEndian32: |
Write a 32bit value out in little endian format. More... | |
(void) | - writeRawLittleEndian64: |
Write a 64bit value out in little endian format. More... | |
(void) | - writeRawVarint32: |
Write a 32bit value out in varint format. More... | |
(void) | - writeRawVarint64: |
Write a 64bit value out in varint format. More... | |
(void) | - writeRawVarintSizeTAs32: |
(void) | - writeRawData: |
Writes the contents of an NSData out. More... | |
(void) | - writeRawPtr:offset:length: |
(void) | - writeDouble:value: |
Write a double for the given field number. More... | |
(void) | - writeDoubleArray:values:tag: |
Write a packed array of double for the given field number. More... | |
(void) | - writeDoubleNoTag: |
Write a double without any tag. More... | |
(void) | - writeFloat:value: |
Write a float for the given field number. More... | |
(void) | - writeFloatArray:values:tag: |
Write a packed array of float for the given field number. More... | |
(void) | - writeFloatNoTag: |
Write a float without any tag. More... | |
(void) | - writeUInt64:value: |
Write a uint64_t for the given field number. More... | |
(void) | - writeUInt64Array:values:tag: |
Write a packed array of uint64_t for the given field number. More... | |
(void) | - writeUInt64NoTag: |
Write a uint64_t without any tag. More... | |
(void) | - writeInt64:value: |
Write a int64_t for the given field number. More... | |
(void) | - writeInt64Array:values:tag: |
Write a packed array of int64_t for the given field number. More... | |
(void) | - writeInt64NoTag: |
Write a int64_t without any tag. More... | |
(void) | - writeInt32:value: |
Write a int32_t for the given field number. More... | |
(void) | - writeInt32Array:values:tag: |
Write a packed array of int32_t for the given field number. More... | |
(void) | - writeInt32NoTag: |
Write a int32_t without any tag. More... | |
(void) | - writeUInt32:value: |
Write a uint32_t for the given field number. More... | |
(void) | - writeUInt32Array:values:tag: |
Write a packed array of uint32_t for the given field number. More... | |
(void) | - writeUInt32NoTag: |
Write a uint32_t without any tag. More... | |
(void) | - writeFixed64:value: |
Write a uint64_t for the given field number. More... | |
(void) | - writeFixed64Array:values:tag: |
Write a packed array of uint64_t for the given field number. More... | |
(void) | - writeFixed64NoTag: |
Write a uint64_t without any tag. More... | |
(void) | - writeFixed32:value: |
Write a uint32_t for the given field number. More... | |
(void) | - writeFixed32Array:values:tag: |
Write a packed array of uint32_t for the given field number. More... | |
(void) | - writeFixed32NoTag: |
Write a uint32_t without any tag. More... | |
(void) | - writeSInt32:value: |
Write a int32_t for the given field number. More... | |
(void) | - writeSInt32Array:values:tag: |
Write a packed array of int32_t for the given field number. More... | |
(void) | - writeSInt32NoTag: |
Write a int32_t without any tag. More... | |
(void) | - writeSInt64:value: |
Write a int64_t for the given field number. More... | |
(void) | - writeSInt64Array:values:tag: |
Write a packed array of int64_t for the given field number. More... | |
(void) | - writeSInt64NoTag: |
Write a int64_t without any tag. More... | |
(void) | - writeSFixed64:value: |
Write a int64_t for the given field number. More... | |
(void) | - writeSFixed64Array:values:tag: |
Write a packed array of int64_t for the given field number. More... | |
(void) | - writeSFixed64NoTag: |
Write a int64_t without any tag. More... | |
(void) | - writeSFixed32:value: |
Write a int32_t for the given field number. More... | |
(void) | - writeSFixed32Array:values:tag: |
Write a packed array of int32_t for the given field number. More... | |
(void) | - writeSFixed32NoTag: |
Write a int32_t without any tag. More... | |
(void) | - writeBool:value: |
Write a BOOL for the given field number. More... | |
(void) | - writeBoolArray:values:tag: |
Write a packed array of BOOL for the given field number. More... | |
(void) | - writeBoolNoTag: |
Write a BOOL without any tag. More... | |
(void) | - writeEnum:value: |
Write a int32_t for the given field number. More... | |
(void) | - writeEnumArray:values:tag: |
