webkit  2cdf99a9e3038c7e01b3c37e8ad903ecbe5eecf1
Public Member Functions | Public Attributes | List of all members
DeprecatedCSSOMPrimitiveValue Interface Reference


Inheritance diagram for DeprecatedCSSOMPrimitiveValue:

Public Member Functions

void setFloatValue (optional unsigned short unitType=0, optional unrestricted float floatValue=NaN)
unrestricted float getFloatValue (optional unsigned short unitType=0)
void setStringValue (optional unsigned short stringType=0, optional DOMString stringValue)
DOMString getStringValue ()
DeprecatedCSSOMCounter getCounterValue ()
DeprecatedCSSOMRect getRectValue ()
DeprecatedCSSOMRGBColor getRGBColorValue ()

Public Attributes

const unsigned short CSS_UNKNOWN = 0
const unsigned short CSS_NUMBER = 1
const unsigned short CSS_PERCENTAGE = 2
const unsigned short CSS_EMS = 3
const unsigned short CSS_EXS = 4
const unsigned short CSS_PX = 5
const unsigned short CSS_CM = 6
const unsigned short CSS_MM = 7
const unsigned short CSS_IN = 8
const unsigned short CSS_PT = 9
const unsigned short CSS_PC = 10
const unsigned short CSS_DEG = 11
const unsigned short CSS_RAD = 12
const unsigned short CSS_GRAD = 13
const unsigned short CSS_MS = 14
const unsigned short CSS_S = 15
const unsigned short CSS_HZ = 16
const unsigned short CSS_KHZ = 17
const unsigned short CSS_DIMENSION = 18
const unsigned short CSS_STRING = 19
const unsigned short CSS_URI = 20
const unsigned short CSS_IDENT = 21
const unsigned short CSS_ATTR = 22
const unsigned short CSS_COUNTER = 23
const unsigned short CSS_RECT = 24
const unsigned short CSS_RGBCOLOR = 25
const unsigned short CSS_VW = 26
const unsigned short CSS_VH = 27
const unsigned short CSS_VMIN = 28
const unsigned short CSS_VMAX = 29
readonly attribute unsigned short primitiveType
- Public Attributes inherited from DeprecatedCSSOMValue
const unsigned short CSS_INHERIT = 0
const unsigned short CSS_PRIMITIVE_VALUE = 1
const unsigned short CSS_VALUE_LIST = 2
const unsigned short CSS_CUSTOM = 3
attribute DOMString cssText
readonly attribute unsigned short cssValueType

Member Function Documentation

◆ getCounterValue()

DeprecatedCSSOMCounter DeprecatedCSSOMPrimitiveValue::getCounterValue ( )

◆ getFloatValue()

unrestricted float DeprecatedCSSOMPrimitiveValue::getFloatValue ( optional unsigned short  unitType = 0)

◆ getRectValue()

DeprecatedCSSOMRect DeprecatedCSSOMPrimitiveValue::getRectValue ( )

◆ getRGBColorValue()

DeprecatedCSSOMRGBColor DeprecatedCSSOMPrimitiveValue::getRGBColorValue ( )

◆ getStringValue()

DOMString DeprecatedCSSOMPrimitiveValue::getStringValue ( )

◆ setFloatValue()

void DeprecatedCSSOMPrimitiveValue::setFloatValue ( optional unsigned short  unitType = 0,
optional unrestricted float  floatValue = NaN 

◆ setStringValue()

void DeprecatedCSSOMPrimitiveValue::setStringValue ( optional unsigned short  stringType = 0,
optional DOMString  stringValue 

Member Data Documentation


const unsigned short DeprecatedCSSOMPrimitiveValue::CSS_ATTR = 22


const unsigned short DeprecatedCSSOMPrimitiveValue::CSS_CM = 6


const unsigned short DeprecatedCSSOMPrimitiveValue::CSS_COUNTER = 23


const unsigned short DeprecatedCSSOMPrimitiveValue::CSS_DEG = 11


const unsigned short DeprecatedCSSOMPrimitiveValue::CSS_DIMENSION = 18


const unsigned short DeprecatedCSSOMPrimitiveValue::CSS_EMS = 3


const unsigned short DeprecatedCSSOMPrimitiveValue::CSS_EXS = 4


const unsigned short DeprecatedCSSOMPrimitiveValue::CSS_GRAD = 13


const unsigned short DeprecatedCSSOMPrimitiveValue::CSS_HZ = 16


const unsigned short DeprecatedCSSOMPrimitiveValue::CSS_IDENT = 21


const unsigned short DeprecatedCSSOMPrimitiveValue::CSS_IN = 8


const unsigned short DeprecatedCSSOMPrimitiveValue::CSS_KHZ = 17


const unsigned short DeprecatedCSSOMPrimitiveValue::CSS_MM = 7


const unsigned short DeprecatedCSSOMPrimitiveValue::CSS_MS = 14


const unsigned short DeprecatedCSSOMPrimitiveValue::CSS_NUMBER = 1


const unsigned short DeprecatedCSSOMPrimitiveValue::CSS_PC = 10


const unsigned short DeprecatedCSSOMPrimitiveValue::CSS_PERCENTAGE = 2


const unsigned short DeprecatedCSSOMPrimitiveValue::CSS_PT = 9


const unsigned short DeprecatedCSSOMPrimitiveValue::CSS_PX = 5


const unsigned short DeprecatedCSSOMPrimitiveValue::CSS_RAD = 12


const unsigned short DeprecatedCSSOMPrimitiveValue::CSS_RECT = 24


const unsigned short DeprecatedCSSOMPrimitiveValue::CSS_RGBCOLOR = 25


const unsigned short DeprecatedCSSOMPrimitiveValue::CSS_S = 15


const unsigned short DeprecatedCSSOMPrimitiveValue::CSS_STRING = 19


const unsigned short DeprecatedCSSOMPrimitiveValue::CSS_UNKNOWN = 0


const unsigned short DeprecatedCSSOMPrimitiveValue::CSS_URI = 20


const unsigned short DeprecatedCSSOMPrimitiveValue::CSS_VH = 27


const unsigned short DeprecatedCSSOMPrimitiveValue::CSS_VMAX = 29


const unsigned short DeprecatedCSSOMPrimitiveValue::CSS_VMIN = 28


const unsigned short DeprecatedCSSOMPrimitiveValue::CSS_VW = 26

◆ primitiveType

readonly attribute unsigned short DeprecatedCSSOMPrimitiveValue::primitiveType

The documentation for this interface was generated from the following file: