webkit  2cdf99a9e3038c7e01b3c37e8ad903ecbe5eecf1
Classes | Namespaces | Enumerations | Functions
strutil.h File Reference
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <vector>
#include <google/protobuf/stubs/common.h>
#include <google/protobuf/stubs/stringpiece.h>

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struct  google::protobuf::strings::Hex
struct  google::protobuf::strings::AlphaNum




enum  google::protobuf::strings::PadSpec {
  google::protobuf::strings::NO_PAD = 1, google::protobuf::strings::ZERO_PAD_2, google::protobuf::strings::ZERO_PAD_3, google::protobuf::strings::ZERO_PAD_4,
  google::protobuf::strings::ZERO_PAD_5, google::protobuf::strings::ZERO_PAD_6, google::protobuf::strings::ZERO_PAD_7, google::protobuf::strings::ZERO_PAD_8,
  google::protobuf::strings::ZERO_PAD_9, google::protobuf::strings::ZERO_PAD_10, google::protobuf::strings::ZERO_PAD_11, google::protobuf::strings::ZERO_PAD_12,
  google::protobuf::strings::ZERO_PAD_13, google::protobuf::strings::ZERO_PAD_14, google::protobuf::strings::ZERO_PAD_15, google::protobuf::strings::ZERO_PAD_16


