webkit  2cdf99a9e3038c7e01b3c37e8ad903ecbe5eecf1
Public Member Functions | Static Public Member Functions | Protected Member Functions | List of all members
WebCore::MouseEvent Class Reference

#include <MouseEvent.h>

Inheritance diagram for WebCore::MouseEvent:
WebCore::MouseRelatedEvent WebCore::MouseRelatedEvent WebCore::UIEventWithKeyState WebCore::UIEventWithKeyState WebCore::UIEventWithKeyState WebCore::UIEventWithKeyState WebCore::UIEvent WebCore::UIEvent WebCore::UIEvent WebCore::UIEvent WebCore::UIEvent WebCore::UIEvent WebCore::UIEvent WebCore::UIEvent WebCore::SimulatedMouseEvent WebCore::WheelEvent WebCore::WheelEvent

Public Member Functions

virtual ~MouseEvent ()
WEBCORE_EXPORT void initMouseEvent (const AtomicString &type, bool canBubble, bool cancelable, DOMWindow *, int detail, int screenX, int screenY, int clientX, int clientY, bool ctrlKey, bool altKey, bool shiftKey, bool metaKey, unsigned short button, EventTarget *relatedTarget)
void initMouseEventQuirk (JSC::ExecState &, ScriptExecutionContext &, const AtomicString &type, bool canBubble, bool cancelable, DOMWindow *, int detail, int screenX, int screenY, int clientX, int clientY, bool ctrlKey, bool altKey, bool shiftKey, bool metaKey, unsigned short button, JSC::JSValue relatedTarget)
unsigned short button () const
unsigned short syntheticClickType () const
bool buttonDown () const
EventTargetrelatedTarget () const final
void setRelatedTarget (EventTarget *relatedTarget)
double force () const
void setForce (double force)
WEBCORE_EXPORT NodetoElement () const
WEBCORE_EXPORT NodefromElement () const
DataTransferdataTransfer () const
int which () const final
virtual ~MouseEvent ()
WEBCORE_EXPORT void initMouseEvent (const AtomicString &type, bool canBubble, bool cancelable, DOMWindow *, int detail, int screenX, int screenY, int clientX, int clientY, bool ctrlKey, bool altKey, bool shiftKey, bool metaKey, unsigned short button, EventTarget *relatedTarget)
void initMouseEventQuirk (JSC::ExecState &, ScriptExecutionContext &, const AtomicString &type, bool canBubble, bool cancelable, DOMWindow *, int detail, int screenX, int screenY, int clientX, int clientY, bool ctrlKey, bool altKey, bool shiftKey, bool metaKey, unsigned short button, JSC::JSValue relatedTarget)
unsigned short button () const
unsigned short syntheticClickType () const
bool buttonDown () const
EventTargetrelatedTarget () const final
void setRelatedTarget (EventTarget *relatedTarget)
double force () const
void setForce (double force)
WEBCORE_EXPORT NodetoElement () const
WEBCORE_EXPORT NodefromElement () const
DataTransferdataTransfer () const
int which () const final
- Public Member Functions inherited from WebCore::UIEventWithKeyState
bool ctrlKey () const
bool shiftKey () const
bool altKey () const
bool metaKey () const
bool altGraphKey () const
bool capsLockKey () const
bool ctrlKey () const
bool shiftKey () const
bool altKey () const
bool metaKey () const
bool altGraphKey () const
bool capsLockKey () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from WebCore::UIEvent
virtual ~UIEvent ()
WEBCORE_EXPORT void initUIEvent (const AtomicString &type, bool canBubble, bool cancelable, DOMWindow *, int detail)
DOMWindowview () const
int detail () const
virtual ~UIEvent ()
WEBCORE_EXPORT void initUIEvent (const AtomicString &type, bool canBubble, bool cancelable, DOMWindow *, int detail)
DOMWindowview () const
int detail () const
EventInterface eventInterface () const override
- Public Member Functions inherited from WebCore::Event
virtual ~Event ()
WEBCORE_EXPORT void initEvent (const AtomicString &type, bool canBubble, bool cancelable)
bool isInitialized () const
const AtomicStringtype () const
void setType (const AtomicString &type)
EventTargettarget () const
void setTarget (RefPtr< EventTarget > &&)
EventTargetcurrentTarget () const
void setCurrentTarget (EventTarget *)
unsigned short eventPhase () const
