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Instance Methods | List of all members
NSObject(WebJavaPlugIn) Category Reference

#import <WebJavaPlugIn.h>

Instance Methods

(jobject) - webPlugInGetApplet
(jvalue) - webPlugInCallJava:isStatic:returnType:method:arguments:callingURL:exceptionDescription:

Method Documentation

◆ webPlugInCallJava:isStatic:returnType:method:arguments:callingURL:exceptionDescription:()

- (jvalue) webPlugInCallJava: (jobject)  object
isStatic: (BOOL isStatic
returnType: (WebJNIReturnType returnType
method: (jmethodID)  method
arguments: (jvalue *)  args
callingURL: (NSURL *)  url
exceptionDescription: (NSString **)  exceptionString 


objectThe Java instance that will receive the method call.
isStaticA flag that indicated whether the method is a class method.
returnTypeThe return type of the Java method.
methodThe ID of the Java method to call.
argsThe arguments to use with the method invocation.
callingURLThe URL of the page that contains the JavaScript that is calling Java.
exceptionDescriptionPass in nil or the address of pointer to a string object. If any exception is thrown by Java the return value will be a description of the exception, otherwise nil. Calls to Java from native code should not make direct use of JNI. Instead they should use this method to dispatch calls to the Java VM. This is required to guarantee that the correct thread will receive the call. webPlugInCallJava:isStatic:returnType:method:arguments:callingURL:exceptionDescription: must always be called from the AppKit main thread. This method is only implemented by the Java plug-in.
The result of the method invocation.

◆ webPlugInGetApplet()

- (jobject) webPlugInGetApplet

webPlugInGetApplet This returns the jobject representing the java applet to the WebPlugInContainer. It should always be called from the AppKit Main Thread. This method is only implemented by the Java plug-in.

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