Write a packed array of int32_t for the given field number. More... | |
(void) | - writeEnumNoTag: |
Write a int32_t without any tag. More... | |
(void) | - writeString:value: |
Write a NSString for the given field number. More... | |
(void) | - writeStringArray:values: |
Write an array of NSString for the given field number. More... | |
(void) | - writeStringNoTag: |
Write a NSString without any tag. More... | |
(void) | - writeMessage:value: |
Write a GPBMessage for the given field number. More... | |
(void) | - writeMessageArray:values: |
Write an array of GPBMessage for the given field number. More... | |
(void) | - writeMessageNoTag: |
Write a GPBMessage without any tag. More... | |
(void) | - writeBytes:value: |
Write a NSData for the given field number. More... | |
(void) | - writeBytesArray:values: |
Write an array of NSData for the given field number. More... | |
(void) | - writeBytesNoTag: |
Write a NSData without any tag. More... | |
(void) | - writeGroup:value: |
Write a GPBMessage for the given field number. More... | |
(void) | - writeGroupArray:values: |
Write an array of GPBMessage for the given field number. More... | |
(void) | - writeGroupNoTag:value: |
Write a GPBMessage without any tag (but does write the endGroup tag). More... | |
(void) | - writeUnknownGroup:value: |
Write a GPBUnknownFieldSet for the given field number. More... | |
(void) | - writeUnknownGroupArray:values: |
Write an array of GPBUnknownFieldSet for the given field number. More... | |
(void) | - writeUnknownGroupNoTag:value: |
Write a GPBUnknownFieldSet without any tag (but does write the endGroup tag). More... | |
(void) | - writeMessageSetExtension:value: |
(void) | - writeRawMessageSetExtension:value: |
Class Methods | |
(instancetype) | + streamWithData: |
(instancetype) | + streamWithOutputStream: |
Creates a stream to write into the given NSOutputStream . More... | |
Writes out protocol message fields.
The common uses of protocol buffers shouldn't need to use this class. GPBMessage's
provide a -data
method that will serialize the message for you.
- (void) flush |
Flush any buffered data out.
- (instancetype) initWithData: | (NSMutableData *) | data |
Initializes a stream to fill in the given data. Data must be sized to fit or an error will be raised when out of space.
- (instancetype) initWithOutputStream: | (NSOutputStream *) | output |
Initializes a stream to write into the given NSOutputStream
+ (instancetype) streamWithData: | (NSMutableData *) | data |
Creates a stream to fill in the given data. Data must be sized to fit or an error will be raised when out of space.
+ (instancetype) streamWithOutputStream: | (NSOutputStream *) | output |
Creates a stream to write into the given NSOutputStream
Write a BOOL for the given field number.
- (void) writeBoolArray: | (int32_t) | fieldNumber | |
values: | (GPBBoolArray *) | values | |
tag: | (uint32_t) | tag | |
Write a packed array of BOOL for the given field number.
Write a NSData for the given field number.
Write an array of NSData for the given field number.
Write a double for the given field number.
- (void) writeDoubleArray: | (int32_t) | fieldNumber | |
values: | (GPBDoubleArray *) | values | |
tag: | (uint32_t) | tag | |
Write a packed array of double for the given field number.
- (void) writeDoubleNoTag: | (double) | value |
Write a double without any tag.
Write a int32_t for the given field number.
- (void) writeEnumArray: | (int32_t) | fieldNumber | |
values: | (GPBEnumArray *) | values | |
tag: | (uint32_t) | tag | |
Write a packed array of int32_t for the given field number.
Write a uint32_t for the given field number.
- (void) writeFixed32Array: | (int32_t) | fieldNumber | |
values: | (GPBUInt32Array *) | values | |
tag: | (uint32_t) | tag | |
Write a packed array of uint32_t for the given field number.
Write a uint64_t for the given field number.
- (void) writeFixed64Array: | (int32_t) | fieldNumber | |
values: | (GPBUInt64Array *) | values | |
tag: | (uint32_t) | tag | |
Write a packed array of uint64_t for the given field number.
Write a float for the given field number.
- (void) writeFloatArray: | (int32_t) | fieldNumber | |
values: | (GPBFloatArray *) | values | |
tag: | (uint32_t) | tag | |
Write a packed array of float for the given field number.
- (void) writeFloatNoTag: | (float) | value |
Write a float without any tag.
- (void) writeGroup: | (int32_t) | fieldNumber | |
value: | (GPBMessage *) | value | |
Write a GPBMessage for the given field number.
- (void) writeGroupArray: | (int32_t) | fieldNumber | |
values: | (NSArray< GPBMessage * > *) | values | |
Write an array of GPBMessage for the given field number.
- (void) writeGroupNoTag: | (int32_t) | fieldNumber | |
value: | (GPBMessage *) | value | |
Write a GPBMessage without any tag (but does write the endGroup tag).
Write a int32_t for the given field number.
- (void) writeInt32Array: | (int32_t) | fieldNumber | |
values: | (GPBInt32Array *) | values | |
tag: | (uint32_t) | tag | |
Write a packed array of int32_t for the given field number.
Write a int64_t for the given field number.
- (void) writeInt64Array: | (int32_t) | fieldNumber | |
values: | (GPBInt64Array *) | values | |
tag: | (uint32_t) | tag | |
Write a packed array of int64_t for the given field number.
- (void) writeMessage: | (int32_t) | fieldNumber | |
value: | (GPBMessage *) | value | |
Write a GPBMessage for the given field number.
- (void) writeMessageArray: | (int32_t) | fieldNumber | |
values: | (NSArray< GPBMessage * > *) | values | |
Write an array of GPBMessage for the given field number.
- (void) writeMessageNoTag: | (GPBMessage *) | value |
Write a GPBMessage without any tag.
- (void) writeMessageSetExtension: | (int32_t) | fieldNumber | |
value: | (GPBMessage *) | value | |
Write a MessageSet extension field to the stream. For historical reasons, the wire format differs from normal fields.
Write an unparsed MessageSet extension field to the stream. For historical reasons, the wire format differs from normal fields.
Write a size_t out as a 32bit varint value.
Write a int32_t for the given field number.
- (void) writeSFixed32Array: | (int32_t) | fieldNumber | |
values: | (GPBInt32Array *) | values | |
tag: | (uint32_t) | tag | |
Write a packed array of int32_t for the given field number.
Write a int64_t for the given field number.
- (void) writeSFixed64Array: | (int32_t) | fieldNumber | |
values: | (GPBInt64Array *) | values | |
tag: | (uint32_t) | tag | |
Write a packed array of int64_t for the given field number.
Write a int32_t for the given field number.
- (void) writeSInt32Array: | (int32_t) | fieldNumber | |
values: | (GPBInt32Array *) | values | |
tag: | (uint32_t) | tag | |
Write a packed array of int32_t for the given field number.
Write a int64_t for the given field number.
- (void) writeSInt64Array: | (int32_t) | fieldNumber | |
values: | (GPBInt64Array *) | values | |
tag: | (uint32_t) | tag | |
Write a packed array of int64_t for the given field number.
Write a NSString for the given field number.
Write an array of NSString for the given field number.
- (void) writeTag: | (uint32_t) | fieldNumber | |
format: | (GPBWireFormat) | format | |
Write a uint32_t for the given field number.
- (void) writeUInt32Array: | (int32_t) | fieldNumber | |
values: | (GPBUInt32Array *) | values | |
tag: | (uint32_t) | tag | |
Write a packed array of uint32_t for the given field number.
Write a uint64_t for the given field number.
- (void) writeUInt64Array: | (int32_t) | fieldNumber | |
values: | (GPBUInt64Array *) | values | |
tag: | (uint32_t) | tag | |
Write a packed array of uint64_t for the given field number.
- (void) writeUnknownGroup: | (int32_t) | fieldNumber | |
value: | (GPBUnknownFieldSet *) | value | |
Write a GPBUnknownFieldSet for the given field number.
- (void) writeUnknownGroupArray: | (int32_t) | fieldNumber | |
values: | (NSArray< GPBUnknownFieldSet * > *) | values | |
Write an array of GPBUnknownFieldSet for the given field number.
- (void) writeUnknownGroupNoTag: | (int32_t) | fieldNumber | |
value: | (GPBUnknownFieldSet *) | value | |
Write a GPBUnknownFieldSet without any tag (but does write the endGroup tag).