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WebView(WebViewPrintingPrivate) Category Reference

#import <WebViewPrivate.h>

Instance Methods

(void- _adjustPrintingMarginsForHeaderAndFooter
(void- _drawHeaderAndFooter

Method Documentation

◆ _adjustPrintingMarginsForHeaderAndFooter()

- (void) _adjustPrintingMarginsForHeaderAndFooter

_adjustPrintingMarginsForHeaderAndFooter: Increase the top and bottom margins for the current print operation to account for the header and footer height. Called by <WebDocument> implementors once when a print job begins. If the <WebDocument> implementor implements knowsPageRange:, this should be called from there. Otherwise this should be called from beginDocument. The <WebDocument> implementors need to also call _drawHeaderAndFooter.

◆ _drawHeaderAndFooter()

- (void) _drawHeaderAndFooter

_drawHeaderAndFooter Gives the WebView's UIDelegate a chance to draw a header and footer on the printed page. This should be called by <WebDocument> implementors from an override of drawPageBorderWithSize:.

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