webkit  2cdf99a9e3038c7e01b3c37e8ad903ecbe5eecf1
Protected Member Functions | List of all members
WTF::UniquedStringImpl Class Reference

#include <UniquedStringImpl.h>

Inheritance diagram for WTF::UniquedStringImpl:
WTF::StringImpl WTF::StringImpl WTF::StringImpl WTF::AtomicStringImpl WTF::AtomicStringImpl WTF::AtomicStringImpl WTF::SymbolImpl WTF::SymbolImpl WTF::SymbolImpl

Protected Member Functions

 UniquedStringImpl (CreateSymbolTag, const LChar *characters, unsigned length)
 UniquedStringImpl (CreateSymbolTag, const UChar *characters, unsigned length)
 UniquedStringImpl (CreateSymbolTag)
 UniquedStringImpl (CreateSymbolTag, const LChar *characters, unsigned length)
 UniquedStringImpl (CreateSymbolTag, const UChar *characters, unsigned length)
 UniquedStringImpl (CreateSymbolTag)
 UniquedStringImpl (CreateSymbolTag, const LChar *characters, unsigned length)
 UniquedStringImpl (CreateSymbolTag, const UChar *characters, unsigned length)
 UniquedStringImpl (CreateSymbolTag)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from WTF::StringImpl
 ~StringImpl ()
 StringImpl (CreateSymbolTag, const LChar *characters, unsigned length)
 StringImpl (CreateSymbolTag, const UChar *characters, unsigned length)
 StringImpl (CreateSymbolTag)
 ~StringImpl ()
 StringImpl (CreateSymbolTag, const LChar *characters, unsigned length)
 StringImpl (CreateSymbolTag, const UChar *characters, unsigned length)
 StringImpl (CreateSymbolTag)
 ~StringImpl ()
 StringImpl (CreateSymbolTag, const LChar *characters, unsigned length)
 StringImpl (CreateSymbolTag, const UChar *characters, unsigned length)
 StringImpl (CreateSymbolTag)

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Member Functions inherited from WTF::StringImpl
unsigned length () const
bool is8Bit () const
ALWAYS_INLINE const LCharcharacters8 () const
ALWAYS_INLINE const UCharcharacters16 () const
template<typename CharType >
ALWAYS_INLINE const CharType * characters () const
size_t cost () const
size_t costDuringGC ()
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API size_t sizeInBytes () const
StringKind stringKind () const
bool isSymbol () const
bool isAtomic () const
void setIsAtomic (bool isAtomic)
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API CString utf8ForRange (unsigned offset, unsigned length, ConversionMode=LenientConversion) const
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API CString utf8 (ConversionMode=LenientConversion) const
bool hasHash () const
unsigned existingHash () const
unsigned hash () const
WTF_EXPORT_PRIVATE unsigned concurrentHash () const
unsigned symbolAwareHash () const
unsigned existingSymbolAwareHash () const
bool isStatic () const
size_t refCount () const
bool hasOneRef () const
bool hasAtLeastOneRef () const
void ref ()
void deref ()
Ref< StringImplisolatedCopy () const
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API Ref< StringImplsubstring (unsigned pos, unsigned len=UINT_MAX)
UChar at (unsigned i) const
UChar operator[] (unsigned i) const
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API UChar32 characterStartingAt (unsigned)
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API bool containsOnlyWhitespace ()
int toIntStrict (bool *ok=0, int base=10)
unsigned toUIntStrict (bool *ok=0, int base=10)
int64_t toInt64Strict (bool *ok=0, int base=10)
uint64_t toUInt64Strict (bool *ok=0, int base=10)
intptr_t toIntPtrStrict (bool *ok=0, int base=10)
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API int toInt (bool *ok=0)
unsigned toUInt (bool *ok=0)
int64_t toInt64 (bool *ok=0)
uint64_t toUInt64 (bool *ok=0)
intptr_t toIntPtr (bool *ok=0)
double toDouble (bool *ok=0)
float toFloat (bool *ok=0)
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API Ref< StringImplconvertToASCIILowercase ()
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API Ref< StringImplconvertToASCIIUppercase ()
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API Ref< StringImplconvertToLowercaseWithoutLocale ()
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API Ref< StringImplconvertToLowercaseWithoutLocaleStartingAtFailingIndex8Bit (unsigned)
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API Ref< StringImplconvertToUppercaseWithoutLocale ()
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API Ref< StringImplconvertToLowercaseWithLocale (const AtomicString &localeIdentifier)
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API Ref< StringImplconvertToUppercaseWithLocale (const AtomicString &localeIdentifier)
Ref< StringImplfoldCase ()
Ref< StringImplstripWhiteSpace ()
Ref< StringImplstripWhiteSpace (IsWhiteSpaceFunctionPtr)
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API Ref< StringImplsimplifyWhiteSpace ()
Ref< StringImplsimplifyWhiteSpace (IsWhiteSpaceFunctionPtr)
Ref< StringImplremoveCharacters (CharacterMatchFunctionPtr)
template<typename CharType >
ALWAYS_INLINE Ref< StringImplremoveCharacters (const CharType *characters, CharacterMatchFunctionPtr)
size_t find (LChar character, unsigned start=0)
size_t find (char character, unsigned start=0)
size_t find (UChar character, unsigned start=0)
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API size_t find (CharacterMatchFunctionPtr, unsigned index=0)
size_t find (const LChar *, unsigned index=0)
ALWAYS_INLINE size_t find (const char *s, unsigned index=0)
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API size_t find (StringImpl *)
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API size_t find (StringImpl *, unsigned index)
size_t findIgnoringCase (const LChar *, unsigned index=0)
ALWAYS_INLINE size_t findIgnoringCase (const char *s, unsigned index=0)
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API size_t findIgnoringCase (StringImpl *, unsigned index=0)
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API size_t findIgnoringASCIICase (const StringImpl &) const
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API size_t findIgnoringASCIICase (const StringImpl &, unsigned startOffset) const
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API size_t findIgnoringASCIICase (const StringImpl *) const
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API size_t findIgnoringASCIICase (const StringImpl *, unsigned startOffset) const
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API size_t reverseFind (UChar, unsigned index=UINT_MAX)
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API size_t reverseFind (StringImpl *, unsigned index=UINT_MAX)
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API size_t reverseFindIgnoringCase (StringImpl *, unsigned index=UINT_MAX)
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API bool startsWith (const StringImpl *) const
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API bool startsWith (const StringImpl &) const
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API bool startsWithIgnoringASCIICase (const StringImpl *) const
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API bool startsWithIgnoringASCIICase (const StringImpl &) const
bool startsWith (StringImpl *str, bool caseSensitive)
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API bool startsWith (UChar) const
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API bool startsWith (const char *, unsigned matchLength, bool caseSensitive) const
template<unsigned matchLength>
bool startsWith (const char(&prefix)[matchLength], bool caseSensitive=true) const
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API bool hasInfixStartingAt (const StringImpl &, unsigned startOffset) const
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API bool endsWith (StringImpl *)
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API bool endsWith (StringImpl &)
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API bool endsWithIgnoringASCIICase (const StringImpl *) const
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API bool endsWithIgnoringASCIICase (const StringImpl &) const
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API bool endsWith (StringImpl *, bool caseSensitive)
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API bool endsWith (UChar) const
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API bool endsWith (const char *, unsigned matchLength, bool caseSensitive) const
template<unsigned matchLength>
bool endsWith (const char(&prefix)[matchLength], bool caseSensitive=true) const
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API bool hasInfixEndingAt (const StringImpl &, unsigned endOffset) const
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API Ref< StringImplreplace (UChar, UChar)
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API Ref< StringImplreplace (UChar, StringImpl *)
ALWAYS_INLINE Ref< StringImplreplace (UChar pattern, const char *replacement, unsigned replacementLength)
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API Ref< StringImplreplace (UChar, const LChar *, unsigned replacementLength)
Ref< StringImplreplace (UChar, const UChar *, unsigned replacementLength)
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API Ref< StringImplreplace (StringImpl *, StringImpl *)
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API Ref< StringImplreplace (unsigned index, unsigned len, StringImpl *)
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API UCharDirection defaultWritingDirection (bool *hasStrongDirectionality=nullptr)
void assertHashIsCorrect ()
unsigned length () const
bool is8Bit () const
ALWAYS_INLINE const LCharcharacters8 () const
ALWAYS_INLINE const UCharcharacters16 () const
template<typename CharType >
ALWAYS_INLINE const CharType * characters () const
size_t cost () const
size_t costDuringGC ()
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API size_t sizeInBytes () const
StringKind stringKind () const
bool isSymbol () const
bool isAtomic () const
void setIsAtomic (bool isAtomic)
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API CString utf8ForRange (unsigned offset, unsigned length, ConversionMode=LenientConversion) const
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API CString utf8 (ConversionMode=LenientConversion) const
bool hasHash () const
unsigned existingHash () const
unsigned hash () const
WTF_EXPORT_PRIVATE unsigned concurrentHash () const
unsigned symbolAwareHash () const
unsigned existingSymbolAwareHash () const
bool isStatic () const
size_t refCount () const
bool hasOneRef () const
bool hasAtLeastOneRef () const
void ref ()
void deref ()
Ref< StringImplisolatedCopy () const
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API Ref< StringImplsubstring (unsigned pos, unsigned len=UINT_MAX)
UChar at (unsigned i) const
UChar operator[] (unsigned i) const
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API UChar32 characterStartingAt (unsigned)
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API bool containsOnlyWhitespace ()
int toIntStrict (bool *ok=0, int base=10)
unsigned toUIntStrict (bool *ok=0, int base=10)
int64_t toInt64Strict (bool *ok=0, int base=10)
uint64_t toUInt64Strict (bool *ok=0, int base=10)
intptr_t toIntPtrStrict (bool *ok=0, int base=10)
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API int toInt (bool *ok=0)
unsigned toUInt (bool *ok=0)
int64_t toInt64 (bool *ok=0)
uint64_t toUInt64 (bool *ok=0)
intptr_t toIntPtr (bool *ok=0)
double toDouble (bool *ok=0)
float toFloat (bool *ok=0)
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API Ref< StringImplconvertToASCIILowercase ()
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API Ref< StringImplconvertToASCIIUppercase ()
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API Ref< StringImplconvertToLowercaseWithoutLocale ()
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API Ref< StringImplconvertToLowercaseWithoutLocaleStartingAtFailingIndex8Bit (unsigned)
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API Ref< StringImplconvertToUppercaseWithoutLocale ()
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API Ref< StringImplconvertToLowercaseWithLocale (const AtomicString &localeIdentifier)
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API Ref< StringImplconvertToUppercaseWithLocale (const AtomicString &localeIdentifier)
Ref< StringImplfoldCase ()
Ref< StringImplstripWhiteSpace ()
Ref< StringImplstripWhiteSpace (IsWhiteSpaceFunctionPtr)
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API Ref< StringImplsimplifyWhiteSpace ()
Ref< StringImplsimplifyWhiteSpace (IsWhiteSpaceFunctionPtr)
Ref< StringImplremoveCharacters (CharacterMatchFunctionPtr)
template<typename CharType >
ALWAYS_INLINE Ref< StringImplremoveCharacters (const CharType *characters, CharacterMatchFunctionPtr)
size_t find (LChar character, unsigned start=0)
size_t find (char character, unsigned start=0)
size_t find (UChar character, unsigned start=0)
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API size_t find (CharacterMatchFunctionPtr, unsigned index=0)
size_t find (const LChar *, unsigned index=0)
ALWAYS_INLINE size_t find (const char *s, unsigned index=0)
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API size_t find (StringImpl *)
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API size_t find (StringImpl *, unsigned index)
size_t findIgnoringCase (const LChar *, unsigned index=0)
ALWAYS_INLINE size_t findIgnoringCase (const char *s, unsigned index=0)
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API size_t findIgnoringCase (StringImpl *, unsigned index=0)
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API size_t findIgnoringASCIICase (const StringImpl &) const
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API size_t findIgnoringASCIICase (const StringImpl &, unsigned startOffset) const
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API size_t findIgnoringASCIICase (const StringImpl *) const
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API size_t findIgnoringASCIICase (const StringImpl *, unsigned startOffset) const
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API size_t reverseFind (UChar, unsigned index=UINT_MAX)
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API size_t reverseFind (StringImpl *, unsigned index=UINT_MAX)
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API size_t reverseFindIgnoringCase (StringImpl *, unsigned index=UINT_MAX)
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API bool startsWith (const StringImpl *) const
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API bool startsWith (const StringImpl &) const
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API bool startsWithIgnoringASCIICase (const StringImpl *) const
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API bool startsWithIgnoringASCIICase (const StringImpl &) const
bool startsWith (StringImpl *str, bool caseSensitive)
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API bool startsWith (UChar) const
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API bool startsWith (const char *, unsigned matchLength, bool caseSensitive) const
template<unsigned matchLength>
bool startsWith (const char(&prefix)[matchLength], bool caseSensitive=true) const
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API bool hasInfixStartingAt (const StringImpl &, unsigned startOffset) const
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API bool endsWith (StringImpl *)
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API bool endsWith (StringImpl &)
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API bool endsWithIgnoringASCIICase (const StringImpl *) const
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API bool endsWithIgnoringASCIICase (const StringImpl &) const
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API bool endsWith (StringImpl *, bool caseSensitive)
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API bool endsWith (UChar) const
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API bool endsWith (const char *, unsigned matchLength, bool caseSensitive) const
template<unsigned matchLength>
bool endsWith (const char(&prefix)[matchLength], bool caseSensitive=true) const
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API bool hasInfixEndingAt (const StringImpl &, unsigned endOffset) const
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API Ref< StringImplreplace (UChar, UChar)
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API Ref< StringImplreplace (UChar, StringImpl *)
ALWAYS_INLINE Ref< StringImplreplace (UChar pattern, const char *replacement, unsigned replacementLength)
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API Ref< StringImplreplace (UChar, const LChar *, unsigned replacementLength)
Ref< StringImplreplace (UChar, const UChar *, unsigned replacementLength)
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API Ref< StringImplreplace (StringImpl *, StringImpl *)
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API Ref< StringImplreplace (unsigned index, unsigned len, StringImpl *)
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API UCharDirection defaultWritingDirection (bool *hasStrongDirectionality=nullptr)
void assertHashIsCorrect ()
unsigned length () const
bool is8Bit () const
ALWAYS_INLINE const LCharcharacters8 () const
ALWAYS_INLINE const UCharcharacters16 () const
template<typename CharType >
ALWAYS_INLINE const CharType * characters () const
size_t cost () const
size_t costDuringGC ()
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API size_t sizeInBytes () const
StringKind stringKind () const
bool isSymbol () const
bool isAtomic () const
void setIsAtomic (bool isAtomic)
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API CString utf8ForRange (unsigned offset, unsigned length, ConversionMode=LenientConversion) const
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API CString utf8 (ConversionMode=LenientConversion) const
bool hasHash () const
unsigned existingHash () const
unsigned hash () const
WTF_EXPORT_PRIVATE unsigned concurrentHash () const
unsigned symbolAwareHash () const
unsigned existingSymbolAwareHash () const
bool isStatic () const
size_t refCount () const
bool hasOneRef () const
bool hasAtLeastOneRef () const
void ref ()
void deref ()
Ref< StringImplisolatedCopy () const
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API Ref< StringImplsubstring (unsigned pos, unsigned len=UINT_MAX)
UChar at (unsigned i) const
UChar operator[] (unsigned i) const
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API UChar32 characterStartingAt (unsigned)
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API bool containsOnlyWhitespace ()
int toIntStrict (bool *ok=0, int base=10)
unsigned toUIntStrict (bool *ok=0, int base=10)
int64_t toInt64Strict (bool *ok=0, int base=10)
uint64_t toUInt64Strict (bool *ok=0, int base=10)
intptr_t toIntPtrStrict (bool *ok=0, int base=10)
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API int toInt (bool *ok=0)
unsigned toUInt (bool *ok=0)
int64_t toInt64 (bool *ok=0)
uint64_t toUInt64 (bool *ok=0)
intptr_t toIntPtr (bool *ok=0)
double toDouble (bool *ok=0)
float toFloat (bool *ok=0)
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API Ref< StringImplconvertToASCIILowercase ()
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API Ref< StringImplconvertToASCIIUppercase ()
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API Ref< StringImplconvertToLowercaseWithoutLocale ()
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API Ref< StringImplconvertToLowercaseWithoutLocaleStartingAtFailingIndex8Bit (unsigned)
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API Ref< StringImplconvertToUppercaseWithoutLocale ()
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API Ref< StringImplconvertToLowercaseWithLocale (const AtomicString &localeIdentifier)
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API Ref< StringImplconvertToUppercaseWithLocale (const AtomicString &localeIdentifier)
Ref< StringImplfoldCase ()
Ref< StringImplstripWhiteSpace ()
Ref< StringImplstripWhiteSpace (IsWhiteSpaceFunctionPtr)
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API Ref< StringImplsimplifyWhiteSpace ()
Ref< StringImplsimplifyWhiteSpace (IsWhiteSpaceFunctionPtr)
Ref< StringImplremoveCharacters (CharacterMatchFunctionPtr)
template<typename CharType >
ALWAYS_INLINE Ref< StringImplremoveCharacters (const CharType *characters, CharacterMatchFunctionPtr)
size_t find (LChar character, unsigned start=0)
size_t find (char character, unsigned start=0)
size_t find (UChar character, unsigned start=0)
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API size_t find (CharacterMatchFunctionPtr, unsigned index=0)
size_t find (const LChar *, unsigned index=0)
ALWAYS_INLINE size_t find (const char *s, unsigned index=0)
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API size_t find (StringImpl *)
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API size_t find (StringImpl *, unsigned index)
size_t findIgnoringCase (const LChar *, unsigned index=0)
ALWAYS_INLINE size_t findIgnoringCase (const char *s, unsigned index=0)
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API size_t findIgnoringCase (StringImpl *, unsigned index=0)
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API size_t findIgnoringASCIICase (const StringImpl &) const
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API size_t findIgnoringASCIICase (const StringImpl &, unsigned startOffset) const
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API size_t findIgnoringASCIICase (const StringImpl *) const
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API size_t findIgnoringASCIICase (const StringImpl *, unsigned startOffset) const
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API size_t reverseFind (UChar, unsigned index=UINT_MAX)
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API size_t reverseFind (StringImpl *, unsigned index=UINT_MAX)
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API size_t reverseFindIgnoringCase (StringImpl *, unsigned index=UINT_MAX)
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API bool startsWith (const StringImpl *) const
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API bool startsWith (const StringImpl &) const
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API bool startsWithIgnoringASCIICase (const StringImpl *) const
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API bool startsWithIgnoringASCIICase (const StringImpl &) const
bool startsWith (StringImpl *str, bool caseSensitive)
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API bool startsWith (UChar) const
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API bool startsWith (const char *, unsigned matchLength, bool caseSensitive) const
template<unsigned matchLength>
bool startsWith (const char(&prefix)[matchLength], bool caseSensitive=true) const
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API bool hasInfixStartingAt (const StringImpl &, unsigned startOffset) const
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API bool endsWith (StringImpl *)
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API bool endsWith (StringImpl &)
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API bool endsWithIgnoringASCIICase (const StringImpl *) const
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API bool endsWithIgnoringASCIICase (const StringImpl &) const
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API bool endsWith (StringImpl *, bool caseSensitive)
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API bool endsWith (UChar) const
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API bool endsWith (const char *, unsigned matchLength, bool caseSensitive) const
template<unsigned matchLength>
bool endsWith (const char(&prefix)[matchLength], bool caseSensitive=true) const
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API bool hasInfixEndingAt (const StringImpl &, unsigned endOffset) const
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API Ref< StringImplreplace (UChar, UChar)
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API Ref< StringImplreplace (UChar, StringImpl *)
ALWAYS_INLINE Ref< StringImplreplace (UChar pattern, const char *replacement, unsigned replacementLength)
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API Ref< StringImplreplace (UChar, const LChar *, unsigned replacementLength)
Ref< StringImplreplace (UChar, const UChar *, unsigned replacementLength)
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API Ref< StringImplreplace (StringImpl *, StringImpl *)
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API Ref< StringImplreplace (unsigned index, unsigned len, StringImpl *)
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API UCharDirection defaultWritingDirection (bool *hasStrongDirectionality=nullptr)
void assertHashIsCorrect ()
ALWAYS_INLINE const LCharcharacters () const
ALWAYS_INLINE const UCharcharacters () const
template<StringImpl::CaseConvertType type, typename CharacterType >
ALWAYS_INLINE Ref< StringImplconvertASCIICase (StringImpl &impl, const CharacterType *data, unsigned length)
ALWAYS_INLINE const LCharcharacters () const
ALWAYS_INLINE const UCharcharacters () const
ALWAYS_INLINE const LCharcharacters () const
ALWAYS_INLINE const UCharcharacters () const
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from WTF::StringImpl
static WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API void destroy (StringImpl *)
static WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API Ref< StringImplcreate (const UChar *, unsigned length)
static WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API Ref< StringImplcreate (const LChar *, unsigned length)
static WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API Ref< StringImplcreate8BitIfPossible (const UChar *, unsigned length)
template<size_t inlineCapacity>
static Ref< StringImplcreate8BitIfPossible (const Vector< UChar, inlineCapacity > &vector)
static WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API Ref< StringImplcreate8BitIfPossible (const UChar *)
static ALWAYS_INLINE Ref< StringImplcreate (const char *s, unsigned length)
static WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API Ref< StringImplcreate (const LChar *)
static ALWAYS_INLINE Ref< StringImplcreate (const char *s)
static ALWAYS_INLINE Ref< StringImplcreateSubstringSharingImpl (StringImpl &rep, unsigned offset, unsigned length)
template<unsigned charactersCount>
static ALWAYS_INLINE Ref< StringImplcreateFromLiteral (const char(&characters)[charactersCount])
static WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API Ref< StringImplcreateFromLiteral (const char *characters, unsigned length)
static WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API Ref< StringImplcreateFromLiteral (const char *characters)
static WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API Ref< StringImplcreateWithoutCopying (const UChar *characters, unsigned length)
static WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API Ref< StringImplcreateWithoutCopying (const LChar *characters, unsigned length)
static WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API Ref< StringImplcreateUninitialized (unsigned length, LChar *&data)
static WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API Ref< StringImplcreateUninitialized (unsigned length, UChar *&data)
template<typename T >
static ALWAYS_INLINE RefPtr< StringImpltryCreateUninitialized (unsigned length, T *&output)
static Ref< StringImplreallocate (Ref< StringImpl > &&originalString, unsigned length, LChar *&data)
static Ref< StringImplreallocate (Ref< StringImpl > &&originalString, unsigned length, UChar *&data)
static unsigned flagsOffset ()
static unsigned flagIs8Bit ()
static unsigned flagIsAtomic ()
static unsigned flagIsSymbol ()
static unsigned maskStringKind ()
static unsigned dataOffset ()
template<typename CharType , size_t inlineCapacity, typename OverflowHandler >
static Ref< StringImpladopt (Vector< CharType, inlineCapacity, OverflowHandler > &&vector)
static WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API Ref< StringImpladopt (StringBuffer< UChar > &&)
static WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API Ref< StringImpladopt (StringBuffer< LChar > &&)
static ptrdiff_t lengthMemoryOffset ()
static WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API CString utf8ForCharacters (const LChar *characters, unsigned length)
static WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API CString utf8ForCharacters (const UChar *characters, unsigned length, ConversionMode=LenientConversion)
static ALWAYS_INLINE StringImplempty ()
template<typename T >
static void copyChars (T *destination, const T *source, unsigned numCharacters)
static ALWAYS_INLINE void copyChars (UChar *destination, const LChar *source, unsigned numCharacters)
static WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API void destroy (StringImpl *)
static WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API Ref< StringImplcreate (const UChar *, unsigned length)
static WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API Ref< StringImplcreate (const LChar *, unsigned length)
static WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API Ref< StringImplcreate8BitIfPossible (const UChar *, unsigned length)
template<size_t inlineCapacity>
static Ref< StringImplcreate8BitIfPossible (const Vector< UChar, inlineCapacity > &vector)
static WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API Ref< StringImplcreate8BitIfPossible (const UChar *)
static ALWAYS_INLINE Ref< StringImplcreate (const char *s, unsigned length)
static WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API Ref< StringImplcreate (const LChar *)
static ALWAYS_INLINE Ref< StringImplcreate (const char *s)
static ALWAYS_INLINE Ref< StringImplcreateSubstringSharingImpl (StringImpl &rep, unsigned offset, unsigned length)
template<unsigned charactersCount>
static ALWAYS_INLINE Ref< StringImplcreateFromLiteral (const char(&characters)[charactersCount])
static WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API Ref< StringImplcreateFromLiteral (const char *characters, unsigned length)
static WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API Ref< StringImplcreateFromLiteral (const char *characters)
static WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API Ref< StringImplcreateWithoutCopying (const UChar *characters, unsigned length)
static WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API Ref< StringImplcreateWithoutCopying (const LChar *characters, unsigned length)
static WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API Ref< StringImplcreateUninitialized (unsigned length, LChar *&data)
static WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API Ref< StringImplcreateUninitialized (unsigned length, UChar *&data)
template<typename T >
static ALWAYS_INLINE RefPtr< StringImpltryCreateUninitialized (unsigned length, T *&output)
static Ref< StringImplreallocate (Ref< StringImpl > &&originalString, unsigned length, LChar *&data)
static Ref< StringImplreallocate (Ref< StringImpl > &&originalString, unsigned length, UChar *&data)
static unsigned flagsOffset ()
static unsigned flagIs8Bit ()
static unsigned flagIsAtomic ()
static unsigned flagIsSymbol ()
static unsigned maskStringKind ()
static unsigned dataOffset ()
template<typename CharType , size_t inlineCapacity, typename OverflowHandler >
static Ref< StringImpladopt (Vector< CharType, inlineCapacity, OverflowHandler > &&vector)
static WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API Ref< StringImpladopt (StringBuffer< UChar > &&)
static WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API Ref< StringImpladopt (StringBuffer< LChar > &&)
static ptrdiff_t lengthMemoryOffset ()
static WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API CString utf8ForCharacters (const LChar *characters, unsigned length)
static WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API CString utf8ForCharacters (const UChar *characters, unsigned length, ConversionMode=LenientConversion)
static ALWAYS_INLINE StringImplempty ()
template<typename T >
static void copyChars (T *destination, const T *source, unsigned numCharacters)
static ALWAYS_INLINE void copyChars (UChar *destination, const LChar *source, unsigned numCharacters)
static WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API void destroy (StringImpl *)
static WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API Ref< StringImplcreate (const UChar *, unsigned length)
static WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API Ref< StringImplcreate (const LChar *, unsigned length)
static WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API Ref< StringImplcreate8BitIfPossible (const UChar *, unsigned length)
template<size_t inlineCapacity>
static Ref< StringImplcreate8BitIfPossible (const Vector< UChar, inlineCapacity > &vector)
static WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API Ref< StringImplcreate8BitIfPossible (const UChar *)
static ALWAYS_INLINE Ref< StringImplcreate (const char *s, unsigned length)
static WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API Ref< StringImplcreate (const LChar *)
static ALWAYS_INLINE Ref< StringImplcreate (const char *s)
static ALWAYS_INLINE Ref< StringImplcreateSubstringSharingImpl (StringImpl &rep, unsigned offset, unsigned length)
template<unsigned charactersCount>
static ALWAYS_INLINE Ref< StringImplcreateFromLiteral (const char(&characters)[charactersCount])
static WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API Ref< StringImplcreateFromLiteral (const char *characters, unsigned length)
static WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API Ref< StringImplcreateFromLiteral (const char *characters)
static WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API Ref< StringImplcreateWithoutCopying (const UChar *characters, unsigned length)
static WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API Ref< StringImplcreateWithoutCopying (const LChar *characters, unsigned length)
static WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API Ref< StringImplcreateUninitialized (unsigned length, LChar *&data)
static WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API Ref< StringImplcreateUninitialized (unsigned length, UChar *&data)
template<typename T >
static ALWAYS_INLINE RefPtr< StringImpltryCreateUninitialized (unsigned length, T *&output)
static Ref< StringImplreallocate (Ref< StringImpl > &&originalString, unsigned length, LChar *&data)
static Ref< StringImplreallocate (Ref< StringImpl > &&originalString, unsigned length, UChar *&data)
static unsigned flagsOffset ()
static unsigned flagIs8Bit ()
static unsigned flagIsAtomic ()
static unsigned flagIsSymbol ()
static unsigned maskStringKind ()
static unsigned dataOffset ()
template<typename CharType , size_t inlineCapacity, typename OverflowHandler >
static Ref< StringImpladopt (Vector< CharType, inlineCapacity, OverflowHandler > &&vector)
static WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API Ref< StringImpladopt (StringBuffer< UChar > &&)
static WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API Ref< StringImpladopt (StringBuffer< LChar > &&)
static ptrdiff_t lengthMemoryOffset ()
static WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API CString utf8ForCharacters (const LChar *characters, unsigned length)
static WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API CString utf8ForCharacters (const UChar *characters, unsigned length, ConversionMode=LenientConversion)
static ALWAYS_INLINE StringImplempty ()
template<typename T >
static void copyChars (T *destination, const T *source, unsigned numCharacters)
static ALWAYS_INLINE void copyChars (UChar *destination, const LChar *source, unsigned numCharacters)
- Static Public Attributes inherited from WTF::StringImpl
static constexpr const unsigned s_flagCount = 6
static WTF_EXPORTDATA StaticStringImpl s_atomicEmptyString
- Protected Types inherited from WTF::StringImpl
enum  CreateSymbolTag { CreateSymbol, CreateSymbol, CreateSymbol }
enum  CreateSymbolTag { CreateSymbol, CreateSymbol, CreateSymbol }
enum  CreateSymbolTag { CreateSymbol, CreateSymbol, CreateSymbol }
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from WTF::StringImpl
template<typename T >
static size_t allocationSize (unsigned tailElementCount)
template<typename T >
static ptrdiff_t tailOffset ()
template<typename T >
static size_t allocationSize (unsigned tailElementCount)
template<typename T >
static ptrdiff_t tailOffset ()
template<typename T >
static size_t allocationSize (unsigned tailElementCount)
template<typename T >
static ptrdiff_t tailOffset ()

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ UniquedStringImpl() [1/9]

WTF::UniquedStringImpl::UniquedStringImpl ( CreateSymbolTag  ,
const LChar characters,
unsigned  length 

◆ UniquedStringImpl() [2/9]

WTF::UniquedStringImpl::UniquedStringImpl ( CreateSymbolTag  ,
const UChar characters,
unsigned  length 

◆ UniquedStringImpl() [3/9]

WTF::UniquedStringImpl::UniquedStringImpl ( CreateSymbolTag  )

◆ UniquedStringImpl() [4/9]

WTF::UniquedStringImpl::UniquedStringImpl ( CreateSymbolTag  ,
const LChar characters,
unsigned  length 

◆ UniquedStringImpl() [5/9]

WTF::UniquedStringImpl::UniquedStringImpl ( CreateSymbolTag  ,
const UChar characters,
unsigned  length 

◆ UniquedStringImpl() [6/9]

WTF::UniquedStringImpl::UniquedStringImpl ( CreateSymbolTag  )

◆ UniquedStringImpl() [7/9]

WTF::UniquedStringImpl::UniquedStringImpl ( CreateSymbolTag  ,
const LChar characters,
unsigned  length 

◆ UniquedStringImpl() [8/9]

WTF::UniquedStringImpl::UniquedStringImpl ( CreateSymbolTag  ,
const UChar characters,
unsigned  length 

◆ UniquedStringImpl() [9/9]

WTF::UniquedStringImpl::UniquedStringImpl ( CreateSymbolTag  )

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: