#import <WebViewPrivate.h>
◆ _addOriginAccessWhitelistEntryWithSourceOrigin:destinationProtocol:destinationHost:allowDestinationSubdomains:()
+ (void) _addOriginAccessWhitelistEntryWithSourceOrigin: |
(NSString *) |
sourceOrigin |
destinationProtocol: |
(NSString *) |
destinationProtocol |
destinationHost: |
(NSString *) |
destinationHost |
allowDestinationSubdomains: |
(BOOL) |
allowDestinationSubdomains |
| |
◆ _addScrollerDashboardRegions:()
- (void) _addScrollerDashboardRegions: |
(NSMutableDictionary *) |
regions |
◆ _addUserScriptToGroup:world:source:url:whitelist:blacklist:injectionTime:()
◆ _addUserScriptToGroup:world:source:url:whitelist:blacklist:injectionTime:injectedFrames:()
◆ _addUserStyleSheetToGroup:world:source:url:whitelist:blacklist:()
◆ _addUserStyleSheetToGroup:world:source:url:whitelist:blacklist:injectedFrames:()
◆ _attachScriptDebuggerToAllFrames()
- (void) _attachScriptDebuggerToAllFrames |
_attachScriptDebuggerToAllFrames Attaches a script debugger to all frames belonging to the receiver.
◆ _backingScaleFactor()
◆ _cachedResponseForURL:()
- (NSCachedURLResponse *) _cachedResponseForURL: |
(NSURL *) |
◆ _canHandleRequest:()
_canHandleRequest: Performs a "preflight" operation that performs some speculative checks to see if a request can be used to create a WebDocumentView and WebDocumentRepresentation. The result of this method is valid only as long as no protocols or schemes are registered or unregistered, and as long as the request is not mutated (if the request is mutable). Hence, clients should be prepared to handle failures even if they have performed request preflighting by caling this method.
- Parameters
request | The request to preflight. |
- Returns
- YES if it is likely that a WebDocumentView and WebDocumentRepresentation can be created for the request, NO otherwise.
◆ _clearMainFrameName()
- (void) _clearMainFrameName |
◆ _clearUndoRedoOperations()
- (void) _clearUndoRedoOperations |
◆ _close()
◆ _contentsOfUserInterfaceItem:()
◆ _cookieEnabled()
◆ _dashboardBehavior:()
◆ _dashboardRegions()
◆ _decodeData:()
◆ _detachScriptDebuggerFromAllFrames()
- (void) _detachScriptDebuggerFromAllFrames |
_detachScriptDebuggerFromAllFrames Detaches any script debuggers from all frames belonging to the receiver.
◆ _didScrollDocumentInFrameView:()
◆ _disableAutoStartRemoteInspector()
+ (void) _disableAutoStartRemoteInspector |
◆ _disableRemoteInspector()
+ (void) _disableRemoteInspector |
◆ _dispatchPendingLoadRequests()
- (void) _dispatchPendingLoadRequests |
_dispatchPendingLoadRequests: Dispatches any pending load requests that have been scheduled because of recent DOM additions or style changes. You only need to call this method if you require synchronous notification of loads through the resource load delegate. Otherwise the resource load delegate will be notified about loads during a future run loop iteration.
◆ _enableRemoteInspector()
+ (void) _enableRemoteInspector |
◆ _executeCoreCommandByName:value:()
◆ _fixedLayoutSize()
- (NSSize) _fixedLayoutSize |
◆ _formDelegate()
◆ _gapBetweenPages()
◆ _getDataInteractionData()
◆ _globalHistoryItem()
◆ _hasRemoteInspectorSession()
+ (BOOL) _hasRemoteInspectorSession |
◆ _HTTPPipeliningEnabled()
+ (BOOL) _HTTPPipeliningEnabled |
_HTTPPipeliningEnabled Checks the HTTP pipelining status. Defaults to NO.
- Returns
- YES if HTTP pipelining is enabled, NO if not enabled.
