webkit  2cdf99a9e3038c7e01b3c37e8ad903ecbe5eecf1
Instance Methods | Class Methods | List of all members
WebView(WebViewOtherInternal) Category Reference

#import <WebViewInternal.h>

Instance Methods

(NSMenu *) - _menuForElement:defaultItems:
(id- _UIDelegateForwarder
(id- _editingDelegateForwarder
(id- _policyDelegateForwarder
(void- _pushPerformingProgrammaticFocus
(void- _popPerformingProgrammaticFocus
(void- _didStartProvisionalLoadForFrame:
(BOOL- _viewClass:andRepresentationClass:forMIMEType:
(BOOL- _canShowMIMEType:
(WebDownload *) - _downloadURL:
(BOOL- _isPerformingProgrammaticFocus
(void- _mouseDidMoveOverElement:modifierFlags:
(WebView *) - _openNewWindowWithRequest:
(void- _writeImageForElement:withPasteboardTypes:toPasteboard:
(void- _writeLinkElement:withPasteboardTypes:toPasteboard:
(void- _openFrameInNewWindowFromMenu:
(void- _searchWithGoogleFromMenu:
(void- _searchWithSpotlightFromMenu:
(void- _progressCompleted:
(void- _didCommitLoadForFrame:
(void- _didFinishLoadForFrame:
(void- _didFailLoadWithError:forFrame:
(void- _didFailProvisionalLoadWithError:forFrame:
(void- _willChangeValueForKey:
(void- _didChangeValueForKey:
(WebBasePluginPackage *) - _pluginForMIMEType:
(WebBasePluginPackage *) - _pluginForExtension:
(void- setCurrentNodeHighlight:
(WebNodeHighlight *) - currentNodeHighlight
(void- addPluginInstanceView:
(void- removePluginInstanceView:
(void- removePluginInstanceViewsFor:
(void- _addObject:forIdentifier:
(id- _objectForIdentifier:
(void- _removeObjectForIdentifier:
(void- _setZoomMultiplier:isTextOnly:
(float) - _zoomMultiplier:
(float) - _realZoomMultiplier
(BOOL- _realZoomMultiplierIsTextOnly
(BOOL- _canZoomOut:
(BOOL- _canZoomIn:
(IBAction) - _zoomOut:isTextOnly:
(IBAction) - _zoomIn:isTextOnly:
(BOOL- _canResetZoom:
(IBAction) - _resetZoom:isTextOnly:
(void- _setInsertionPasteboard:
(void- _preferencesChanged:
(NSPoint- _convertPointFromRootView:
(NSRect- _convertRectFromRootView:
(void- _setMaintainsInactiveSelection:
(void- prepareForMouseUp
(void- prepareForMouseDown
(void- updateTouchBar
(void- _dismissTextTouchBarPopoverItemWithIdentifier:
(NSCandidateListTouchBarItem *) - candidateList
(void- showFormValidationMessage:withAnchorRect:
(void- hideFormValidationMessage

Class Methods

(void+ _setCacheModel:
(WebCacheModel+ _cacheModel
(BOOL+ _viewClass:andRepresentationClass:forMIMEType:allowingPlugins:
(void+ _registerPluginMIMEType:
(void+ _unregisterPluginMIMEType:
(BOOL+ _canShowMIMEType:allowingPlugins:
(NSString *) + _MIMETypeForFile:
(NSString *) + _generatedMIMETypeForURLScheme:
(BOOL+ _representationExistsForURLScheme:
(BOOL+ _canHandleRequest:forMainFrame:
(WebCacheModel+ _cacheModel

Method Documentation

◆ _addObject:forIdentifier:()

- (void) _addObject: (id object
forIdentifier: (unsigned long)  identifier 

Extends class WebView.

◆ _cacheModel() [1/2]

+ (WebCacheModel) _cacheModel

Extends class WebView.

◆ _cacheModel() [2/2]

+ (WebCacheModel) _cacheModel

Extends class WebView.

◆ _canHandleRequest:forMainFrame:()

+ (BOOL) _canHandleRequest: (NSURLRequest *)  request
forMainFrame: (BOOL forMainFrame 

Extends class WebView.

◆ _canResetZoom:()

- (BOOL) _canResetZoom: (BOOL isTextOnly

Extends class WebView.

◆ _canShowMIMEType:()

- (BOOL) _canShowMIMEType: (NSString *)  MIMEType

Extends class WebView.

◆ _canShowMIMEType:allowingPlugins:()

+ (BOOL) _canShowMIMEType: (NSString *)  MIMEType
allowingPlugins: (BOOL allowPlugins 

Extends class WebView.

◆ _canZoomIn:()

- (BOOL) _canZoomIn: (BOOL isTextOnly

Extends class WebView.

◆ _canZoomOut:()

- (BOOL) _canZoomOut: (BOOL isTextOnly

Extends class WebView.

◆ _convertPointFromRootView:()

- (NSPoint) _convertPointFromRootView: (NSPoint point

Extends class WebView.

◆ _convertRectFromRootView:()

- (NSRect) _convertRectFromRootView: (NSRect rect

Extends class WebView.

◆ _didChangeValueForKey:()

- (void) _didChangeValueForKey: (NSString *)  key

Extends class WebView.

◆ _didCommitLoadForFrame:()

- (void) _didCommitLoadForFrame: (WebFrame *)  frame

Extends class WebView.

◆ _didFailLoadWithError:forFrame:()

- (void) _didFailLoadWithError: (NSError *)  error
forFrame: (WebFrame *)  frame 

Extends class WebView.

◆ _didFailProvisionalLoadWithError:forFrame:()

- (void) _didFailProvisionalLoadWithError: (NSError *)  error
forFrame: (WebFrame *)  frame 

Extends class WebView.

◆ _didFinishLoadForFrame:()

- (void) _didFinishLoadForFrame: (WebFrame *)  frame

Extends class WebView.

◆ _didStartProvisionalLoadForFrame:()

- (void) _didStartProvisionalLoadForFrame: (WebFrame *)  frame

Extends class WebView.

◆ _dismissTextTouchBarPopoverItemWithIdentifier:()

- (void) _dismissTextTouchBarPopoverItemWithIdentifier: (NSString *)  identifier

Extends class WebView.

◆ _downloadURL:()

- (WebDownload *) _downloadURL: (NSURL *)  URL

Extends class WebView.

◆ _editingDelegateForwarder()

- (id) _editingDelegateForwarder

Extends class WebView.

◆ _generatedMIMETypeForURLScheme:()

+ (NSString *) _generatedMIMETypeForURLScheme: (NSString *)  URLScheme

Extends class WebView.

◆ _isPerformingProgrammaticFocus()

- (BOOL) _isPerformingProgrammaticFocus

Extends class WebView.

◆ _menuForElement:defaultItems:()

- (NSMenu *) _menuForElement: (NSDictionary *)  element
defaultItems: (NSArray *)  items 

Extends class WebView.

◆ _MIMETypeForFile:()

+ (NSString *) _MIMETypeForFile: (NSString *)  path

Extends class WebView.

◆ _mouseDidMoveOverElement:modifierFlags:()

- (void) _mouseDidMoveOverElement: (NSDictionary *)  dictionary
modifierFlags: (NSUInteger)  modifierFlags 

Extends class WebView.

◆ _objectForIdentifier:()

- (id) _objectForIdentifier: (unsigned long)  identifier

Extends class WebView.

◆ _openFrameInNewWindowFromMenu:()

- (void) _openFrameInNewWindowFromMenu: (NSMenuItem *)  sender

Extends class WebView.

◆ _openNewWindowWithRequest:()

- (WebView *) _openNewWindowWithRequest: (NSURLRequest *)  request

Extends class WebView.

◆ _pluginForExtension:()

- (WebBasePluginPackage *) _pluginForExtension: (NSString *)  extension

Extends class WebView.

◆ _pluginForMIMEType:()

- (WebBasePluginPackage *) _pluginForMIMEType: (NSString *)  MIMEType

Extends class WebView.

◆ _policyDelegateForwarder()

- (id) _policyDelegateForwarder

Extends class WebView.

◆ _popPerformingProgrammaticFocus()

- (void) _popPerformingProgrammaticFocus

Extends class WebView.

◆ _preferencesChanged:()

- (void) _preferencesChanged: (WebPreferences *)  preferences

Extends class WebView.

◆ _progressCompleted:()

- (void) _progressCompleted: (WebFrame *)  frame

Extends class WebView.

◆ _pushPerformingProgrammaticFocus()

- (void) _pushPerformingProgrammaticFocus

Extends class WebView.

◆ _realZoomMultiplier()

- (float) _realZoomMultiplier

Extends class WebView.

◆ _realZoomMultiplierIsTextOnly()

- (BOOL) _realZoomMultiplierIsTextOnly

Extends class WebView.

◆ _registerPluginMIMEType:()

+ (void) _registerPluginMIMEType: (NSString *)  MIMEType

Extends class WebView.

◆ _removeObjectForIdentifier:()

- (void) _removeObjectForIdentifier: (unsigned long)  identifier

Extends class WebView.

◆ _representationExistsForURLScheme:()

+ (BOOL) _representationExistsForURLScheme: (NSString *)  URLScheme

Extends class WebView.

◆ _resetZoom:isTextOnly:()

- (IBAction) _resetZoom: (id sender
isTextOnly: (BOOL isTextOnly 

Extends class WebView.

◆ _searchWithGoogleFromMenu:()

- (void) _searchWithGoogleFromMenu: (id sender

Extends class WebView.

◆ _searchWithSpotlightFromMenu:()

- (void) _searchWithSpotlightFromMenu: (id sender

Extends class WebView.

◆ _setCacheModel:()

+ (void) _setCacheModel: (WebCacheModel cacheModel

Extends class WebView.

◆ _setInsertionPasteboard:()

- (void) _setInsertionPasteboard: (NSPasteboard *)  pasteboard

Extends class WebView.

◆ _setMaintainsInactiveSelection:()

- (void) _setMaintainsInactiveSelection: (BOOL shouldMaintainInactiveSelection

Extends class WebView.

◆ _setZoomMultiplier:isTextOnly:()

- (void) _setZoomMultiplier: (float)  multiplier
isTextOnly: (BOOL isTextOnly 

Extends class WebView.

◆ _UIDelegateForwarder()

- (id) _UIDelegateForwarder

Extends class WebView.

◆ _unregisterPluginMIMEType:()

+ (void) _unregisterPluginMIMEType: (NSString *)  MIMEType

Extends class WebView.

◆ _viewClass:andRepresentationClass:forMIMEType:()

- (BOOL) _viewClass: (Class *)  vClass
andRepresentationClass: (Class *)  rClass
forMIMEType: (NSString *)  MIMEType 

Extends class WebView.

◆ _viewClass:andRepresentationClass:forMIMEType:allowingPlugins:()

+ (BOOL) _viewClass: (Class *)  vClass
andRepresentationClass: (Class *)  rClass
forMIMEType: (NSString *)  MIMEType
allowingPlugins: (BOOL allowPlugins 

Extends class WebView.

◆ _willChangeValueForKey:()

- (void) _willChangeValueForKey: (NSString *)  key

Extends class WebView.

◆ _writeImageForElement:withPasteboardTypes:toPasteboard:()

- (void) _writeImageForElement: (NSDictionary *)  element
withPasteboardTypes: (NSArray *)  types
toPasteboard: (NSPasteboard *)  pasteboard 

Extends class WebView.

◆ _writeLinkElement:withPasteboardTypes:toPasteboard:()

- (void) _writeLinkElement: (NSDictionary *)  element
withPasteboardTypes: (NSArray *)  types
toPasteboard: (NSPasteboard *)  pasteboard 

Extends class WebView.

◆ _zoomIn:isTextOnly:()

- (IBAction) _zoomIn: (id sender
isTextOnly: (BOOL isTextOnly 

Extends class WebView.

◆ _zoomMultiplier:()

- (float) _zoomMultiplier: (BOOL isTextOnly

Extends class WebView.

◆ _zoomOut:isTextOnly:()

- (IBAction) _zoomOut: (id sender
isTextOnly: (BOOL isTextOnly 

Extends class WebView.

◆ addPluginInstanceView:()

- (void) addPluginInstanceView: (NSView *)  view

Extends class WebView.

◆ candidateList()

- (NSCandidateListTouchBarItem *) candidateList

Extends class WebView.

◆ currentNodeHighlight()

- (WebNodeHighlight *) currentNodeHighlight

Extends class WebView.

◆ hideFormValidationMessage()

- (void) hideFormValidationMessage

Extends class WebView.

◆ prepareForMouseDown()

- (void) prepareForMouseDown

Extends class WebView.

◆ prepareForMouseUp()

- (void) prepareForMouseUp

Extends class WebView.

◆ removePluginInstanceView:()

- (void) removePluginInstanceView: (NSView *)  view

Extends class WebView.

◆ removePluginInstanceViewsFor:()

- (void) removePluginInstanceViewsFor: (WebFrame *)  webFrame

Extends class WebView.

◆ setCurrentNodeHighlight:()

- (void) setCurrentNodeHighlight: (WebNodeHighlight *)  nodeHighlight

Extends class WebView.

◆ showFormValidationMessage:withAnchorRect:()

- (void) showFormValidationMessage: (NSString *)  message
withAnchorRect: (NSRect anchorRect 

Extends class WebView.

◆ updateTouchBar()

- (void) updateTouchBar

Extends class WebView.

The documentation for this category was generated from the following files: