webkit  2cdf99a9e3038c7e01b3c37e8ad903ecbe5eecf1
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RTCAudioSession(Configuration) Category Reference

#import <RTCAudioSession.h>

Instance Methods

(BOOL- setConfiguration:error:
(BOOL- setConfiguration:active:error:
(BOOL- setConfiguration:error:
(BOOL- setConfiguration:active:error:

Method Documentation

◆ setConfiguration:active:error:() [1/2]

- (BOOL) setConfiguration: (RTCAudioSessionConfiguration *)  configuration
active: (BOOL active
error: (NSError **)  outError 

Convenience method that calls both setConfiguration and setActive. |lockForConfiguration| must be called first.

Extends class RTCAudioSession.

◆ setConfiguration:active:error:() [2/2]

- (BOOL) setConfiguration: (RTCAudioSessionConfiguration *)  configuration
active: (BOOL active
error: (NSError **)  outError 

Convenience method that calls both setConfiguration and setActive. |lockForConfiguration| must be called first.

Extends class RTCAudioSession.

◆ setConfiguration:error:() [1/2]

- (BOOL) setConfiguration: (RTCAudioSessionConfiguration *)  configuration
error: (NSError **)  outError 

Applies the configuration to the current session. Attempts to set all properties even if previous ones fail. Only the last error will be returned. |lockForConfiguration| must be called first.

Extends class RTCAudioSession.

◆ setConfiguration:error:() [2/2]

- (BOOL) setConfiguration: (RTCAudioSessionConfiguration *)  configuration
error: (NSError **)  outError 

Applies the configuration to the current session. Attempts to set all properties even if previous ones fail. Only the last error will be returned. |lockForConfiguration| must be called first.

Extends class RTCAudioSession.

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