This is the complete list of members for VTTCue, including all inherited members.
addEventListener([AtomicString] DOMString type, EventListener? callback, optional(AddEventListenerOptions or boolean) options=false) | EventTarget | |
align | VTTCue | |
dispatchEvent(Event event) | EventTarget | |
endTime | TextTrackCue | |
getCueAsHTML() | VTTCue | |
id | TextTrackCue | |
line | VTTCue | |
onenter | TextTrackCue | |
onexit | TextTrackCue | |
pauseOnExit | TextTrackCue | |
position | VTTCue | |
regionId | VTTCue | |
removeEventListener([AtomicString] DOMString type, EventListener? callback, optional(EventListenerOptions or boolean) options=false) | EventTarget | |
size | VTTCue | |
snapToLines | VTTCue | |
startTime | TextTrackCue | |
text | VTTCue | |
track | TextTrackCue | |
vertical | VTTCue |