webkit  2cdf99a9e3038c7e01b3c37e8ad903ecbe5eecf1
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WebKit::NativeWebWheelEvent Class Reference

#include <NativeWebWheelEvent.h>

Inheritance diagram for WebKit::NativeWebWheelEvent:
WebKit::WebWheelEvent WebKit::WebEvent

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from WebKit::WebWheelEvent
enum  Granularity { ScrollByPageWheelEvent, ScrollByPixelWheelEvent }
- Public Types inherited from WebKit::WebEvent
enum  Type {
  NoType = -1, MouseDown, MouseUp, MouseMove,
  MouseForceChanged, MouseForceDown, MouseForceUp, Wheel,
  KeyDown, KeyUp, RawKeyDown, Char
enum  Modifiers {
  ShiftKey = 1 << 0, ControlKey = 1 << 1, AltKey = 1 << 2, MetaKey = 1 << 3,
  CapsLockKey = 1 << 4
- Public Member Functions inherited from WebKit::WebWheelEvent
 WebWheelEvent ()
 WebWheelEvent (Type, const WebCore::IntPoint &position, const WebCore::IntPoint &globalPosition, const WebCore::FloatSize &delta, const WebCore::FloatSize &wheelTicks, Granularity, Modifiers, double timestamp)
const WebCore::IntPoint position () const
const WebCore::IntPoint globalPosition () const
const WebCore::FloatSize delta () const
const WebCore::FloatSize wheelTicks () const
Granularity granularity () const
bool directionInvertedFromDevice () const
void encode (IPC::Encoder &) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from WebKit::WebEvent
Type type () const
bool shiftKey () const
bool controlKey () const
bool altKey () const
bool metaKey () const
bool capsLockKey () const
Modifiers modifiers () const
double timestamp () const
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from WebKit::WebWheelEvent
static bool decode (IPC::Decoder &, WebWheelEvent &)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from WebKit::WebEvent
 WebEvent ()
 WebEvent (Type, Modifiers, double timestamp)
void encode (IPC::Encoder &) const
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from WebKit::WebEvent
static bool decode (IPC::Decoder &, WebEvent &)

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