29 #ifndef EditingDelegate_h 30 #define EditingDelegate_h 32 #include <WebKit/WebKit.h> 38 void setAcceptsEditing(
bool b) { m_acceptsEditing =
b; }
41 virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QueryInterface(_In_ REFIID riid, _COM_Outptr_
void** ppvObject);
67 _Out_
int* badGrammarLocation, _Out_
int* badGrammarLength);
69 _In_opt_
BSTR* guesses,
int guessesCount)
90 ULONG m_refCount { 1 };
91 bool m_acceptsEditing {
true };
94 #endif // !defined(EditingDelegate_h) HRESULT showSpellingUI([in] BOOL show)
HRESULT spellingUIIsShowing([out, retval] BOOL *result)
Definition: XMLHttpRequest.idl:39
Definition: IWebNotification.idl:37
HRESULT undoManagerForWebView([in] IWebView *webView, [out, retval] IWebUndoManager **undoManager)
HRESULT shouldBeginEditingInDOMRange([in] IWebView *webView, [in] IDOMRange *range, [out, retval] BOOL *result)
HRESULT updateSpellingUIWithMisspelledWord([in] BSTR word)
HRESULT shouldChangeTypingStyle([in] IWebView *webView, [in] IDOMCSSStyleDeclaration *currentStyle, [in] IDOMCSSStyleDeclaration *proposedStyle, [out, retval] BOOL *result)
HRESULT webViewDidEndEditing([in] IWebNotification *notification)
Definition: RenderThemeWin.cpp:150
HRESULT shouldInsertNode([in] IWebView *webView, [in] IDOMNode *node, [in] IDOMRange *range, [in] WebViewInsertAction action, [out, retval] BOOL *result)
HRESULT guessesForWord([in] BSTR word, [out, retval] IEnumSpellingGuesses **guesses)
HRESULT shouldDeleteDOMRange([in] IWebView *webView, [in] IDOMRange *range, [out, retval] BOOL *result)
Definition: IWebEditingDelegate.idl:195
GLint location
Definition: gl2.h:455
HRESULT shouldApplyStyle([in] IWebView *webView, [in] IDOMCSSStyleDeclaration *style, [in] IDOMRange *range, [out, retval] BOOL *result)
HRESULT checkGrammarOfString([in] IWebView *view, [in] LPCTSTR text, [in] int length, [out] IEnumWebGrammarDetails **grammarDetails, [out] int *badGrammarLocation, [out] int *badGrammarLength)
Definition: DOMCSS.idl:125
HRESULT ignoreWordInSpellDocument([in] IWebView *view, [in] BSTR word)
HRESULT doPlatformCommand([in] IWebView *webView, [in] BSTR command, [out, retval] BOOL *result)
enum _WebSelectionAffinity WebSelectionAffinity
Definition: EditingDelegate.h:32
Definition: IWebUndoManager.idl:40
wchar_t * BSTR
Definition: BString.h:36
HRESULT webViewDidBeginEditing([in] IWebNotification *notification)
Definition: WebKitGraphics.h:38
HRESULT shouldInsertText([in] IWebView *webView, [in] BSTR text, [in] IDOMRange *range, [in] WebViewInsertAction action, [out, retval] BOOL *result)
Definition: IWebNotificationObserver.idl:39
HRESULT shouldChangeSelectedDOMRange([in] IWebView *webView, [in] IDOMRange *currentRange, [in] IDOMRange *proposedRange, [in] WebSelectionAffinity selectionAffinity, [in] BOOL stillSelecting, [out, retval] BOOL *result)
HRESULT webViewDidChange([in] IWebNotification *notification)
HRESULT onNotify([in] IWebNotification *notification)
HRESULT closeSpellDocument([in] IWebView *view)
Definition: IWebEditingDelegate.idl:56
enum _WebViewInsertAction WebViewInsertAction
HRESULT updateSpellingUIWithGrammarString([in] BSTR string, [in] int location, [in] int length, [in] BSTR userDescription, [in] BSTR *guesses, [in] int guessesCount)
int Release(RepeatedCompositeContainer *self)
Definition: repeated_composite_container.cc:458
HRESULT webViewDidChangeTypingStyle([in] IWebNotification *notification)
HRESULT webViewDidChangeSelection([in] IWebNotification *notification)
Definition: target-blank-opener-post-window.php:5
Definition: IWebEditingDelegate.idl:84
Definition: DOMRange.idl:67
HRESULT checkSpellingOfString([in] IWebView *view, [in] LPCTSTR text, [in] int length, [out] int *misspellingLocation, [out] int *misspellingLength)
HRESULT shouldEndEditingInDOMRange([in] IWebView *webView, [in] IDOMRange *range, [out, retval] BOOL *result)
HRESULT preflightChosenSpellServer()
GLboolean GLboolean GLboolean b
Definition: gl2ext.h:306
HRESULT learnWord([in] BSTR word)
Definition: IWebView.idl:161
HRESULT sharedSpellCheckerExists([out, retval] BOOL *exists)
const GUID __declspec(selectany) SID_AccessibleComparable
Definition: DOMCore.idl:95
% % Enter the path to YOUR executable and remember to define the perprocessor % variable PRINT_MIPS te get the instructions printed to the screen % command
Definition: complexityMeasures.m:7
GLuint GLsizei GLsizei * length
Definition: gl2.h:435
coclass WebKit::WebKitMessageLoop uuid