bool google::protobuf::ascii_isalnum (char c)
bool google::protobuf::ascii_isdigit (char c)
bool google::protobuf::ascii_isspace (char c)
bool google::protobuf::ascii_isupper (char c)
bool google::protobuf::ascii_islower (char c)
char google::protobuf::ascii_toupper (char c)
char google::protobuf::ascii_tolower (char c)
int google::protobuf::hex_digit_to_int (char c)
bool google::protobuf::HasPrefixString (const string &str, const string &prefix)
string google::protobuf::StripPrefixString (const string &str, const string &prefix)
bool google::protobuf::HasSuffixString (const string &str, const string &suffix)
string google::protobuf::StripSuffixString (const string &str, const string &suffix)
void google::protobuf::StripString (string *s, const char *remove, char replacewith)
void google::protobuf::StripWhitespace (string *str)
void google::protobuf::LowerString (string *s)
void google::protobuf::UpperString (string *s)
string google::protobuf::ToUpper (const string &s)
string google::protobuf::StringReplace (const string &s, const string &oldsub, const string &newsub, bool replace_all)
void google::protobuf::SplitStringUsing (const string &full, const char *delim, vector< string > *result)
void google::protobuf::SplitStringAllowEmpty (const string &full, const char *delim, vector< string > *result)
vector< stringgoogle::protobuf::Split (const string &full, const char *delim, bool skip_empty=true)
void google::protobuf::JoinStrings (const vector< string > &components, const char *delim, string *result)
string google::protobuf::JoinStrings (const vector< string > &components, const char *delim)
int google::protobuf::UnescapeCEscapeSequences (const char *source, char *dest)
int google::protobuf::UnescapeCEscapeSequences (const char *source, char *dest, vector< string > *errors)
int google::protobuf::UnescapeCEscapeString (const string &src, string *dest)
int google::protobuf::UnescapeCEscapeString (const string &src, string *dest, vector< string > *errors)
string google::protobuf::UnescapeCEscapeString (const string &src)
string google::protobuf::CEscape (const string &src)
void google::protobuf::CEscapeAndAppend (StringPiece src, string *dest)
string google::protobuf::strings::Utf8SafeCEscape (const string &src)
string google::protobuf::strings::CHexEscape (const string &src)
int32 google::protobuf::strto32_adaptor (const char *nptr, char **endptr, int base)
uint32 google::protobuf::strtou32_adaptor (const char *nptr, char **endptr, int base)
int32 google::protobuf::strto32 (const char *nptr, char **endptr, int base)
uint32 google::protobuf::strtou32 (const char *nptr, char **endptr, int base)
int64 google::protobuf::strto64 (const char *nptr, char **endptr, int base)
uint64 google::protobuf::strtou64 (const char *nptr, char **endptr, int base)
bool google::protobuf::safe_strtob (StringPiece str, bool *value)
bool google::protobuf::safe_strto32 (const string &str, int32 *value)
bool google::protobuf::safe_strtou32 (const string &str, uint32 *value)
bool google::protobuf::safe_strto32 (const char *str, int32 *value)
bool google::protobuf::safe_strto32 (StringPiece str, int32 *value)
bool google::protobuf::safe_strtou32 (const char *str, uint32 *value)
bool google::protobuf::safe_strtou32 (StringPiece str, uint32 *value)
bool google::protobuf::safe_strto64 (const string &str, int64 *value)
bool google::protobuf::safe_strtou64 (const string &str, uint64 *value)
bool google::protobuf::safe_strto64 (const char *str, int64 *value)
bool google::protobuf::safe_strto64 (StringPiece str, int64 *value)
bool google::protobuf::safe_strtou64 (const char *str, uint64 *value)
bool google::protobuf::safe_strtou64 (StringPiece str, uint64 *value)
bool google::protobuf::safe_strtof (const char *str, float *value)
bool google::protobuf::safe_strtod (const char *str, double *value)
bool google::protobuf::safe_strtof (const string &str, float *value)
bool google::protobuf::safe_strtod (const string &str, double *value)
bool google::protobuf::safe_strtof (StringPiece str, float *value)
bool google::protobuf::safe_strtod (StringPiece str, double *value)
char * google::protobuf::FastInt32ToBuffer (int32 i, char *buffer)
char * google::protobuf::FastInt64ToBuffer (int64 i, char *buffer)
char * google::protobuf::FastUInt32ToBuffer (uint32 i, char *buffer)
char * google::protobuf::FastUInt64ToBuffer (uint64 i, char *buffer)
char * google::protobuf::FastHexToBuffer (int i, char *buffer)
char * google::protobuf::FastHex64ToBuffer (uint64 value, char *buffer)
char * google::protobuf::FastHex32ToBuffer (uint32 value, char *buffer)
char * google::protobuf::FastIntToBuffer (int i, char *buffer)
char * google::protobuf::FastUIntToBuffer (unsigned int i, char *buffer)
char * google::protobuf::FastLongToBuffer (long i, char *buffer)
char * google::protobuf::FastULongToBuffer (unsigned long i, char *buffer)
char * google::protobuf::FastInt32ToBufferLeft (int32 i, char *buffer)
char * google::protobuf::FastUInt32ToBufferLeft (uint32 u, char *buffer)
char * google::protobuf::FastInt64ToBufferLeft (int64 i, char *buffer)
char * google::protobuf::FastUInt64ToBufferLeft (uint64 u64, char *buffer)
string google::protobuf::SimpleBtoa (bool value)
string google::protobuf::SimpleItoa (int i)
string google::protobuf::SimpleItoa (unsigned int i)
string google::protobuf::SimpleItoa (long i)
string google::protobuf::SimpleItoa (unsigned long i)
string google::protobuf::SimpleItoa (long long i)
string google::protobuf::SimpleItoa (unsigned long long i)
string google::protobuf::SimpleDtoa (double value)
string google::protobuf::SimpleFtoa (float value)
char * google::protobuf::DoubleToBuffer (double value, char *buffer)
char * google::protobuf::FloatToBuffer (float value, char *buffer)
string google::protobuf::StrCat (const AlphaNum &a, const AlphaNum &b)
string google::protobuf::StrCat (const AlphaNum &a, const AlphaNum &b, const AlphaNum &c)
string google::protobuf::StrCat (const AlphaNum &a, const AlphaNum &b, const AlphaNum &c, const AlphaNum &d)
string google::protobuf::StrCat (const AlphaNum &a, const AlphaNum &b, const AlphaNum &c, const AlphaNum &d, const AlphaNum &e)
string google::protobuf::StrCat (const AlphaNum &a, const AlphaNum &b, const AlphaNum &c, const AlphaNum &d, const AlphaNum &e, const AlphaNum &f)
string google::protobuf::StrCat (const AlphaNum &a, const AlphaNum &b, const AlphaNum &c, const AlphaNum &d, const AlphaNum &e, const AlphaNum &f, const AlphaNum &g)
string google::protobuf::StrCat (const AlphaNum &a, const AlphaNum &b, const AlphaNum &c, const AlphaNum &d, const AlphaNum &e, const AlphaNum &f, const AlphaNum &g, const AlphaNum &h)
string google::protobuf::StrCat (const AlphaNum &a, const AlphaNum &b, const AlphaNum &c, const AlphaNum &d, const AlphaNum &e, const AlphaNum &f, const AlphaNum &g, const AlphaNum &h, const AlphaNum &i)
string google::protobuf::StrCat (const AlphaNum &a)
void google::protobuf::StrAppend (string *result, const AlphaNum &a)
void google::protobuf::StrAppend (string *result, const AlphaNum &a, const AlphaNum &b)
void google::protobuf::StrAppend (string *result, const AlphaNum &a, const AlphaNum &b, const AlphaNum &c)
void google::protobuf::StrAppend (string *result, const AlphaNum &a, const AlphaNum &b, const AlphaNum &c, const AlphaNum &d)
template<typename Iterator >
void google::protobuf::Join (Iterator start, Iterator end, const char *delim, string *result)
template<typename Range >
string google::protobuf::Join (const Range &components, const char *delim)
LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT string google::protobuf::ToHex (uint64 num)
int google::protobuf::GlobalReplaceSubstring (const string &substring, const string &replacement, string *s)
bool google::protobuf::Base64Unescape (StringPiece src, string *dest)
int google::protobuf::WebSafeBase64Unescape (const char *src, int szsrc, char *dest, int szdest)
bool google::protobuf::WebSafeBase64Unescape (StringPiece src, string *dest)
int google::protobuf::CalculateBase64EscapedLen (int input_len, bool do_padding)
int google::protobuf::CalculateBase64EscapedLen (int input_len)
int google::protobuf::Base64Escape (const unsigned char *src, int szsrc, char *dest, int szdest)
int google::protobuf::WebSafeBase64Escape (const unsigned char *src, int szsrc, char *dest, int szdest, bool do_padding)
void google::protobuf::Base64Escape (StringPiece src, string *dest)
void google::protobuf::WebSafeBase64Escape (StringPiece src, string *dest)
void google::protobuf::WebSafeBase64EscapeWithPadding (StringPiece src, string *dest)
void google::protobuf::Base64Escape (const unsigned char *src, int szsrc, string *dest, bool do_padding)
void google::protobuf::WebSafeBase64Escape (const unsigned char *src, int szsrc, string *dest, bool do_padding)
bool google::protobuf::IsValidCodePoint (uint32 code_point)
int google::protobuf::EncodeAsUTF8Char (uint32 code_point, char *output)
int google::protobuf::UTF8FirstLetterNumBytes (const char *src, int len)