This is the complete list of members for IWebView, including all inherited members.
accessibilityDelegate([out][retval] IAccessibilityDelegate **d) | IWebView | |
applicationNameForUserAgent([out, retval] BSTR *applicationName) | IWebView | |
backForwardList([retval, out] IWebBackForwardList **list) | IWebView | |
canShowMIMEType([in] BSTR mimeType, [out, retval] BOOL *canShow) | IWebView | |
canShowMIMETypeAsHTML([in] BSTR mimeType, [out, retval] BOOL *canShow) | IWebView | |
centerSelectionInVisibleArea([in] IUnknown *sender) | IWebView | |
close() | IWebView | |
customTextEncodingName([out, retval] BSTR *encodingName) | IWebView | |
customUserAgent([out, retval] BSTR *userAgentString) | IWebView | |
downloadDelegate([retval, out] IWebDownloadDelegate **d) | IWebView | |
drawsBackground([out, retval] BOOL *drawsBackground) | IWebView | |
elementAtPoint([in] LPPOINT point, [out, retval] IPropertyBag **elementDictionary) | IWebView | |
estimatedProgress([out, retval] double *estimatedProgress) | IWebView | |
focusedFrame([retval, out] IWebFrame **frame) | IWebView | |
frameLoadDelegate([retval, out] IWebFrameLoadDelegate **d) | IWebView | |
goBack([out, retval] BOOL *succeeded) | IWebView | |
goForward([out, retval] BOOL *succeeded) | IWebView | |
goToBackForwardItem([in] IWebHistoryItem *item, [out, retval] BOOL *succeeded) | IWebView | |
groupName([out, retval] BSTR *groupName) | IWebView | |
hostWindow([out, retval] HWND *window) | IWebView | |
initWithFrame([in] RECT frame, [in] BSTR frameName, [in] BSTR groupName) | IWebView | |
isLoading([out, retval] BOOL *isLoading) | IWebView | |
mainFrame([retval, out] IWebFrame **frame) | IWebView | |
mainFrameDocument([out, retval] IDOMDocument **document) | IWebView | |
mainFrameIcon([out, retval] HBITMAP *hBitmap) | IWebView | |
mainFrameTitle([out, retval] BSTR *title) | IWebView | |
mainFrameURL([out, retval] BSTR *urlString) | IWebView | |
mediaStyle([out, retval] BSTR *media) | IWebView | |
MIMETypesShownAsHTML([out, retval] IEnumVARIANT **enumVariant) | IWebView | |
moveDragCaretToPoint([in] LPPOINT point) | IWebView | |
pasteboardTypesForElement([in] IPropertyBag *elementDictionary, [out, retval] IEnumVARIANT **enumVariant) | IWebView | |
pasteboardTypesForSelection([out, retval] IEnumVARIANT **enumVariant) | IWebView | |
policyDelegate([retval, out] IWebPolicyDelegate **d) | IWebView | |
preferences([out, retval] IWebPreferences **prefs) | IWebView | |
preferencesIdentifier([out, retval] BSTR *anIdentifier) | IWebView | |
registerURLSchemeAsLocal([in] BSTR scheme) | IWebView | |
registerViewClass([in] IWebDocumentView *view, [in] IWebDocumentRepresentation *representation, [in] BSTR forMIMEType) | IWebView | |
removeDragCaret() | IWebView | |
resourceLoadDelegate([retval, out] IWebResourceLoadDelegate **d) | IWebView | |
searchFor([in] BSTR str, [in] BOOL forward, [in] BOOL caseFlag, [in] BOOL wrapFlag, [out, retval] BOOL *found) | IWebView | |
selectedText([out, retval] BSTR *text) | IWebView | |
setAccessibilityDelegate([in] IAccessibilityDelegate *d) | IWebView | |
setApplicationNameForUserAgent([in] BSTR applicationName) | IWebView | |
setCustomTextEncodingName([in] BSTR encodingName) | IWebView | |
setCustomUserAgent([in] BSTR userAgentString) | IWebView | |
setDownloadDelegate([in] IWebDownloadDelegate *d) | IWebView | |
setDrawsBackground([in] BOOL drawsBackground) | IWebView | |
setFrameLoadDelegate([in] IWebFrameLoadDelegate *d) | IWebView | |
setGroupName([in] BSTR groupName) | IWebView | |
setHostWindow([in] HWND window) | IWebView | |
setMainFrameURL([in] BSTR urlString) | IWebView | |
setMaintainsBackForwardList([in] BOOL flag) | IWebView | |
setMediaStyle([in] BSTR media) | IWebView | |
setMIMETypesShownAsHTML([in, size_is(cMimeTypes)] BSTR *mimeTypes, [in] int cMimeTypes) | IWebView | |
setPolicyDelegate([in] IWebPolicyDelegate *d) | IWebView | |
setPreferences([in] IWebPreferences *prefs) | IWebView | |
setPreferencesIdentifier([in] BSTR anIdentifier) | IWebView | |
setResourceLoadDelegate([in] IWebResourceLoadDelegate *d) | IWebView | |
setTextSizeMultiplier([in] float multiplier) | IWebView | |
setUIDelegate([in] IWebUIDelegate *d) | IWebView | |
stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString([in] BSTR script, [out, retval] BSTR *result) | IWebView | |
supportsTextEncoding([out, retval] BOOL *supports) | IWebView | |
textSizeMultiplier([out, retval] float *multiplier) | IWebView | |
uiDelegate([retval, out] IWebUIDelegate **d) | IWebView | |
URLFromPasteboard([in] IDataObject *pasteboard, [out, retval] BSTR *url) | IWebView | |
URLTitleFromPasteboard([in] IDataObject *pasteboard, [out, retval] BSTR *urlTitle) | IWebView | |
userAgentForURL([in] BSTR url, [out, retval] BSTR *userAgent) | IWebView | |
windowScriptObject([out, retval] IWebScriptObject **webScriptObject) | IWebView | |
writeElement([in] IPropertyBag *elementDictionary, [in, size_is(cWithPasteboardTypes)] BSTR *withPasteboardTypes, [in] int cWithPasteboardTypes, [in] IDataObject *pasteboard) | IWebView | |
writeSelectionWithPasteboardTypes([in, size_is(cTypes)] BSTR *types, [in] int cTypes, [in] IDataObject *pasteboard) | IWebView |