webkit  2cdf99a9e3038c7e01b3c37e8ad903ecbe5eecf1
Public Member Functions | List of all members
org.webrtc.DtmfSender Class Reference

Public Member Functions

 DtmfSender (long nativeDtmfSender)
boolean canInsertDtmf ()
boolean insertDtmf (String tones, int duration, int interToneGap)
String tones ()
int duration ()
int interToneGap ()
void dispose ()

Detailed Description

Java wrapper for a C++ DtmfSenderInterface.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ DtmfSender()

org.webrtc.DtmfSender.DtmfSender ( long  nativeDtmfSender)

Member Function Documentation

◆ canInsertDtmf()

boolean org.webrtc.DtmfSender.canInsertDtmf ( )
true if this DtmfSender is capable of sending DTMF. Otherwise false.

◆ dispose()

void org.webrtc.DtmfSender.dispose ( )

◆ duration()

int org.webrtc.DtmfSender.duration ( )
The current tone duration value in ms. This value will be the value last set via the insertDtmf() method, or the default value of 100 ms if insertDtmf() was never called.

◆ insertDtmf()

boolean org.webrtc.DtmfSender.insertDtmf ( String  tones,
int  duration,
int  interToneGap 

Queues a task that sends the provided DTMF tones.

If insertDtmf is called on the same object while an existing task for this object to generate DTMF is still running, the previous task is canceled.

tonesThis parameter is treated as a series of characters. The characters 0 through 9, A through D, #, and * generate the associated DTMF tones. The characters a to d are equivalent to A to D. The character ',' indicates a delay of 2 seconds before processing the next character in the tones parameter. Unrecognized characters are ignored.
durationIndicates the duration in ms to use for each character passed in the tones parameter. The duration cannot be more than 6000 or less than 70.
interToneGapIndicates the gap between tones in ms. Must be at least 50 ms but should be as short as possible.
true on success and false on failure.

◆ interToneGap()

int org.webrtc.DtmfSender.interToneGap ( )
The current value of the between-tone gap in ms. This value will be the value last set via the insertDtmf() method, or the default value of 50 ms if insertDtmf() was never called.

◆ tones()

String org.webrtc.DtmfSender.tones ( )
The tones remaining to be played out

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