◆ _includesFlattenedCompositingLayersWhenDrawingToBitmap()
- (BOOL) _includesFlattenedCompositingLayersWhenDrawingToBitmap |
◆ _inFastImageScalingMode()
- (BOOL) _inFastImageScalingMode |
◆ _insertionPasteboard()
- (NSPasteboard *) _insertionPasteboard |
◆ _isClosed()
◆ _isProcessingUserGesture()
- (BOOL) _isProcessingUserGesture |
◆ _isRemoteInspectorEnabled()
+ (BOOL) _isRemoteInspectorEnabled |
◆ _isSoftwareRenderable()
- (BOOL) _isSoftwareRenderable |
◆ _isUsingAcceleratedCompositing()
- (BOOL) _isUsingAcceleratedCompositing |
◆ _isViewVisible()
◆ _layoutMilestones()
◆ _listenForLayoutMilestones:()
◆ _loadBackForwardListFromOtherView:()
- (void) _loadBackForwardListFromOtherView: |
(WebView *) |
otherView |
Could be worth adding to the API. _loadBackForwardListFromOtherView: Loads the view with the contents of the other view, including its backforward list.
- Parameters
◆ _pageCount()
- (NSUInteger) _pageCount |
◆ _pageLength()
◆ _paginationBehavesLikeColumns()
- (BOOL) _paginationBehavesLikeColumns |
◆ _paginationLineGridEnabled()
- (BOOL) _paginationLineGridEnabled |
◆ _paginationMode()
◆ _postsAcceleratedCompositingNotifications()
- (BOOL) _postsAcceleratedCompositingNotifications |
◆ _registerURLSchemeAsAllowingDatabaseAccessInPrivateBrowsing:()
+ (void) _registerURLSchemeAsAllowingDatabaseAccessInPrivateBrowsing: |
(NSString *) |
scheme |
◆ _registerURLSchemeAsAllowingLocalStorageAccessInPrivateBrowsing:()
+ (void) _registerURLSchemeAsAllowingLocalStorageAccessInPrivateBrowsing: |
(NSString *) |
scheme |
◆ _registerURLSchemeAsSecure:()
◆ _registerViewClass:representationClass:forURLScheme:()
+ (void) _registerViewClass: |
(Class) |
viewClass |
representationClass: |
(Class) |
representationClass |
forURLScheme: |
(NSString *) |
URLScheme |
| |
◆ _removeAllUserContentFromGroup:()
+ (void) _removeAllUserContentFromGroup: |
(NSString *) |
groupName |
◆ _removeOriginAccessWhitelistEntryWithSourceOrigin:destinationProtocol:destinationHost:allowDestinationSubdomains:()
+ (void) _removeOriginAccessWhitelistEntryWithSourceOrigin: |
(NSString *) |
sourceOrigin |
destinationProtocol: |
(NSString *) |
destinationProtocol |
destinationHost: |
(NSString *) |
destinationHost |
allowDestinationSubdomains: |
(BOOL) |
allowDestinationSubdomains |
| |
◆ _removeUserScriptFromGroup:world:url:()
◆ _removeUserScriptsFromGroup:world:()
◆ _removeUserStyleSheetFromGroup:world:url:()
◆ _removeUserStyleSheetsFromGroup:world:()
◆ _reportException:inContext:()
◆ _requestStartDataInteraction:globalPosition:()
- (BOOL) _requestStartDataInteraction: |
(CGPoint) |
clientPosition |
globalPosition: |
(CGPoint) |
globalPosition |
| |
◆ _resetOriginAccessWhitelists()
+ (void) _resetOriginAccessWhitelists |
◆ _scaleWebView:atOrigin:()
- (void) _scaleWebView: |
(float) |
scale |
atOrigin: |
(NSPoint) |
origin |
| |
◆ _setAdditionalWebPlugInPaths:()
- (void) _setAdditionalWebPlugInPaths: |
(NSArray *) |
newPaths |
_setAdditionalWebPlugInPaths: Sets additional plugin search paths for a specific WebView.
◆ _setAlwaysUsesComplexTextCodePath:()
+ (void) _setAlwaysUsesComplexTextCodePath: |
(BOOL) |
f |
◆ _setBaseCTM:forContext:()
◆ _setCookieEnabled:()
- (void) _setCookieEnabled: |
(BOOL) |
enable |
◆ _setCustomBackingScaleFactor:()
- (void) _setCustomBackingScaleFactor: |
(CGFloat) |
overrideScaleFactor |
◆ _setDashboardBehavior:to:()
◆ _setDomainRelaxationForbidden:forURLScheme:()
+ (void) _setDomainRelaxationForbidden: |
(BOOL) |
forbidden |
forURLScheme: |
(NSString *) |
scheme |
| |
◆ _setFixedLayoutSize:()
- (void) _setFixedLayoutSize: |
(NSSize) |
size |
◆ _setFontFallbackPrefersPictographs:()
- (void) _setFontFallbackPrefersPictographs: |
(BOOL) |
flag |
◆ _setFormDelegate:()
◆ _setGapBetweenPages:()
◆ _setHTTPPipeliningEnabled:()
+ (void) _setHTTPPipeliningEnabled: |
(BOOL) |
enabled |
_setHTTPPipeliningEnabled: Set the HTTP pipelining status. Defaults to NO.
- Parameters
enabled | The new HTTP pipelining status. |
◆ _setIncludesFlattenedCompositingLayersWhenDrawingToBitmap:()
- (void) _setIncludesFlattenedCompositingLayersWhenDrawingToBitmap: |
(BOOL) |
flag |
◆ _setLoadResourcesSerially:()
+ (void) _setLoadResourcesSerially: |
(BOOL) |
serialize |
◆ _setPageLength:()
◆ _setPaginationBehavesLikeColumns:()
- (void) _setPaginationBehavesLikeColumns: |
(BOOL) |
behavesLikeColumns |
◆ _setPaginationLineGridEnabled:()
- (void) _setPaginationLineGridEnabled: |
(BOOL) |
lineGridEnabled |
◆ _setPaginationMode:()
◆ _setPostsAcceleratedCompositingNotifications:()
- (void) _setPostsAcceleratedCompositingNotifications: |
(BOOL) |
flag |
◆ _setShouldUseFontSmoothing:()
+ (void) _setShouldUseFontSmoothing: |
(BOOL) |
f |
◆ _setUseFastImageScalingMode:()
- (void) _setUseFastImageScalingMode: |
(BOOL) |
flag |
◆ _setUseFixedLayout:()
- (void) _setUseFixedLayout: |
(BOOL) |
fixed |
◆ _setUsesTestModeFocusRingColor:()
+ (void) _setUsesTestModeFocusRingColor: |
(BOOL) |
f |
◆ _setVisibilityState:isInitialState:()
◆ _shouldUseFontSmoothing()
+ (BOOL) _shouldUseFontSmoothing |
◆ _standardUserAgentWithApplicationName:()
+ (NSString *) _standardUserAgentWithApplicationName: |
(NSString *) |
applicationName |
◆ _supportedFileExtensions()
+ (NSArray *) _supportedFileExtensions |
◆ _unregisterViewClassAndRepresentationClassForMIMEType:()
+ (void) _unregisterViewClassAndRepresentationClassForMIMEType: |
(NSString *) |
MIMEType |
◆ _updateActiveState()
- (void) _updateActiveState |
◆ _updateVisibilityState()
- (void) _updateVisibilityState |
◆ _useFixedLayout()
◆ _usesTestModeFocusRingColor()
+ (BOOL) _usesTestModeFocusRingColor |
◆ _viewScaleFactor()
- (float) _viewScaleFactor |
◆ _visibilityState()
◆ allowsNewCSSAnimationsWhileSuspended()
- (BOOL) allowsNewCSSAnimationsWhileSuspended |
◆ allowsRemoteInspection()
- (BOOL) allowsRemoteInspection |
- Returns
- Returns whether or not this WebView will allow a Remote Web Inspector to attach to it.
◆ alwaysShowHorizontalScroller()
- (BOOL) alwaysShowHorizontalScroller |
- Returns
- YES if the horizontal scroller is always shown
◆ alwaysShowVerticalScroller()
- (BOOL) alwaysShowVerticalScroller |
- Returns
- YES if the vertical scroller is always shown
◆ areMemoryCacheDelegateCallsEnabled()
- (BOOL) areMemoryCacheDelegateCallsEnabled |
◆ backgroundColor()
- Returns
- Returns the background color drawn under transparent page background colors and images. This color is also used when no page is loaded. A color with alpha should only be used when the receiver is in a non-opaque window, since the color is drawn using NSCompositeCopy.
◆ canCloseAllWebViews()
+ (BOOL) canCloseAllWebViews |
canCloseAllWebViews Checks if all the open WebViews can be closed (by dispatching the beforeUnload event to the pages).
- Returns
- YES if all the WebViews can be closed.
◆ canShowFile:()
canShowFile: Checks if the WebKit can show the content of the file at the specified path.
- Parameters
path | The path of the file to check |
- Returns
- YES if the WebKit can show the content of the file at the specified path.
◆ countMatchesForText:caseSensitive:highlight:limit:markMatches:()
- (NSUInteger) countMatchesForText: |
(NSString *) |
string |
caseSensitive: |
(BOOL) |
caseFlag |
highlight: |
(BOOL) |
highlight |
limit: |
(NSUInteger) |
limit |
markMatches: |
(BOOL) |
markMatches |
| |
◆ cssAnimationsSuspended()
- (BOOL) cssAnimationsSuspended |
cssAnimationsSuspended Returns whether or not CSS Animations are suspended.
- Returns
- YES if CSS Animations are suspended.
◆ defersCallbacks()
◆ forceRequestCandidatesForTesting()
- (void) forceRequestCandidatesForTesting |
◆ inspector()
◆ interactiveFormValidationEnabled()
- (BOOL) interactiveFormValidationEnabled |
◆ isSelectTrailingWhitespaceEnabled()
- (BOOL) isSelectTrailingWhitespaceEnabled |
(void) |
◆ isTrackingRepaints()
- (BOOL) isTrackingRepaints |
◆ markAllMatchesForText:caseSensitive:highlight:limit:()
- (NSUInteger) markAllMatchesForText: |
(NSString *) |
string |
caseSensitive: |
(BOOL) |
caseFlag |
highlight: |
(BOOL) |
highlight |
limit: |
(NSUInteger) |
limit |
| |
◆ resetTrackedRepaints()
- (void) resetTrackedRepaints |
◆ searchFor:direction:caseSensitive:wrap:startInSelection:()
- (BOOL) searchFor: |
(NSString *) |
string |
direction: |
(BOOL) |
forward |
caseSensitive: |
(BOOL) |
caseFlag |
wrap: |
(BOOL) |
wrapFlag |
startInSelection: |
(BOOL) |
startInSelection |
| |
searchFor:direction:caseSensitive:wrap:startInSelection: Searches a document view for a string and highlights the string if it is found. Starts the search from the current selection. Will search across all frames.
- Parameters
string | The string to search for. |
forward | YES to search forward, NO to seach backwards. |
caseFlag | YES to for case-sensitive search, NO for case-insensitive search. |
wrapFlag | YES to wrap around, NO to avoid wrapping. |
startInSelection | YES to begin search in the selected text (useful for incremental searching), NO to begin search after the selected text. |
- Returns
- YES if found, NO if not found.
◆ setAllowsNewCSSAnimationsWhileSuspended:()
- (void) setAllowsNewCSSAnimationsWhileSuspended: |
(BOOL) |
allowed |
◆ setAllowsRemoteInspection:()
- (void) setAllowsRemoteInspection: |
(BOOL) |
allow |
- Parameters
allow | The new permission for this WebView. Sets the permission of this WebView to either allow or disallow a Remote Web Inspector to attach to it. |
◆ setAlwaysShowHorizontalScroller:()
- (void) setAlwaysShowHorizontalScroller: |
(BOOL) |
flag |
setAlwaysShowHorizontalScroller: Forces the horizontal scroller to be visible if flag is YES, otherwise if flag is NO the scroller with automatically show and hide as needed.
◆ setAlwaysShowVerticalScroller:()
- (void) setAlwaysShowVerticalScroller: |
(BOOL) |
flag |
setAlwaysShowVerticalScroller: Forces the vertical scroller to be visible if flag is YES, otherwise if flag is NO the scroller with automatically show and hide as needed.
◆ setBackgroundColor:()
- (void) setBackgroundColor: |
(NSColor *) |
backgroundColor |
- Parameters
backgroundColor | Color to use as the default background. Sets what color the receiver draws under transparent page background colors and images. This color is also used when no page is loaded. A color with alpha should only be used when the receiver is in a non-opaque window, since the color is drawn using NSCompositeCopy. |
◆ setCSSAnimationsSuspended:()
- (void) setCSSAnimationsSuspended: |
(BOOL) |
suspended |
- Parameters
suspended | YES to suspend animations, NO to resume animations. Suspends or resumes all running animations and transitions in the page. |
◆ setDefersCallbacks:()
- (void) setDefersCallbacks: |
(BOOL) |
defer |
◆ setInteractiveFormValidationEnabled:()
- (void) setInteractiveFormValidationEnabled: |
(BOOL) |
enabled |
◆ setMemoryCacheDelegateCallsEnabled:()
- (void) setMemoryCacheDelegateCallsEnabled: |
(BOOL) |
suspend |
◆ setProhibitsMainFrameScrolling:()
- (void) setProhibitsMainFrameScrolling: |
(BOOL) |
prohibits |
setProhibitsMainFrameScrolling: Prohibits scrolling in the WebView's main frame. Used to "lock" a WebView to a specific scroll position.
◆ setSelectTrailingWhitespaceEnabled:()
- (void) setSelectTrailingWhitespaceEnabled: |
(BOOL) |
flag |
◆ setShowingInspectorIndication:()
- (void) setShowingInspectorIndication: |
(BOOL) |
enabled |
- Parameters
enabled | Show the indication when true, hide when false. indicate this WebView on screen for a remote inspector. |
◆ setTracksRepaints:()
◆ setUsesPageCache:()
- (void) setUsesPageCache: |
(BOOL) |
usesPageCache |
◆ setValidationMessageTimerMagnification:()
- (void) setValidationMessageTimerMagnification: |
(int) |
newValue |
◆ shouldRequestCandidates()
- (BOOL) shouldRequestCandidates |
◆ showCandidates:forString:inRect:forSelectedRange:view:completionHandler:()
- (void) showCandidates: |
(NSArray *) |
candidates |
forString: |
(NSString *) |
string |
inRect: |
(NSRect) |
rectOfTypedString |
forSelectedRange: |
(NSRange) |
range |
view: |
(NSView *) |
view |
completionHandler: |
(void(^)(NSTextCheckingResult *acceptedCandidate)) |
completionBlock |
| |
◆ suggestedFileExtensionForMIMEType:()
- Parameters
MIMEType | The MIME type to check. |
- Returns
- The extension based on the MIME type
◆ textIteratorForRect:()
- Parameters
rect | The rectangle of the document that we're interested in text from. |
- Returns
- WebTextIterator object, initialized with a range that corresponds to the passed-in rectangle. This method gives the text for the approximate range of the document corresponding to the rectangle. The range is determined by using hit testing at the top left and bottom right of the rectangle. Because of that, there can be text visible in the rectangle that is not included in the iterator. If you need a guarantee of iterating all text that is visible, then you need to instead make a WebTextIterator with a DOMRange that covers the entire document.
◆ trackedRepaintRects()
◆ usesPageCache()
◆ validationMessageTimerMagnification()
- (int) validationMessageTimerMagnification |
◆ sourceApplicationAuditData
- (NSData*) sourceApplicationAuditData |
readwritenonatomiccopy |
The documentation for this category was generated from the following files: