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GenericDocument< Encoding, Allocator, StackAllocator > Class Template Reference

A document for parsing JSON text as DOM. More...

#include <document.h>

Inheritance diagram for GenericDocument< Encoding, Allocator, StackAllocator >:
GenericValue< Encoding, Allocator >

Public Types

typedef Encoding::Ch Ch
 Character type derived from Encoding. More...
typedef GenericValue< Encoding, Allocator > ValueType
 Value type of the document. More...
typedef Allocator AllocatorType
 Allocator type from template parameter. More...
- Public Types inherited from GenericValue< Encoding, Allocator >
typedef GenericMember< Encoding, Allocator > Member
 Name-value pair in an object. More...
typedef Encoding EncodingType
 Encoding type from template parameter. More...
typedef Allocator AllocatorType
 Allocator type from template parameter. More...
typedef Encoding::Ch Ch
 Character type derived from Encoding. More...
typedef GenericStringRef< ChStringRefType
 Reference to a constant string. More...
typedef GenericMemberIterator< false, Encoding, Allocator >::Iterator MemberIterator
 Member iterator for iterating in object. More...
typedef GenericMemberIterator< true, Encoding, Allocator >::Iterator ConstMemberIterator
 Constant member iterator for iterating in object. More...
typedef GenericValueValueIterator
 Value iterator for iterating in array. More...
typedef const GenericValueConstValueIterator
 Constant value iterator for iterating in array. More...

Public Member Functions

 GenericDocument (Allocator *allocator=0, size_t stackCapacity=kDefaultStackCapacity, StackAllocator *stackAllocator=0)
 Constructor. More...
 ~GenericDocument ()
Allocator & GetAllocator ()
 Get the allocator of this document. More...
size_t GetStackCapacity () const
 Get the capacity of stack in bytes. More...
Parse from stream
template<unsigned parseFlags, typename SourceEncoding , typename InputStream >
GenericDocumentParseStream (InputStream &is)
 Parse JSON text from an input stream (with Encoding conversion) More...
template<unsigned parseFlags, typename InputStream >
GenericDocumentParseStream (InputStream &is)
 Parse JSON text from an input stream. More...
template<typename InputStream >
GenericDocumentParseStream (InputStream &is)
 Parse JSON text from an input stream (with kParseDefaultFlags) More...
Parse in-place from mutable string
template<unsigned parseFlags, typename SourceEncoding >
GenericDocumentParseInsitu (Ch *str)
 Parse JSON text from a mutable string (with Encoding conversion) More...
template<unsigned parseFlags>
GenericDocumentParseInsitu (Ch *str)
 Parse JSON text from a mutable string. More...
GenericDocumentParseInsitu (Ch *str)
 Parse JSON text from a mutable string (with kParseDefaultFlags) More...
Parse from read-only string
template<unsigned parseFlags, typename SourceEncoding >
GenericDocumentParse (const Ch *str)
 Parse JSON text from a read-only string (with Encoding conversion) More...
template<unsigned parseFlags>
GenericDocumentParse (const Ch *str)
 Parse JSON text from a read-only string. More...
GenericDocumentParse (const Ch *str)
 Parse JSON text from a read-only string (with kParseDefaultFlags) More...
Handling parse errors
bool HasParseError () const
 Whether a parse error has occured in the last parsing. More...
ParseErrorCode GetParseError () const
 Get the ParseErrorCode of last parsing. More...
size_t GetErrorOffset () const
 Get the position of last parsing error in input, 0 otherwise. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from GenericValue< Encoding, Allocator >
template<typename Handler >
bool Accept (Handler &handler) const
 Generate events of this value to a Handler. More...
GenericValueoperator= (GenericValue &rhs) RAPIDJSON_NOEXCEPT
 Assignment with move semantics. More...
GenericValueoperator= (StringRefType str) RAPIDJSON_NOEXCEPT
 Assignment of constant string reference (no copy) More...
template<typename T >
 RAPIDJSON_DISABLEIF_RETURN ((internal::IsPointer< T >),(GenericValue &)) operator
 Assignment with primitive types. More...
template<typename SourceAllocator >
GenericValueCopyFrom (const GenericValue< Encoding, SourceAllocator > &rhs, Allocator &allocator)
 Deep-copy assignment from Value. More...
GenericValueSwap (GenericValue &other) RAPIDJSON_NOEXCEPT
 Exchange the contents of this value with those of other. More...
 Prepare Value for move semantics. More...
template<typename SourceAllocator >
bool operator== (const GenericValue< Encoding, SourceAllocator > &rhs) const
 Equal-to operator. More...
bool operator== (const Ch *rhs) const
 Equal-to operator with const C-string pointer. More...
template<typename T >
 RAPIDJSON_DISABLEIF_RETURN ((internal::OrExpr< internal::IsPointer< T >, internal::IsGenericValue< T > >),(bool)) operator
 Equal-to operator with primitive types. More...
template<typename SourceAllocator >
bool operator!= (const GenericValue< Encoding, SourceAllocator > &rhs) const
 Not-equal-to operator. More...
bool operator!= (const Ch *rhs) const
 Not-equal-to operator with const C-string pointer. More...
template<typename T >
 RAPIDJSON_DISABLEIF_RETURN ((internal::IsGenericValue< T >),(bool)) operator!
 Not-equal-to operator with arbitrary types. More...
template<typename T >
friend RAPIDJSON_DISABLEIF_RETURN ((internal::IsGenericValue< T >),(bool)) operator
 Equal-to operator with arbitrary types (symmetric version) More...
template<typename T >
friend RAPIDJSON_DISABLEIF_RETURN ((internal::IsGenericValue< T >),(bool)) operator!
 Not-Equal-to operator with arbitrary types (symmetric version) More...
Type GetType () const
bool IsNull () const
bool IsFalse () const
bool IsTrue () const
bool IsBool () const
bool IsObject () const
bool IsArray () const
bool IsNumber () const
bool IsInt () const
bool IsUint () const
bool IsInt64 () const
bool IsUint64 () const
bool IsDouble () const
bool IsString () const
GenericValueSetNull ()
bool GetBool () const
 Set boolean value. More...
GenericValueSetBool (bool b)
int GetInt () const
unsigned GetUint () const
int64_t GetInt64 () const
uint64_t GetUint64 () const
double GetDouble () const
GenericValueSetInt (int i)
GenericValueSetUint (unsigned u)
GenericValueSetInt64 (int64_t i64)
GenericValueSetUint64 (uint64_t u64)
GenericValueSetDouble (double d)
const ChGetString () const
SizeType GetStringLength () const
 Get the length of string. More...
GenericValueSetString (const Ch *s, SizeType length)
 Set this value as a string without copying source string. More...
GenericValueSetString (StringRefType s)
 Set this value as a string without copying source string. More...
GenericValueSetString (const Ch *s, SizeType length, Allocator &allocator)
 Set this value as a string by copying from source string. More...
GenericValueSetString (const Ch *s, Allocator &allocator)
 Set this value as a string by copying from source string. More...
GenericValueSetObject ()
 Set this value as an empty object. More...
SizeType MemberCount () const
 Get the number of members in the object. More...
bool ObjectEmpty () const
 Check whether the object is empty. More...
template<typename T >
 RAPIDJSON_DISABLEIF_RETURN ((internal::NotExpr< internal::IsSame< typename internal::RemoveConst< T >::Type, Ch > >),(GenericValue &)) operator[](T *name)
 Get a value from an object associated with the name. More...
template<typename T >
 RAPIDJSON_DISABLEIF_RETURN ((internal::NotExpr< internal::IsSame< typename internal::RemoveConst< T >::Type, Ch > >),(const GenericValue &)) operator[](T *name) const
template<typename SourceAllocator >
GenericValueoperator[] (const GenericValue< Encoding, SourceAllocator > &name)
 Get a value from an object associated with the name. More...
template<typename SourceAllocator >
const GenericValueoperator[] (const GenericValue< Encoding, SourceAllocator > &name) const
ConstMemberIterator MemberBegin () const
 Const member iterator. More...
ConstMemberIterator MemberEnd () const
 Const past-the-end member iterator. More...
MemberIterator MemberBegin ()
 Member iterator. More...
MemberIterator MemberEnd ()
 Past-the-end member iterator More...
bool HasMember (const Ch *name) const
 Check whether a member exists in the object. More...
template<typename SourceAllocator >
bool HasMember (const GenericValue< Encoding, SourceAllocator > &name) const
 Check whether a member exists in the object with GenericValue name. More...
MemberIterator FindMember (const Ch *name)
 Find member by name. More...
ConstMemberIterator FindMember (const Ch *name) const
template<typename SourceAllocator >
MemberIterator FindMember (const GenericValue< Encoding, SourceAllocator > &name)
 Find member by name. More...
template<typename SourceAllocator >
ConstMemberIterator FindMember (const GenericValue< Encoding, SourceAllocator > &name) const
GenericValueAddMember (GenericValue &name, GenericValue &value, Allocator &allocator)
 Add a member (name-value pair) to the object. More...
GenericValueAddMember (StringRefType name, GenericValue &value, Allocator &allocator)
 Add a member (name-value pair) to the object. More...
GenericValueAddMember (StringRefType name, StringRefType value, Allocator &allocator)
 Add a constant string value as member (name-value pair) to the object. More...
template<typename T >
 RAPIDJSON_DISABLEIF_RETURN ((internal::OrExpr< internal::IsPointer< T >, internal::IsGenericValue< T > >),(GenericValue &)) AddMember(StringRefType name
 Add any primitive value as member (name-value pair) to the object. More...
GenericValue v (value)
return AddMember (n, v, allocator)
void RemoveAllMembers ()
 Remove all members in the object. More...
bool RemoveMember (const Ch *name)
 Remove a member in object by its name. More...
template<typename SourceAllocator >
bool RemoveMember (const GenericValue< Encoding, SourceAllocator > &name)
MemberIterator RemoveMember (MemberIterator m)
 Remove a member in object by iterator. More...
MemberIterator EraseMember (ConstMemberIterator pos)
 Remove a member from an object by iterator. More...
MemberIterator EraseMember (ConstMemberIterator first, ConstMemberIterator last)
 Remove members in the range [first, last) from an object. More...
GenericValueSetArray ()
 Set this value as an empty array. More...
SizeType Size () const
 Get the number of elements in array. More...
SizeType Capacity () const
 Get the capacity of array. More...
bool Empty () const
 Check whether the array is empty. More...
void Clear ()
 Remove all elements in the array. More...
GenericValueoperator[] (SizeType index)
 Get an element from array by index. More...
const GenericValueoperator[] (SizeType index) const
ValueIterator Begin ()
 Element iterator. More...
ValueIterator End ()
 Past-the-end element iterator More...
ConstValueIterator Begin () const
 Constant element iterator. More...
ConstValueIterator End () const
 Constant past-the-end element iterator. More...
GenericValueReserve (SizeType newCapacity, Allocator &allocator)
 Request the array to have enough capacity to store elements. More...
GenericValuePushBack (GenericValue &value, Allocator &allocator)
 Append a GenericValue at the end of the array. More...
GenericValuePushBack (StringRefType value, Allocator &allocator)
 Append a constant string reference at the end of the array. More...
template<typename T >
 RAPIDJSON_DISABLEIF_RETURN ((internal::OrExpr< internal::IsPointer< T >, internal::IsGenericValue< T > >),(GenericValue &)) PushBack(T value
 Append a primitive value at the end of the array. More...
return PushBack (v, allocator)
GenericValuePopBack ()
 Remove the last element in the array. More...
ValueIterator Erase (ConstValueIterator pos)
 Remove an element of array by iterator. More...
ValueIterator Erase (ConstValueIterator first, ConstValueIterator last)
 Remove elements in the range [first, last) of the array. More...
 Default constructor creates a null value. More...
 GenericValue (Type type) RAPIDJSON_NOEXCEPT
 Constructor with JSON value type. More...
template<typename SourceAllocator >
 GenericValue (const GenericValue< Encoding, SourceAllocator > &rhs, Allocator &allocator)
 Explicit copy constructor (with allocator) More...
template<typename T >
 GenericValue (T b, RAPIDJSON_ENABLEIF((internal::IsSame< T, bool >))) RAPIDJSON_NOEXCEPT
 Constructor for boolean value. More...
 GenericValue (int i) RAPIDJSON_NOEXCEPT
 Constructor for int value. More...
 GenericValue (unsigned u) RAPIDJSON_NOEXCEPT
 Constructor for unsigned value. More...
 GenericValue (int64_t i64) RAPIDJSON_NOEXCEPT
 Constructor for int64_t value. More...
 GenericValue (uint64_t u64) RAPIDJSON_NOEXCEPT
 Constructor for uint64_t value. More...
 GenericValue (double d) RAPIDJSON_NOEXCEPT
 Constructor for double value. More...
 GenericValue (const Ch *s, SizeType length) RAPIDJSON_NOEXCEPT
 Constructor for constant string (i.e. do not make a copy of string) More...
 GenericValue (StringRefType s) RAPIDJSON_NOEXCEPT
 Constructor for constant string (i.e. do not make a copy of string) More...
 GenericValue (const Ch *s, SizeType length, Allocator &allocator)
 Constructor for copy-string (i.e. do make a copy of string) More...
 GenericValue (const Ch *s, Allocator &allocator)
 Constructor for copy-string (i.e. do make a copy of string) More...
 ~GenericValue ()
 Destructor. More...


template<typename , typename , typename >
class GenericReader
template<typename , typename >
class GenericValue

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Attributes inherited from GenericValue< Encoding, Allocator >
T value
T Allocator & allocator
Allocator & allocator

Detailed Description

template<typename Encoding, typename Allocator = MemoryPoolAllocator<>, typename StackAllocator = CrtAllocator>
class GenericDocument< Encoding, Allocator, StackAllocator >

A document for parsing JSON text as DOM.

implements Handler concept
Template Parameters
EncodingEncoding for both parsing and string storage.
AllocatorAllocator for allocating memory for the DOM
StackAllocatorAllocator for allocating memory for stack during parsing.
Although GenericDocument inherits from GenericValue, the API does not provide any virtual functions, especially no virtual destructor. To avoid memory leaks, do not delete a GenericDocument object via a pointer to a GenericValue.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ AllocatorType

template<typename Encoding, typename Allocator = MemoryPoolAllocator<>, typename StackAllocator = CrtAllocator>
typedef Allocator GenericDocument< Encoding, Allocator, StackAllocator >::AllocatorType

Allocator type from template parameter.

◆ Ch

template<typename Encoding, typename Allocator = MemoryPoolAllocator<>, typename StackAllocator = CrtAllocator>
typedef Encoding::Ch GenericDocument< Encoding, Allocator, StackAllocator >::Ch

Character type derived from Encoding.

◆ ValueType

template<typename Encoding, typename Allocator = MemoryPoolAllocator<>, typename StackAllocator = CrtAllocator>
typedef GenericValue<Encoding, Allocator> GenericDocument< Encoding, Allocator, StackAllocator >::ValueType

Value type of the document.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ GenericDocument()

template<typename Encoding, typename Allocator = MemoryPoolAllocator<>, typename StackAllocator = CrtAllocator>
GenericDocument< Encoding, Allocator, StackAllocator >::GenericDocument ( Allocator *  allocator = 0,
size_t  stackCapacity = kDefaultStackCapacity,
StackAllocator *  stackAllocator = 0 


allocatorOptional allocator for allocating memory.
stackCapacityOptional initial capacity of stack in bytes.
stackAllocatorOptional allocator for allocating memory for stack.

◆ ~GenericDocument()

template<typename Encoding, typename Allocator = MemoryPoolAllocator<>, typename StackAllocator = CrtAllocator>
GenericDocument< Encoding, Allocator, StackAllocator >::~GenericDocument ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ GetAllocator()

template<typename Encoding, typename Allocator = MemoryPoolAllocator<>, typename StackAllocator = CrtAllocator>
Allocator& GenericDocument< Encoding, Allocator, StackAllocator >::GetAllocator ( )

Get the allocator of this document.

◆ GetErrorOffset()

template<typename Encoding, typename Allocator = MemoryPoolAllocator<>, typename StackAllocator = CrtAllocator>
size_t GenericDocument< Encoding, Allocator, StackAllocator >::GetErrorOffset ( ) const

Get the position of last parsing error in input, 0 otherwise.

◆ GetParseError()

template<typename Encoding, typename Allocator = MemoryPoolAllocator<>, typename StackAllocator = CrtAllocator>
ParseErrorCode GenericDocument< Encoding, Allocator, StackAllocator >::GetParseError ( ) const

Get the ParseErrorCode of last parsing.

◆ GetStackCapacity()

template<typename Encoding, typename Allocator = MemoryPoolAllocator<>, typename StackAllocator = CrtAllocator>
size_t GenericDocument< Encoding, Allocator, StackAllocator >::GetStackCapacity ( ) const

Get the capacity of stack in bytes.

◆ HasParseError()

template<typename Encoding, typename Allocator = MemoryPoolAllocator<>, typename StackAllocator = CrtAllocator>
bool GenericDocument< Encoding, Allocator, StackAllocator >::HasParseError ( ) const

Whether a parse error has occured in the last parsing.

◆ Parse() [1/3]

template<typename Encoding, typename Allocator = MemoryPoolAllocator<>, typename StackAllocator = CrtAllocator>
template<unsigned parseFlags, typename SourceEncoding >
GenericDocument& GenericDocument< Encoding, Allocator, StackAllocator >::Parse ( const Ch str)

Parse JSON text from a read-only string (with Encoding conversion)

Template Parameters
parseFlagsCombination of ParseFlag (must not contain kParseInsituFlag).
SourceEncodingTranscoding from input Encoding
strRead-only zero-terminated string to be parsed.

◆ Parse() [2/3]

template<typename Encoding, typename Allocator = MemoryPoolAllocator<>, typename StackAllocator = CrtAllocator>
template<unsigned parseFlags>
GenericDocument& GenericDocument< Encoding, Allocator, StackAllocator >::Parse ( const Ch str)

Parse JSON text from a read-only string.

Template Parameters
parseFlagsCombination of ParseFlag (must not contain kParseInsituFlag).
strRead-only zero-terminated string to be parsed.

◆ Parse() [3/3]

template<typename Encoding, typename Allocator = MemoryPoolAllocator<>, typename StackAllocator = CrtAllocator>
GenericDocument& GenericDocument< Encoding, Allocator, StackAllocator >::Parse ( const Ch str)

Parse JSON text from a read-only string (with kParseDefaultFlags)

strRead-only zero-terminated string to be parsed.

◆ ParseInsitu() [1/3]

template<typename Encoding, typename Allocator = MemoryPoolAllocator<>, typename StackAllocator = CrtAllocator>
template<unsigned parseFlags, typename SourceEncoding >
GenericDocument& GenericDocument< Encoding, Allocator, StackAllocator >::ParseInsitu ( Ch str)

Parse JSON text from a mutable string (with Encoding conversion)

Template Parameters
parseFlagsCombination of ParseFlag.
SourceEncodingTranscoding from input Encoding
strMutable zero-terminated string to be parsed.
The document itself for fluent API.

◆ ParseInsitu() [2/3]

template<typename Encoding, typename Allocator = MemoryPoolAllocator<>, typename StackAllocator = CrtAllocator>
template<unsigned parseFlags>
GenericDocument& GenericDocument< Encoding, Allocator, StackAllocator >::ParseInsitu ( Ch str)

Parse JSON text from a mutable string.

Template Parameters
parseFlagsCombination of ParseFlag.
strMutable zero-terminated string to be parsed.
The document itself for fluent API.

◆ ParseInsitu() [3/3]

template<typename Encoding, typename Allocator = MemoryPoolAllocator<>, typename StackAllocator = CrtAllocator>
GenericDocument& GenericDocument< Encoding, Allocator, StackAllocator >::ParseInsitu ( Ch str)

Parse JSON text from a mutable string (with kParseDefaultFlags)

strMutable zero-terminated string to be parsed.
The document itself for fluent API.

◆ ParseStream() [1/3]

template<typename Encoding, typename Allocator = MemoryPoolAllocator<>, typename StackAllocator = CrtAllocator>
template<unsigned parseFlags, typename SourceEncoding , typename InputStream >
GenericDocument& GenericDocument< Encoding, Allocator, StackAllocator >::ParseStream ( InputStream &  is)

Parse JSON text from an input stream (with Encoding conversion)

Template Parameters
parseFlagsCombination of ParseFlag.
SourceEncodingEncoding of input stream
InputStreamType of input stream, implementing Stream concept
isInput stream to be parsed.
The document itself for fluent API.

◆ ParseStream() [2/3]

template<typename Encoding, typename Allocator = MemoryPoolAllocator<>, typename StackAllocator = CrtAllocator>
template<unsigned parseFlags, typename InputStream >
GenericDocument& GenericDocument< Encoding, Allocator, StackAllocator >::ParseStream ( InputStream &  is)

Parse JSON text from an input stream.

Template Parameters
parseFlagsCombination of ParseFlag.
InputStreamType of input stream, implementing Stream concept
isInput stream to be parsed.
The document itself for fluent API.

◆ ParseStream() [3/3]

template<typename Encoding, typename Allocator = MemoryPoolAllocator<>, typename StackAllocator = CrtAllocator>
template<typename InputStream >
GenericDocument& GenericDocument< Encoding, Allocator, StackAllocator >::ParseStream ( InputStream &  is)

Parse JSON text from an input stream (with kParseDefaultFlags)

Template Parameters
InputStreamType of input stream, implementing Stream concept
isInput stream to be parsed.
The document itself for fluent API.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

◆ GenericReader

template<typename Encoding, typename Allocator = MemoryPoolAllocator<>, typename StackAllocator = CrtAllocator>
template<typename , typename , typename >
friend class GenericReader

◆ GenericValue

template<typename Encoding, typename Allocator = MemoryPoolAllocator<>, typename StackAllocator = CrtAllocator>
template<typename , typename >
friend class GenericValue

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