void setEventPhase (unsigned short eventPhase)
bool bubbles () const
bool cancelable () const
WEBCORE_EXPORT bool composed () const
DOMTimeStamp timeStamp () const
void setEventPath (const EventPath &path)
void clearEventPath ()
Vector< EventTarget * > composedPath () const
void stopPropagation ()
void stopImmediatePropagation ()
bool isTrusted () const
void setUntrusted ()
EventTargetsrcElement () const
bool legacyReturnValue () const
void setLegacyReturnValue (bool returnValue)
virtual bool isFocusEvent () const
virtual bool isKeyboardEvent () const
virtual bool isInputEvent () const
virtual bool isCompositionEvent () const
virtual bool isTouchEvent () const
virtual bool isClipboardEvent () const
virtual bool isBeforeTextInsertedEvent () const
virtual bool isBeforeUnloadEvent () const
virtual bool isErrorEvent () const
virtual bool isTextEvent () const
virtual bool isWheelEvent () const
bool propagationStopped () const
bool immediatePropagationStopped () const
void resetPropagationFlags ()
bool defaultPrevented () const
void preventDefault ()
void setDefaultPrevented (bool defaultPrevented)
bool defaultHandled () const
void setDefaultHandled ()
void setInPassiveListener (bool value)
bool cancelBubble () const
void setCancelBubble (bool)
EventunderlyingEvent () const
void setUnderlyingEvent (Event *)
bool isBeingDispatched () const
virtual ~Event ()
WEBCORE_EXPORT void initEvent (const AtomicString &type, bool canBubble, bool cancelable)
bool isInitialized () const
const AtomicStringtype () const
void setType (const AtomicString &type)
EventTargettarget () const
void setTarget (RefPtr< EventTarget > &&)
EventTargetcurrentTarget () const
void setCurrentTarget (EventTarget *)
unsigned short eventPhase () const
void setEventPhase (unsigned short eventPhase)
bool bubbles () const
bool cancelable () const
WEBCORE_EXPORT bool composed () const
DOMTimeStamp timeStamp () const
void setEventPath (const EventPath &path)
void clearEventPath ()
Vector< EventTarget * > composedPath () const
void stopPropagation ()
void stopImmediatePropagation ()
bool isTrusted () const
void setUntrusted ()
EventTargetsrcElement () const
bool legacyReturnValue () const
void setLegacyReturnValue (bool returnValue)
virtual bool isFocusEvent () const
virtual bool isKeyboardEvent () const
virtual bool isInputEvent () const
virtual bool isCompositionEvent () const
virtual bool isTouchEvent () const
virtual bool isClipboardEvent () const
virtual bool isBeforeTextInsertedEvent () const
virtual bool isBeforeUnloadEvent () const
virtual bool isErrorEvent () const
virtual bool isTextEvent () const
virtual bool isWheelEvent () const
bool propagationStopped () const
bool immediatePropagationStopped () const
void resetPropagationFlags ()
bool defaultPrevented () const
void preventDefault ()
void setDefaultPrevented (bool defaultPrevented)
bool defaultHandled () const
void setDefaultHandled ()
void setInPassiveListener (bool value)
bool cancelBubble () const
void setCancelBubble (bool)
EventunderlyingEvent () const
void setUnderlyingEvent (Event *)
bool isBeingDispatched () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from WebCore::ScriptWrappable
JSDOMObjectwrapper () const
void setWrapper (JSDOMObject *, JSC::WeakHandleOwner *, void *)
void clearWrapper (JSDOMObject *)
JSDOMObjectwrapper () const
void setWrapper (JSDOMObject *, JSC::WeakHandleOwner *, void *)
void clearWrapper (JSDOMObject *)
- Public Member Functions inherited from WTF::RefCounted< Event >
void deref () const
void deref () const
void deref () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from WTF::RefCountedBase
void ref () const
bool hasOneRef () const
unsigned refCount () const
void relaxAdoptionRequirement ()
void ref () const
bool hasOneRef () const
unsigned refCount () const
void relaxAdoptionRequirement ()
void ref () const
bool hasOneRef () const
unsigned refCount () const
void relaxAdoptionRequirement ()

Static Public Member Functions

static WEBCORE_EXPORT Ref< MouseEventcreate (const AtomicString &type, bool canBubble, bool cancelable, double timestamp, DOMWindow *, int detail, int screenX, int screenY, int pageX, int pageY, bool ctrlKey, bool altKey, bool shiftKey, bool metaKey, unsigned short button, EventTarget *relatedTarget, double force, unsigned short syntheticClickType, DataTransfer *=nullptr, bool isSimulated=false)
static WEBCORE_EXPORT Ref< MouseEventcreate (const AtomicString &eventType, DOMWindow *, const PlatformMouseEvent &, int detail, Node *relatedTarget)
static Ref< MouseEventcreate (const AtomicString &eventType, bool canBubble, bool cancelable, DOMWindow *, int detail, int screenX, int screenY, int clientX, int clientY, bool ctrlKey, bool altKey, bool shiftKey, bool metaKey, unsigned short button, unsigned short syntheticClickType, EventTarget *relatedTarget)
static Ref< MouseEventcreateForBindings ()
static Ref< MouseEventcreate (const AtomicString &eventType, const MouseEventInit &, IsTrusted=IsTrusted::No)
static bool canTriggerActivationBehavior (const Event &)
static WEBCORE_EXPORT Ref< MouseEventcreate (const AtomicString &type, bool canBubble, bool cancelable, double timestamp, DOMWindow *, int detail, int screenX, int screenY, int pageX, int pageY, bool ctrlKey, bool altKey, bool shiftKey, bool metaKey, unsigned short button, EventTarget *relatedTarget, double force, unsigned short syntheticClickType, DataTransfer *=nullptr, bool isSimulated=false)
static WEBCORE_EXPORT Ref< MouseEventcreate (const AtomicString &eventType, DOMWindow *, const PlatformMouseEvent &, int detail, Node *relatedTarget)
static Ref< MouseEventcreate (const AtomicString &eventType, bool canBubble, bool cancelable, DOMWindow *, int detail, int screenX, int screenY, int clientX, int clientY, bool ctrlKey, bool altKey, bool shiftKey, bool metaKey, unsigned short button, unsigned short syntheticClickType, EventTarget *relatedTarget)
static Ref< MouseEventcreateForBindings ()
static Ref< MouseEventcreate (const AtomicString &eventType, const MouseEventInit &, IsTrusted=IsTrusted::No)
static bool canTriggerActivationBehavior (const Event &)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from WebCore::UIEvent
static Ref< UIEventcreate (const AtomicString &type, bool canBubble, bool cancelable, DOMWindow *view, int detail)
static Ref< UIEventcreateForBindings ()
static Ref< UIEventcreate (const AtomicString &type, const UIEventInit &initializer, IsTrusted isTrusted=IsTrusted::No)
static Ref< UIEventcreate (const AtomicString &type, bool canBubble, bool cancelable, DOMWindow *view, int detail)
static Ref< UIEventcreateForBindings ()
static Ref< UIEventcreate (const AtomicString &type, const UIEventInit &initializer, IsTrusted isTrusted=IsTrusted::No)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from WebCore::Event
static Ref< Eventcreate (const AtomicString &type, bool canBubble, bool cancelable)
static Ref< EventcreateForBindings ()
static Ref< Eventcreate (const AtomicString &type, const EventInit &initializer, IsTrusted isTrusted=IsTrusted::No)
static Ref< Eventcreate (const AtomicString &type, bool canBubble, bool cancelable)
static Ref< EventcreateForBindings ()
static Ref< Eventcreate (const AtomicString &type, const EventInit &initializer, IsTrusted isTrusted=IsTrusted::No)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from WebCore::ScriptWrappable
template<typename Derived >
static ptrdiff_t offsetOfWrapper ()
template<typename Derived >
static ptrdiff_t offsetOfWrapper ()

Protected Member Functions

 MouseEvent (const AtomicString &type, bool canBubble, bool cancelable, double timestamp, DOMWindow *, int detail, const IntPoint &screenLocation, const IntPoint &windowLocation, bool ctrlKey, bool altKey, bool shiftKey, bool metaKey, unsigned short button, EventTarget *relatedTarget, double force, unsigned short syntheticClickType, DataTransfer *, bool isSimulated)
 MouseEvent (const AtomicString &type, bool canBubble, bool cancelable, DOMWindow *, int detail, const IntPoint &screenLocation, const IntPoint &clientLocation, bool ctrlKey, bool altKey, bool shiftKey, bool metaKey, unsigned short button, unsigned short syntheticClickType, EventTarget *relatedTarget)
 MouseEvent (const AtomicString &type, const MouseEventInit &, IsTrusted)
 MouseEvent ()
 MouseEvent (const AtomicString &type, bool canBubble, bool cancelable, double timestamp, DOMWindow *, int detail, const IntPoint &screenLocation, const IntPoint &windowLocation, bool ctrlKey, bool altKey, bool shiftKey, bool metaKey, unsigned short button, EventTarget *relatedTarget, double force, unsigned short syntheticClickType, DataTransfer *, bool isSimulated)
 MouseEvent (const AtomicString &type, bool canBubble, bool cancelable, DOMWindow *, int detail, const IntPoint &screenLocation, const IntPoint &clientLocation, bool ctrlKey, bool altKey, bool shiftKey, bool metaKey, unsigned short button, unsigned short syntheticClickType, EventTarget *relatedTarget)
 MouseEvent (const AtomicString &type, const MouseEventInit &, IsTrusted)
 MouseEvent ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from WebCore::UIEventWithKeyState
 UIEventWithKeyState ()=default
 UIEventWithKeyState (const AtomicString &type, bool canBubble, bool cancelable, DOMWindow *view, int detail, bool ctrlKey, bool altKey, bool shiftKey, bool metaKey)
 UIEventWithKeyState (const AtomicString &type, bool canBubble, bool cancelable, double timestamp, DOMWindow *view, int detail, bool ctrlKey, bool altKey, bool shiftKey, bool metaKey, bool altGraphKey, bool capsLockKey)
 UIEventWithKeyState (const AtomicString &type, const EventModifierInit &initializer, IsTrusted isTrusted)
 UIEventWithKeyState ()=default
 UIEventWithKeyState (const AtomicString &type, bool canBubble, bool cancelable, DOMWindow *view, int detail, bool ctrlKey, bool altKey, bool shiftKey, bool metaKey)
 UIEventWithKeyState (const AtomicString &type, bool canBubble, bool cancelable, double timestamp, DOMWindow *view, int detail, bool ctrlKey, bool altKey, bool shiftKey, bool metaKey, bool altGraphKey, bool capsLockKey)
 UIEventWithKeyState (const AtomicString &type, const EventModifierInit &initializer, IsTrusted isTrusted)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from WebCore::UIEvent
 UIEvent ()
 UIEvent (const AtomicString &type, bool canBubble, bool cancelable, DOMWindow *, int detail)
 UIEvent (const AtomicString &type, bool canBubble, bool cancelable, double timestamp, DOMWindow *, int detail)
 UIEvent (const AtomicString &, const UIEventInit &, IsTrusted)
 UIEvent ()
 UIEvent (const AtomicString &type, bool canBubble, bool cancelable, DOMWindow *, int detail)
 UIEvent (const AtomicString &type, bool canBubble, bool cancelable, double timestamp, DOMWindow *, int detail)
 UIEvent (const AtomicString &, const UIEventInit &, IsTrusted)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from WebCore::Event
 Event (IsTrusted=IsTrusted::No)
WEBCORE_EXPORT Event (const AtomicString &type, bool canBubble, bool cancelable)
 Event (const AtomicString &type, bool canBubble, bool cancelable, double timestamp)
 Event (const AtomicString &type, const EventInit &, IsTrusted)
bool dispatched () const
 Event (IsTrusted=IsTrusted::No)
WEBCORE_EXPORT Event (const AtomicString &type, bool canBubble, bool cancelable)
 Event (const AtomicString &type, bool canBubble, bool cancelable, double timestamp)
 Event (const AtomicString &type, const EventInit &, IsTrusted)
bool dispatched () const
- Protected Member Functions inherited from WebCore::ScriptWrappable
 ~ScriptWrappable ()
 ~ScriptWrappable ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from WTF::RefCounted< Event >
 RefCounted ()
 RefCounted ()
 RefCounted ()
 ~RefCounted ()
 ~RefCounted ()
 ~RefCounted ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from WTF::RefCountedBase
 RefCountedBase ()
 ~RefCountedBase ()
bool derefBase () const
bool deletionHasBegun () const
 RefCountedBase ()
 ~RefCountedBase ()
bool derefBase () const
bool deletionHasBegun () const
 RefCountedBase ()
 ~RefCountedBase ()
bool derefBase () const
bool deletionHasBegun () const

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from WebCore::Event
enum  IsTrusted { IsTrusted::No, IsTrusted::Yes, IsTrusted::No, IsTrusted::Yes }
enum  PhaseType {
enum  IsTrusted { IsTrusted::No, IsTrusted::Yes, IsTrusted::No, IsTrusted::Yes }
enum  PhaseType {
- Protected Attributes inherited from WebCore::UIEventWithKeyState
bool m_ctrlKey { false }
bool m_altKey { false }
bool m_shiftKey { false }
bool m_metaKey { false }
bool m_altGraphKey { false }
bool m_capsLockKey { false }

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ~MouseEvent() [1/2]

MouseEvent::~MouseEvent ( )

◆ MouseEvent() [1/8]

MouseEvent::MouseEvent ( const AtomicString type,
bool  canBubble,
bool  cancelable,
double  timestamp,
DOMWindow view,
int  detail,
const IntPoint screenLocation,
const IntPoint windowLocation,
bool  ctrlKey,
bool  altKey,
bool  shiftKey,
bool  metaKey,
unsigned short  button,
EventTarget relatedTarget,
double  force,
unsigned short  syntheticClickType,
DataTransfer dataTransfer,
bool  isSimulated 

◆ MouseEvent() [2/8]

MouseEvent::MouseEvent ( const AtomicString type,
bool  canBubble,
bool  cancelable,
DOMWindow view,
int  detail,
const IntPoint screenLocation,
const IntPoint clientLocation,
bool  ctrlKey,
bool  altKey,
bool  shiftKey,
bool  metaKey,
unsigned short  button,
unsigned short  syntheticClickType,
EventTarget relatedTarget 

◆ MouseEvent() [3/8]

MouseEvent::MouseEvent ( const AtomicString type,
const MouseEventInit initializer,
IsTrusted  isTrusted 

◆ MouseEvent() [4/8]

MouseEvent::MouseEvent ( )

◆ ~MouseEvent() [2/2]

virtual WebCore::MouseEvent::~MouseEvent ( )

◆ MouseEvent() [5/8]

WebCore::MouseEvent::MouseEvent ( const AtomicString type,
bool  canBubble,
bool  cancelable,
double  timestamp,
DOMWindow ,
int  detail,
const IntPoint screenLocation,
const IntPoint windowLocation,
bool  ctrlKey,
bool  altKey,
bool  shiftKey,
bool  metaKey,
unsigned short  button,
EventTarget relatedTarget,
double  force,
unsigned short  syntheticClickType,
DataTransfer ,
bool  isSimulated 

◆ MouseEvent() [6/8]

WebCore::MouseEvent::MouseEvent ( const AtomicString type,
bool  canBubble,
bool  cancelable,
DOMWindow ,
int  detail,
const IntPoint screenLocation,
const IntPoint clientLocation,
bool  ctrlKey,
bool  altKey,
bool  shiftKey,
bool  metaKey,
unsigned short  button,
unsigned short  syntheticClickType,
EventTarget relatedTarget 

◆ MouseEvent() [7/8]

WebCore::MouseEvent::MouseEvent ( const AtomicString type,
const MouseEventInit ,

◆ MouseEvent() [8/8]

WebCore::MouseEvent::MouseEvent ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ button() [1/2]

unsigned short WebCore::MouseEvent::button ( ) const

◆ button() [2/2]

unsigned short WebCore::MouseEvent::button ( ) const

◆ buttonDown() [1/2]

bool WebCore::MouseEvent::buttonDown ( ) const

◆ buttonDown() [2/2]

bool WebCore::MouseEvent::buttonDown ( ) const

◆ canTriggerActivationBehavior() [1/2]

bool MouseEvent::canTriggerActivationBehavior ( const Event event)

◆ canTriggerActivationBehavior() [2/2]

static bool WebCore::MouseEvent::canTriggerActivationBehavior ( const Event )

◆ create() [1/8]

Ref< MouseEvent > MouseEvent::create ( const AtomicString type,
bool  canBubble,
bool  cancelable,
double  timestamp,
DOMWindow view,
int  detail,
int  screenX,
int  screenY,
int  pageX,
int  pageY,
bool  ctrlKey,
bool  altKey,
bool  shiftKey,
bool  metaKey,
unsigned short  button,
EventTarget relatedTarget,
double  force,
unsigned short  syntheticClickType,
DataTransfer dataTransfer = nullptr,
bool  isSimulated = false 

◆ create() [2/8]

static WEBCORE_EXPORT Ref<MouseEvent> WebCore::MouseEvent::create ( const AtomicString type,
bool  canBubble,
bool  cancelable,
double  timestamp,
DOMWindow ,
int  detail,
int  screenX,
int  screenY,
int  pageX,
int  pageY,
bool  ctrlKey,
bool  altKey,
bool  shiftKey,
bool  metaKey,
unsigned short  button,
EventTarget relatedTarget,
double  force,
unsigned short  syntheticClickType,
DataTransfer = nullptr,
bool  isSimulated = false 

◆ create() [3/8]

Ref< MouseEvent > MouseEvent::create ( const AtomicString eventType,
DOMWindow view,
const PlatformMouseEvent event,
int  detail,
Node relatedTarget 

◆ create() [4/8]

static WEBCORE_EXPORT Ref<MouseEvent> WebCore::MouseEvent::create ( const AtomicString eventType,
DOMWindow ,
const PlatformMouseEvent ,
int  detail,
Node relatedTarget 

◆ create() [5/8]

static Ref<MouseEvent> WebCore::MouseEvent::create ( const AtomicString eventType,
bool  canBubble,
bool  cancelable,
DOMWindow ,
int  detail,
int  screenX,
int  screenY,
int  clientX,
int  clientY,
bool  ctrlKey,
bool  altKey,
bool  shiftKey,
bool  metaKey,
unsigned short  button,
unsigned short  syntheticClickType,
EventTarget relatedTarget 

◆ create() [6/8]

Ref< MouseEvent > MouseEvent::create ( const AtomicString eventType,
bool  canBubble,
bool  cancelable,
DOMWindow view,
int  detail,
int  screenX,
int  screenY,
int  clientX,
int  clientY,
bool  ctrlKey,
bool  altKey,
bool  shiftKey,
bool  metaKey,
unsigned short  button,
unsigned short  syntheticClickType,
EventTarget relatedTarget 

◆ create() [7/8]

Ref< MouseEvent > MouseEvent::create ( const AtomicString eventType,
const MouseEventInit initializer,
IsTrusted  isTrusted = IsTrusted::No 

◆ create() [8/8]

static Ref<MouseEvent> WebCore::MouseEvent::create ( const AtomicString eventType,
const MouseEventInit ,
IsTrusted  = IsTrusted::No 

◆ createForBindings() [1/2]

static Ref<MouseEvent> WebCore::MouseEvent::createForBindings ( )

◆ createForBindings() [2/2]

static Ref<MouseEvent> WebCore::MouseEvent::createForBindings ( )

◆ dataTransfer() [1/2]

DataTransfer* WebCore::MouseEvent::dataTransfer ( ) const

◆ dataTransfer() [2/2]

DataTransfer* WebCore::MouseEvent::dataTransfer ( ) const

◆ force() [1/2]

double WebCore::MouseEvent::force ( ) const

◆ force() [2/2]

double WebCore::MouseEvent::force ( ) const

◆ fromElement() [1/2]

Node * MouseEvent::fromElement ( ) const

◆ fromElement() [2/2]

WEBCORE_EXPORT Node* WebCore::MouseEvent::fromElement ( ) const

◆ initMouseEvent() [1/2]

WEBCORE_EXPORT void WebCore::MouseEvent::initMouseEvent ( const AtomicString type,
bool  canBubble,
bool  cancelable,
DOMWindow ,
int  detail,
int  screenX,
int  screenY,
int  clientX,
int  clientY,
bool  ctrlKey,
bool  altKey,
bool  shiftKey,
bool  metaKey,
unsigned short  button,
EventTarget relatedTarget 

◆ initMouseEvent() [2/2]

void MouseEvent::initMouseEvent ( const AtomicString type,
bool  canBubble,
bool  cancelable,
DOMWindow view,
int  detail,
int  screenX,
int  screenY,
int  clientX,
int  clientY,
bool  ctrlKey,
bool  altKey,
bool  shiftKey,
bool  metaKey,
unsigned short  button,
EventTarget relatedTarget 

◆ initMouseEventQuirk() [1/2]

void WebCore::MouseEvent::initMouseEventQuirk ( JSC::ExecState ,
ScriptExecutionContext ,
const AtomicString type,
bool  canBubble,
bool  cancelable,
DOMWindow ,
int  detail,
int  screenX,
int  screenY,
int  clientX,
int  clientY,
bool  ctrlKey,
bool  altKey,
bool  shiftKey,
bool  metaKey,
unsigned short  button,
JSC::JSValue  relatedTarget 

◆ initMouseEventQuirk() [2/2]

void MouseEvent::initMouseEventQuirk ( JSC::ExecState state,
ScriptExecutionContext scriptExecutionContext,
const AtomicString type,
bool  canBubble,
bool  cancelable,
DOMWindow view,
int  detail,
int  screenX,
int  screenY,
int  clientX,
int  clientY,
bool  ctrlKey,
bool  altKey,
bool  shiftKey,
bool  metaKey,
unsigned short  button,
JSC::JSValue  relatedTarget 

◆ relatedTarget() [1/2]

EventTarget* WebCore::MouseEvent::relatedTarget ( ) const

Reimplemented from WebCore::Event.

◆ relatedTarget() [2/2]

EventTarget* WebCore::MouseEvent::relatedTarget ( ) const

Reimplemented from WebCore::Event.

◆ setForce() [1/2]

void WebCore::MouseEvent::setForce ( double  force)

◆ setForce() [2/2]

void WebCore::MouseEvent::setForce ( double  force)

◆ setRelatedTarget() [1/2]

void WebCore::MouseEvent::setRelatedTarget ( EventTarget relatedTarget)

◆ setRelatedTarget() [2/2]

void WebCore::MouseEvent::setRelatedTarget ( EventTarget relatedTarget)

◆ syntheticClickType() [1/2]

unsigned short WebCore::MouseEvent::syntheticClickType ( ) const

◆ syntheticClickType() [2/2]

unsigned short WebCore::MouseEvent::syntheticClickType ( ) const

◆ toElement() [1/2]

WEBCORE_EXPORT Node* WebCore::MouseEvent::toElement ( ) const

◆ toElement() [2/2]

Node * MouseEvent::toElement ( ) const

◆ which() [1/2]

int MouseEvent::which ( ) const

Reimplemented from WebCore::UIEvent.

◆ which() [2/2]

int WebCore::MouseEvent::which ( ) const

Reimplemented from WebCore::UIEvent.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: