This is the complete list of members for rx::TextureStorage11_2DArray, including all inherited members.
associateImage(Image11 *image, const gl::ImageIndex &index) | rx::TextureStorage11_2DArray | virtual |
clearSRVCache() | rx::TextureStorage11 | protected |
copySubresourceLevel(ID3D11Resource *dstTexture, unsigned int dstSubresource, const gl::ImageIndex &index, const gl::Box ®ion) | rx::TextureStorage11 | |
copyToStorage(TextureStorage *destStorage) | rx::TextureStorage11 | virtual |
createDropStencilTexture() override | rx::TextureStorage11_2DArray | protectedvirtual |
disassociateImage(const gl::ImageIndex &index, Image11 *expectedImage) | rx::TextureStorage11_2DArray | virtual |
generateMipmap(const gl::ImageIndex &sourceIndex, const gl::ImageIndex &destIndex) | rx::TextureStorage11 | virtual |
generateSwizzles(const gl::SwizzleState &swizzleTarget) | rx::TextureStorage11 | |
getBindFlags() const | rx::TextureStorage11 | |
getFormatSet() const | rx::TextureStorage11 | |
getLevelCount() const | rx::TextureStorage11 | virtual |
getLevelDepth(int mipLevel) const | rx::TextureStorage11 | protected |
getLevelHeight(int mipLevel) const | rx::TextureStorage11 | protected |
getLevelWidth(int mipLevel) const | rx::TextureStorage11 | protected |
getMippedResource(ID3D11Resource **outResource) | rx::TextureStorage11 | inlineprotectedvirtual |
getMiscFlags() const | rx::TextureStorage11 | |
getRenderTarget(const gl::ImageIndex &index, RenderTargetD3D **outRT) | rx::TextureStorage11_2DArray | virtual |
getResource(ID3D11Resource **outResource) | rx::TextureStorage11_2DArray | virtual |
getSRV(const gl::TextureState &textureState, ID3D11ShaderResourceView **outSRV) | rx::TextureStorage11 | virtual |
getSRVLevel(int mipLevel, bool blitSRV, ID3D11ShaderResourceView **outSRV) | rx::TextureStorage11 | protected |
getSRVLevels(GLint baseLevel, GLint maxLevel, ID3D11ShaderResourceView **outSRV) | rx::TextureStorage11 | |
getSubresourceIndex(const gl::ImageIndex &index) const | rx::TextureStorage11 | virtual |
getSwizzleRenderTarget(int mipLevel, ID3D11RenderTargetView **outRTV) | rx::TextureStorage11_2DArray | protectedvirtual |
getSwizzleTexture(ID3D11Resource **outTexture) | rx::TextureStorage11_2DArray | protectedvirtual |
GetTextureBindFlags(GLenum internalFormat, const Renderer11DeviceCaps &renderer11DeviceCaps, bool renderTarget) | rx::TextureStorage11 | static |
GetTextureMiscFlags(GLenum internalFormat, const Renderer11DeviceCaps &renderer11DeviceCaps, bool renderTarget, int levels) | rx::TextureStorage11 | static |
getTopLevel() const | rx::TextureStorage11 | virtual |
initDropStencilTexture(const gl::ImageIndexIterator &it) | rx::TextureStorage11 | protected |
isAssociatedImageValid(const gl::ImageIndex &index, Image11 *expectedImage) | rx::TextureStorage11_2DArray | virtual |
isManaged() const | rx::TextureStorage11 | virtual |
isRenderTarget() const | rx::TextureStorage11 | virtual |
markDirty() | rx::TextureStorage11 | |
markLevelDirty(int mipLevel) | rx::TextureStorage11 | |
mDropStencilTexture | rx::TextureStorage11 | protected |
mFormatInfo | rx::TextureStorage11 | protected |
mMipLevels | rx::TextureStorage11 | protected |
mRenderer | rx::TextureStorage11 | protected |
mSwizzleCache | rx::TextureStorage11 | protected |
mTextureDepth | rx::TextureStorage11 | protected |
mTextureHeight | rx::TextureStorage11 | protected |
mTextureWidth | rx::TextureStorage11 | protected |
mTopLevel | rx::TextureStorage11 | protected |
releaseAssociatedImage(const gl::ImageIndex &index, Image11 *incomingImage) | rx::TextureStorage11_2DArray | virtual |
setData(const gl::ImageIndex &index, ImageD3D *image, const gl::Box *destBox, GLenum type, const gl::PixelUnpackState &unpack, const uint8_t *pixelData) | rx::TextureStorage11 | virtual |
supportsNativeMipmapFunction() const override | rx::TextureStorage11 | virtual |
TextureStorage() | rx::TextureStorage | inline |
TextureStorage11(Renderer11 *renderer, UINT bindFlags, UINT miscFlags, GLenum internalFormat) | rx::TextureStorage11 | protected |
TextureStorage11_2DArray(Renderer11 *renderer, GLenum internalformat, bool renderTarget, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLsizei depth, int levels) | rx::TextureStorage11_2DArray | |
updateSubresourceLevel(ID3D11Resource *texture, unsigned int sourceSubresource, const gl::ImageIndex &index, const gl::Box ©Area) | rx::TextureStorage11 | |
useLevelZeroWorkaroundTexture(bool useLevelZeroTexture) | rx::TextureStorage | inlinevirtual |
verifySwizzleExists(const gl::SwizzleState &swizzleState) | rx::TextureStorage11 | protected |
~TextureStorage() | rx::TextureStorage | inlinevirtual |
~TextureStorage11() | rx::TextureStorage11 | virtual |
~TextureStorage11_2DArray() | rx::TextureStorage11_2DArray | virtual |