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WebFrameView(WebPrivate) Category Reference

#import <WebFrameViewPrivate.h>

Instance Methods

(WebFrameView *) - _largestChildWithScrollBars
(BOOL- _hasScrollBars
(WebFrameView *) - _largestScrollableChild
(BOOL- _isScrollable
(NSClipView *) - _contentView
(Class- _customScrollViewClass
(void- _setCustomScrollViewClass:

Method Documentation

◆ _contentView()

- (NSClipView *) _contentView


The content view (NSClipView) of the WebFrameView's scroll view.

◆ _customScrollViewClass()

- (Class) _customScrollViewClass


The custom scroll view class that is installed, nil if the default scroll view is being used.

◆ _hasScrollBars()

- (BOOL) _hasScrollBars


YES if at least one scroll bar is currently displayed

◆ _isScrollable()

- (BOOL) _isScrollable


YES if scrolling is currently possible, whether or not scroll bars are currently showing. This differs from -allowsScrolling in that the latter method only checks whether scrolling has been explicitly disallowed via a call to setAllowsScrolling:NO.

◆ _largestChildWithScrollBars()

- (WebFrameView *) _largestChildWithScrollBars

_largestChildWithScrollBars Of the child WebFrameViews that are displaying scroll bars, determines which has the largest area.

A child WebFrameView that is displaying scroll bars, or nil if none.

◆ _largestScrollableChild()

- (WebFrameView *) _largestScrollableChild

_largestScrollableChild Of the child WebFrameViews that allow scrolling, determines which has the largest area.

A child WebFrameView that is scrollable, or nil if none.

◆ _setCustomScrollViewClass:()

- (void) _setCustomScrollViewClass: (Class scrollViewClass

_setCustomScrollViewClass: Switches the WebFrameView's scroll view class, this class needs to be a subclass of WebDynamicScrollBarsView. Passing nil will switch back to the default WebDynamicScrollBarsView class.

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